In Hindi-Urdu it is possible to derive
intransitive verbs from transitive by dropping the agent and making
certain changes in the verb stem:
For the sake of brevity we shall refer to derived intransitives as
Antitransitives are used when the speaker is
not interested in who does something, but merely in the fact that
it gets done. For example, in English, 'Has the mail come yet?' more
accurately reflects what really matters to the speaker than does the
fuller 'Did the mailman bring the mail yet?' even though they both
describe the same event. In Hindi this strategy of expression is
even more commonly used than it is in English: used not only when we are
not interested in who does something, as in the examples given above, but
also when the identity of the doer has been previously established.
For example, in describing the activities of her mother a speaker
uses the antitransitive forms b:n:i and
S:Ø- hað g:y:a:
4. j:òs:ð b:cc:ð skÝl:
s:ð AaO t:B:i c:ay: b:n:i. ePr K:an:ð ka Eøt:z:am:
S:Ø- hað g:y:a. us:kñ b:ad ePr Amm:aú . .
Since the entire passage concerns the actions of one agent the speaker
feels free to vary the tone by sometimes describing these actions as if
they occurred independently of the agent.
5. Aaòr t:Øm:n:ð kha T:a
¡Vl:p: Aaòr m:aðz:ð Es: hFt:ð z:-r Aa
j:ay:ðøg:ð, Aa g:y:ð
hòø ?
Here, by purposely using the antitransitive Aa instead of the corresponding transitive l:a, and by dropping t:Øm:, the girl gives her words a sarcastic
6. hira-b:hÜ ... c:aòD:ri
kað b:aús: kaXt:ð dðK:kr G:ÜúG:X kñ
Andr s:ð b:aðl:i, " kaòn:
b:aús: kaXt:a hò ? y:haú
b:aús: n: kXðøg:ð !"
I. If the stem of the transitive has long I, U, or Aa, the stem of the antitransitive has the
corresponding short vowel:
II. An Aað in the stem is
replaced by u; and an O, by E.
If the stem of the transitive has only one syllable and ends in a
vowel, a final l: is often found in
the stem of the antitransitive.
(from Chapter Seven of g:aðdan:. See context.)
V. There are other exceptions to rules I through IV: b. One is
a set of verbs ending in _, many of which
refer to kinds of destruction:
1a. Transitive:
dØkan:dar s:Øb:h AaY b:j:ð
dØkan: K:aðl:t:a hò.
'The shopkeeper opens his shop at 8AM.' 1b. Derived Intransitive:
dØkan: s:Øb:h AaY b:j:ð
K:Øl:t:i hò.
'The shop opens at 8AM.'
2a. Transitive:
Vy:a n:aòkran:i n:ð kp:_ð
Ab: t:k n:hiø D:aðO ?
'Didn't the maid wash the clothes yet? ' 2b. Antitransitive:
Vy:a kp:_ð Ab: t:k n:hiø
D:Ùl:ð ?
'Aren't the clothes washed
yet'? 3a. Transitive:
b:`I, Aap:
kÙs:i ý j:ldi hi b:n:a dðøg:ð,
n: ?
'Carpenter, you'll
make the chair soon, won't you?' 3b. Antitransitive:
b:`I, kÙs:i ý j:ldi hi b:n: j:aOg:i,
n: ?
'Carpenter, the chair
will be done soon, won't it?'
'As soon as the kids came home from school the tea
became ready and then preparations for dinner began.
After that Mother...' (Southworth tape
Deliberate suppression of information can have
ironic effect. Antitransitives are often used by Hindi speakers to
that end. For example, in Mohan Rakesh's play AaD:ð AD:Ürð a little girl is desperate
for attention from her parents. She reproaches them for not having
brought her the things she needs for school:
'And you said that you would surely bring me the clip
and socks this week. Did you?' (page 35)
The antitransitive is useful to the Hindi
speaker for another reason. It spares him or her from having to
choose the most appropriate second person pronoun, a choice which is
not always easy or obvious (and sometimes is even dangerous) to make.
For example, in the following, by using the antitransitive, a
peasant woman is able not only to avoid choosing between t:Øm: and t:Ü, but also to maintain the appearance of
not having directly addressed a strange male at all:
'Hîrâ's wife, seeing Chaudharî
cutting the bamboo, spoke from behind her veil, "Who's cutting the bamboo?
  You're not to cut our bamboo!"'
(literally: 'Here the bamboo will not be cut!')
(from Chapter Four of g:aðdan:. See context.)
One of the most important uses of the antitransitive, namely, the
expression of incapacity, is discussed in detail in a separate set of notes.
