- Definition
- Testimony before a committee in prepared and question/answer format
- Hearings may be held on proposed legislation, nominations, appropriations, oversight,
or investigations
- People who testify include members of the Executive Branch, lobbyists, experts, and
individual citizens
- Congressional
Universe (UMich Only) [Web]

- Indexes committee publications: hearings (1970+), prints (1993+), and
reports (1989+)
- Published Hearings accessed through Congressional Publications
- Hearings indexed by subject, keyword, committee, date, and person testifying
- Advanced Search Strategies option under
keyword searching permits numerous proximity indicators
- w/p (words within paragraph); w/n
(words within a number; w/s (words within sentence)
- Example: china w/10 (world trade organization or most favored
- Additional protocols at bottom of keyword searching page
- Record provides summary of testimony, Superintendent of Documents Number for the Documents Center's paper copy, microfiche number for the Documents Center's microfiche, and a link to selected full text testimony since 1988
- Testimony provides the full text of selected testimony and prepared witness statements
- Indexed by committee, person testifying, date, and keyword
- More current than the Published Hearings
- Published Hearings have much more material
- See Congressional Universe Research
Guide or Congressional Universe
Quick Guide for further details
- Congressional Hearings via
GPO Access
- Selected hearings beginning 1995 also available free to the
public via the Government Printing Office
- Arranged by committee; no index
- Text and pdf formats
- Congressional Hearings on the
- Lists government agencies and Congressional committees with selected
testimony on the web
- Internet Search Engines
- Political Information
- Search for hearings mounted by government web sites as well as those of individuals and interest groups
- Sample search: medicare and +testimony and +hearing
- Google's Uncle Sam
- Indexes text of government web sites
- Sample search: medicare and testimony and hearing
- You will retrieve at least some false drops, including the legislative status on THOMAS and hearings announcements
On-Line Source in Documents Center |
- CQ On Congress (Documents Center Signon)
- Full text of Transcripts (Q and A) and Testimony (prepared statements) since 1995
- Coverage is essentially the same as Congressional Universe
- Indexed by keyword, committee, person testifying, date
- Results can be saved or sorted by date, committee, or relevancy
- Indexes
- Congressional Masterfile CD-ROM, 1789+
- Indexes hearings, committee prints, reports, and documents
- All publications available on microfiche in Documents Center
- Indexes hearings by keyword, 1789 to within five years of present
- Provides microfiche number for the Documents Center
- Full Text
- Congressional Universe
(UMich Only)
- Hearings and Committee Prints (Printed)
- Through 1972, check Documents Center catalog by committee and title
for Library of Congress call number; some call numbers may be in Buhr
- For 1973-80, check Documents Center catalog for
SUDOCS call number; all should be in Buhr
- For 1981-88, check MIRLYN under call number to see if available in
Buhr or microfiche should be used
- 1989+ should be in Documents Center arranged by SUDOCS number
- Federal Agency Web Sites
- Cleancut alphabetical listing of federal agency web sites
- Includes search engine
- Google Search Engine
- Web search engine devoted exclusively to sites with .gov and .mil extensions
- Excellent for federal policy papers
- Vetoes
- Bill Vetoes
- Available via GPO Access beginning 1995
- Check off the boxes for "House Documents" and use "veto" as a keyword
- Also available on THOMAS under Bill
Summary and Status, 1973+
- Arranged by Congress
- Vetoes searchable as a stage in the legislative process or in a
separate list
- Line Item
- These are officially entitled Presidential
- Available in PDF format from the Clerk of the House
- Weekly Compilation of
Presidential Documents, 1993+
- Full text of Presidential executive orders, speeches, press
conferences, names of nominees
- Phrases should be in parentheses and Boolean operators capitalized
(e.g. "affirmative action" AND "college admissions")
- Table of contents search (contents AND "july 28, 1997)
- White
House Electronic Publications [Web]
- Press releases, speeches and documents beginning January 1993 and updated daily
- Browse by date or broad subject category
- There is no keyword searching but publications can be identified using a forms interface
specifying date, broad subject, type of publication, and principal
- Searching by
keyword and date

- President (UMich)
- Annotated links to Presidential speeches, biographies, directives, and executive orders
- Background Information [Web and
- Use to identify politics of legislation in the headlines
- Bills [Web]
- Which Members of Congress have introduced bills promoted by lobby
- Campaign
Finances [Web and Library]
- Campaign contributions of lobby groups to Members of Congress
- Note whether Member is on a committee which has jurisdiction over a
subject of interest to the lobby group
- Congressional
Hearings [Library]
- Testimony of lobby groups
- Floor Votes
- Which Members of Congress have voted in the best interests of a
particular lobby group?
