Electronic Federal Depository Library Program
Index |
No-Frames Version
Electronic Document Bibliographies |
GPO Electronic Announcement
GPO Progress Reports |
GPO Technical Guidelines
GPO Transition Study |
Library Community Response

Last updated on April 9, 2002
Implementation, 2000+
- Catalog
of Government Publications
- Catalog record for federal government publications issued since 1994
- New titles, including electronic, usually appear in about three weeks
- Identifies whether a title appearing in older issues of New
Electronic Titles is available for purchase or distributed a
non-electronic format
- Searchable by keyword, title, SUDOCS number, item number,
stock number and date
- Use keyword search "no longer available via
internet" or "no longer available via internet"
and 200009* to identify titles removed from Internet
- Report written by the General Accounting Office at the request of the
Senate Rules Committee
- Congressionally-mandated purpose was to determine HOW (not if) the
depository program could be switched to the Library of Congress and
materials be distributed electronically
- Report suggests what would need to be done
- Lists of previous GPO reform efforts, reports required in paper
- Letter to library directors, dated August 25, 2000
- Discusses move toward a primarily electronic depository library program
Available to Depository Libraries (Schankman)
- Alphabetical list of CD-ROMS in the depository library program with
their corresponding SUDOCS numbers
- Census Bureau
Publications on the Web (Larry Schankmann)
- Annotated list and links of Census Bureau publications being
converted to web interface
- Individual report series are analyzed
- Electronic Documents
- Electronic federal documents arranged into five categories: CD-ROM,
diskette, electronic, on-line, and multiple formats
- Within each category arranged by item number and SUDOCS number with
title included
- Electronic Federal Publications
- Experimental only; other electronic government publications will be
found by subject on the Documents Center's web pages
- Federal Bulletin Board
- Free downloadable documents from several government agencies,
including the IRS, EPA
- Government
Documents by SUDOCS Number (IIT)
- List of Classes arranged by SUDOCS number
- Links to web address of periodical with notation of format (HTML or
pdf) and date
CD-ROM+ Documentation Project (Univ. of Iowa)
- Data base of over 900 CD-ROMs, DVDs, and floppy disks for federal and
international documents
- Includes government and commercial titles
- Searchable by title, SUDOCS number, agency, platform
- Provides extensive information about the title and links to guides or
corresponding web sites
- Government
Information Locator Service (GPO)
- Browse or search available descriptive abstracts of government
information files, including
electronic, print, and unpublished data
- Pointer GILS Records refers to complete
information files maintained by several agencies
- Pathway GILS Records refers to broad agency
summaries created by GPO
Evaulation Study
- Government Periodicals on the Web from the University of Louisville and Auburn University
- Alphabetical links to federal periodicals
- Migrating
Government Publications (U.Memphis)
- Annotated list of federal government documents on the web or CD-ROM,
arranged by Superintendent of Documents Classification number or title
- The most extensive bibliography available
- Annotations indicate whether a title has ceased in another format
- New
Electronic Titles
- Browse publications by week and title
- Includes hot link to web site, SUDOCS number, and item number
- Walter's Reference Shelf (UVa)
- Approximately 75 traditional federal documents with their links to
the web
- Arranged by title and
- Announces Congressional intent for a
completely electronic depository
library program by the Sept. 30, 1998
- Announcement dated December 1, 1995
- Ad
Hoc Committee on the Internet White Paper (ALA/GODORT)
- Identifies access, archiving, education, and legislative issues
surrounding the electronic distribution of government information
- Report written prior to the announcement of the electronic depository
library program and published in January 1996
- American Library Association Resolutions, January
- Coalition on
Networked Information
- Draft white paper entitled Access to and Services for
Federal Information in the Networked Environment
- Paper by Joan Cheverie discusses library collection development,
locating and preserving federal information, and infrastructure
- Library Bill of
- Electronic access principles as interpreted by the Library Bill of Rights
- Approved by the American Library Association Council on January 24,
- Paper
Documents (LSU)
- Working list of government documents that librarians would like to
remain in paper despite GPO's electronic conversion plans
- Transition Study

Quick Jumps
Frames Index |
No-Frames Version

Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Send comments and suggestions to govdocs@umich.edu
Since May 7, 1996 this page has been accessed

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