MEMORIES IN AUDIO AND VIDEOApril 4, 2000 "Simon and the Spieluhren & The Kids Say Tschuess!"Posted January 9, 2005
Most of our early video filming was intended to be converted into video greetings to send to Simon and Miriam's Oma and Opa in Germany (Markus' parents). So, most of the talking is in German. On this particular day, Mary found Simon (34 months old) delightedly winding up four music box toys, called Spieluhren in German. Be sure to turn your volume way up so you can hear the cacophony he creates. The background grunts come from Miriam (7 months old).In the second part of this tape, Simon joins Miriam on the bed. I have asked Simon to say, "Tschuess!" into the camera as a farewell to his grandparents. At first, he's clearly confused and seems to think I've promised that they will show up in person. Then he hops to it when I threaten to stop filming, and he offers a delightfu, in-your-face (literally) farewell.
April 4, 2000 "Simon and the Spieluhren & The Kids Say Tschuess!" (4.4 MB Quicktime movie, 2.25 minutes)
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