
On December 2006, I was awarded a Certificate for Teaching Development from Wayne State University English Language Institute, Wayne State University.

In 2007, I worked as a tutor in the Learning and Resource Center, answered questions of various students (most of them are undergraduates) who registered in the Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University.

From September 2009, I became a mentor of Michigan Alliances for Graduate Education & the Professoriate (AGEP) and King Chavez Parks Future Faculty Fellows (KCP) to provide academic and personal support to diverse, high-ability undergraduates during the fist and second year of college. My professional duties include encourage them to excel in their program studies, discuss career and graduate school goals and opportunities, and coach them through the stages of development.

From August 2006 to Deceember 2007, I have been a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the following classes at Wayne State University:

Fall 2006

    CSC6580: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, by Professor Loren Schwiebert.


Winter 2007

    CSC6580: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, by Professor Loren Schwiebert.

    Evaluation Form from Lecturer


Fall 2007

    CSC5860: Introduction to Pattern Recognition and Document Analysis, by Professor Ming Dong

    Evaluation Form from Lecturer

    CSC6860: Digital Image Processing and Analysis, by Professor Ming Dong

    Evaluation Form from Lecturer

    CSC6620: Matrix Computation I, by Professor Goel, Narendra S
