Statistical Resources on the Web
Foreign Government Data Sources
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Comprehensive Sources
Individual Countries

Last updated on April 12,
- Asia-Pacific Economic
- Organization of Pacific Rim nations promoting business development
- News releases and the full text of major publications
- Member nation profiles include brief descriptive information and
extensive links to economic and business web sites
- Central Banks of the
- Links to national banks arranged by country
- Most central bank web sites provide monetary and economic
- Davidson Data Center and Network
- List of free and commercial data bases, primarily for developing
countries in Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Southeast Asia
- Includes national level economic data (prices, monetary),
individual firm level data, and household data (labor force, census,
public opinion, household budget)
- Browse by subject or country; search by keyword
- Economic
Intelligence Unit Market Indicators and Forecasts (UMich
- Time series of data since 1990 with forecasts for five years for 60
- Focus on economic indicators, such as GDP, sectoral contributions to
GDP, inflation rate
- Includes social, demographic and health data (doctors per
life expectancy
- Income distribution by percentages, calorie consumption, retail
and consumption by sector
- Choose countries, variables, years and download as spreadsheet (xls)
- Campus subscription funded by Kresge Business Administration Library
- EUROSTAT - Statistical Office
of the European Communities
- Brief statistics available for public access
- Catalog of publications in paper and on CD
- The Eurostat Yearbook is located in
the Documents Center as: HA 1107.5 .E97
- Regions (Doc. Cen HA 1107.5 .A4 R33)
- Subnational graphs and data on social, economic and scientific subjects
for Western Europe beginning 2000
- Related to the Regio Database, Regiomap, and the New Cronos database
- Book includes a CD-ROM
- Foreign Country Data via
City Net
- Basic demographic, economic, and geographic information for every country
from the CIA World Factbook
- May include census and economic information for selected
- General
Data Dissemination Site (International Monetary Fund)
- Describes data collection standards, publications, and internet
addresses for developing countries (Albania, Barbados, Bulgaria, Fiji,
Gambia, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, and Uganda
- Similar information for developed countries meeting with Special Data
Dissemination Standard
- Approach by country or subject
- Subjects include economic, socio-deomographic and health
- Global
Statistics (United Nations)
- Unannotated links to the major statistical agencies of each country
- Links to international agencies, including UN bodies, which publish
- Internet Securities(UMich
- Commercial data base of emerging markets
- Baltic States, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Ukraine,
China, India, and Colombia as of September 1996
- Financial news, company reports, market data, and selected legal
- Macroeconomic section includes production by industry, foreign trade,
foreign investment, and employment
- U-M access provided by the Kresge Business Administration Library,
William Davidson Institute, and Center for International Business
Education and International Affairs
- Use ethernet connection or 213-7970; click on "Registered Users"
- International
Household Survey Network
- Organization coordinating household surveys of demographic and
economic data around the world
- Although the web site primarily provides guidelines and sample
questionnaires, it may provide clues to data links
- Latin
American Statistical Sources (Cornell)
- Annotated links to Latin American national statistical agencies and
related sources
- International
Statistical Agencies (Census Bureau)
- Links to the web sites for foreign government statistical
- No annotations
- MacroData
- Database of inter-governmental and non-governmental data sources
arranged by country and subject
- Subjects include economics, health, religion, and politics
- Extensive annotations
- National
Publications and Statistical Yearbooks, Current Statistics and Internet
Sites (UN)
- Links primarily to one official statistical periodical per country
- Title of publication for those countries without a web link
- Official
Statistics on the Web (Auckland NZ)
- Extensive links to official country statistical publications by name
of country
- Subject index to international data
- Pacific Regional
Information System (SPC)
- Extensive comparative tables of economic, social, demographic, and
weather data from the individual South Pacific islands
- Links to their corresponding national data web sites
- Coordinated by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community
