- CRS Reports on the
Legislative Process [Web]
- Reports from the Congressional Research Service on House and Senate
- Analytical reports on the introduction of bills, committee and floor
action, the budget process, and Presidential actions
- Includes historical statistics on Presidential vetoes
- Enactment of
a Law [Web]
- Senate description of the legislative process
- Includes information unique to the Senate, including ratification of
treaties and executive (closed) meetings
- How a Bill
Becomes a Law (Dirksen Center)
- Compact but entertaining tool for undertstanding the
federal legislative
- Each unit from introduction to bill signing includes legislative
definitions, strategies, statistics and quirks, and the legislative
junkie (links to information sources)
- How
Our Laws Are Made [Web]
- Extensive House of Representatives guide to the
legislative process with definitions and explanations of each step
- Summary
- Rules of Congress
- Legislative
Sourcebook (Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C.)
- Treasures include establishing persistent links to THOMAS and GPO
legislative documents and GAO reports
- Table lists Congresses, 1789-1999, plus serial set volumes and
Presidential Executive Orders
- Excellent lists of House and Senate hearings on the web
- Years of
Conversion Table (Univ. of North Texas)
- List each Congress and session, beginning with the first in 1789
- Provides the opening and closing date
- Especially handy for tracking the text of bills, hearings, and
committee reports when only the Congress is cited
- Faculty Recommendations
- Congressional Quarterly
- Description
- Background information on major
- Provides bill numbers and summarizes differences between
multiple bills on a subject
- Key players and behind-the-scenes
- All roll call votes
- Congressional
Quarterly Almanac [Library]
- Browse
annual table of contents or index
- Usually published six months after
end of previous year
- Doc.Cen. JK 1 .C756--Ref.
- CQ Weekly
Report (UMich Only)
- Full text of CQ since 1983
- Initial page boots up to current issue
- Separate search engines for articles and
roll call votes can be limited by year
- Paper copy in Documents Center as JK 1.C12--Ref.
with older issues in Graduate Library
- Web subscription includes CQ
Researcher which provides briefing
reports on public policy issues
- Bill
- Congressional
Universe (UMich Only) [Web]
- "Hot Bills" provides subject
approach to bills receiving media attention
- Identifies "hot bills" of the current
Congress by subject, keyword in title, and those passed into law
- Historical
Sources [Library]
- Congress and the
Nation, 1945+ (Doc.Cen. JK 1001 .C75 - Ref)
- Congressional Quarterly Almanac, 1945+ (Doc.Cen. JK 1
.C756 - Ref)
- Congressional Quarterly
- Description
- Background information on major legislation
- Provides bill numbers and summarizes differences between multiple
bills on a subject
- Key players and behind-the-scenes information
- All roll call votes
- Congressional Quarterly Almanac [Library]
- Browse annual table of contents or index
- Usually published six months after end of previous year
- Doc.Cen. JK 1 .C756--Ref.
- CQ Weekly
Report (UMich Only)
- Full text of CQ since 1983
- Initial page boots up to current issue
- Separate search engines for articles and
roll call votes can be limited by year
- Paper copy in Documents Center as JK 1.C12--Ref.
with older issues in Graduate Library
- Web subscription includes CQ
Researcher which provides briefing
reports on public policy issues
- Congress and the Nation [Library]
- Cumulative summary of the CQ Almanac, 1945-
- Doc.Cen. JK 1001 .C75
Periodicals and
Newspapers |
- Academic Universe (UMich
- NEWS section has the full text of newspapers from around the world as
well as television transcripts and magazine articles
- Sample search: china w/10 (world trade organization or most
favored nation)
- All
- Today's political news from Time, CNN, and Congressional Quarterly
- Congress Daily (UMich
- Full text of Hill news updated twice daily
- Searchable by keyword and year
- CQ
Weekly Report (UMich Only)
- Full text of CQ since 1983
- Initial page boots up to current issue
- Separate search engines for articles and
roll call votes can be limited by year
- Paper copy in Documents Center as JK 1.C12--Ref.
