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Statistical Resources on the Web
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Statistics >
Last updated on August 29,
United States
- Annual
Review of Sociology
- Searchable abstracts of the periodical from its first volume in 1975 through the most recent edition
- Abstracts may indicate availability of data in the full text
- The last 10 years of the paper copy are located in Graduate Library Reference Room: HM 1. A625
- The first twelve editions (1975-1987) can be found in the Social Work Library using the same call number
- Urban Institute Databases
- Includes the following databases: Federal Justice Statistics Resource Center, International Actvities Center Project Database, Marriage Calculator, National Center for Charitable Statistics Dataweb, National Survey of America's Families, TANF Typologies Database, Transfer Income Model, and the Welfare Rules Database
- Includes links to Urban Institute publications on various topics, including: census, crime statistics, demographics, employment/income data, family structure and composition, federal statistics, health statistics, household surveys, neighborhood indicators, and nonprofit statistics
- Best
Places to Live (Money Magazine)
- Ranks 300 cities to live by economy, health, crime,
housing, education, weather,leisure, transit, arts
- Arranged by ranking
- City pages include a description and relocation information as well
as statistical data on the quality of life and the cost of living
- Interactive interface permits the user to create own
- Top 100 lists are also available for big cities, cities, states, high incomes, pricey homes, affordable homes, job growth, fast commutes,hottest, most singles, youngest populations, skinniest, cleanest air
- A drop down menu at the top of the web page allows you to view cities ranked in 2005, 2006, and 2007
- Computer-Assisted
Survey (UC-Berkeley)
- Data sets from the 1972-2008 General Social Survey,
National Election Survey, and 1991 National Health
Interview Survey
- Data may be manipulated on-line
- Quick start instructions for the initiate:
- Choose Demonstration Survey Data Archive
- Choose the survey you would like and the "browse"
option; start
- Choose "Alphabetical Variable List"
- Choose your variables and write down their corresponding code names
- Go back to the original screen and choose "run crosstabulations;" start
- Imagine the output as a spreadsheet and type in the desired vertical
and horizontal code names; also choose output as statistics or
- Example of General Social Survey
- Percentage of Protestants who
strongly agree with death penalty
- In "run crosstabulations," type in "deathpen" as vertical
and "relig" as horizontal; check off percentaging as vertical;
run the table
- Example of American National
Election Studies
- Data.Gov
- Pan-government web site for microdata (raw, uncalculated data) produced by the
major statistical-producing agencies
- Searchable by keyword and/or category, agency, and file type (xml, csv,
kml/kmz, esri, and other)
- As of June 2009, this is a fledgling web site with 204 data files, primarily
from the Environmental Protection Agency and Internal Revenue Service; expansion
- Data on the
- Searchable and browsable data base of approximately 800 numeric data
sites, data archives, catalogs, and commercial vendor web sites
- All entries are annotated and provide direct links to the web
- Demography and Housing (UMich)
- 2000 and 1990 U.S. Census data on population characteristics and housing
- Census mapping; Census updates
- Population studies centers; indexes to demographic articles and reports
- International population data
- FedStats
- Comprehensive listing to statistical programs of over 90 federal
government agencies
- The left column allows users to search for specific statistical tables by topic and geographic location
- The right column allows users to search for statistics by agency name and agency focus
- The website also has a "Statisitical Refernece Shelf," which provides links to major statistical government publications that are available online
- General
Social Survey (ICPSR, NORC, UC-Berkeley)
- Annual survey since 1972 of public opinion and lifestyle
- Covers poverty, religion, contraceptive use, opinion on foreign affairs
- ICPSR site provides background on survey as well as printed
publications resulting from the survey
- Primary data extraction available from ICPSR and UC-Berkeley
- Institute
for Innovation in Social Policy
- The Index of Social Health measures U.S. socio-economic and
health statistics, poverty, suicide, health
insurance coverage, over time
- A separate arts and culture index provides data on adult and child
participation in reading, theater, and related arts
- Inter-University Consortium
for Political & Social Research
- Catalog and index to ICPSR's archival holdings of demographic,
economic, health, and political machine readable data tapes
- National
Archive of Computerized Data on Aging is publicly accessible
but must be manipulated by user
- National Archive of
Criminal Justice provides user-friendly data manipulation
- Choose Data Analysis System
- Choose the survey you would like and the
"browse" option; start
- Choose "Alphabetical Variable List"
- Choose your variables and write down their corresponding code names
- Go back to the original screen and choose "run crosstabulations;" start
- Imagine the output as a spreadsheet and type in the desired vertical
and horizontal code names; also choose output as statistics or
- Example of National Household Drug Survey
- Time since last alcoholic beverage by 11 age groups
- In "run crosstabulations," type in "agecat3" as
vertical and "al03" as horizontal; check off percentaging as horizontal;
run the table
- Henry A. Murray Research Center/Archive(Harvard & MIT)
- Data base of 200 sociological surveys spanning the human lifetime
- Ranges from causes of juvenile delinquency to participation in the
women's movement to mental health over generations
- Approximately one third of the files have abstracts which provide
methodology, data, and a bibliography of related studies
- Older Americans 2008 : Key indicators of Well-Being
- Tables on population, economics, health status, health risks, and
health care for persons 65+ on a national level
- Most data is mid-1990s with some historical figures back to 1950
- Charts supplemented by spreadsheets in HTML and Excel format
- Older editions: 2006, 2004, and 2002
- Sociometrics
- Catalog of data archives on sociology, psychology, health, education,
disability, American family, and the elderly
- Web links to Internet sources of sociological data
- The University of Michigan's membership includes access to 300 data
sets, which may be downloaded on the web or extracted using the
CD-ROMS at the Social Work Library
- State of the Nation's
Cities (Rutgers)
- Nearly 15,000 demographic, employment, housing, income, poverty,
health, social, and environmental indicators for 77 American cities
- Data is compressed and can be downloaded for a DOS-based or MacIntosh
- Files can be opened in Excel, dbase IV, LOTUS, and SAS
- Technical Documentation
- Data
Dictionary with list of variables
User provides the textual report and graphs
- Statistical
Abstract of the United States
- Compendium of government and non-government statistics, primarily on
the national and state levels
- Population and vital statistics, health, economics, education,
manufacturing, natural resources, transportation, and U.S. Industrial
Outlook (production and foreign trade by four-digit SIC for past six years)
- Full text available in Adobe Acrobat format
- State rankings and state/county profiles in HTML format
- The full text of Statistical Abstract is available in most University
of Michigan campus libraries as HA 202
- For earlier editions, see the following link
- Statistical
Universe (UMich Only)
- Indexes and abstracts federal government statistics since 1974;
business, association and state government data since 1980, and
international agencies since 1983
- Access through the Statistical Sources menu
- Delimiters include Boolean operators and numerous proximity
