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February 24, 2004 "Chemo, Schmemo"

Posted February 11, 2005

This especially long, but very entertaining clip reveals a lot about how Simon and the rest of us got through things like chemotherapy. In February 2004, Simon was getting a second round of topotecan/cytoxan administered at home. Since discovering substantial disease progression in January 2004, we had put Simon back on this regimen (which he'd already received for 5 cycles back in 2002).

Here in Utah, it is common to allow families to run chemo at home. We took full advantage of this freedom, and we got pretty used to all the ins and outs of administration. This clip shows Simon scampering around with a small backpack holding a pump and a bag of fluids. Cytoxan is potentially damaging to the bladder, so it is generally preceded and followed by several hours of IV fluids as a precaution. If you look carefully, you can see the thin, clear tubing that connects the pump to Simon's central line catheter under his shirt.

As you can see, Simon was not inclined to let a little backpack with a tube hanging out of it get in the way of his fun. I imagine that I discovered the raucous scene and ran to get the camera. I'm amazed at how long it continued to be filmable.

The large collection of bird beanie babies is mostly Simon's. He had a strong interest in birds as an infant, and he collected many bird "friends" along the way. Markus, Simon, and Miriam all seem to find great release and delight in flinging the creatures at each other. You might note that Simon throws ambidexteriously.

It might go without saying, but I'll say it anyway. Markus is a real hero-dad. I love watching the way he rolls with the punches and keeps the jollity going, often at his own expense.

This romp occurred right around the time that we got our kitties, Simon and Sam. They kept a sensible distance from the craziness by hiding out in the basement.

February 24, 2004 "Chemo, Schmemo" (11.1 MB Quicktime movie, 6.75 minutes)
You may want to turn up the volume on your speakers to hear the audio in the clip.

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