- Lobby
Group Ratings (UMich) [Web and Library]
- Annotated list of web sites and printed sources
- Lobby Group Web
- Opinions and sometimes testimony are included on lobby group web
- Major Lobby Group Internet Sites [Web]
- Other Lobby Groups
Politics for additional lobby groups
- Advocacy
Groups by Topic (Policy.com)
- Lists research, advocacy, and professional groups in over 20 categories
- Includes health, society, defense, immigration, environment
- Well-annotated paragraphs describe their policy interests
- Links to their respective web sites
- Public Interest
Profiles [Library]
- Describes 250 public interest lobby groups, including purposes,
funding, political concerns, effectiveness, and orientation
- Doc.Cen. JK 1118 .P791--Ref.
- Registered Federal
Lobbyist Database (Center for Responsive Politics)
- Search by name of lobbyist or lobby group, client, or subject
- Data provides name of lobbyists and semiannual dollar amount
to lobbying
- Link to top lobbying firms and spenders from Who's in
- Subject-Oriented
Groups (National Political Index)
- Search AltaVista or Excite for other lobby group
web sites
- Publications
- Political Information
- Index to web sites devoted to political issues
- Great source for position papers of lobby groups
- Political Party
Platforms (UMich Only)
- Full text of political party platforms since 1840
- Includes third parties through 1924
- May be searched separate or together by keyword
- Political
Party Web Sites [Web]
- Democratic, Republican, United We Stand,
Libertarian, Green, United States Pacifist Parties
- Web sites of state parties and potential 1996
Presidential candidates
- Republican
- Current Agendas
- Contract
with America
- Ten policy changes the Republican candidates for the 104th Congress
of Representatives brought to the table
- Includes bill text and description
- Another
- Paper copy located in Documents Center and Undergraduate Library:
JK 271 .C7331 1994
- Signatories in 1994
- Democratic
- Green
Party USA
- Reform
- Other Sources
- Search MIRLYN [Web and Library]
- Use subject heading "Public Opinion Polls"
- AllPolitics
- Excellent coverage of elections and public opinion polls
- Use search engine and type "poll"
- Separate archive for 1996 Election
- American
Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy
- Special survey conducted by the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
- Charts and graphs on public opinion on national priorities, U.S. role
in resolving world problems, major foreign affairs issues
- Adobe Acrobat only
- American
Public Opinion Index
- Most comprehensive source for public opinion polls
- Ref. Room HM 261 .A4631
- Corresponding microfiche in Serials/Microforms as MICRO-F X423
- Gallup Organization
- Summary results of most current public opinion polls
- Gallup Poll, 1935 to present, also available in the Graduate Library Reference Room
as HN 90.P9 .G18
- General
Social Survey (ICPSR, NORC, UC-Berkeley)
- Annual survey since 1972 of public opinion and lifestyle
- Covers poverty, religion, contraceptive use, opinion on foreign affairs
- ICPSR site provides background on survey as well as printed
publications resulting from the survey
- Primary data extraction available from ICPSR and UC-Berkeley
Survey (UC-Berkeley)
- Data may be manipulated on-line
- Quick start instructions for the initiate:
- Choose Demonstration Survey Data Archive
- Choose the survey you would like and the "browse"
option; start
- Choose "Alphabetical Variable List"
- Choose your variables and write down their corresponding code names
- Go back to the original screen and choose "run crosstabulations;" start
- Imagine the output as a spreadsheet and type in the desired vertical
and horizontal code names; also choose output as statistics or
- Example of General Social Survey
- Percentage of Protestants who
strongly agree with death penalty
- In "run crosstabulations," type in "deathpen" as vertical
and "relig" as horizontal; check off percentaging as vertical;
run the table
- Example of American National
Election Studies