indicators, frequency, and comparative data (by city, by foreign
country, by age, by disease)
- Sample Search: population projections and by
- About 15% of the abstracts link to full text
- For items not hot-linked:
- Write down abstract number (e.g. ASI 1997 9391-7) and bring to
the Documents Center for the microfiche version
- Consult Statistical Universe
Guide for various web searching alternatives
and a Slide
Show for further details
- Thematic
Maps (Census Bureau)
- Create maps at the state to census block group level for the 1990
and 2000 Summary Files 1 and 3
- Includes selected variables such as population density, ancestry,
income, poverty
- Map output in gif format only
Counties, 2007 (Census Bureau)
- 1980-2000 Population and housing variables (age, ancestry, race, earnings, education,households, housing,
income, and poverty for each county in the nation with some updates from
the Current Population Survey and American Community Survey
- 1977-2002 economic census data (agriculture, banking, building permits, business paterns, labor force, manufacturing, wholesale trade, retail
trade, service industries) as well as government employment and finance
- Non-Census data includes federal funds, current employment data from
the Bureau of Labor Statistics, crime, election data through 1996, health,
Security beneficiaries, veterans, water use, and vital statistics (births, marriages, deaths
- Data may be retrieved for an individual county only
- Annual
Review of Sociology
- Searchable abstracts of the periodical from its first volume in 1975 through the most recent edition
- Abstracts may indicate availability of data in the full text
- The last 10 years of the paper copy are located in Graduate Library Reference Room: HM 1. A625
- The first twelve editions (1975-1987) can be found in the Social Work Library using the same call number
- Demography and Housing (UMich)
- 2000 and 1990 U.S. Census data on population characteristics and housing
- Census mapping; Census updates
- Population studies centers; indexes to demographic articles and reports
- International population data
- Global
Urban Indicators Database (UN Center for Human Settlements)
- Detailed socioeconomic indicators for 237 cities in 110 countries,,
mostly in the Third World
- Data includes poverty level and percent in poverty, family income
distribution, per capital gross city product (under health), size of
school classrooms, per capita murder rates, home ownership,
land use
- Data in pdf and text formats
- Works with Internet Explorer only
- Human
- Ranks countries by life expectancy, literacy, education and GDP
- Compares women's rankings with men's
- Human
Development Report (UNDP)
- Web version summarizes regional and country statistics on economic,
social, and educational development
- Each annual version focuses on an individual topic
- 1995 issue addressed gender equality
- 1997 issue carried poverty statistics by country with additional data
on life expectancy, literacy, and per capita gross domestic product
- 1998 issue carries a human development index (life expectancy,
literacy, education and GDP) with data by sex and women in managerial or
parliamentay positions
- 1999 covers globalization and the quality of life
- Paper copy (Doc. Cen. HD 72 .H92) carries murder, rape, drug crime, and
prisoner statistics for
selected industrialized countries appear in the statistical appendix
- Info
Nation (UN)
- Current statistics on 185 countries
- Thirty-seven variables include: population, life expectancy,
fertility, school enrollment, illiteracy, homicides, motor vehicles, GDP
and labor force
- Carbon dioxide emissions, threatened species, and energy consumption
are among the environmental data
- Separate section on Twenty-One
Cities of the World focuses on population and
- International
Population Data Base (Census Bureau)
- Summary vital statistics data for all countries, 1996 and 2000 as
well as mid-year estimates, 1950-2020
- Additional data on marital status, ethnic origin, religion,
literacy, labor force, income and poverty
- Data may be downloaded directly or viewed via a spreadsheet
- Display
Mode provides a user-friendly pull-down menu for viewing on
the screen
- Inter-University Consortium
for Political & Social Research
- Catalog and index to ICPSR's archival holdings of demographic,
economic, health, and political machine readable data tapes
- Links to U.S., international, and foreign data archives
- Organizational information about ICPSR and its summer
- Poverty Net
Data (World Bank)
- Numerous studies and reports on poverty
- Links to wealth as measured by the Gini coefficient
- Links to international governmental and non-governmental, regional,
and social work organizations
- Links to social and economic development web sites arranged by
subject (e.g. population, housing, culture, employment) as well as social
services available
- Reference tools for social workers in the field of
international development, including maps, flags, contacts, and
travel information
- Statistical data among the links
- Social
Indicators (United Nations)
- Brief country data on youth and the elderly, cities, housing, water
supply, income, health, education, literacy and unemployment
- Statistical
Universe (UMich Only)
- Indexes and abstracts federal government statistics since 1974;
business, association and state government data since 1980, and
international agencies since 1983
- Delimiters include Boolean operators and numerous proximity
indicators, frequency, and comparative data (by city, by foreign
country, by age, by disease)
- Sample Search: population projections and by
- About 15% of the abstracts link to full text
- For items not hot-linked:
- Write down abstract number (e.g. ASI 1997 9391-7) and bring to
the Documents Center for the microfiche version
- Consult Statistical Universe
Guide for various web searching alternatives
and a Slide
Show for further details
- World Values
- Comprehensive surveys of the six continents conducted since 1981
- Measures social values (e.g. religion, democracy, respect for
authority, sense of well-being, politics, leisure
- Web site has sample questionnaires, summary results, and articles
issued as a result of the survey
- Indicators on Women and Men (UN)
- Country data on women's education, employment, mortality, AIDS, and
marital status
- International
Year of Older Persons(United Nations)
- The UN has declared 1999 as the International Year of Older Persons
- Web site delineates conceptual and implementation principles
- Planned activities of international inter-governmental and
non-governmental organizations
- Suggestions for national activities
- Brief statistics on the world's older population
- National Aging Information
- Statistical profiles of the aging population, projections, and health
- Links to statistical reports from other federal agencies, including
the Census Bureau, on aging
- National Archive
of Computerized Data on Aging (ICPSR/National Institute on
- Original survey data on aging since the 1950s for manipulation with
SAS or SPSS and their corresponding codebooks
- Subjects include health, race, socioeconomic characteristics and
attitudes for the United States and other countries
- Files in compressed and uncompressed format
- Most require ICPSR institutional membership to access but selected
files are available to the public
- Social
Security Administration
- Facts and Figures on Social Security, SSI Recipients by State and
County, World Social Security Programs, data on the aged
- Data can be searched by subject, date, title, and type
- Files in ASCII, GIF, or PDF format
- Site includes a section on recently released data, reports, research, and analysis
- Statistical
Information on Aging (AOA)
- Current profile of aging population (demographic
characteristics, health, income)
- Population projections to 2050
- Estimates of state population, 60+
- Annotated links to Administration on Aging and other
federal sources of statistical information
- See also Domestic
- Child
Abuse and Neglect Statistics (Child Welfare Information
- Congressionally mandated report on the incidence level of child abuse and neglect in the U.S.
