To express intense emotional outrage
or to make a defiant challenge speakers of Hindi-Urdu may use the nouns
m:j:al: 'temerity', ehmm:t: 'courage', or s:ahs:
'boldness' either with ka of subject and a
clause in the subjunctive (1) or with ka or
kað of subject and a dependent infinitive
1. t:Øm:n:ð
Ap:n:ð kað s:m:J:a Vy:a hò ? t:Ømhari Et:n:i m:j:al: ek m:ðri
b:hÜ p:r haT: uYaAað.
(from Chapter Four of )ðm:c:nd's g:aðdan:. See context.)
2. l:_eky:aðø kað
RaúXt:ð T:ð, s:m:J:at:ð T:ð; p:r s:b:-ki-s:b: K:Øll:m:K:Øll:a kht:i T:iø
-- t:Øm:kað
hm:arð b:ic: m:ðø b:aðl:n:ð ka kÙC
m:j:al: n:hiø hò. hm: Ap:n:ð m:n: ki ran:i
hòø, j:að hm:ari
EcCa haðg:i, v:h hm:
(from Chapter Five of g:aðdan:. See context.)
The nouns ehmm:t: and s:ahs:
'courage; nerve' can be used in ways similar to these uses of m:j:al:, either with an infinitive (3 & 5) or with a
ek-clause (4 & 6):
3. m:al:t:i j:l: g:y:i
-- Aap:ki ehmm:t: n: p:_i
b:ahr en:kl:n:ð ki.
(from Chapter Thirteen of g:aðdan:. See context.)
4. ray: s:ahb: ki ehmm:t:
hò ek m:ØJ:ð j:ðl: l:ð
j:ay:ú ?
(from Chapter Sixteen of g:aðdan:. See context.)
5. us:ka j:i c:aht:a
hò p:hl:ð J:Øen:y:a s:ð em:l:kr Ap:n:a
Ap:raD: x:m:a kray:ð; l:ðekn: Aødr j:an:ð ka s:ahs:
n:hiø haðt:a.
(from Chapter Twenty of g:aðdan:. See context.)
6. Aaòr Ab:
us:m:ðø Et:n:a s:ahs: n: T:a ek s:am:n:ð Aakr
khð -- haú, m:òøn:ð ec:ùg:ari
Pðùki T:i.
(from Chapter Twelve of g:aðdan:. See context.)
However, ehmm:t: and s:ahs:
differ from m:j:al: in two respects: Only
m:j:al: is able to occur in its clause
without a supporting verb [see examples (1), (7), and (9)]. This is not
possible for ehmm:t: or s:ahs:. Perhaps related to this is the greater degree
of emotional outrage or of extreme challenge that can be expressed by
using m:j:al:. By using m:j:al: the speaker is making an accusation of
temerity: 'How dare he...!' Constructions headed by ehmm:t: or s:ahs: are
more matter-of-fact.
Note: If the m:j:al:-clause is in the past tense then a j:að-clause dependent on it may be in the past
subjunctive. Compare the l:ð
j:ay:ú of (7) with the l:ð
j:at:a of (8):
7. t:að ePr
p:hl:ð m:òø unhiø s:ð j:akr s:m:J:t:a
hÜú. un:ki y:h m:j:al: ek m:ðrð ¾ar p:r
s:ð b:òl: K:aðl: l:ð
j:ay:ú ! y:h Raka
hò, K:Øl:a hÙAa
Raka !
(from Chapter Twenty of g:aðdan:. See context.)
8. t:Øm:n:ð g:aúv:
m:ðø eks:i s:ð kØC kha n:hiø,
n:hiø B:aðl:a ki m:j:al: T:i ek
t:Ømharð ¾ar s:ð b:òl: K:aðl:
l:ð j:at:a !
(from Chapter Seventeen of g:aðdan:. See context.)
9. b:az:ar ka
c:`av: - ut:ar kaðI
Aakesm:k G:Xn:a n:hiø. Es:ka B:i ev:wan: hò. Ok b:ar
us:ð ^:aòr s:ð dðK: l:iej:O,
ePr Vy:a m:j:al: ek D:aðK:a hað j:ay:.
