MEMORIES IN AUDIO AND VIDEONovember 24, 2001 "A Race Car"Posted April 22, 2005
This little video clip shows Simon playing outside Grann and Grandad's house in Oberlin. He's enjoying a ride down the front walk in a wagon. Watch him for signs that all is not well with his body. Although we did not have a clue yet that Simon had cancer, we were in the process of seeing doctors to try to discover why he was limping off and on. At the end of this clip, his limp is pretty pronounced. A week later was the first time that Simon's pain shot up so high that I took him to the Emergency Room, and he was admitted overnight for observation. A little over one month after this video was taken, we had a diagnosis of metastatic neuroblastoma.I love watching Simon's enthusiasm for explaining his endeavor in the wagon.
November 24, 2001 "A Race Car" (984 KB Quicktime movie, 41 seconds)
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