
1. X. Wu*, M. K. Khaing Oo*, Q. Chen, Y. Sun, and X. Fan, “Optofluidic Laser for Dual-mode Sensitive Biomolecular Detection with a Large Dynamic Range,” Nature Communications 5, 3779, (2014) (*equal contribution).

2. J. Chen, D. Chen, T. Yuan, X. Chen, Y. Xie, H. Fu, D. Cui, X. Fan, and M. K. Khaing Oo, “Blood plasma separation microfluidic chip with gradual filtration,” Microelectronic Engineering, 128, 36-41 (2014).

3. K. Reddy, J. Liu, M. K. Khaing Oo, and X. Fan, “Integrated Separation Columns and Fabry-Perot Sensors for Microgas Chromatography Systems,” Microelectromechanical Systems Volume 22, Issue 5, 1174-1179, (2013).

4. M. K. Khaing Oo, Y. Yang, Y. Hu, M. Gomez, H. Du, and H. Wang, “Gold Nanoparticle-Enhanced and Size-Dependent Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species from Protoporphyrin IX,” ACS Nano, Volume 6, Issue 3, 1939-1947, (2012).

5. M. K. Khaing Oo*, Y. Guo*, K. Reddy, J. Liu, and X. Fan, “Ultra-sensitive Vapor Detection with SERS Active Au Nanoparticles Immobilized Multi-hole capillaries,” Analytical Chemistry, Volume 84, Issue 7, 3376-3381, (2012) (*equal contribution).

6. J. Liu, M. K. Khaing Oo, K. Reddy, Y. B. Gianchandani, J. C. Schultz, H. Appel, and X. Fan, “Adaptive Comprehensive 2-dimensional uGC,” Analytical Chemistry, Volume 84, Issue 9, 4214-4220, (2012)

7. Y. Guo*, M. K. Khaing Oo*, K. Reddy, and X. Fan, “Ultrasensitive Optofluidic Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection with Flow-Through Multi-Hole Capillaries,” ACS Nano, Volume 6, Issue 1, 381-388, (2012) (*equal contribution).

8. K. Reddy, Y. Guo, J. Liu, W. Lee, M. K. Khaing Oo, and X. Fan, "Rapid, Sensitive, and Multiplexed on-chip Optical Sensors for Micro-gas Chromatography," Lab on a Chip, Volume 12, Issue 5, 901-905, (2012).

9. K. Reddy, Y. Guo, J. Liu, W. Lee, M. K. Khaing Oo, and X. Fan, “On-chip Fabry-Pérot Interferometric Sensors for Micro-gas Chromatography Detection,” Sensors and Actuators B, Volume 159, Issue 1, 60-65, (2011).

10. M. K. Khaing Oo, C-F. Chang, Y. Sun, and X. Fan, "Rapid, Sensitive DNT Vapor Detection with UV-Assisted Photo-Chemically Synthesized Gold Nanoparticle SERS Substrates," Analyst, Volume 136, Issue 13, 2811-2817, (2011).

11. C.-S. Wu, M. K. Khaing Oo, J. M. Cupps, and X. Fan, “Robust Silica-Coated Quantum Dot-Molecular Beacon for Highly Sensitive DNA Detection," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 26, Issue 9, 3870-3875 (2011).

12. C-S. Wu, M. K. Khaing Oo, and X. Fan, “Highly Sensitive Multiplexed Heavy Metal Detection Using Quantum-Dot-Labeled DNAzymes,” ACS Nano, Volume 4, Issue 10, 5897-5904 (2010).

13. M. K. Khaing Oo, Y. Han, Jiri Kanka, S. Sukhishvili, and H. Du, "Structure Fits the Purpose: Photonic Crystal Fibers for Evanescent-field Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy," Optics Letters, Volume 35, Issue 4, 466-468, (2010).

14. Y. Han, S. Tan, M. K. Khaing Oo, D. Pristinski, S. Sukhishvili, and H. Du, "Towards Full-Length Accumulative Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering-Active Photonic Crystal Fibers," Advanced Materials, Volume 22, Issue 24, 2647-2651, (2010).

