1. hús:ð eb:n:a t:að
ej:y:a n:hiø j:a s:kt:a.
(from Chapter Twenty-one of )ðm:c:nd's g:aðdan:. See context.)
(from Chapter Seven of g:aðdan:. See context.)
3. us: p:r B:i t:Ü eb:n:a ds: g:al:i
edy:ð raðXi n: dðt:i T:i.
(from Chapter Four of g:aðdan:. See context.)
(from b:y:an: Four of
Part One of K:*:i's c:ndÒkant:a.)
V-O eb:n:a is often used
with another negated verb (in a construction parallel to the V-nakute
naranai / ikenai of colloquial Japanese) as a double negative in the
meaning of 'have to V' or 'must':
5. Aaòr g:y:ð eb:n:a kam:
n:hiø c:l:t:a.
(from Chapter Seven of g:aðdan:. See context.)
6. eb:n: m:ðrð s:t:ay:ð n:
(from a ^:z:l: by
^:ael:b:. See context.)
For more examples of this use of V-O
eb:n:a, see notes on the
passive of incapacity.
A related idiom is the use of V-O eb:n:a with the negated form of either
rh or Cað_ to express determination or
7. b:ij: Aødr p:_a,
t:að AúK:ØAa
en:kl:ð eb:n:a n:hiø rht:a.
(from Chapter Twenty-seven of
g:aðdan:. See context.)
8. g:eN:t: kñ keYn: s:ð
keYn: )Sn: Vy:aðø n: hað, . . .
j:y:dðv: eb:n:a us:ð
s:Øl:J:aO Cað_t:a n: T:a.
(from the story
ev:Rmb:n:a by n:rðndÓ kÙm:ar es:nha. See context.)
To exercise on V-O
Other sections dealing with negation:
1. V-n:ðv:al:a to express disapproval, disbelief, defiance or
To index of grammatical notes.
To index of m:lhar
First drafted and posted in Jan 2001. Reformatted in Oct 2001.
IE-enabled 15 June 2002. Augmented 30 June 2004.
Cross-referenced 22 Aug 2004.
'A man cannot live without laughing.'
However, unlike most postpositions in Hindi-Urdu, eb:n:a is also used as a preposition:
2. unhaðøn:ð
p:Økara -- z:ra s:Øen:O,
em:z:aüj:i, Aap: t:að B:ag:ð j:a rhð hòø.
em:z:aüj:i n:ð eb:n:a ,kñ hØO
j:v:ab: edy:a -- v:h ^:rib: b:aðJ:
el:y:ð Et:n:i t:ðz:i s:ð c:l:a j:a rha hò.
'He called out, "Listen, would you, Mirza Ji? You are
(practically) running!"
Without stopping Mirza
Ji answered, "That poor man is running so fast (and he is) carrying all
(our) stuff."'
eb:n:a is especially likely
to appear as a preposition (rather then as a postposition) if its object
is an entire clause, as in (3):
'Even so you wouldn't give me food without giving a
dozen curses as well.'
If the subject of a eb:n:a-clause differs
from the subject of the main clause, it is expressed as the possessor of
4. edn:-rat:
t:Ømhara Dy:an: hò, eb:n:a
t:Ømharð em:l:ð un:kað kb: Aaram: hò ?
'Day and night he thinks of you. How can he be at
rest without having you?'
'And she had to go.' (Lit: 'Without going it would
not be okay.')
'She must torture me.' (Lit: 'May she be unable not
to torture me.')
'Once the seed's gone in, there's no way
the shoot's not gonna come out!'
'No matter how hard the math problem might
be, Jayadeva never failed to solve it.' (= 'never left it
For discussion of constructions convergent with this one see the notes on compound-compound
verbs and notes on
V-kr rh- .
2. m:j:al:
hò ! Warning and
warding off.
3. rha
n:hiø j:at:a H Passive of incapacity
4. b:n:aO
n: b:n:ð H Paired
verbs and incapacity.
5. j:an:ð ka n:am: n:hiø l:ðt:a
H Empahtic