- National Data Analysis System (Child Welfrare League of America)
- Project aimed at providing accurate data for better policy decissions in regard to child welfare
- Data is broken down into eleven categories, including: administrative data, adoption, child abuse and neglect, child abuse and neglect fatalities, child care services, children's health, fiscal data, juvenile data, outcomes, out of home care, and population data
- Also state profiles and state data trends
- The website provides a data dictionary, which provides useful definitions for researchers
- Includes links to a number of government agencies that have provided the information
- Kids Count(The Annie E. Casey Foundation)
- State and national data on child poverty, children living with working parents, salaries of clid care workers, and immunizations
- State rankings on childhood death, crime, and poverty since 1985
- Similar data for large metropolitan areas
- Child Care Data (DHHS)
- Child Care and Development Fund Statistics (1998-2006), including: number of families/children served, number of child care providers that receive CCDF funds,reasons for child care, and expenditures for children in day care
- Child Care and Development Fund Expenditures (1999-2005)
- State Child Care Statistics (NCCIC)
- Website includes "publications, data tables, and links to data sources on topics concerning early care, education, and after school programs"
- Types of Resources menu also provides further details about federal, state, territory, and other geographic local information on obtaining licenses, licensed practitioners,and funding.
- Child Care Statistics (U.S. Census)
- Data from the Suvey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) are arranged in tabels focusing on child care costs and arrangements
- A variety of reports and tables are available as far back as 1977
- Child
Support (Census Bureau)
- Selected tables since 1994 on child support received and not paid by
gender, race, and education of custodial parent
- HTML and pdf formats
- The Office of Child Support Enforcement (DHHS)
- This web page provides a number of publications that provide statistics on child support
- Administration for
Children and Families (U.S.)
- Statistics/Data Link (under Policy/Planning heading) provides a number of good statistical resources for researchers
- Press Releases (in the right hand column of the page provide information about the latests data releases
- Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (Labor Dept.)
- Web page provides links to a number of publications that include statistical information about child employment
- By the Sweat and Toil of Children 2000
- Initiatives to eliminate child labor internationally
- Includes country statistics on child labor and an evaluation of
- Census
- Guide to Census Bureau statistics on children
- Child
Development Supplement (UMich Survey Research Center)
- Special surveys of mental and health development of children, 0-12
- Studies on the use of time by children and their parents
- Bibliography of reports, some on the web
- Additional data files in compressed format include caregivers,
fathers, children, and teachers' time use
- Supplements the Panel Study on Income Dynamics
- Child
Welfare Outcomes (DHHS)
- Detailed state data on children who have come in contact with the
child welfare system
- Child maltreatment data by child's age, race, and type of maltreatment
- Children in foster care
- Children adopted by age or race
- Outcomes data is not consistently reported but may include reduction
in adoption time, permanence of foster care, reduction in the
recurring abuse
- Data by CDF Division (Children's Defense Fund)
- National and state data on demographic and economic characteristics
- Child abuse, welfare payments, poverty, health problems, child care,
homicides, suicides, and teen birth rate
- Childstats
- Federal inter-agency web site about statistics on children
- Key indicators of child well-being (population, economic, health,
substance abuse, blood lead)
- Special topics, such as fatherhood data
- List of government contacts by subject and agency
- Grandparents
and Grandchildren (Census Bureau)
- National data on households headed by grandparents with
and without the presence of parents
- Characteristics of grandparents include age, education, race, income,
poverty and employment
- Data for 1970, 1980, 1990 and 1997
- Percent of households headed by grandparents for states, 1990
- Statistical tables, working papers, and pdf report
- State and national data on child poverty, children living with
working parents, salaries of child care workers, immunizations
- State rankings on childhood death, crime, and poverty since 1985
- Similar data for large metropolitan areas
- Kids
Days (Public Agenda)
- Public opinion poll on adult attitudes toward children
- 1999 survey shows disappointment with youth values
- Teens are optimistic
- Report includes graphs and explanatory material
- Progress for Children (UNICEF)
- Progress of Nations
- Annual report with country statistics on social indicators for women
and children
- Each issue has slightly different focus
- Last issue was 2000
- Progress of Nations,
- Focus on health issues and AIDS
- Last of the series
- Progress of Nations,
- Features a new Child Risk Measure based on
mortality, malnutrition, war, schooling, and AIDS with country rankings
- Focus of this issue on external debt and its affect on children
- Progress of Nations,
- Focus on the civil rights of children
- Data on birth registration, teen pregnancy, AIDS, health and
education benefits
- Progress of Nations,
- Primary emphasis on water and sanitation
- Country data on access to sanitation, fertility and mortality,
nutrition, AIDS, and per capita GNP
- Progress of Nations,
- Emphasis on the condition of women
- Country statistics on children include age, mortality rate,
nutrition, immunization, and education
- Maternal mortality rates and female mutilation cases by
- State of the
World's Children (UNICEF)
- Annual report with different emphasis each year
- State of the
World's Children 2009
- Titled: Maternal and Newborn Health
- State of the World's Children - 2008
- Titled "Women and Children - Child Survival
- State of the World's Children - 2007
- Titled "Women and Children - The double dividend of gender equality"
- State of the World's Children - 2006
- Titled "Excluded and Invisible"
- State of
the World's Children - 2005
- State of the World's
Children - 2004
- State of the World's
Children - 2003
- Children's opinions matter
- State of the World's
Children - 2002
- Review of progress and lack thereof since the World Children's Summit
of 1990
- Need for leadership
- State of the World's
Children - 2001
- Focus on birth through age 3
- State of the World's
Children - 2000
- Calls for leadership in resolving children's problems
- Country data on births, deaths, nutrition, health, education,
demography, economics, women, and rates of progress
- State of the World's
Children - 1999
- Focus on education and illiteracy
- Country data on both topics, demographics, economics and health
- PDF and gopher (plain text) versions
- State of the World's
Children - 1998
- Country data on child nutrition for developed and developing countries
- Additional country data on demographics, economics, and the status of
- State of the World's
Children - 1997
- Short reports with brief statistics on child labor
- State of
the World's Children - 1996
- Country statistics on child vital statistics, health, education, and
economics, 1960+
- Available in several formats and also downloadable
- Trends in the
Well-Being of America's Children and Youth (DHHS)
- National data on child population, economics and poverty, behavior,
health, and education
- Text with some graphs dating back to 1950
- Adobe Acrobat format only
- Youth Indicators, 2005
- Demographics, home environment, after-school activites,
values, and academic achievement of youth
- 1996 edition, 1993
- See also Children's
Health Insurance Program and Television Watching
Crime - Comprehensive Statistics |
Crime by Perpetrator |
Crime by Place |
Crime by Type |
Crime by Victim
Criminal Convictions |
Exonerations |
Prison Population |
Capital Punishment
- Criminal
Justice Abstracts (UMich Only)
- Indexes books, articles, and dissertations on crime and criminal justice
- Coverage since 1968 in Western European languages
- Searchable by
author, title, keyword, date, and language.