- Statistics
- National Agencies and Compendia (Vanderbilt)
- Extensive, comprehensive links to the main statistical agencies of
each country and their statistical yearbooks where
- UN Data
- Times series of unemployment, consumer prices, energy, exchange
rates, population, and transportation for individual countries
- Data come from various UN databases (UNESCO, WHO)
- Primarily searchable rather than browsable
- World Bank Africa Database
- Provides 1154 variables for individual African countries, 1965 to
- Subjects include economics, population, labor, agriculture, social
characteristics, infrastructure, foreign trade and business
- Twice as detailed as World Development Indicators
- Data may be downloaded in various formats
- CD-ROM in Documents Center (DoX148) and on Documents CD-ROM LAN
- World
Development Indicators (UMich Only)
- World Bank data base with 593 series of demographic, economic, and
environmental information for 226 countries
- Time series covers 1960 to present when annual data are available for a
given country
- Choose countries or groups of countries
- Choose series with the tree or alphabetical view
- Choose years
- Once you view the data, choose the orientation (columns or rows), scaling
options, display (chart, index, raw)
- Download into ASCII or Excel format
- For the University of Michigan, this replaces access provided by the dear
departed CITRIX server
- The Documents Center will maintain a CD-ROM for single workstation
- Argentina
- Australia
- Bureau of Statistics
- Summary national and state information, daily press releases, and
catalog of publications
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- State Statistical
- Economic indicators beginning 1990
- Employment, agriculture, trade, prices
- Some population and crime data
- English and Russian
- Bahrain
- Monetary Agency
- Structure, rules, and regulations of the agency
- Money and banking statistics beginning April 1996
- List of the country's financial institutions
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Canada
- Bank of Canada
- Statistics Canada
- 2001 Census: Population and dwelling counts, a detailed analysis of
growth rates, demographic trends and geographic distribution
- Daily press releases on economic and demographic subjects with
keyword index
- Selected publications and downloadable files
- 90% of Stat Canada statistics are not available free on its web site
but only through in-person access at Canadian depository libraries
- University of
Toronto Data Library Service
- Subject access to Canada statistics, both those available
free-of-charge and those depository publications requiring on-site access
- Covers all subjects, geographic codes, atlases, books, CDs, and
internet products
- Includes tables of contents for historic
- Chile
- China
- China Data
Center (UMich Only)
- Extensive socioeconomic and geographic data sets on China, its provinces,
counties, cities, and townships since 1997
- Includes 2000 Census plus provincial statistical yearbooks
- Numerous maps
- Regional and local agricultural, economic, health, natural resource
and population data for China's administrative regions and local areas
joined to Geographic Information Systems
- Most files available through file transfer protocol (ftp)
- Telnet interface to the 1% Public Use Microdata Samples of the
1982 Chinese Census
- China Economic Information Network
- Numerous economic indicators and business products information
- Initial screen in English; remainder of web site in Chinese
- Colombia
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Statistics Service
- Economic indicators arranged by subject
- Excel spreadsheets of foreign trade
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Statens DataNet
- Monthly economic data (national accounts, prices, unemployment
- Data on Denmark provides comprehensive
economic and social data (vital statistics, education, churches, foreign
trade) with some historical information
- Text in English with Danish alternative
- Dominican Republic
- Finland
- Statistics Finland
- Press releases, catalog of printed and electronic data products
- Links to other Finnish statistical agencies
- Text in Finnish or English
- France
- Iceland
- India
- Census of
- Brief national data from the 1991 Census on population, economics and
- Updated population data and vital statistics for the Indian states
- Catalog of 1991 Census data in paper and electronic format
- Population clock and plans for the 2001 Census
- India Network (Bowling Green State
- Embassy section includes Indian foreign policy, human rights,
economic national budget information
- A Research Information and Statistics section has links to
census and other data about the Indian states
- Links to businesses, discussion groups, and news digests