Antitransitive verbs are derived from the
transitives by rules which are similar to those used for the derivation of
transitives from intransitives (see notes):
7a. Transitive:
p:iX- 'beat'
7b. Antitransitive:
ep:X- 'get a beating'
8a. Transitive:
kÝX- 'grind up'
8b. Antitransitive:
kÙX- 'be ground
9a. Transitive:
Cap:- 'print'
9b. Antitransitive:
Cp:- 'be printed'
10a. Transitive: K:aðl:- 'open'
=> 10b. Antitransitive:
K:Øl:- 'be opened'
11a. Transitive: Cð_- 'annoy'
=> 11b. Antitransitive:
eC_- 'get riled up'
12a. Transitive: D:að- 'wash'
=> 12b. Antitransitive:
D:Øl:- 'be washed'
13a. Transitive: s:i- 'stitch'
=> 13b. Antitransitive:
es:l:- 'be stitched'
(Note: The polite imperative of s:i is s:iEy:ð or s:iej:y:ð.)
III. A nasal vowel in the stem of the transitive is sometimes
answered by a nasal short in the antitransitive; sometimes by a plain
short. Either may be used:
14a. Transitive: b:aúX- 'divide'
=> 14b. Antitransitive:
b:úX- or b:X- 'be divided'
15a. Transitive: K:iøc:- 'pull'
=> 15b. Antitransitive:
eK:úc:- or eK:c:- 'be pulled'
16a. Transitive: s:ðøk- 'heat'
=> 16b. Antitransitive:
es:úk- or es:k- 'be heated; bask'
IV. There are a few transitive verbs that have short vowels to begin
with. Accordingly their antitransitives are homonymous with their
transitive counterparts:
17a. Transitive: B:r- 'fill'
=> 17b. Antitransitive:
B:r- 'get filled'
18a. Transitive: b:dl:- 'change' (trans)
=> 18b. Antitransitive:
b:dl:- 'change'
19a. Transitive: b:Øn:- 'weave'
=> 19b. Antitransitive:
b:Øn:- 'be woven'
20a. Transitive: p:k_- 'catch'
=> 20b. Antitransitive:
p:k_- 'get caught'
21. dðhat:i s:kp:ka g:y:a.
Rra, khiø b:ðg:ar
m:ðø n: p:k_ j:ay:.
'The villager was startled. He was afraid
he might get caught in a corvée.'
V. Exceptions: a. One or two disyllabic stems yield
antitransitives by dropping a final Aa :
22a. Transitive: b:n:a- 'make'
=> 22b. Antitransitive:
b:n:- 'be made; become'
23a. Transitive: m:n:a- 'celebrate'
=> 23b. Antitransitive:
m:n:- 'be celebrated'
In most cases, however, the stem with the Aa is the derived one and the stem
without the Aa is the basic
one (see notes on derived transitives).
24a. Transitive: Pað_- 'burst' (trans)
=> 24b. Antitransitive:
PÝX- 'burst'
25a. Transitive: t:að_- 'break' (trans)
=> 25b. Antitransitive:
XÜX- 'break'
26a. Transitive: Pa_- 'tear' (trans)
=> 26b. Antitransitive:
PX- 'tear' (intrans)
27a. Transitive: Cað_- 'leave; let go of'
=> 27b. Antitransitive:
CÜX- 'be left; get
free of'
V. c. Other transitive - antitransitive pairs show few
28a. Transitive: b:ðc:- 'sell'
=> 28b. Antitransitive:
eb:k- 'be sold'
29a. Transitive: b:K:ðr- 'scatter'
=> 29b. Antitransitive:
eb:K:r- 'be strewn'
30a. Transitive: G:s:ðX- 'drag'
=> 30b. Antitransitive:
eG:s:X- 'be dragged'
VI. Suppletion. Suppletive pairs are those in which their is
no resemblance at all in the shape of the transitive and the shape of the
antitransitive. Still, on the basis of meanings and the clause
structures associated with them, they can be considered to form pairs.
For example, transitive expressions formed with kr- may have antitransitive counterparts in
hað- :
31a. Transitive:
Eøt:z:am: kr-
us:n:ð Eøt:z:am: n:hiø
eky:a ?
'Didn't he make the arrangement?' 31b. Antitransitive:
Eøt:z:am: hað-
Eøt:z:am: n:hiø hØAa
'Wasn't the arrangement made?' 32a. Transitive:
S:Ø- kr-
...ray: s:ahb: n:ð b:at:c:it:
S:Ø- kr di.
'...Rây Sâhab began (his son's marriage) negotiations.'
( g:aðdan:
) 32b. Antitransitive:
S:Ø- hað-
Es:kñ b:ad ,dÓp:al: kñ
ev:v:ah ki b:at:c:it: S:Ø- hØI.