- Lengthy astracts summarize the articles and may include some
- National Criminal Justice
Reference Service
- Full text or summaries of federal, state, and local reports on crime,
courts, law enforcement, juvenile justice, and the victims of crime
- Statistics included in the reports although there are few statistical
Abstracts Database
- Indexes thousands of books, journal articles, and government reports
- Provides lengthy summaries
- Searchable by keyword (eg. domestic violence and workplace)
- Virtual
Library is a separate full-text data base
- Justice
Department Crime Statistics
- Crime, firearms, courts, prisoners, and victimization
- Describes on-line services and files available for ftp from the
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
- National Archive of
Criminal Justice provides user-friendly data manipulation
- Choose Data Analysis System
- Choose the survey you would like and the
"browse" option; start
- Choose "Alphabetical Variable List"
- Choose your variables and write down their corresponding code names
- Go back to the original screen and choose "run crosstabulations;" start
- Imagine the output as a spreadsheet and type in the desired vertical
and horizontal code names; also choose output as statistics or
- Example of National Household Drug Survey
- Time since last alcoholic beverage by 11 age groups
- In "run crosstabulations," type in "agecat3" as
vertical and "al03" as horizontal; check off percentaging as horizontal;
run the table
- State
and Metropolitan Area Data Book (Census Bureau)
- Updates 2000 Census on state and metropolitan area with data on
various population and housing characteristics.
- Includes data from non-Census sources, including medicaid, crime,
energy, schools, motor vehicles
- Entire file is approximately 3 MB in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format
- HTML files provide state and metropolitan area rankings on
population, births and deaths, housing starts, crime, energy, and
government grants
- Uniform Crime
Reports, 1995+ (FBI)
- Full text of national, state, and place (10,000+ population) in
Acrobat format
- Preliminary data for the nation and places of 100,000 or more in
(ASCII) format
- Uniform
Crime Reports, 1990-2002 (UVa)
- County level data on arrests and reported crimes by type of crime
- Arrests includes total, adult, and juvenile
- United States
Crime Statistics (Disaster Center)
- Annual data, 1960-2006, on types of crime for the U.S. and individual
- Columns include population, violent and property totals, murder,
rape, assault, robbery, burglary, larceny, and vehicle theft
- Separate tables on the crime index
- Bomb Arson Tracking System
- BATS requires patron to sign up for a username/password
- Arson and bombing incidents by type since 1991 for the nation and
- Includes targets, injuries and fatalities
- Church bombings beginning 1996 on a national level and
characteristics of perpetrators
- The U.S. Bomb Data
Center includes a few reports to
the President on Church Arsons (1997-2000) and incident reports
since 2000
- Carjackings in the
United States (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
- Data on carjackings, 1993-2002
- Includes characteristics of victims, how they defended selves,
time of day, and whether vehicle recovered
- Characteristics of carjacker and means used
- Carjackings in the United States, 1992-96 is also available
- Drugs
and Crime Facts (BJS)
- Data on drug use and circumstances behind a crime, drug use among
inmates, and public opinion
- Provides data and links to the full text of other Bureau of Justice
statistics reports
- Hate
Crime Statistics (FBI)
- Includes reports from 1995-2006
- National data on hate crimes by motivation, type of offense,
perpetrator, and victim
- Includes total number of incidents by state
- A microfiche version of the same title also provides
city data and is located in the Documents Center as
ASI Microfiche 6224-9
- Internet Crime
Complaint Center
- National and state data since 2001 on internet crime
- Includes number of cases, amount of money lost, characteristics of
the perpetrator and
- Infanticide
(Bureau of Justice Statistics)
- Brief data on infanticide (children under 5) by race of the victim
and perpetrator (mother, father, boyfriend, etc)
- Violence Policy
- Fact sheets on firearm violence and manufacturing
- Includes firearms production in U.S. since 1899
- Deaths from firearms by demographic characteristics and type
(unintentional, suicide, homicide)
- Bibliographies and summaries of policy issues
- See also Comprehensive Crime Statistics and Domestic Violence
- American Indians
and Crime Statistical Profile (BJS)
- Victims and perpetrators of crime by race, 1992-2002
- Data on circumstances and types of crime
- Concludes American Indian crime is more than twice the rate of the
remainder of the population
- Also see the1999 American Indians and Crime Report
- Gun Crime in
the Age Group 18-20 (Treasury, Justice)
- Short pdf report on gun possession, violent and non-violent crimes,
time-to-crime, and illegal weapons by juveniles 18-20
- Time series data and data for selected cities
- Updated by the Youth Crime Interdiction Report for 2000, the latest available
- Homicide
and Suicide Rates Associated with the Implementation of
the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention
- Article appearing in the Journal of the American Medical
Association (August 2, 2000)
- Compares the 32 states which implemented a waiting period to purchase
a gun versus those who had implemented a waiting period
prior to 1994
- Authors conclude that the Brady Law had no effect in curbing homicide
or suicide, except for the suicide of people 55+
- Homicide and suicide rates were already declining
- Infanticide
(Bureau of Justice Statistics)
- Brief data on infanticide (children under 5) by race of the victim
and perpetrator (mother, father, boyfriend, etc)
- National
Instant Criminal Background Check System (FBI)
- Laws and regulations regarding background checks for gun purchases
(Brady Bill)
- Statistics on gun permits denied
- Link to state laws on background checks
- Police Brutality
- National Data
Collection on Police Use of Force is a 1996 report
outlining the problem of collecting accurate data
- Use of Force
Police (BJS)
- Six short chapters describe what is known and unknown about the use
of police force
- Some statistics on the rate and circumstances appear in Chapter 3
- Text and pdf formats
- The report was issued in 1999
- Contacts between
the Police and Public, 2005 (BJS) has data on citizens who
felt excessive force was used against them at traffic stops by their
demographic characteristics
- Historic public opinion about police brutality appears in the
Public Opinion chapter of the Sourcebook of Criminal Justice
- The 1998 Human Rights Watch survey of policy brutality in 12
American cities is no longer available on the web or in paper
Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon General
- Report commissioned after the Columbine shooting
- Notes various causes for youth violence and effective
- Web site includes an executive summary, full report, and
Webcast of
an interview
- Youth
Violence Fact Sheets
- Current national level data on youth violence
- Description of risk and prevention factors
- See also Comprehensive Crime Statistics
- College and
University Campus Crime Statistics (Campus
- Campus crime by type of crime and university
- FBI and Chronicle of Higher Education are among sources
- Links to individual campus police web sites
- Numbeo
- Probably the most comprehensive tool for comparing the cost of living
in U.S. cities and cities abroad
- Choose two cities to compare housing, utilities, grocery foods,
restaurant meals, etc.
