While Hindi-Urdu has no shortage of
words denoting high, even astronomically high numbers:
1. hz:ar '1,000'
K:rb: '100,000,000,000'
2. y:h t:Øm:n:ð l:aK: ,p:O ki
b:at: kh di, B:aI. b:s: s:jj:n:
v:hi, j:að dÜs:raðø ki
Aab:- kað
(from Chapter One of g:aðdan:. See context.)
3. Ok p:rhðz: l:aK: dv:a
( from b:ahri )
4. dðK:n:ð-s:Øn:n:ð m:ðø us:s:ð l:aK:
drj:ð AcCi.
(from Chapter Twenty-nine of g:aðdan:. See context.)
(from ec:e_y:a
Aaòr c:il: by s:Ø\:m:
b:ðdi. See context.)
6. ePr Ap:n:ð B:aI l:aK:
b:Ørð haðø, hòø t:að Ap:n:ð B:aI hi.
(from Chapter Four of g:aðdan:. See context.)
The clause which l:aK: inhabits is almost always in the subjunctive (7)
and (8) or the conditional (9):
7. v:h l:aK: ^:Øss:òl:
hað; p:r Et:n:a n:ic: kam: n:hiø
kr s:kt:a.
(from Chapter Eight of g:aðdan:. See context.)
8. Ab: v:h l:aK: )ay:eÁ:¶:
krð, l:aK: g:aðb:r K:ay:
Aaòr g:øg:aj:l: ep:y:ð, l:aK: dan:-p:ØNy: Aaòr
t:iT:ü- v:Òt: krð,
us:ka m:ra hØAa D:m:ü j:i n:hiø
(from Chapter Twenty-three of g:aðdan:. See context.)
9. t:Øm:n:ð rs:id
l:ð l:i haðt:i t:að m:òø l:aK: un:ki hús:i
u_at:a, t:Ømhara b:al: B:i
b:aúka n: kr s:kt:ð.
(from Chapter Twenty-one of g:aðdan:. See context.)
(to be continued)
To index of grammatical notes.
To index of m:lhar.
Drafted and posted 2 Jun 2001 and 12 Mar 2003.
'10,000,000' p:¼a '1,000,000,000,000,000'
l:aK: is the one that has developed from a
cardinal number into a colloquial expression meaning 'a lot, a great deal'
(similar to a million in 'Thanks a million!'):
Ap:n:i Aab:- s:m:J:ð.
'What you've said is worth a million, Brother.
A true gentleman considers the honor of others his own.'
'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.'
'You're a thousand times better than she is!'
From this conventional sense of an indefinitely large
number, l:aK: has developed into an
adverb of quantity:
5. em:l:n:ð v:al:ð Aat:ð
t:að l:aK: em:nn:t: krn:ð p:r m:Ø¡Skl: s:ð v:h
unhðø ' hòl:að
' krn:ð b:ahr Aat:i . . .
'If visitors came, you'd have to beg her a thousand
times and then just maybe she'd come out to say, "Hello."'
Like the English family of phrases no matter
wh-, adverbial l:aK: can be used
(at least in colloquial speech) to block or override a line of argument or
deny the validity of an implicit conclusion. For instance,
haðri, the speaker in (6), has
managed to acquire a cow and has been visited and congratulated on this by
everyone in the village except his two brothers. He is estranged
from them and others warn him to be careful. Still he is unwilling
to draw the inference that his brothers are too jealous to share
wholeheartedly in his joy and that it would be unwise of him to go invite
them to celebrate his good fortune:
'Still no matter how bad my brothers are, they are
still my brothers.'
'No matter how hot-headed he may be, he would still
never play such a dirty game as that!'
'Now no matter how much penance he may do, no matter
how much cow-dung and Ganges-water he may consume, no matter how many good
deeds and fasts and pilgrimages he may undertake, his dharma is
dead and cannot be brought back to life.
'If you had gotten them to give you a receipt, then I
could have made endless fun of them and they wouldn't have been able to
touch a hair on your head.'