- IndiaStat
(UMich Only)
- Demographic, economic, weather, and environmental statistics beginning at
various years but essentially the 1990s
- National data with some state and city material
- Reserve Bank of India
- Indonesia
- Ireland
- Israel
Central Bureau of Statistics
- Text of the Statistical Abstract of Israel
- Preliminary Census results with population and housing data by city
- Economic, weather, health and price data
- Text in English and Hebrew
- Israel
- Links to central government agencies
- Most agencies provide the full text of selected publications
containing social, economic, or environmental statistics
- Italy
- Kenya
- Central Bank of
- Monthly and annual economic indicators since 1996
- Includes inflation, exchange rates, and balance of payments
- Korea (South)
- Latvia
- Lesotho
- Central
- Annual report beginning 1996
- Current data on government finance
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Macau
- Malaysia
- Malta
- Mexico
- Mongolia
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Northern Ireland
- Norway
Statistics Norway
- Economic, environmental, financial and social data with graphical
- English or Norwegian
- Palestinian Authority
- Peru
- Philippines
- National
Statistical Coordination Board
- Statistical tables cover population, vital statistics, education,
national accounts, labor, poverty, and transportation
- Describes various government surveys, frequency, dissemination, and
agencies responsible
- Includes description of various classification systems
National Statistical Office
- Press releases and summaries of population, manufacturing,
and trade data
- Catalog of printed publications
- Poland
Central Statistical Office
- Polish
Regional Database (Univ. of Aberdeen)
- Data for seven
regions and their individual administrative areas
- Population, largest city, basic economic and labor conditions
- Social information includes college education, optimism for the
- Portugal
- Romania
- Chamber of Commerce and
Industry for Romania and Bucharest
- Business opportunities in Romania and descriptions of companies
- Some files may require a subscription
- Invest
- Current stock market quotes and business news
- National Commission for
- Social and economic indicators since 1998
- Catalog of publications
- Romanian Statistical Yearbook, available for
downloading to hard drive
- Romania
- Geographic data and maps of major cities
- Natural resources, energy and agriculture
- Population, age, religion and literacy rate
- Political composition and economic data
- Selected legislation
- Romania, Your Business
- Detailed economic profiles of Romanian industry (e.g. agriculture,
construction, retail trade)
- Romanian Statistics in Brief
- Foreign trade statistics
- Commercial law
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- Saudi Arabia
Central Department of Statistics
- Brief statistical tables and reports on population and housing for the
nation and individual cities
- Includes economic data on national accounts, employment, wages, and
cost of living
- Text in English
- Scotland
- Singapore
- Slovenia
- South Africa
- Spain
- Sweden
Statistics Sweden
- Statistics, graphs, and press releases
- Population, agriculture, economics, elections, housing, prices, trade,
transportation, and welfare
- Comparative international data
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- Turkey
- State
Institute of Statistics
- Social and economic indicators for Turkey and its individual
provinces (population, vital statistics, health, education,
- Monthly economic indicators on a national level (GDP, prices, banking)
- Separate section on women's statistics
- United
- Bank of England
- Home Office
- UK Statistics
- Press releases and data extraction tools for current and time series
economic, population, and census data
- Separate database for ward data in specific communities
- Census
Data includes pdf versions of printed reports, 1801-1937
with tables for 1991 and 2001
- Numerous guides, including comparing data over time
- Victorian
Census Project
- Data sets from the 1831 and 1861 Census in
spreadsheet format
- Nineteenth Century statistical abstracts, vital
statistics, and poor law commissioner

Agriculture |
Business and Industry |
Comprehensive Subjects |
Cost-of-Living |
Demographics |
Economics |
Education |
Energy |
Finance |
Foreign Government Data Sources |
Foreign/International Economics
Foreign Trade |
Government Finances |
Health |
Housing |
Labor |
Politics |
Science |
Sociology |
Tourism |
Transportation |
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Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
Ankur Mehta, Documents Assistant, May 2002
University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
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