MEMORIES IN AUDIO AND VIDEONovember 26, 1999 "Carnival of the Animals"Posted February 6, 2005
We spent Thanksgiving weekend of 1999 in Oberlin. Miriam was a tiny 2 months old, and Simon was two and a half years old. In this clip, the rest of us are lingering over dinner at the table (you can't see us). Simon is using the piano for a kind of animal guessing game. The figure in the background assisting him is Grann.It's tricky to hear the dialogue, but it seems Simon demonstrates something we guess to be monkeys. Then he does one that he calls a "woof, a blue woof". Hmm. We ask him eventually if he's talking about a dog or a wolf. He seems to say it's a dog. Maybe it's Blue from Blue's Clues. There also seem to be references to a kangaroo, a fish, and an owl.
November 26, 1999 "Carnival of the Animals" (3.7 MB Quicktime movie, 3 minutes)
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