Notes on Countries of the World
- Summarizes each country's history, economy, and foreign policy
- Updated on a staggered basis every few years
- The latest edition of the paper copy is in the Map Library as
CIA World
- Brief information about a country's population, ethnicity, politics, and
- The corresponding paper copy is in Doc.Cen. G 122
Gazetteer of the World
- Dictionary of places and place names, including cities, bridges,
maritime or geological features, states, provinces
- Each entry provides detailed information on the place, its history,
and current economy as appropriate
- Search by place name, type of place or keyword
- Brief identification of the 53 British Commonwealth countries with information on their society, history, geography, and politics
- Links to official government web pages
Commercial Guides (State Dept)
- Economic and political factors for U.S. citizens exporting to various
- Includes laws, contacts, key imports and exports
- Choose name of country and report type country commercial guides from the main menu
Country Briefings
(Economist Intelligence Unit)
- Brief economic and economic policy forecasts
- Summary economic data for past four years (GDP, unemployment,
consumer prices)
- Lengthier summary of recent political history
- Current exchange rates
- More extensive analysis (country reports, country surveys, risk data, cost of food) are available to UMich Users through EIU campus license
Country Profiles
- Arranged by country with links to newspapers, profiles, government
agencies and statistics as well as economic,
demographic, and environment reports
- Sources primarily include US and international documents, such as the
IMF country reports or FAO special studies
Go Global
- Calculate distances and compare time between major world cities
- National holidays for the current month
- Voltage and power converter requirements in various
- Use the links on the lefthand side of the screen
Abstracts (UMich Only)
- Indexes 2000 journals on world history since 1450 (excluding U.S. and
Development Report (UNDP)
- Web version summarizes regional and country statistics on economic,
social, and educational development
- Each annual version focuses on an individual topic
- 1995 issue addressed gender equality
- 1997 issue carried poverty statistics by country with additional data
on life expectancy, literacy, and per capita gross domestic product
- 2001 on technology and 2006 on the global water crisis
- Paper copy (Doc. Cen. HD 72 .H92) carries murder, rape, drug crime, and
prisoner statistics for
selected industrialized countries appear in the statistical appendix
eHRAF Collection of Ethnography (UMich Only)
- Books and articles on cultures of the world
- Texts converted by the UMich Humanities Text Initiative on an
on-going basis
- Search by simple keyword, Boolean logic, or Outline of World Cultures
Internet Country Guides
- Guides to 15 Third World countries where ethnicity has spawned conflict
- Countries include Chechnya and Russia, Burundi, Myanmar, India, Pakistan
- Includes annotated links to governmental and non-governmental
organizations addressing the conflict, news sources, and e-mail
International Network Information
Centers (UTexas)
- Sections on Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Russia/Eastern Europe
- Considerable background information on individual countries
- Includes references to discussion and newsgroups
Libary of Congress Country Studies
- Extensive discussion of a country's social, economic, defense, and
foreign relations policy
- For approximately 71 countries
- For additional printed reports, consult MIRLYN with a search: (name
of country} and "country study"
- Previously known as Army Area Handbooks
MSU Global
- Database of countries of the world
- Information includes history, socio-economic data, languages, and
travel information
- State Department and CIA publications supply the backbone but country
information includes unique links to business and travel information
- Searchable by country, theme, resource type, and
- Worldwide population characteristics, including race, religion, access
to sanitation
- Maps and detailed information about individual countries including
links to government agencies, major newspapers, sports, city populations,
time zones, flags
- Currency converters and international airport codes
Decorations and Medals
- Military and civilian medals awarded by individual
on the Web (IPU)
- List of all countries with a parliamentary system
- Links to their web sites if available
- PARLIN provides basic parliamentary and
electoral information (e.g. constituencies, voter qualifications) for all
countries as well as the latest election results (voter turnout;
statistics on elected officials by party, profession, sex, and age;
textual analysis
Peace Corps
- Summary of Peace Corps activities in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin
America, Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean
- Summarizes the agricultural, environmental, economic, educational,
and health situations in each region
- Links to information about individual countries
Department Travel Advisories
- Includes health, crime, potential conflict, and embassy
information for travellers
- Revised periodically as needed

State and Cabinet Ministers (CIA)
- Quarterly list of officials arranged by foreign country
1945- (Univ.Basque Country)
- Lists rulers of individual countries, 1945 to the present
- Arranged by country with the name, office, dates of term, regime
(civilian/military) or party membership
- Related data bases include contemporary women leaders,
African rulers, and heads of state dying under suspicious
Obituary (Univ. of the Basque Country)
- Brief death notices for major political leaders throughout the world
- Arranged by year and month, 1990 to present
- Index is in English; entries are in Spanish
- Chronological list of rulers and primary ministers arranged by
country or international agency
- Provides dates in office as well as birth and death dates
- Essentially begins during the early 19th Century

Information on the Web
- Links to web sites by and about foreign
- Foreign policy usually found on the web pages of
the Head of State as well as defense and trade agencies
Additional Sources of Foreign
Government Policy
- Background
Notes on Countries of the World
- Politics, foreign policy, human rights, history, economic and
demographic information from U.S. State Department
- Country
Economic Policy and Trade Practices
- Economic statistics and foreign trade practices
- Annual publication of U.S. State Department
- Updated through January 20, 2001; further updates at State Department website
- Embassies
- Foreign web sites in various countries
- International Relations
- Peace and conflict networks, simulations, treaties, international
think tanks
- Newspapers
- Includes foreign newspapers and U.S. sources, such as World News
Connection and Open Media
- Military
- Correlates of war, military expenditures, strength of armed forces
- Periodicals
- Several scholarly political science periodicals provide the lead
article in the current issue
- United Nations
- Speeches not available on the Internet but often the text of draft
letters and UN press releases often reflect developments
United States Foreign Policy
- Historical and current sources
- President as well as defense, intelligence, state, and trade agencies
- Includes books, articles, news, peace networks