with older issues in Graduate Library
- Web subscription includes CQ
Researcher which provides briefing
reports on public policy issues
- Hill on the
- Weekly newspaper on Congress with focus on behind the scenes
information about members
- Searchable archives since June 1999
- National
Journal (UMich Only)
- Full text of the National
which analyzes executive branch politics, since 1977
- Paper copy also in Graduate Library as JK 1 .N28 with current issues
in Documents Center
- Almanac
of American Politics, which analyzes Congressional
Districts and the politics of their representatives, since 1998
- Committee Markup
Reports since 1999
- Public opinion polls and election polls since the late 1990s
- Congress
- ProQuest (UMich Only)
- Index of 2300 journals since the mid-1980s with many in full text since the 1990s
- Articles may be printed individually or marked as a group for printing and downloading
- Replaces the Core Journals that were available through MIRLYN
- Roll Call [Web]
- Several articles on todays Congressional news; archive only by
- Extensive policy briefings on a current topic (e.g. appropriations)
changed every few weeks
- Full text since 1989 also available in Academic Universe (UMich Only)
- Additional Web Resources
Congressional Research Service
Reports |
- This agency of the Library of Congress provides detailed background
information for use by Congressional committees
- Many of the reports are issued as committee
- Can be
identified through Congressional
Universe (UMich Only)
- All publications are located in the Documents Center either in paper
copy, microfiche, or both
- The majority of reports are issued as Major Studies and
Issue Briefs, which are unpublished
- Major Studies and Issue Briefs
- These are unpublished reports
- Cumulative Search
Engine (Information to Act)
- Search engine to Congressional Research Reports on the web using the
Google search engine
- A cumulative index, 1916-89, and updates beginning 1993 are located in
the Documents Center as Z 733 .U56 A208 - Ref.
- Microfilm of the reports, 1975 to 1995, and current indexes are
located in the Serials Room as FILM X1261
- CRS Reports beginning 1996 located on microfiche in the Documents
Center as MICRO-F DoX34 (located in cabinets after the CIS current
- CRS Reports
via Pennyhill Press
- Subject arrangement of reports beginning 1994
- Provides abstract and order information
- Congressional
Research Service WWW Accessible Reports
- List of individual titles or groups of titles on the
environment, foreign relations, the military, space and science,
and the U.S. Government
- Selected CRS
Reports on Congress and Its Procedures (Law Librarians Society of
- Unique digital versions of CRS reports on Congressional procedure
- Extensive list of other CRS reports on the internet
CRS Reports by Subject
- Congressional Research
Service Reports (National Council for Science and the
- Full text of over 800 reports, primarily relating to the environment,
natural resources, and agriculture
- Some reports on international finance, foreign trade, and
governmental reform
- Searchable by author, title, category, CRS number and
keyword in abstract
- CRS Reports on
Foreign Relations (State Department)
- CRS Reports
on Foreign Relations (US Embassy in Italy)
- Title approach to international issues, including terrorism, AIDS,
agriculture, drug control, etc
- CRS Reports
on the Judicial Process
- Selected reports on impeachment, patents, and immigration
- Sponsored by the House Judiciary Committee
- CRS Reports on the
Legislative Process (House Rules)
- Reports from the Congressional Research Service on House and Senate
- Analytical reports on the introduction of bills, committee and floor
action, the budget process, and Presidential actions
- Includes historical statistics on Presidential vetoes
Reports on Science
Reports Related to National Security (Global Security)
- Short list of security reports
- Congress and the Nation, 1945+ (Doc.Cen. JK 1001
.C75 - Ref)
- Congressional Quarterly Almanac, 1945+ (Doc.Cen. JK 1
.C756 - Ref)
- National Journal, 1977+ (JK 1 .N28 with current issues
in Documents Center--Ref) with 1977+ on Online
(UMich Only)
- Policy
Agendas, 1945-2002
- Determine the amount of attention government gave to 19 major
topics, 220
subtopics, or a section of the budget, 1946-2002
- Filters allow you to choose topics and the type of material (budget,
Congressional hearings, Presidential executive orders, laws, New York