- Other sections of the web site include pollution, travel, crime,
traffic, health care
- Simply
Map (UMich Only)
- Displays and exports both data and maps of business and 1980-2000 Census data
for states, counties, cities, zip codes, census tracts and block groups
- Business variables include Quality of Life (crime, weather), types of
businesses, retail sales, consumer expenditures, consumer price index, and types of
households (young, middle age, old) by income
- Create workspace; choose highest level of geography; choose variables; choose
lowest level of geography; export image or data to your own workspace
- Sample search
for crime
- State
and Metropolitan Area Data Book (Census Bureau)
- Updates 2000 Census on state and metropolitan area with data on
various population and housing characteristics.
- Includes data from non-Census sources, including medicaid, crime,
energy, schools, motor vehicles
- Entire file is approximately 3 MB in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format
- HTML files provide state and metropolitan area rankings on
population, births and deaths, housing starts, crime, energy, and
government grants
- Workplace Crime
- Workplace Crime
- Detailed national summary of workplace crime by occupation, type of
workplace, type of violence, perpetrator and victim characteristics
- Covers 1993-1999
- ASCII and pdf formats with link to ICPSR codebooks and data
- Uniform Crime
Reports, 1995+ (FBI)
- Full text of national, state, and place (10,000+ population) in Adobe
Acrobat format
- Preliminary data for the nation and places of 100,000 or more in text
(ASCII) format
- See also Comprehensive Crime Statistics
- American Indians
and Crime Statistical Profile (BJS)
- Victims and perpetrators of crime by race, 1992-2002
- Data on circumstances and types of crime
- Concludes American Indian crime is more than twice the rate of the
remainder of the population
- Also see the1999 American Indians and Crime Report
- Crime and Victims
- National rates of criminal victimization with current trends by
victim characteristics and type of crime
- Tables, texts and graphs in various formats
- National level data only
- Infanticide
(Bureau of Justice Statistics)
- Brief data on infanticide (children under 5) by race of the victim
and perpetrator (mother, father, boyfriend, etc)
- National Center for Victims of Crime
- Criminal victimization, its cost, offender characteristics,
terrorisim, and long term effects on victim
- Similar data by type of crime: domestic violence, child abuse, elder
abuse, hate crimes, workplace crimes
- Data taken from various U.S. government agencies
- Sourcebook of
Criminal Justice Statistics
- Detailed statistics on criminal offenses and arrests, the criminal
justice system, judicial processing of offenders, and corrections
- Most data is available at a national level only
- Each chapter has a table of contents but is also searchable
- Data appears solely in Adobe Acrobat
- Status
Report on Youth Curfews in America's Cities (US Conference of
- Survey of 347 cities with youth curfews, conducted in 1997
- Lists name of city, type of curfew, and effectiveness in reducing
- Not updated as of 2008
- See also Comprehensive Crime Statistics
Trac (Syracuse University)
- Historical and current data on FBI operations (personnel, referrals,
convictions, length of prison sentence)
- Requires free registration
- Federal Justice
Statistics Resource Center (Urban Institute)
- Interactive database for manipulating data on suspects and defendants
in federal criminal justice cases
- Use data dictionary to determine court characteristics, stage in
criminal process, and type of offense
- May require time to understand program
- Sourcebook of
Criminal Justice Statistics
- Detailed statistics on criminal offenses and arrests, the criminal
justice system, judicial processing of offenders, and corrections
- Most data is available at a national level only
- Each chapter has a table of contents but is also searchable
- Data appears solely in Adobe Acrobat
- See also Comprehensive Crime Statistics
- Innocence
- Number of prisoners exonerated (found guiltless) by type of evidence
(DNA/non-DNA), crime, state, and reasons for the wrongful conviction
(false confessions misidentification, etc.)
- Includes summary of case and whether the real perpetrator was
- National
Registry of Exonerations (UMich)
- Reports over 1500 prisoners whose convictions were overturned since
- Provides name, sex, race and age of person, type of crime, when
convicted, the sentence, when exonerated and the reasons for
- State of the Bureau [of Prisons](DOJ)
- Data on total FEDERAL prisoners by security level, gender, race, ethnicity, age, citizenship, type of offense, sentence, and type of offense
- Total prison personnel breakdown by gender and race
- Directory of federal prisons with total staff and inmate population but no data on demographic characteristics of individual prisons
- Reports available from 1991-2006
- Census of Jails(DOJ)
- Combined data for prisoners held in JAILS OPERATED BY COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS (and 11 federal prisons operating as jails) with demographics by STATE but not individual prison
- Includes information on facility characteristics, including: number of jails, facility ratings, % of occupancy, 25 largest jail jurisdictions, staff characteristics, facility health services, facility programs
- Includes information on inmate characteristics, including: average daily population, gender breakdown, percentage of juveniles in local jails, conviction status, race, and hispanic origin
- Paper copy of the 1978 Census of Jails is available in Hatcher Graduate Library (HV 7565 1978.C46 1981)
- Census of State and Federal Correctional Facilities (DOJ)
- Facilities, inmates, programs, and staff of STATE and FEDERAL correctional facilities throughout the Nation, and of private correctional facilities housing State or Federal inmates.