- Annual country reports on human rights practices
- Multiple investigations for individual countries
Report on International Religious Freedom (State
- Extensive country reports on religious rights
- Includes percent of religious adherents, outbreaks of violence
- Government laws protecting religious freedom
- Updated through January 20, 2001; further updates at State Department website
Bibliography for
Research On International Human Rights Law
- Extensive bibliography of paper, electronic and Internet sources
- Covers treaties case law, research guides, periodicals, and country
Reports on Human Rights Practices
- State Department annual report on human rights violations in individual
countries beginning 1993
- Annotated links to 1500 organizations fighting racism around the
- Primarily arranged by country
For the
- Summary of human reports reports given by individual countries to the
United Nations
- Hot links to the full text
- Part of the Human Rights
Migration Online
- Special reports on forced migration
- Covers causes and repatriation issues, such as property laws
- Gendercide is the extermination of one sex (e.g. men of fighting age,
women of child-bearing age, etc.)
- Detailed case studies of 20th Century
gendercide incidents
- Current news articles
Human and Constitutional
Rights (Columbia University)
- Links to foreign national web sites on human rights (e.g. Supreme
Courts, human rights watch groups)
- Links to international and regional organizations monitoring human rights
- Human rights treaties
Human Rights on the
Internet (ACRL)
- Annotated bibliography of human rights activist sources on the Internet
- Includes Meta sites, annual surveys and lsits
Human Rights Watch
- Full text of country reports on human rights in various
- Breaking news and background reports
- Web site includes search engine
- Last updated January 25, 1997
Rights Web
- Extensive guide to human rights organizations, databases, and
newsgroups worldwide
- Includes inter-governmental and private web sites and
- Web site for 150 of the world's relief, development and refugee
assistance agencies
- Links to information on refugees and disaster relief
- News items, such as the status of foreign aid bills, Kurdish refugees
- Description of the American Council for Voluntary Action's humanitarian
International Freedom of
Expression Clearing House
- Searchable data base of 4500 action alerts and news items on freedom
of expression abuses in various countries
Internet in
the MidEast and North Africa: Free Expression and Censorship (Human
Rights Watch)
- A 1999 report examining the laws and censorship in Iraq, Jordan,
Kuwait, Qatar, Tunisia and Yemen
- Policy recommendations
Freedom Online (Committee to Protect Journalists)
- Approximately 2000 short reports on harassment of journalists worldwide
- Reports include name, country, harasser, and type (imprisonment,
censored, etc)
- Searchable by data, country, region, news organization
- Individual reports for 50 countries on privacy issues and laws
- Extensive material on general privacy issues, including Freedom of
Information, national ID cards, electronic money, electronic
And workplace surveillance
Rights (UNESCO)
- Religious rights provisions of individual national constitutions
- International treaties with religious rights provisions
- Bibliography of sources and discussion groups
United Nations High Commissioner for
- "Refworld" is an extensive, searchable data base of United Nations,
legal, treaty, and statistical information on refugees
- "Refworld" also includes "Country" reports with descriptive
text on the status of refugees by country as well as statistics
- Information about the UNCHR and its publications, news
releases, and documentaries
States Committee for Refugees
- Annual reports and statistics about refugees by country
- Glossary of terms and links to refugee service organizations
Women 2000:
Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the 21st
- Web site of the Special UN General Assembly Session of June 2000,
known as "Beijing +5"
- Progress and obstacles to women's progress in health, poverty,
safety, education, economics
- Country reports from government and non-government sources
- Links to UN web sites on improving the status of women
University of
Minnesota Human Rights Library
- International human rights treaties arranged by subject and
searchable by keyword
- United States human rights laws, speeches, reports, and historical
- International refugee and asylum information
Human Rights Resources (Univ.Toronto)
- Treaties, conventions and web links to resources on women's rights
around the world
- Subjects include education, genital mutiliation, girls, housing,
health, marriage, slavery, and violence
- Carefully annotated

Gazetteer of the World
- Dictionary of places and place names, including cities, bridges,
maritime or geological features, states, provinces
- Each entry provides detailed information on the place, its history,
and current economy as appropriate
- Search by place name, type of place or keyword
Google Maps
- Detailed physical and geopolitical maps of the world
- Use frame in lower righthand side to navigate
- Can switch to and from geographic to satellite view
Map-Related Web Sites (Univ.Texas)
- City, state, and country maps from around the world
- Historical and weather maps
- Reference section includes gazetteers, distance locators, and time
zone maps
Anthems of the
- Audio of national anthems using Midi
- Text of national anthems available selectively in English and/or
native language
Flags of
the World
- Large color illustrations of national flags

News Media
- Links to newspapers from around the world
- Information on Foreign Broadcast Information Service/World News Connection translations
- United States radio broadcasts (Voice of America, Open Media)
- U.S. media coverage of world events
- Political parties and political issues from around the world
- Election web sites, world-wide election calendars, and election news
- International sources with world-wide statistical coverage
- Primarily demographics and economics
- Additonal sources found under Statistical Resources on the Web (UMich)
- International
- Annotated links to web sites explaining the tax codes of individual
- Limited list of countries but web sites often provide good
information in English
- Taxman
- Extensive links to the finance ministries and taxation web sites of
individual countries
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