http://clnet.sscnet.ucla.edu/research/chavez/bio/ (No email address available)
http://www.laprensa-sandiego.org/archieve/march28-03/030328.html (Emailed Communications officer for the Cesar Chavez Foundation- no repsonse yet. However, it states that the picture is to be used for educational purposes.) Photo by Oscar Castillo, Courtesy of César E. Chávez Foundation César E. Chávez Chapter 7: Sí, Se Puede (Yes, it can be done) (Emailed Communications officer for the Cesar Chavez Foundation- no repsonse yet. However, it states that the picture is to be used for educational purposes.) Photo by Cathy Murphy, Courtesy of United Farm Workers César E. Chávez Chapter 8: La Huelga (The Strike) (No email address available) CREDIT: United Farm Workers. "Boycott Lettuce & Grapes." Circa 1978. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress. http://www.americaslibrary.gov/aa/chavez/aa_chavez_huelga_2_e.html (No email address available) http://www.medaloffreedom.com/CesarChavez.htm (Waiting for Email response) http://www.ci.salinas.ca.us/LI/LIchavez.html (Waiting for Email response) http://www.pbs.org/itvs/fightfields/timeline.html (No Email adress Available) http://www.fresnostatenews.com/2005/03/0314-chavez.htm (No Email Adress Available) (Waiting for persmission) http://www.ufw.org/history.htm (Waiting for persmission) http://www.ufw.org/history.htm (Waiting for persmission) http://libweb.sonoma.edu/about/mural.html