- Joint Center for Political and Economic
- Non-profit organization providing public policy information on issues
affecting black Americans
- Summaries of selected papers include public opinion polls on such
topics as race relations, children, black participation in the Republican
- Full text of annual report
- Kaiser Family
Foundation Surveys
- Surveys on American values, sex, health care issues, politics, and morals
- Full text since 1996
- Most in pdf format
- Louis Harris
- Public opinion results of last two months
- Primarily government and economic questions
- National Council on Public
Opinion Polls
- Principles of disclosure
- 20 questions journalists should ask when reading poll results
- National Opinion
Research Center (U-Chicago)
- Home of the General Social Survey with links
to data at ICPSR
- Studies describes its economic, education,
social, and health statistics programs
- Studies and data on a variety of topics (guns, stress, abortion,
smoking) appear in the Library section of the
- Pew Research
- Text and statistics of U.S. public opinion polls on politics, public
policy, and the press
- Issues covered since 1995 include the Presidential elections, TV news
viewership, Medicare reforms, campaign financing, churches, and the death
of Princess Diana
- Data on the public's attention to major news stories beginning 1986
- Archive of files since 1985 available upon request
- Polling
- Biweekly periodical with public opinion polls on
politics, business, and culture
- Examples include favorite actor of all time, the President's approval
- Includes articles on public opinion trends by opinion analysts,
pollsters and academics
- Portrait of
America (Rasmussen Associates)
- National surveys on politics, home, lifestyle, sports and business
- Includes data, questionnaires, and articles since February 1997
- Searchable by date, broad heading, and keyword
- Public
- Nonpartisan, issue-oriented think tank
- Presents eighteen issues, including abortion, crime, gambling,
immigration, internet privacy, social security, and welfare
- For each issue provides background, links to lobby groups, a digest
of news stories, basic statistics, and a variety of state laws
- Numerous public opinion polls
- Public
Opinion Poll Question Database (University of North
- Data base of questions asked in the Harris, Carolina, Southern
States, and All State polls since the 1960s
- Searchable by subject, poll, and decade
- Catalog provides additional information and often frequency
- Public
Opinion Quarterly (UMich Only)
- Full text of scholarly journal analyzing public opinion worldwide
- Searchable by keyword, author, journal, date
- Part of JSTOR project
- Public Opinion
Quarterly Index is a free index, 1937+
- Full text also in Graduate Library as HM 261 .A1 P98 with a backup on
microfilm as FILM X375
- Pulse
- Bimonthy web magazine focusing on one issue
- Provides context to the public opinion polls and links to in-depth
- As of May 1999, one issue devoted to Social Security
- Roper
Center/Public Opinion
- Primarily information about the
- Searchable catalogs of its public opinion polls, the Latin American
Survey Data Bank and the Japanese Survey Data Bank
- Roper polls can also be searched in Academic Universe
(UMich Only) in the Reference/Polls and
Surveys section
- Washington
- Public opinion polls on public affairs since January 1997
- Subjects include Presidential popularity, sanctions toward Iraq,
violence in schools
- Descriptions supplemented by statistical tables
- Links to national associations
- National Conference of State Legislatures
addresses federal-state policy issues
- National Governors Association has
extensive list of policy statements
- Links to gubernatorial and legislative web
sites in all states
- Citing government documents
- Citing electronic information
Political Process
- Legislation is a highly political process, despite this logical outline
- Public Policy Matrix is a chart summarizing the legislative process and sources for political information about the process
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