articles, CQ Almanac articles, and the Gallup Most Important Problem
- Results yield data and graphs
- Additional dataset tools available
- Congressional Universe
(UMich Only) [Web]
- Indexes bills beginning 1989 by keyword, sponsor, bill number and Congress
- Advanced Search Strategies option under
keyword searching permits numerous proximity indicators
- w/p (words within paragraph); w/n
(words within a number; w/s (words within sentence)
- Example: china w/10 (world trade organization or most favored
- Additional protocols at bottom of keyword searching page
- Provides full text
- Legislative status includes citations to committee referrals and Congressional Record with hot links to bill text and roll call votes
- Links to hearings, committee prints, and reports are found in bill number search in a separate section entitled Congressional Publications
- Complete legislative histories for bills passed into law includes with hot links to
all publications appears under Congressional Publications
- See Congressional Universe
Research Guide or Congressional
Universe Quick Guide for further details
- GPO Access [Web]
- Bill Summary and Status
- Indexes bills by subject, sponsor, committee, and stage of legislative process (e.g. reported to House), 1973+
- Provides summary of bill and detailed status, including mention of markup sessions and
citations to page in the Congressional Record
- Provides links to the full text, 1993+
- Bill Text
- Full text beginning 1993
- Searchable by keyword or bill number only
- Easier to eliminate this step and just search Bill Summary and Status
- Recommendation
- Bill Index: THOMAS
- Bill Text:
- Bill Status:
- THOMAS for parliamentary information (committee referral, amendments offered, etc.)
- Congressional
for publications such as hearings and for bills passed into law
Time Coverage | Source |
1989+ |
Universe (UMich Only) |
1989+ |
1979-2000 |
Documents Center Microfiche |
1933+ |
Law Library Micro 10 S-502 |
1900-1932 |
No complete set known. Try printed Congressional Record (J 11.R) or
the House and Senate reports as listed in Congressional Universe
(UMich Only) |
1789-1899 |
Serials and Microforms
FILM X557 = House
FILM X558 = Senate |
- Bill Status
- Commerce Clearing House Congressional Index, 1949+
(Doc.Cen. Z 1223 .Z7 C73-Ref)
- Indexes bills and provides summary
- Congressional
Universe (UMich Only), 1989+
- THOMAS, 1973+
- Bill Summary and Status indexes bills by subject, sponsor, and
stage in legislative process
- Provides detailed status information
- Types of Publications
- Hearings are testimony before committees
- Committee prints are research reports with
background information
- Reports are primarily recommendations by
committees on the passage of a bill
- Documents are communications from the Executive
- Calendars - see Committee
- U.S.
Congressional Bibliographies (NCSU)
- Lists Senate hearings, committee prints, and publications since 1983
(98th Congress) by committee, by
Senate number, and by title
- Includes unpublished hearings and statistics on the number of hearings
- May be searched by keyword, committee, and Senate serial number
- Lists House hearings since 1985 (99th Congress) as extracted from the
Congressional Record's Daily Digest, arranged by date
- Printed hearings for both the Senate and House are also indexed in
Universe (UMich Only)
- Congressional
Universe (UMich Only) [Web]
- Indexes committee publications: hearings (1970+), prints (1993+), and
reports (1989+)
- Published Hearings accessed through Congressional Publications
- Hearings indexed by subject, keyword, committee, date, and person testifying
- Advanced Search Strategies option under
keyword searching permits numerous proximity indicators
- w/p (words within paragraph); w/n
(words within a number; w/s (words within sentence)
- Example: china w/10 (world trade organization or most favored
- Additional protocols at bottom of keyword searching page
- Record provides summary of testimony, Superintendent of Documents Number for the Documents Center's paper copy, microfiche number for the Documents Center's microfiche, and a link to selected full text testimony since 1988
- Testimony provides the full text of selected testimony and prepared witness statements
- Indexed by committee, person testifying, date, and keyword
- More current than the Published Hearings
- Published Hearings have much more material
- See Congressional Universe Research
Guide or Congressional Universe
