World Develpment Indicators
Variable List: O
Last Updated on May 28, 1999
Definitions from World Development Indicators
Official development assistance and official aid (current US$)
Official development assistance (ODA) consists of net disbursements of loans and grants made on concessional terms by official agencies of the members of DAC and certain Arab countries to promote economic development and welfare in recipient economies lis
ted as developing by DAC. Loans with a grant element of more than 25 percent are included in ODA. ODA also includes technical cooperation and assistance. Official aid refers to aid flows from official donors to the transition economies of Eastern Europe a
nd the former Soviet Union and to certain advanced developing countries and territories as determined by DAC. Official aid is provided under terms and conditions similar to those for ODA. Data are in current U.S. dollars. For more information, see Tables:
WDI 6.11.
Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average)
Official exchange rate refers to the actual, principal exchange rate and is an annual average based on monthly averages (local currency units relative to U.S. dollars) determined by country authorities or on rates determined largely by market forces in t
he legally sanctioned exchange market. For more information, see Tables: WDI 5.6.
Ores and metals exports (% of merchandise exports)
Ores and metals comprise commodities in SITC revision 1, sections 27 (crude fertilizer, minerals nes); 28 (metalliferous ores, scrap); and 68 (non-ferrous metals). For more information, see Tables: WDI 4.4.
Ores and metals imports (% of merchandise imports)
Ores and metals comprise commodities in SITC revision 1, sections 27 (crude fertilizer, minerals nes); 28 (metalliferous ores, scrap); and 68 (non-ferrous metals). For more information, see Tables: WDI 4.5.
Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions (kg per day per worker)
Emissions per worker are total emissions of organic water pollutants divided by the number of industrial workers. Organic water pollutants are measured by biochemical oxygen demand, which refers to the amount of oxygen that bacteria in water will consume
in breaking down waste. This is a standard water-treatment test for the presence of organic pollutants. For more information, see Tables: WDI 3.6.
Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions (kg per day)
Emissions of organic water pollutants are measured by biochemical oxygen demand, which refers to the amount of oxygen that bacteria in water will consume in breaking down waste. This is a standard water-treatment test for the presence of organic pollutant
s. For more information, see Tables: WDI 3.6.
Other manufacturing (% of value added in manufacturing)
Value added in manufacturing is the sum of gross output less the value of intermediate inputs used in production for industries classified in ISIC major division 3. Other manufacturing includes wood and related products (division 33), paper and paper- rel
ated products (division 34), petroleum and related products (groups 353-56), basic metals and mineral products (divisions 36 and 37), fabricated metal products and professional goods (groups 381 and 385), and other industries (group 390). When data for te
xtiles, machinery, or chemicals are shown as not available, they are included in other manufacturing. For more information, see Tables: WDI 4.3.
Other taxes (% of current revenue)
Other taxes include employer payroll or labor taxes, taxes on property, and taxes not allocable to other categories. They may include negative values that are adjustments (for example, for taxes collected on behalf of state and local governments and not a
llocable to individual tax categories). Current revenue includes all revenue from taxes and nonrepayable receipts (other than grants) from the sale of land, intangible assets, government stocks, or fixed capital assets, or from capital transfers from nong
overnmental sources. It also includes fines, fees, recoveries, inheritance taxes, and nonrecurrent levies on capital. Data are shown for central government only. For more information, see Tables: WDI 4.14.
Overall budget deficit, including grants (% of GDP)
Overall budget deficit is current and capital revenue and official grants received, less total expenditure and lending minus repayments. Data are shown for central government only. For more information, see Tables: WDI 4.12.
Overall budget deficit, including grants (current LCU)
Overall budget deficit is current and capital revenue and official grants received, less total expenditure and lending minus repayments. Data are shown for central government only, and are in current local currency. For more information, see Tables: WDI 4
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