'After this negotiations for Rudrapâl's marriage began.'
( g:aðdan: )
For further examples of transitive and antitransitive pairs in kr- and hað-,
see notes on noun incorporation.
Sometimes antitransitives in hað- are kað-expressions and as such allow the expression
of an "experiencer" agent:
33a. Transitive: | Eøt:z:ar kr- | Vy:a t:Øm: eks:i ka Eøt:z:ar kr
rhi hað ?   'Are you waiting for someone?' |
33b. Antitransitive: | Eøt:z:ar hað- | Vy:a ( t:Øm:kað ) eks:i ka
Eøt:z:ar hò ? 'Are you waiting for someone?' |
34a. Transitive: | dðK:- 'see' | => | 34b. Antitransitive: | edK:aI dð- 'be seen, be visible' |
35a. Transitive: | s:Øn:- 'hear' | => | 35b. Antitransitive: | s:Øn:aI dð- 'be heard, be audible' |
37. m:ðrð dadaj:i kað Ab:
eb:l:kÙl: s:Øn:aI n:hiø dðt:a.
'My grandfather has completely lost his
In general all verbs expressing jobs or tasks have antitransitive counterparts:
38a. Transitive: | m:aúj:- 'scour' | => | 38b. Antitransitive: | m:új:- 'be scoured, come clean' |
39a. Transitive: | s:iøc:- 'water (fields)' | => | 39b. Antitransitive: | es:úc:- 'be watered' |
40a. Transitive: | p:is:- 'grind (into flour)' | => | 40b. Antitransitive: | ep:s:- 'be ground (into flour)' |
41a. Transitive: | b:aúD:- 'tie up (luggage)' | => | 41b. Antitransitive: | b:úD:- 'get tied up' |
42a. Transitive: | l:a- 'bring' | => | 42b. Antitransitive: | Aa- 'come; be brought' |
43a. Transitive: | B:ðj:- 'send' | => | 43b. Antitransitive: | j:a- 'go; be sent' |
44a. Transitive: | Ral:- 'pour; put in' | => | 44b. Antitransitive: | p:_- 'fall; be put in' |
45a. | Vy:a
t:Øm:n:ð n:m:k Ral:a hò ? 'Have you put in the salt?' | => | 45b. | Vy:a n:m:k
p:_a hò ? 'Has the salt gone in?' |
Another example:
47. ez:ndg:i m:aòt: kað
Q:Üb: m:n:at:i hò p:r m:aòt: n:hiø m:an:t:i.
'Life tries to bring Death around but Death
doesn't listen.'
It is even possible to derive an antitransitive from the derived
transitive form of an ingesto-reflexive. In (48) K:aOg:i may be regarded not as a form of basic
K:a- 'eat' but as a form of the
antitransitive K:a- 'be fed' derived from
eK:l:a- 'feed'.
48. B:I, b:cc:i t:Øm:s:ð K:an:a n:hiø
'You won't be able to feed the child her
Transitives with corresponding antitransitives occur as co-ordinated pairs in a number of idiomatic expressions which are discussed in other places:
49. b:aðJ: v:h s:r s:ð eg:ra
hò ek uYaO n: uYð.
'A burden has fallen from my head and cannot
be lifted.'
(from a ^:z:l: by ^:ael:b:. See notes.)
50. b:n:ð- b:n:aO b:øg:l:ð s:st:ð dam:aðø
m:ðø em:l: g:O.
(from Chapter Thirty-one of g:aðdan:. See context.)
51. eb:radri hi ( hm:ðø ) t:arðg:i t:að ( hm: ) t:rðøg:ð.
(based on Chapter Eleven of g:aðdan:. See notes.)
(from monolog by s:l:im:
Q:an:. See context.)
To index of grammatical notes.
To index of m:lhar.
Keyed in by ev:v:ðk Ag:rv:al: Aug 2001.
'Ready made bungalows were available at low
' Only the caste(-brotherhood) will be able to
save us.'
(Literally: 'Only (if) the caste(-brotherhood)
will save us, will we be saved.')
When the antitransitive is used in the expression of
incapacity, the agent noun phrase is often retained, as a postpositional
phrase in s:ð:
52. m:òø Et:n:a
m:aðXa-t:aj:a T:a ek us:s:ð
s:úB:l:t:a n:hiø T:a.
'(As a baby) I was so big and "healthy" that he was
unable to keep hold of me.'
See discussion of the passive of incapacity.
Posted 1-2 Sept 2001. Revamped 12-14 Oct 2001. Linked 26 Oct 2001.
Augmented 1 July 2002.