Quick Guide for further details
- Congressional Hearings via
GPO Access
- Selected hearings beginning 1995 also available free to the
public via the Government Printing Office
- Arranged by committee; no index
- Text and pdf formats
- Congressional Hearings on the
- Internet Search Engines
- Political Information
- Search for hearings mounted by government web sites as well as those of individuals and interest groups
- Sample search: medicare and +testimony and +hearing
- Google's Uncle Sam
- Indexes text of government web sites
- Sample search: medicare and testimony and hearing
- You will retrieve at least some false drops, including the legislative status on THOMAS and hearings announcements
- Historic Digitized Hearings
- Reports
- Congressional
Universe (UMich
- Carries the full text of committee reports, 1989+
- Indexes the paper/microfiche copy of reports since 1970
- Both searches located under Congressional Publications
- Thomas
- Full text of committee reports since 1995
- Searchable by keyword, bill number, report number, and committee
- Reports segmented into easily viewable segments
- Links to the full text of the legislation in question and legislative
- Documents
- Executive Branch communications to Congress, including Presidential vetoes
- Congressional
Universe (UMich Only)
- GPO Access, 1995+
- Paper and microfiche copies [Library]
- Available back to 1817 in Documents Center
- Indexes
- Congressional
Universe, 1789+
- Indexes hearings, committee prints, reports, and documents
- All publications available on microfiche in Documents Center
- Indexes hearings by keyword, 1789 to within five years of present
- Provides microfiche number for the Documents Center
- Full Text
- Congressional
Serial Set, 1789-1969 (UMich Only)
- Historic Full Text section of LEXIS-NEXIS
Congressional has the full text of over 333,000 documents and 50,000
- Includes all legislative reports on bills, some hearings, national
commission reports, and most Executive Branch documents issued during
the 19th Century
- Source for social, military, economic, and technology history
(immigration, Civil War, Treasury annual reports, lighthouses) as well
as geographic explorations
- Indexed by subject, keyword, author, geography, bill number, law
number, witness name, serial number, and SUDOCS number
- Congressional Universe
(UMich Only)
- Hearings and Committee Prints (Printed)
- Through 1972, check Documents Center catalog by committee and title
for Library of Congress call number; some call numbers may be in Buhr
- For 1973-80, check Documents Center catalog for
SUDOCS call number; all should be in Buhr
- For 1981-88, check MIRLYN under call number to see if available in
Buhr or microfiche should be used
- 1989+ should be in Documents Center arranged by SUDOCS number
- Reports and Documents (Printed)
- Last three years in Documents Center
- Older issues in Serial Set; 1-7914 in Buhr; 7915+ in stacks on 6
South/West End
- Use CIS Serial Set Index, 1789-1969 (Doc.Cen. Z 1223
.Z7 C764-Ref.) and Numerical Lists,
1970+ (Doc. Cen. Z 1223 .A5-Ref) to
identify bound volume numbers
- Description of
the Serial Set and its history
- American State Papers, 1789-1817 (J 33)
has the earliest reports
- Table of
Congressional Volumes and Presidential Issuances: 1789-1999
- Lists Congress, year, and first Serial Set volume number
- The Serial Set is the bound version of House and Senate Reports
- Legislative
- Guide to unpublished legislative and Congressional committee
documents beginning 1789
- Instructions for obtaining the material from the National
- Definitions
- Markups are committee meetings held after the hearings to
make changes in a bill and make recommendations to the floor about its passage
- Votes are taken among committee members to determine whether
the bill should be referred to the floor for consideration
- Reports are issued if the committee determines to recommend the bill
- Markup sessions are covered primarily by the press rather than official government reporters
- Academic
- Provides transcripts and summaries of markups
- Found under News/Transcripts
- The specific file is FDCH Political Transcripts but it is better to search all transcripts; include the word markup as a keyword
- Search will include some false drops; look for term MARKS UP in search results
- National
Journal Markup Reports (UMich Only)
- Full text of committee discussions and votes since 1999
- Searchable by committee and subcommittee, keyword, bill number and date
