Job Openings
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Michigan Job Openings

Last updated on February 7,
- Lists federal agency web sites with job postings by agency or broad
subject category
- Lists state, county, and city job posting web sites by
- Detroit job want ads posted in the last 24 hours to 30 days
- Sponsored by the Detroit News and Free Press
- Federal civil service jobs available in
- Search by keyword and state
- List of over 600 businesses and occupations that require a license in
- Brief descriptive information on the license as well as the address
and phone number of the licensing agency
- Use a name search to verify a license to a given
individual through the Dept. of
Consumer and Industry Services
- Web site includes links to state services for employers and
job seekers
- Job classification specifications for state
civil service
- Employee regulations, guidelines, and
- Listing of available jobs and civil service forms
- State of Michigan telephone directory
- The main page discusses how to apply for unemployment benefits
- Users should first read Information
for Workers and
- Employer information includes affirmative
action report,
newsletters, and status of labor bills before the Michigan Legislature
- Advocacy forms and online resumes for the jobless
- Average weekly salaries in Michigan since 1971 with unemployment
trust fund, unemployment conpensation contribution, and unemployment
insurance claims dating back to the 1930s
- Employment agencies by county
- Registration within county for both employers and job seekers
- May submit on-line resume
- Interactive job search
- Web page not operational, Dec. 22,
- Monthly list of individual businesses laying off workers, location
and number of workers involved
- Includes plant closings and the number of workers being laid off
- Time series begins in 2000
- Issued by the Michigan Dept of Labor and Economic Growth, Labor
Market Information division
- Type in your current salary as well as your
current city and new
city codes
- Determines the salary needed in your new
- Assists children in exploring careers
- Educational information
- Retirement advice
- Current federal employment opportunities
searchable by
discipline, keyword, education/experience, salary, and location
- On-line job application forms
- Salary schedule and benefits
- Current job openings for Washtenaw County
- Includes description, requirement, and
salary schedule

Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
The University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Since May 29, 1996 this page has been accessed 
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