Legislative Branch
Index | No-Frames Version

Michigan Government Web Sites

Last updated on
May 5, 2008
Agency conducts audits of state government
Information about the agency, its mission and
Executive digests of state government
department audits beginning 1994/95
Library of Michigan Web
- Describes clientele, collections, and services
- Especially strong collections in Michigan documents, genealogy, and law
- Links to its on-line
catalog, considered the most
comprehensive source for identifying State of Michigan documents
Depository Library Manual
depository libraries
- Acquisition and distribution procedures, Michigan documents
system, reference tools, and finding pre-1952 state publications
- Michigan
State Depository Libraries
- Contact
information and web page
Documents -
Electronic Checklist
- Monthly list of new state publications since January 1999
- Each list arranged by title with name of agency and agency's URL (not
necessary publication's URL)
- Full record provides the Library of Michigan's holdings and call number
- Titles considered part of depository program unless specific notes
to the contrary
- Indexed by subject, title, author
- Use the Library of Michigan's on-line catalog, ANSWER
for the most complete bibliography of retrospective state publications
Guide to State Government (pdf)
- Organization chart of three branches of government
- Directory of executive departments with phone numbers
- Descriptions of the Michigan legislative process, directories of
legislative members and committees, how to contact government officials
- Number of signatures needed for petitions; number of
state legislative and court officials by political party for counties and
Biographies (Gongwer)
- Brief descriptive biographies of Michigan Legislators with committee
assignments and contact information
- Arranged by house and legislative district
Legislature, 1999/2000 (Michigan
Electronic Library)
1997/98 (Gongwer)
- Directory of House and Senate by district
- Includes district, party, name, e-mail address, phone, and office
- Directory of committee and subcommittee assignments
Democratic Caucus
- Legislative agenda and bills promoted
- Weekly news of policy issues
House of
- Directory of Members by District and directory of committee assignments
- Includes address, phone, and e-mail addresses
- Directory of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches
- Descriptions of each agencies and its missions
- Biographies of key officials, judges, and all legislators with maps
of the districts they represent
- History and Constitutions
- Official Canvas of Votes for the last state-wide election plus
initiatives, referenda, and selected votes since 1948
Salaries of
- Book of the States (Doc. Cen. JK 2403 .B72)
- Provides comparative salaries for governors, executive branch
officials, legislators and judges in various chapters
- See index under "salaries" at the back of the book
- State
Officers Compensation Commission Final Report: 2000
- Salaries and expense accounts of the government, lieutenant
government, Supreme Court justices, legislators, legislative officer
supplements, 1968-2002
- As of May 29, 2007 the salaries had remained the same
- Directory of Members by name, District, place, and
- Includes address, phone, and e-mail addresses
- Committee and subcommittee assignments
Boundaries of Michigan Legislature's Senate
and House Districts as
well as Congressional Districts with detailed insets for large cities
Prepared by the Michigan Information
Citizens Research Council of
- Analyzes state and local government finances and organization (e.g.
tax assessments, funding a new Detroit stadium)
- Research reports on policy proposals as well as selected testimony
before the state legislature
- Web site indexes publications since 1916 and provides the text of
some publications
News Service
- Behind-the-scenes political report on the Michigan Legislature and
- Quotations by legislators and lobbyists made on the floor, in
committee, and in news conferences
- Coverage begins with September 1993
- Searchable by date or keyword
- Single-site password available in Documents Center; ask staff for
House Legislative Analyses
- Summaries of all House bills and Senate bills referred to the House
- Analyzes problem the bill addresses, impact, pros and cons
- Full-text copies are available under bill number in the Michigan
Legislature web site beginning 1997
- Paper copies of older analyses filed by bill number at the U Mich Law
- Legislative
Analyses (Mich. Dept. of Consumer and Industry
- Full text of selective analyses within the department's purview, 1996+
- Includes insurance, real estate, accounting, partial-birth abortions
Institute of
Public Policy and Social Research
- Search publications by keyword for an analysis of current Michigan
public opinion polls on policy issues
Michigan in Brief
- Analyzes 65 issues likely to come before the State Legislature
- Examples include AIDS, assisted suicide, casinos, civil rights,
crime, firearms, Headlee Amendment, roads, taxes and welfare reform
- Provides background with statistics, pro and con arguments, and web
or address sources for additional information
- Appendices address a variety of non-legislative issues (foundations,
volunteerism, basic statistics and state symbols)
- Economic, political and cultural history of Michigan since the 17th
- Concise but meaty descriptions of state and local government
- Sponsored by the Michigan Nonprofit Association, Council of Michigan
Foundations, and Public Sector Consultants
Municipal League
- Summary of proposed state legislation affecting local
- Federal/state relations, environment, and public works
- Includes links to bills and Michigan Municipal League
- Municipal lobbying primer
Fiscal Agency Reports
- List of special and recurring reports on economic issues of
legislative concern (e.g. prisons, local government debt, charter
schools) beginning 1994
- Full text available beginning June 1996
- Selected analyses of bills before the State Legislature beginning
Capital Universe (UMich Only)
- Various policy briefs from the National Conference of State
Legislatures for past ten years
- State Net Capitol Journal for Michigan since 1998 and State Capitols
Report covering all states since 1994
Stateline (PEW Research
- Summary of news articles about state legislative issues for all 50 states
- States can be compared and ranked on population, economic, crime,
budget, and environmental factors
- House and Senate meeting schedules for the upcoming weeks
- Includes subject or bill and meeting room
- Searchable session schedules are available from the Michigan
Legislature web site
Floor Calendars, 1997+
- Last five calendars available through Michigan Legislative Information
- Session schedules also available
Beginning 2007, the most committees have
selected testimony available on their web sites
Search MIRLYN or the Library of Michigan Catalog for the text of published committee publications
Most committee hearings and reports are unpublished
- Contact the committee chairperson for
the accessibility of tapes or transcripts
- During the 19th Century, internal legislature documents and
executive branch publications were issued as supplements to the
Accompanying the Journal (House)
- MIRLYN record provides links to the Google and MBooks digitized
versions of the document, 1838-67; also available in Buhr as J 87 .M5a
- Includes both House and Senate
Accompanying the Journal (Senate)
- MIRLYN record to various years digitized by Google and MBooks; also
in Buhr as J 87 .M5b
- Years are roughly 1837-59, 1869-83, 1897-1900, 1911, 1933, 1949-52,
Documents [of the House and Senate of Michigan]
- MIRLYN record with links for years covering 1841-97 digitized by
Google and MBooks; also available in Buhr as J 87 .M5ab
Michigan Legislative Information, 1997+
- House Journals and Senate
Journals available in
Adobe Acrobat format
- Searchable by date with additional links from the bill status section of the web site
- Includes proceedings, roll call votes, and occasionally the text of a bill but not the debates
Historic Journals
- House
Journals, 1835+ (J 87 .M5c with current in the Documents
Center and many on Google/MBooks) and
Journals, 1835+
(J 87 .M5b with current in the Documents Center and many on
Google/MBooks) contain the
text of proceedings
- Most debates are not published; contact the Clerk of the House or the Secretary of the Senate for
the availability of tapes or transcripts
Michigan Votes
- Search for votes on legislation since 2003 by state Senator or
Representative and subject
- Search results include the legislator's position, the final
disposition of the bill, and links to votes by all legislators for that
- Also includes and index to bills since 2003
Additional annotated resources for researching legislative process
Includes laws and regulations
Frames Index |
No-Frames Version

Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
The University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Since February 18, 1996 this page has been accessed 
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