- Print sources: [Library]
- The text of markups often appears in the printed hearings of the
House Agriculture and Foreign Affairs/International Relations committees
- Votes occasionally appear in the House
and Senate Reports submitted on bills
- Congressional Calendars and Schedules
- Annotated to the various House and Senate calendars
- Includes regular published calendars as well as daily calendars
- GPO Access
- Historical Sources
- Documents Center has paper copies of the House and Senate calendars beginning with the 1970's
- Congressional
Universe (UMich Only)
- Indexes the floor debates in the Congressional Record since 1985 by keyword, speaker, and year but difficult to search by exact date
- Provides the full text
- Access under Publications
- To search for the speech of a person
- In the subject box, type the name of the person within 20 words of
the subject
- Repeat the person's name in the speaker box
- EXAMPLE: hatch w/20 children w/20 health insurance
(subject) and hatch (speaker)
- Indexes Congressional Record via keyword, exact date, and speaker since 1993
- Lack of proximity identifiers for keyword searching can be adjusted through using
the "Best Sections" feature
- Browse function especially useful for identifying actions during the previous week
- Best and most current public access source for full text
- Century of American
Lawmaking (Library of Congress)
- TIFF images of the
- Journals of the Continental Congress (1774-93)
- Annals of Congress (1789-1824)
- Register of Debates (1824-1837)
- Congressional Globe (1833-1873)
- House and Senate Journals (1789-1873)
- Senate Executive Journal (1789-1873)
- Journal of William Maclay (1789-91)
- Individual issues browsable; search engine for entire collection
rather than individual titles
- Congressional Record, 1873+
- Paper copy in Graduate Library stacks (J 11.R) with 1985+
issues in Documents Center
- Congressional
Universe (UMich Only) carries the full text beginning 1985
Access provides a keyword index since 1983 but not the full
- Congressional
Globe, 1833-73
- Printed volumes in Buhr as J11.G5
- Microfilm set in Serials/Microforms as FILM X2023
- Documentary
History of the First Federal Congress (Univ. of So.
- 1789 Congressional debates on the formation of the Cabinet
- Text of bills
- Notes from Members of the first congress
- Register of Debates, 1824-1837 (J11.D)
- Annals of Congress, 1789-1824 (J11.A)
- Congressional Quarterly
Almanac [Library]
- Floor votes are indexed in back of volume
- Usually published six months after end of previous year
- Doc.Cen. JK 1 .C756--Ref.
- CQ Weekly Report
- Weekly periodical with quarterly indexes
- More current than the Almanac
- Floor votes in every issue
- Doc.Cen. JK 1.C12--Ref. with older issues in Grad Library Stacks
- Congress Votes
Database (Washington Post)
- Complete list of floor roll call votes in the House and Senate since
the 102nd Congress, 1991
- Sections for each Congress list House and Senate votes and votes by
bill number
- Links from the main listing for each Congress provide analyses of
individual roll call outcomes by party,
state, region, gender, boomer status and astrological sign
- Overall for each Congress there are analyses of those votes with the
widest and narrowest margins, late night votes, and members who missed
the most votes
- There is also a full list of members for each Congress with brief
biographies, a list of their individual roll call votes and how they
compared with GOP and Democratic opinion
- Spanning all Congresses is an analysis of roll call votes for
building designations, impeachments, nominations, speaker elections,
treaties, and vice-presidential tiebreakers
- Congressional
Quarterly Weekly Report (UMich Only)
- Indexes floor votes since 1995 by keyword, bill number, date, and chamber
- Provides summary of the bill and votes by individual members
- Congressional Universe (UMich
- Floor votes are included in two places under the Members section
- Votes
- Searchable by bill number and Congress
- Provides data on all members
- Sort by vote type (yea/nay, party, member name, or state and district
- Key Votes is arranged by Member of Congress
- House of
Representatives Roll Call Votes
- Votes tracked by Clerk of the House beginning 1997
- Arranged by year with most current vote first
- Table provides vote number, bill number, brief description, and
result of vote
- Click on vote number for a summary of yeas and nays by party and for