- STATE-level data are presented on facility, inmate, and staff characteristics, as well as facility programs
- No data for individual institutions
- Census of State and Federal Correctional Facilities, 1995 is also available electronically
- National demographic data and total prison population for states updated annually by Prisoners in the United States and Prisoners at Midyear
- Correctional
Populations of the United States (BJS)
- Electronic reports available from 1993 to 1998
- Prisoners sentenced by federal, state and local courts by age, sex,
race or type of crime
- Probation, parole, death penalty, and military corrections data
- Earlier paper copies are available in Buhr (HV 8311.A49B) and Hatcher (HV 9465.C672)
- More recent data found in Prisoners in the United States
- Not
of My Sentence (Amnesty USA)
- Sourcebook of
Criminal Justice Statistics
- Detailed statistics on criminal offenses and arrests, the criminal
justice system, judicial processing of offenders, and corrections
- Most data is available at a national level only
- Each chapter has a table of contents but is also searchable
- Data appears solely in Adobe Acrobat
- State and Federal
Corrections Information Systems (BJS)
- Report analyzing government capability for monitoring prisoners and
- Outlines types of data collected
- Does not identify individual states collecting the data
- Adobe Acrobat and spreadsheet formats
- See also Comprehensive Crime Statistics
- Broken System: Error Rates in
- First
Report (Report
issued by the Columbia University Justice Project on June 12, 2000)
- Known as the Liebman Study
- Shows that 68% of death penalty verdicts were thrown out when appealed
- 7% of cases were let go
- Predominant cause is poor defense lawyers
- Rates states on death penalty errors
- Second
Report (Report issued
by the Columbia University Justice Project on February 11, 2002)
- Capital
Punishment Statistics (BJS)
- National data on executions since 1930 and current prisoners on
death row
- State by state executions for last 30 years and state law
- Race and sex data, reasons for execution
- Various formats: text, pdf, and spreadsheet
- Death
Penalty Information Center
- Executives by method and by state
- Laws of individual states and the number of people on death row by
race and gender
- Names of people executed since 1976
- Data on special topics: women, juveniles, the mentally retarded,
costs, race, and innocence
- Sourcebook of
Criminal Justice Statistics
- Prisoners on death row and prisoners released from death row
- Capital punishment data since 1930 by race, crime, and jurisdiction
(federal and state)
- Methods of capital punishment by state
- Information in Adobe Acrobat format
- Survey of the
Federal Death Penalty System (Dept. of Justice)
- Review decision to seek the death penalty in federal courts, 1988-2000
- Statistics on Justice Dept. attorneys to seek death penalty by race
of defendant and U.S. Attorney District
- See also Comprehensive Crime Statistics
- Human
Development Report (UNDP)
- National data on homicides and the prison population
selected industrialized countries appear in the statistical appendix
- Older printed editions also had data on rape and drug crime (Graduate Library HD 72 .H92)
- NationMaster
- Create graphs, maps, and country rankings for a very broad range of
social, economic and cultural statistics
- Subjects include individual crime, currency, sports, religion,
transportation, electoral system, budget, trade balance, health,
education, economics, marriage rate
- Countries may be ranked by region as well as worldwide from the top
100 to the bottom 5
- Sample: Papua-New Guinea has one of the lowest crime rates in the
world while Saudi Arabia has the largest car theft rate in the Middle
- If the database is not showing a specific facts or statistics for the group that you select, try to refresh the tab
- Numbeo
- Probably the most comprehensive tool for comparing the cost of living
in U.S. cities and cities abroad
- Choose two cities to compare housing, utilities, grocery foods,
restaurant meals, etc.
- Other sections of the web site include pollution, travel, crime,
traffic, health care
- Organized
Crime and Corruption Bibliographic Database (Nathanson Center/York
- Bibliographic data base of books, articles, and some web documents on
organized crime
- International in scope
- Includes numerous abstracts
- United Nations Interregional
Crime and Justice Research Institute
- Bibliographic data base of crime around the world
- Directory of criminological resources in 70 countries
- Publications is basically a directory of
print material but includes selected digital publications with
statistical data, such as criminal victimization by type of
crime in developing countries
- United Nations World
Crime Survey
- Data from the 1st-5th World Crime Surveys, 1970-94, downloaded in
zipped format
- ASCII, Lotus, or SPSS options
- Crime
by Country, 1990 is available in eye-legible format
- World Factbook of
Criminal Justice Systems (U.S. Justice Dept.)
- Criminal justice in individual countries throughout the world
- Includes classification of crimes, some crime statistics, reporting
structures, and laws
- Most recent data is 2002
- World
Prison Brief
(International Centre of Prison Studies)
- Number of prisons, prisoners, prison rates, percent female or foreign
- Data for individual countries
- Access by clicking on the Highest to Lowest link
- Printed sources include
International Crime
Statistics by the International Criminal Polic Organization
(Doc. Cen. HV 6208 .I57) and George Kurian's Illustrated Book
of World Rankings (Ref. Desk HA 155 .K871 1997)
- Bureau of
Justice Statistics
- Detailed press releases of the most recent criminal victimization
- Domestic
Violence Against Women and Girls (UNICEF, 2000)
- Brief statistics on domestic violence by selected countries
- Includes types of violence: selected abortions, beatings, genital
mutilation, incest
- Causes and health effects
- Legal solutions and nations which have introduced laws on violence
- Report is 424 K in pdf format; web site includes press release
- Full
Report of the Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against
Women (pdf)
- Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey and dated
November 2000
- Charts and tables on violence against both women and men by type of
violence, race, and age
- Shows almost half of children have been assaulted by an adult caregiver
- Victimization rate higher among men but consequences greater for women
- Intimate Partner
Violence, 2007 (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
- Assaults by former spouses, current boyfriends and girlfriends
- Breakdown by victim characterisitics, offender characteristics, circumstances, injury and treatment, victim assistance, and the demographics of individuals that provide reports to the police
- The 2001 Report and 1998 Report are also available online
- National
Elder Abuse Incidence Study (AOA)
- Text and data on incidence of elder abuse, neglect and
- Report released in 1998; national data only
- UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UNESCO)
- Statistical tables provide data for individual countries on education, science & technology, culture & communication, literacy, and demographics & social-economic characteristics
- The World Cultures Report is available in paper copy in the Documents Center as CB 430 .W78
- American Factfinder
- The most detailed ancestry data from the national to Census tract
- Use Data Sets and 2000 Census Summary File 4
- Ancestry of the
Population of the United States - 1990 (UC-Berkeley)
- National and state 1990 census data on detailed population ancestry
(e.g. Arab, Egyptian, Bulgarian, Latvian, Maltese)
- Cross variables include age, sex, housing, social and economic
characteristics, citizenship, nativity (foreign v. U.S. born)
- See American
Factfinder/Summary File 4 for 2000 data
- CIA World
- Brief information about a country's population, ethnicity, politics, and
- The corresponding paper copy is in Doc.Cen. G 122 .U56--Doc.Ref.