15. M. K. Khaing Oo, Y. Han, R. Martini, S. Sukhishvili, and H. Du, "Forward-propagating Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering and Intensity Distribution in Photonic Crystal Fiber with Immobilized Ag Nanoparticles," Optics Letters, Volume 34, Issue 7, 968-970 (2009).

16. M. K. Khaing Oo, X. Yang and H. Du, H. Wang, “5-aminolevulinic Acid Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles for Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer,” Nanomedicine (UK), Volume 3, Issue 6, 777-86 (2008).

17. M. K. Khaing Oo, H. Wang and H. Du, “Targeted Delivery: Photosensitiser Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles,” Pharma Focus Asia, Issue 8, 31-34 (2008 - invited).

18. Y. Han, M. K. Khaing Oo, Y. Zhu, L. Xiao, S. M. Demohan, W. Jin and H. Du, “Index-Guiding Liquid-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber for Solution Measurement Using Normal and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering,” Optical Engineering, Volume 47, Issue 4, 040502-3 (2008).

19. M. K. Khaing Oo, P.S. Ling, M. Gupta, “Characteristics of Mg-based Composites Synthesized Using a Novel Mechanical Disintegration and Deposition Technique,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Volume 31A, Issue 7, 1873-1881 (2000).

Book Chapter

1. M. K. Khaing Oo, H. Du, and H. Wang, "Multifunctional Gold Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy," Nanobiomaterials Handbook (2011- invited book chapter).


1. K. Reddy, J. Liu, M. K. Khaing Oo, and X. Fan, “Low dead volume integrated separation columns and Fabry-Pérot sensors for micro-gas chromatography,” SPIE, 2013.

2. Y. Luo, M. K. Khaing Oo, J. Ge, Z. Chen, and X. Fan, “Highly Sensitive Detection of Glucose Concentration with Opto-fluidics Ring Resonator," SPIE, 2012.

3. Y. Guo, M. K. Khaing Oo, D. Hoyt, D. Lamar, K. Reddy, and X. Fan, "Ultrasensitive, Optofluidic Biomolecular Fluorescence Detection Using Flow-through, Multi-hole Capillary," CLEO, 2012.

4. Y. Guo, M. K. Khaing Oo, and X. Fan, "Optofluidic Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy with Nanoparticle-functionalized Flow-through multi-hole Capillary," SPIE, 2012.

5. M. K. Khaing Oo, C-F. Chang, and X. Fan, “Ultra-fast and Ultra-sensitive 2,4-dinitrotoluene Vapor Sensing Using Gold Nanoparticle Assembled SERS Probes,” SPIE, 2011.

6. Y. Han, M. K. Khaing Oo, S. Sukhishvili, and H. Du, “Photonic Crystal Fiber as an Optofluidic Platform for Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering,” SPIE, 2010 (invited).

7. Y. Han, S. Tan, M. K. Khaing Oo, and H. Du,"PCF with Immobilized Silver Nanoparticles as an Optofluidic SERS Sensing Platform," SPIE, 2010.

8. M. K. Khaing Oo, M. Gomez, H. Wang, and H. Du, "Enhanced Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species Using Gold Nanoparticles Conjugated with Protoporphyrin IX,” ASME 2010 First Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology, 2010.

9. M. K. Khaing Oo, X. Yang, H. Wang and H. Du, “5-aminolevulinic Acid Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles for Cancer Treatment,” NSTI, 2008.

10. Y. Han, M. K. Khaing Oo, Y. Zhu, S. Sukhishvili, L. Xiao, M.S. Demohan, W. Jin, and H. Du, “Liquid-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber Platform for Raman Scattering Measurements of Microliter Analyte Solutions,” SPIE, 2007.

11. M. K. Khaing Oo, P.S. Ling, M. Gupta, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-based Composites Synthesized Using a Novel Mechanical Disintegration and Deposition Technique,” SAMPE, 2000.