Government Documents Librarianship
Frames Index |
No-Frames Version
Last updated on November 17,
- Official publication of the American Library Association with news
items updated weekly and articles updated monthly
- Archived news since 1997 is searchable and browsable
- Selected articles linked on the web plus a searchable index since
1996 to all articles
- Newsletter of the Documents Interest Group of Oregon
- Full text begins with March 1996
- Quarterly periodical of the Government Documents Round Table/American
Library Association
- Paper copy available in the Information and Library Studies Library
as: Z 688 .G6 D64
- Annual
- Alphabetic index for each year, 1990 to 1995
- Discussion list for foreign documents librarians
- Provides subscription information
- Association of Research Libraries periodical beginning 1995
- Summarizes developments in federal copyright, information
dissemination, and telecommunications policy
- Numerous links within text to related information
- GOVDOC-L is the discussion list of government documents librarians
- The e-mail address is GOVDOC-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU
- The User Guide describes how to subscribe, send and reply to
messages, and moderation policies
- Archives since March 1990 with some coverage gaps
- Basic and advanced searches, the latter by author,
subject, keyword in text and year
- Abstracts of articles on government computing
- List of federal web sites and web sites updated on a daily basis
- Full text of scholarly articles on Canadian government information
- Begins with 1994/95
- Table of contents beginning 1984
- Abstracts of articles and biographies of authors
- Subscription information and instructions to authors
- U.S. Government Printing Office newsletter to depository libraries
- Several options for full text since 1995 and indexing since 1980
- Discussion list for specialists in inter-governmental
- Tables of contents since 1973/74
- Subscription information and guidelines for authors
- Formerly known as Government Publications Review
- Current library news and professional calendar
- Best sellers, job search, and multimedia reviews
- Search for individual journal by title or ISSN number to determine
which commercial aggregator makes it available
- About 97,000 journal titles, including some government publications
- Search can be delimited by aggregator (e.g. LEXIS, Gale), full text
or index only
- Full text of messages browsable by week or searchable by subject and
- Dates back to 1995
- Instructions on subscribing to the list
- Full text of GODORT-Michigan quarterly periodical beginning December 1994
- Organizational information, Michigan news, national issues
- New web sites for government information
- Blog
for Red Tape
Sun Docs News
- Newsletter of Florida and Caribbean federal depository libraries
- First web issue is November 1997

Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Send comments and suggestions to govdocs@umich.edu
Since April 7, 1997 this page has been accessed 
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