- Ethnologue
- Comprehensive dictionary to 6500 world languages
- Arranged by language and lists speakers per country
- Country data provides number of speakers per language, percentages of
religious groups, number of blind persons, and number of deaf
- National
Jewish Population Survey
- Report and powerpoint with summary statistics on Jewish education,
philanthropic giving, Jews in small communities, demographic
characteristics by region
- Special section on characteristics of Holocaust survivors
- Race
- Interracial Marriage
- Marriage,
Divorce, and Remarriage in the 1990s (Census Bureau)
- This 1992 report is one of the few official sources of information
on stepfamilies and blended families (p. 9-12)
- Current Population Report P23, no. 180
- National
Survey of America's Families (Urban Institute)
- Survey taken in Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York,
Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin in 1997
- Covers income, health, children, and adult measures
- Includes hard-to-find information, such as difficulty in paying the
rent, school extra-curricular activities, parental aggravation and
difficulty in making housing payments
- Data for the individual states and overall data with analysis
- See also Demographic
- Gambling Impact
Behavior Study
- Survey data on the prevalence of adult and youth gambling
- Social effects of gambling (e.g. divorce, criminal justice, health care)
- Demographic characteristics of gamblers
- Adobe Acrobat format
- National Gambling Impact
Study Commission
- Commission created by Congress in 1996 to study impact of gambling on
communities, crime, and individuals
- Research on-going but web site includes some studies with statistics,
especially regarding lotteries
- Final report details types of gambling, regulation, and
recommendations for controlling gambing in the future
- PDF format
- Estimates on the number of homeless in the United States and their
socio-demographic characteristics
- Each section cites further printed sources of information
- Data compiled by the National Coalition for the Homeless
- See Demographic
Statistics for additional data
- Humanitarian
Practice Network
- Links to international governmental and non-governmental agencies
providing humanitarian relief and disaster assistance (Red
- Also includes newsletter of relief efforts
- InterAction
- Web site for 150 of the world's relief, development and refugee
assistance agencies
- Links to information on refugees and disaster relief
- News items, such as the status of foreign aid bills, Kurdish refugees
- Description of the American Council for Voluntary Action's
- Office
of Disaster Assistance Reports (USAID)
- Reports since 1999 on natural and manmade disasters throughout the world
- Description of U.S. and international relief efforts
- American Immigration Law
- Some analysis of 2000 Census data
- American Laws
Regulating Immigration and Asylum
- Summary of laws passed since 1795
- Includes quotas, standards, literacy
- Center for Immigration
- Estimates on legal and illegal immigration to the United
- Social and economic data on immigrants
- Historical
on the Foreign Born Population of the United States (Census
- Resident foreign born population, 1850-1990
- Tables include country of birth, mother tongue, race, age and sex at
a national level
- Nativity data (foreign v. native born) for metropolitan areas,
counties, and 50 large urban areas
- Immigration
Data (Dept of Homeland Security)
- Migration Information Station
- Numerous news stories on migration trends around the world arranged by date and also by country
- Worldwide country and city immigration maps
- Historical and current U.S. immigration trends, including city data
- Individual state policies on immigration
- Historical immgration data sources:
- Historical Statistics of the United States, Section
C, covers 1820-1970 (Doc.Cen. HA 202 .A2 1976 v.1 - Ref. Desk)
- Statistical Abstract of the United States provides
more current annual figures (HA 202 - with latest ed. in
Documents Center--Ref. Desk)
- Detailed figures, 1819-1900, were published in the Reports of
the United States Immigration Commission, Vol. 3 (JV 6415
.A3 v.3 and S.Doc. 61/3, No. 756)
- The Graduate Library has the Annual Report of the
Immigration and Naturalization Service for 1896/97-1931/32 (JV 6414
.A3) and
1941/42-1977 (JV 6414 .A4) - all in Buhr
- Early 20th Century reports also appear in the Annual Report of the
Secretary of Labor in the Congressional
Universe (UMich Only)
- Reports of the Bureau of Immigration give admittance by country
- Reports of the Bureau of Naturalization give admissions by state but
not by original country of origin
- This was superseded by the Statistical Yearbook of
Immigration, various years from 1978-1993 (JV 6414.A4)
- Missing years beginning with the 1976 INS publications are
available on American Statistics Index microfiche, 1978 to
present, as 6264-2 (Documents Center)
- Immigration
Commission Reports (Stanford)
- Extensive data and analysis of immigrants plus their employment,
education, and children in the United States, 1907-1910
- Known as the Dillingham Commission
- Forty-one volume set also in the Graduate Library stacks, JV 6415
- See also Immigrants
and Their Children, 1920 by Niles
Carpenter (Grad JV 6455 .C296), Immigrants and Their
Children, 1850-1950 by E. J. Hutchinson (HB 2595 .H96), some of
the Historical
Census Volumes, and the Documents Center staff for IPUMS
data manipulation using PDQ Explore
- Pre-1820 Data
- State
- Rank states from best to worst using a series of pull-down menus
- Broad categories include crime, economics, education, health,
housing, immigration, labor, and demographics
- Some of the more "unusual data" includes the number of illegal
immigrants, electrocutions v. lethal injections, students scoring above
average on 4th grad math, alligator attacks and flu shots, and state
- Data can be illustrated with a bar graph, pie chart, or map (e.g.