(from Chapter Seven of g:aðdan:. See context.)
(from Part One of us:n:ð kha T:a. See context.)
The phrase Vy:a
m:j:al: has evolved into an idiomatic negative adverb in
the sense of 'not so much as...':
12. l:ðekn: Vy:a m:j:al:
us:n:ð kB:i B:i eks:i kam: kñ el:y:ð Ok
p:òs:a B:i m:aúg:a hað !
(from a story by n:rðødÓ kÙm:ar
es:nha in his collection AD:Ürð s:p:n:ð, p. 30.)
Comments from kÙs:Øm:
j:òn:: Notice that the deletion of n:hiø entails the use of a
different intonation on m:j:al:.
Furthermore, the noun ehmm:t:
seems to have the same property:
13. us:ki ehmm:t: ( n:hiø ) ( hò ) ek
m:ðrð G:r m:ðö p:òr D:rð
To exercise on use of
m:j:al:, ehmm:t:, and s:ahs:.
Other sections dealing with negation:
1. V-n:ðv:al:a to express disapproval, disbelief, defiance or
To index of m:lhar.
Drafted 19-21 Jan 2001. Posted 21-22 Jan 2001. Checked by KJ 29
Jan 2001. Augmented 30 Jan 2001. Corrected 2 Feb 2001. Augmented
and reformatted 26 Apr 2001. Augmented again 28 June 2004 & 1
July 2004. Cross-referenced 22 Aug 2004.
'Who do you think you are? How dare you
raise a hand to my daughter-in-law!'
b:ap: j:v:an:-j:v:an:
l:_eky:aðø s:ð Vy:a b:aðl:ð ?
'He tried scolding the girls and then cajoling them but
they told him quite openly, "How dare you interfere? We are our own
masters and we'll do whatever we want!" What could
the poor father say to these lively young girls?'
'Mâlatî countered sharply, "You
didn't have the courage to come out (to compete)."'
'Does Rây Sâhab have the courage
to cart me off to jail?'
'He really wants to meet Jhuniya first and
get her to forgive him for what he has done, but he doesn't have the
courage to go inside.'
'And now he didn't have the courage to come
forward and say, "Yes, I was the one who set the spark."'
'First I'm going to have a word with him.
How dare he take the bullocks from right in front of my door! Robbery,
that's what this is, plain and simple robbery!'
'You didn't say anything (about buying the
cow) to anyone in the village. Otherwise, Bhola wouldn't have dared take
(her) away from your door.'
Since the word m:j:al: comes from an Arabic word that meant 'power'
or 'scope' it is not perhaps surprising to find it used sometimes in the
meaning of 'opportunity' or 'possibility' in situations where there is no
question of temerity:
'The market doesn't move up and down
at random. There is a science to it, too. Once you study it carefully,
there is no more possibility that you will be fooled.'
10. Vy:a m:j:al: hò ek j:i
Aaòr s:ahb: eb:n:a s:Øn:ð eks:i kað hXn:a
'There is no way that anyone would
have to step aside without hearing a deferential "jî" or
"sâhab" addressed to them.'
While m:j:al: is, strictly speaking, a noun, it is an
unusual one, one that functions at times as if it were itself a verb. This
ambiguous identity is reflected in  m:j:al: 's ability to appear without a supporting
verb and in its peculiar ability to survive deletion of a negative element
(such as n:hiø or Vy:a ) without reversal of meaning:
11. j:m:al: ki
m:j:al: ( n:hiø
) j:að j:ij:i j:an: ki
j:aen:b: G:Ürkr dðK:ð !
'How dare Jamal stare at Jiji Jan!'
'But he never so much as
asked for a single paisa for anything he did!'
'How dare she set foot inside my
2. m:ar
K:aO eb:n:a n:hiø m:an:t:a H Without V-ing.
3. rha
n:hiø j:at:a H Passive of incapacity
4. b:n:aO
n: b:n:ð H Paired
verbs and incapacity.
5. j:an:ð ka n:am: n:hiø l:ðt:a
H Empahtic
To index of grammatical notes.