votes of individual members
- Project Vote
Smart [Web]
- Roll call votes on selected issues beginning with 1989
- Choose by issue, year and chamber
- Various sorting options
- Senate
- Senate
Floor Votes
- List of floor votes in reverse chronological order beginning with the
99th Congress
- List links to a separate record providing the votes of individual
senators on an issue
- Congressional Record
- Congressional
Universe (UMich Only) [Web]
- Indexes Congressional Record via keyword and bill number since 1985
- Floor votes given in the text
- THOMAS [Web]
- Indexes Congressional Record via keyword and bill number since 1993
- Floor votes given in the text
- Vetoes
- Bill Vetoes
- Available via GPO Access beginning 1995
- Check off the boxes for "House Documents" and use "veto" as a keyword
- Also available on THOMAS under Bill
Summary and Status, 1973+
- Arranged by Congress
- Vetoes searchable as a stage in the legislative process or in a
separate list
- Line Item
- These are officially entitled Presidential
- Available in PDF format from the Clerk of the House
- Statements
of Administration Policy on Appropriations and Non-Appropriations
- Brief statements of the President's position on selected bills
beginning 2001
- Arranged by Congress and bill number
- Weekly Compilation of
Presidential Documents, 1993+
- Full text of Presidential executive orders, speeches, press
conferences, names of nominees
- Phrases should be in parentheses and Boolean operators capitalized
(e.g. "affirmative action" AND "college admissions")
- Table of contents search (contents AND "july 28, 1997)
- White
House Electronic Publications [Web]
- Press releases, speeches and documents beginning January 1993 and updated daily
- Browse by date or broad subject category
- There is no keyword searching but publications can be identified using a forms interface
specifying date, broad subject, type of publication, and principal
- Searching by
keyword and date
- Historical Sources
- Presidential Vetoes, 1789-1988 (J 81 .C35)
- Public Papers of the President, 1929-32, 1945+ (J 80 .A25)
- Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, 1965+ (J 80 .A1 W38 with
current in Doc.Cen.-Ref)
- Public Papers
of the President (UMich Only)
- Full text of Presidential papers from George Washington to
- Sources include Richardson's Messages and Papers of the
President and Public Papers of the
Presidents as well as a separate collection for Franklin
Delano Roosevelt
Historic Laws |
Laws in Force |
New Laws
- United States Code (via
Congressional Universe - UMich Only) [Web]
- Search existing laws in force by keyword or U.S. Code citation
- Updated within days of the passage of a new law
- Provides U.S. Code text as well as references to bill and public
law text
- Advanced Search Strategies option under
keyword searching permits numerous proximity indicators
- w/p (words within paragraph);
(words within a number; w/s (words within sentence)
- Example: foreign student* w/s income tax*
- Additional protocols at bottom of keyword searching page
- United
States Code (via Cornell Law School) [Web]
- Text of all laws in force as of January 1998
- Searchable by popular title of law, title and section of the U.S.
Code, or keyword
- Currently the best interface
- United
States Code (via House Internet Law Library)
- Subject approach to all laws in force
- Several keyword search options as well as specific title and section
- For Boolean searching, use "adj" between words to indicate a
phrase (e.g. medicare and home adj health adj services)
- Summaries of selected subsequent laws
- Text of selected historic statutes
- Paper copy of U.S. Code in Doc.Cen. KF 62 .A2
- Text of Public Laws since 1973+ accessible by law number
- Can use Bill Summary and Status to identify law number by subject, sponsor, and stage of legislative process
- Public Laws, 1789+ (via
Congressional Universe - UMich Only)
- For 1988+
- Search for full text of laws by keyword, bill number, Public Law
Number, and Statutes-at-Large number
- Provides full text and bill tracking report
- For 1789 to Within Last Two Years
- Search Statutes at Large by title, keyword,
Statutes at Large Citation, law number, chapter and resolution number
- Provides text of law in Adobe Acrobat format
- Public Laws, 104th Congress, 1995+ via GPO Access [Web]
- U.S. Code Congressional and
Administrative News [Library]
- Monthly pamphlet with the full text of laws; cumulates annually
- Doc.Cen. KF 48.A32 U58--Ref.
