1. g:aðb:r kað UK: g:að_n:ð
B:ðj: dðn:a .
(from Chapter One of g:aðdan:. See context.)
2. haú, J:Øen:y:a p:r us:ð kB:i- kB:i Av:Sy: #aðD: Aat:a, Vy:aðøek v:h Awan: kñ karN: j:að n: krn:a
c:aehO, v:h kr b:òYt:i.
(from Chapter Thirty-three of g:aðdan:. See context.)
3. hira kñ es:r hty:a s:v:ar hò,
n: j:an:ð Vy:a kr b:òYð .
(from Chapter Nine of g:aðdan:. See context.)
(from Chapter Six of g:aðdan:. See context.)
(from Chapter Six of g:aðdan:. See context.)
6. hrdm: T:r- T:r
kaúp:t:i rht:i hò ek khiø D:en:y:a kÙC kh n:
b:òYð .
(from Chapter Eleven of g:aðdan:. See context.)
7. us:ð ec:nt:a T:i g:aðb:r ki.
l:_ka l:jj:aS:il: hò, An:a_i
hò, Aatm:aeB:m:an:i hò,
khiø kaðI n:adan:i n: kr
(from Chapter Ten of g:aðdan:. See context.)
8. ec:e_y:a ka Ap:raD:-B:av: Ab: Aa#m:N: ka Aakar l:ð b:òYa&&&
(from ec:e_y:a Aaòr
c:il: by s:Ø\:m:
b:ðdi. See context.)
9. S:rab: ka n:S:a un:kñ Up:r es:ùh ki
B:aúet: J:p:Xa Aaòr db:aðc: b:òYa. v:h
kht:ð kÙC hòø, m:Øúh s:ð en:kl:t:a kÙC hò.
(from Chapter Six of g:aðdan:. See context.)
10. Es:i t:rh t:Øm: l:aðg:aðø
n:ð eks:an:aðø kað l:ÜX- l:ÜXkr m:j:Ür b:n:a Ral:a Aaòr Aap: un:ki
z:m:in: kñ m:ael:k b:n: b:òYð.
(from Chapter Twenty-one of g:aðdan:. See context.)
11. haðri un:ki Cat:i p:r c:` b:òYa
Aaòr z:aðr s:ð da`i p:k_kr K:iøc:i.
(from Chapter Six of g:aðdan:. See context.)
12. s:hs:a g:aðb:r c:aòøkkr uY
b:òYa Aaòr AaúK:ðø m:l:t:a hØAa
b:aðl:a -- Arð !
y:h t:að B:aðr hað g:y:a.
(from Chapter Four of g:aðdan:. See context.)
This last may actually be not a compound verb at all but a sequence of two
full verbs, the first denoting a prior action, the second a later one.
Compare the uY b:òYa in (12)
with the uYkr b:òY g:y:ð
in (13), both meaning 'sat up (in bed)':
13. m:ðht:a kað Oðs:a j:an:
p:_a, un: kaðm:l: haT:aðø
n:ð j:òs:ð s:ara ddü K:iøc: el:y:a. uYkr
b:òY g:y:ð Aaòr b:aðl:ð -- ddü t:að daðp:hr s:ð hi hað rha T:a
Aaòr Oðs:a es:r- ddü
m:ØJ:ð Aaj: t:k n:hiø hØAa T:a, m:g:r t:Ømharð haT: rK:t:ð hi es:r Oðs:a
hlka hað g:y:a hò m:an:aðø ddü T:a hi n:hiø.
(from Chapter Thirty-three of g:aðdan:. See context.)
To exercise (in progress)
To related notes on khiø and the expression of fear.
compound verbs ( khð dðt:a
hÜú ! )
Additional readings: 1. Paul Hacker (in
German). 2.
To index of grammatical notes.
To index of m:lhar.
Drafted 17-18 Mar 2001. Posted 18-19 Mar 2001. Augmented 17 Feb
2003 & 7 Jul 2004.
Compound verbs are composed of the
non-finite form of the main (or polar) verb followed by the
inflected form of a vector. In (1) B:ðj: is the polar and dðn:a is the future imperative form of the vector
dð :
'Send Gobar to hoe the cane.'
