Government Documents Librarianship
Frames Index |
No-Frames Version
Last updated on May 15,
- Newsletter provides legislative and regulatory update on government
information issues
- Organizational information and links to legal web sites
- Text of GOALS 2000
- Principles on Development for a National Information Infrastructure
- Organizational information
- The ALA
Washington Office has briefs on federal legislation and
policy affecting libraries
Washington Office Newsletter, available from North Carolina State,
1992-April 1994
- Includes government information policy guidelines and lobby
- Statistics on academic research libraries
- Heads of government documents departments at the Big Ten Schools
- Web site includes names of department heads, their web pages,
committee reports, and projects
- Text of its newsletter, Documentor, beginning March
- Officers, members, bylaws, forthcoming meetings, federal depository
libraries in Oregon, and Oregon State government information
- Depository Library Council recommendations since 1993 and current
- Government Documents Round Table (ALA) officers, conference
schedules, by-laws, award and officer nomination forms
- Links to web pages of its individual committees and task forces
- GPO factsheets
- Professional associations and discussion lists
- Directory of Exective Board and Manual of Duties
- List of GODORT-Michigan award winners
- Blog
for Red Tape
- Directory of the state's federal depository libraries,
description of the depository program, and association officers
- List of 10 best South Carolina state publications of 1995
- Officers and meeting schedule
- Links to related regional associations
- Links to international agencies, including their press releases and
- Organizational information, library liaisons to international
- Membership, meeting minutes, and state plan
- Depository publicity brochures, pros and cons of depository
- Constitution and officers
- Member libraries, meeting announcements, related
- Organizational information, committees, and members
- Its List archive and various discussions
- Links to state, federal, and international sources
- Links to web sites of member libraries
- Organizational directory and officers
- Related professional organizations
- Government relations policy
- Membership, conference, and job search information
- Links to Tennessee depository websites
- Discussion lists and Government Printing Office Information

Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Send comments and suggestions to govdocs@umich.edu
Since April 7, 1997 this page has been accessed 
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