- Public Laws, 1973+ are available
via law number through THOMAS
- Statutes at
Large (UMich Only)
- Full text of public laws since 1789 to within last two years
- Searchable by title and date or Statutes citation
- Also includes Indian treaties, 1778-1874, and treaties with foreign
countries, 1776-1949
- Found in the Laws section of the web site
- Paper located in Documents Center as K .U565 with last ten years in
Reference section
- United
States Statutes at Large, 1789-1823
- Full text of public laws passed by Congress, 1st-17th
Congresses, and
private laws, lst-28th Congress (as of Aug. 1999)
- Browsable only
- List of public laws begins in Volume 1, p. xvii; use page
given for a law in the page-turner box at the bottom of the
- List of private laws in Volume 4
- Library of Congress project to be expanded at a later
Code of Federal
Regulations |
- Congressional
Universe (UMich Only)
- Indexes current Executive Branch and independent agency regulations in
force by keyword, agency, and statutory authority
- Updated every two weeks
- Advanced Search Strategies option under
keyword searching permits numerous proximity indicators
- w/p (words within paragraph); w/n
(words within a number; w/s (words within sentence)
- Example: endangered species w/10 national park*
- Additional protocols at bottom of keyword searching page
- See Congressional Universe Research
Guide or Congressional Universe
Quick Guide for further details
- Code of Federal
Regulations (Cornell)
- Text is browsable by title and searchable by subject or title/section
- Code of
Federal Regulations (UC-San Diego) or Code of
Federal Regulations (National Archives)
- Search CFR by keyword or a combination of title, part, and page
- Three-quarters complete as of September 1997 with additional
titles expected throughout the year
- Corresponding paper copy in Documents Center as JK
- Web Sources [Web]
- Federal
Register, 1980+ via
Congressional Universe (UMich Only)
- Full text of new regulations, proposed regulations, and notices of grants and agency hearings since 1980
- Proposed and new regulations usually give background information; new regulations summarize public comments
- Searchable by keyword, agency, type of document and date
- Advanced Search Strategies option under
keyword searching permits numerous proximity indicators
- w/p (words within paragraph); w/n
(words within a number; w/s (words within sentence)
- Example: endangered species w/10 national park*
- Additional protocols at bottom of keyword searching page
- See Congressional Universe Research
Guide or Congressional Universe
Quick Guide for further details
- Federal
Register, 1936-80 via Hein Online (UMich only)
- Full text is searchable by keyword and date or browsable by
- Federal
Register via GPO Access [Web]
- New regulations, proposed regulations, and notices of grants and agency hearings
- Proposed and new regulations usually give background information; new regulations summarize public comments
- Printed Copy [Library]
- Paper copy in Doc. Cen. J 83 .A2-Ref. for past two years; older issues on microfiche or
- Code of Federal Regulations, 1949+ (Buhr JK 416 .A5 with current in Documents Center)
- Federal Register, 1936+
- Microfilm, 1936-83, in Documents Center: FILM DoX918
- Microfiche, 1984+ in Documents Center: Microfiche DoX11
- Paper for past 1-2 years in Documents Center: J 83.A2-Ref
- Federal Register,
1980+ via Congressional
Universe (UMich Only)
- Full text searchable by keyword, agency, type of document, and CFR
- Table of
Congressional Volumes and Presidential Issuances: 1789-1999 (LLSDC -
- Lists Congress, year, and volume number of Federal Register
- Citing government documents
- Citing electronic information
Political Process
- Legislation is a highly political process, despite this logical outline
- Public Policy Matrix is a chart summarizing the legislative process and sources for political information about the process
Librarian |
| | |