The great majority of Hindi-Urdu
compound verbs are made with one of the three vectors j:a, dð, and
l:ð, which are homonymous with the
main verbs for 'go', 'give', and 'take'. By using one of these three
vectors speakers may specify the completeness and (where relevant) the
physical orientation of the action expressed by the polar verb. Other,
less common vectors, in addition to completeness and orientation, may be
used to express the attitude of the speaker to the action denoted by the
polar. Among these is b:òY which is
homonymous with the verb meaning 'sit' or 'sit down'. As a vector
b:òY implies misguided action. In
example (2) the modifying clause j:að n:
krn:a c:aehO makes this explicit:
'Yes, she would occasionally get angry with Juniya,
because out of ignorance she would go and do things which she shouldn't.'
Depending on tense and mood, the implication of misguided action may
engender a connotation either of fear (3), of regret (4), or of derision
'Hira's got murder on his mind. There's no telling what
he might do!'
4. l:aK:aðø km:ay:ð,
m:g:r S:am:t: Aay:i ek Ok m:ðm: s:ð
AaS:n:aI kr b:òYð. m:Øqdm:ðb:az:i hØI.
j:ðl: j:at:ð- j:at:ð
'He made millions, but had the misfortune of falling in
love with an Englishwoman. The matter wound up in court. He almost went
to jail.'
5. m:al:t:i n:ð un:ki l:g:am:
K:iøc:i -- AcCa, Aap:kað B:i efl:as:fi m:ðø dQ:l: hò.
m:òø t:að s:m:J:t:i T:i, Aap: b:hØt: p:hl:ð Ap:n:i efl:as:fi kað
g:øg:a m:ðø RÙb:að b:òYð.
n:hiø, Aap: Et:n:ð
b:òøkaðø Aaòr kùp:en:y:aðø kñ
RaErðVXr n: haðt:ð.
'Mâlati decided to pull his chain. "Oh, so you,
too, are an expert in philosophy. I thought you must have thrown your
philosophy into the Ganges a long time ago. Otherwise, how could you be
the director of so many banks and companies!"'
These connotations render vector b:òY
particularly apt to appear in khiø-clauses expressing fear or anxiety:
'She kept trembling with fear. What if Dhaniya were to
say something (that she shouldn't)?'
'He was worried about Gobar. The boy was introverted,
he was naïve, he was egoistic. What if he were to do something
See related notes on khiø and the expression of fear.
It is worth noting that compound verbs in b:òY that have the implication of misguided
action almost always have [+human] subjects. An apparent
'Chiriya's feeling of guilt took an aggressive form...'
Compound verbs in b:òY are generally made from transitive
(rather than intransitive) polar verbs. However, because vector
b:òY itself comes from an
intransitive verb, compound verbs made from it do not allow n:ð with their subjects. See examples (4)
and (5).
Not every compound verb in b:òY has the implication of misguided
action. There is a set of polar verbs whose compounds in b:òY suggest irresistibility (9) or
undesirability (10):
'The intoxication of drink pounced on him like a lion.
He would say one thing and out of his mouth would come another thing.'
'This is how you people robbed the small-holders, turned
them into landless laborers, and became yourselves the owners of their
The sequence b:n: b:òY in (10)
is a commonly occurring fixed idiom meaning something like 'usurp'.
When used with intransitive polar
verbs like c:` 'climb' and uY 'get up', vector b:òY retains much more of its literal
meaning 'sit':
'Hori sat on his chest and grasping his beard pulled on
it with all his strength.'
'Gobar suddenly started and sat up. Rubbing his eyes he
said, "Hey! It's already morning!"'
'To Mehta it seemed as if those delicate hands drew out
all the pain. He sat up and said, "I have been in pain since the afternoon
and I have never in my life had a headache like this one. But as soon as
your hands touched me my head felt light again, as if there hadn't been
any pain at all."'
Other sections dealing with compound verbs:
Ral: .
p:_ .
Compound-compound verbs ( y:h g:m:i ý t:að m:arkð rK:
dðt:i hò. )