Government Documents Librarianship
Depository Library Directories
Frames Index |
No-Frames Version
Last updated on October 17,

- List of libraries with address
- List of Canadian depository libraries, information notices, and contacts
- Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government
Publications with on-line ordering for depositories
- Links to Canadian Federal and Provincial government web sites
- List of European Documentation Centres by continent and country
- Provides contact information
List of Food and Agriculture Organization depository libraries
- Arranged alphabetically by country
- List of depository libraries arranged by country
- Address only
- List of depository libraries for English-language publications,
arranged by country
- Broader web site provides list of publications
- List of libraries by country
- Contact information and the language of documents being
- List of depository libraries by country
- Criteria for designating depositories and application form
Directory of Government Documents Librarians and
- Appendix lists major documents collections and depository
libraries by government program
- Doc.Cen. Z 1223.Z7 A49--Ref.
- Lists of national, public, school, medical, academic and law
- Links to national libraries on the web, arranged by country
- Related list of all national libraries, addresses, and phone
- Comprehensive list of state libraries
- State library catalogs are excellent sources for identifying state
government publications and gopher or web sites

Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Send comments and suggestions to govdocs@umich.edu
Since April 7, 1997 this page has been accessed 
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