map of states with the largest number of Albanian refugees
- Census of Population and
Housing, 1990
- Describes various paper, CD-ROM and web access to 1990 Census data
for the nation, states, counties, cities, and subcity areas
- Ancestry data appears in Summary Tape File 3, Tables 28-30
- Ethnologue
- Comprehensive dictionary to 6500 world languages
- Arranged by language and lists speakers per country
- Country data provides number of speakers per language, percentages of
religious groups, number of blind persons, and number of deaf
- International
Population Data Base (Census Bureau)
- Summary vital statistics data for all countries, 1996 and 2000 as
well as mid-year estimates, 1950-2020
- Additional data on marital status, means on contraception, ethnic
origin, religion, literacy, labor force, income and poverty
- Data may be downloaded directly or viewed via a spreadsheet
- Display
Mode provides a user-friendly pull-down menu for viewing on
the screen
- Monthly Vital Statistics
- Monthly national and state birth, death, marriage, and divorce figures
- Mortality statistics categorized by age/race/sex or disease on a
national level
- Monthly data begins with July 1994 issue
- Available only in Adobe Acrobat format
Counties, 2006 (Census Bureau)
- Population and housing variables (age, ancestry, race, education,
income, and poverty for each county in the nation with some updates from
the Current Population Survey
- 1997 economic census data (manufacturing, wholesale trade, retail
trade, service industries) as well as government employment and finance
- Non-Census data includes federal funds, current employment data from
the Bureau of Labor Statistics, election data through 1996, health, Social
Security beneficiaries, and vital statistics (births, marriages, deaths
- Data may be retrieved for an individual county or comparisons between
counties can be requested
- ACF Marriage Calculator and State Marriage Policies Database(Dept. of HHS)
- The Marriage Calculator provides a tool to analyze the financial issues of marriage for low-income families, including also providing information regarding changes in tax status and public assistance
- The State Marriage Policies Database provides information on how cohabitation and marriage decissions can be influenced by state law
- The ACF also provides a few prepared tables to help illustrate the influence of income on marriage decissions of low-income families
- See also Demographic
Statistics for the marital status of the population at a
given moment in time
- Cumulative
List of Organizations (IRS)
- Lists 10,000 charitable organizations for which contributions are
- Searchable by name of organization and place; make sure the
and button is marked to narrow the searches of a
- Data provides percentage of contributors adjusted gross income which
may be deductible (e.g. 50% deductibility means a person earning $50,000
could deduct $25,000 in contributions)
- Links to related IRS publications
- This is the web version of IRS Publication
- Guidestar
(UMich Only)
- Database of 1.5 million non-profit organizations in the United
States, including 10,000 foundations
- Covers arts, the environment, communities, and health services
- Searchable by organization name, subject, place, and category
- To search for grant-providing foundations, use the IRS code:
- Provides purpose of the organization, program reports and
considerable financial information, including 990 reports from the
- The Guidestar public
version is searchable but only provides the address and
phone number
- Independent
- Research includes public opinion polls on charitable
- National Center for
Charitable Statistics
- Fact sheets on revenues and expenses of charitable organizations by
state and county
- Internal Revenue Service databases by type of charity with statistics
via ftp
- See Federal Tax
for guidelines on beginning nonprofits as well as federal and state
- United States
- Poverty thresholds over time
- Poverty Thresholds, 1982+ (DHHS)
- Poverty Thresholds are listed based on individual, four-member families, and for each additional family member, 1982+
- More detailed information on poverty thresholds by family size are provided from 1996 onwards (click on the links in the right column of the table)
- Number
of Poor and Poverty Rate of Persons by State, 1980+
- Census
Bureau Household Economics Division
- Current and historical poverty data for United States
- Data Ferret
- Data sets from the Current
Population Survey and Survey of Income and Program
Participation for easy or expert manipulation
- Surveys update and enhance the Decennial Census with national,
and metropolitan area information
- Subjects include income, poverty, employment, education, health
insurance, housing, aging, household and marital status
- Income, poverty and health insurance were the trial data sets as of
May 31, 1997
- Poverty Worldwide
- Global
Urban Indicators Database (UN Center for Human Settlements)
- Detailed socioeconomic indicators for 237 cities in 110 countries,,
mostly in the Third World
- Data includes poverty level and percent in poverty, family income
distribution, per capital gross city product (under health), size of
school classrooms, per capita murder rates, home ownership,
land use
- Data in pdf and text formats
- See Comprehensive Sociology
Sources for poverty statistics in other
countries and Wealth for asset
- Armed
Forces Equal Opportunity Survey
- Analysis of survey throughout the U.S. military on race relations
- Includes perceptions of relationship problems, promotion
opportunities, incident reports
- Data broken down by race of respondent, military branch, and military
- Executive summary in HTML; full report in pdf at 3.3MB
- Changing
America: Indicators of Social and Economic Well-Being by
Race (White House)
- Charts on national trends in racial well-being since the 1950s
- Areas include population, education, labor markets, economic status,
health, crime, and housing
- Report in PDF format with data downloadable to spreadsheet
- Demography is the primary
location for statistics by race
- Ethnicity covers
language-related information
- Political Science/Related
Disciplines provides link to major minority web
- United Nations High Commissioner for
- "RefWorld" section includes statistical
reports on refugees by country
- "RefWorld" section also provides "Country" reports with descriptive
text and statistics on the status of refugees by country as well as laws,
treaties and United Nations Documents
- Information about the UNCHR and its publications
- United States
Committee for Refugees
- Annual reports and statistics about refugees by country
- Glossary of terms and links to refugee service organizations
- Adherents
- Statistical data on 4000+ religions
- Arranged alphabetically by religion with world, country, and state
- Information varies but may include date of estimate, number of
churches, number of members, and the source or quotation
- America's
Military Population (Population Reference Bureau)
- Demographic characteristics of the military in 2001/2002
- Includes religion, sexual orientation, sex, race, occupation and
rank, and state
- Article appearing in Population Bulletin, December 2004
- American Religion Data
Archive (Purdue)
- Statistical data sets on the general U.S. population, religious
groups, religious professionals, and individual denominations
(the latter currently Nazarenes)
- Churches and Church Membership data for
states and counties for 1952, 1971, 1980 and 1990
- Data may be downloaded in various formats
- Codebooks include frequencies and percentages
- A paper copy of the 1990 volume is in the Reference Room (BR
- American Religious
Identification Survey
- Religious affiliation of American populace by race, age, sex,
education, and geography
- Some data on beliefs and behavior
- The 2008 survey indicates the number of non-believers has risen and
Catholics have moved from the Northeast to Southwest
- Study conducted by Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut
- Ethnocultural
Characteristics in Censuses (UN)
- World map can be altered to show which countries asked ethnicity or
religion questions, 1994-2004
- Click on country to obtain text of questions
- Ethnologue
- Comprehensive dictionary to 6500 world languages
- Arranged by language and lists speakers per country
- Country data provides number of speakers per language, percentages of
religious groups, number of blind persons, and number of deaf
- Religion and
Politics Portal (Epley, UMich)
- Wiki of research sources for religion as it relates to politics
- Includes news sources, research centers, University programs, jobs,
and conferences
- Brief annotations
- Social
- National maps with county-level data on religious denomination
membership, 1980-200
- Worldwide
Church Attendance (UMich)
- Percentage of people attending church by country
- Data appears in University of Michigan press release by Ron
Inglehart of the Institute for Social Research
- 1990-95 data based on a World Values
- American Sexual
- Report by the National Opinion Research Center based on the General
Social Survey
- Text and data on premarital and adolescent sexual activity,
cohabitation, adult sexual behavior, sexual partners, extra-marital relations
- Data by sex, age and race
- Adobe Acrobat format
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Grace York, Retired Documents Librarian
Ankur Mehta, Documents Assistant, May 2002
Ray Walling, Documents Assistant, May 2008
University of Michigan Library
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