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“The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion and politics, but it is not the path to knowledge; it has no place in the endeavor of science.”
-Carl Sagan, Cosmos, p. 91
Back to Square One Everyone, including children, knows that critical thinking is the core of science; and in normal sciences such as chemistry, physics, astronomy, critical thinking has never been devalued. However, rest assured that this is not the case in fields which are now committed to a faith-based mythological system. The deeper one goes into modern university training in paleontology, biology, anthropology—believing that one is receiving an objective education—the more completely one’s original critical thinking abilities are wiped clean and replaced with evolutionary ‘template thinking.’ Those paying for such an education expecting to come out with new mental skills should realize that it is extremely difficult to regain original skills once they are lost to programming. In this case, one has become an unknowing adherent to an ideology which will limit ones ability to innovate. It is an ideology now in enough trouble to resort to disreputable actions such as suppression of conflicting data for the sake of self-preservation. As an example of the dilemmas engendered, consider the “evolution of language” question which has been called the “hardest problem in science.” Asking why language evolution is the hardest problem in science is like asking why 2+2=5 is the hardest problem in mathematics. Since the scientific answer to a rigged question is not likely to be forthcoming it may be time to start asking different questions. | In Part 2,
“Censoring the world’s oldest human language,” I introduced ten proofs
(out of hundreds similar) for the earliest motif duplicated on two
separate artifacts 400,000
years old. The discovery and nature of the duplicated motifs is nothing less than hard ‘physical’ evidence of highly-sophisticated language in Homo erectus people. It equates with symbolism, linguistics, mathematics, philosophy, and representation. So, it is not simply my work which is being censored by the science community but the recorded knowledge of an entire culture. When physical evidence is censored from publication in a scientific context one can rest assured that something other than a quest for truth is behind it and that the discipline of science has been compromised. The real issue is that the results of the geometric studies presented in The Graphics of Bilzingsleben are in complete disagreement with how Homo erectus people are portrayed to the public by the evolutionary community. Simply stated, the evidence threatens only evolution and its advocates—not true science. Unfortunately, the science community has made itself synonymous with evolution—an intellectual blunder. The take of evolutionary experts is that Homo erectus people were transitional ape-men incapable not only of modern language or speech but even of the ability to think as we do. They treat our ancestors in a patronizing manner with a constant focus on racial or physical traits of individuals forgetting that people are what they do, not what they look like. As for their mentality, they discuss them only in terms of survival as if this is as far as our ancestors got on an evolutionary road to becoming us. Nothing could be more misleading to the public’s perception of its heritage. Fig. 1. Cartesian grid studies proving beyond any doubt a conceptual connection between Bilzingsleben Artifacts 1 & 3. These are only two of literally thousands of studies of the engravings by the author beginning with Musings on the Palaeolithic fan motif in 2004 proving modern-level intelligence in early peoples such as Homo erectus; many have been blocked from publication by the evolutionary community. Top: Shared y-coordinates based on the two motifs’ longest lines—equal in length—set to the same x-axis. The study w/o the double grid can be seen in Fig.7 of Part 2. Bottom: Similar
w/radials pivoted to vertical on their center points. Some lines appear
closer together because the longest line radials were set at parallel
for the reference as opposed to the more symmetrical positioning used
in the upper test. Dotted lines are shared measures. |
"Let the mind
be enlarged... to the grandeur of the mysteries, and not the mysteries
contracted to the narrowness of the mind" - Francis Bacon "Sit down before facts like a child, and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion." - T.H. Huxley In order to make progress, one must leave the door to the unknown ajar." - Richard Feynman "When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong." - Arthur C. Clarke's First Law "The most erroneous stories are those we think we know best—and therefore never scrutinize or question." - Stephen Jay Gould "No Pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit" - Helen Keller "To become truly immortal, a work of art must escape all human limits: logic and common sense will only interfere. But once these barriers are broken, it will enter the realms of childhood visions and dreams." - Giorgio de Chirico | Bypassing concerns
of physical appearance, the censored studies go directly to the actual
thoughts of our ancestors. These thoughts are accessible because
someone—or several highly-skilled persons—long ago
Fig. 2.
The 400,000-year old radial bone engravings from Bilzingsleben plotted
non-arbitrarily on a 4-degree base radial grid. This study proves
beyond any mathematical doubt an association between all four motifs of
Artifacts 1-3 and a high order of philosophical and system intelligence in Homo erectus people. The most profound observation is that the radial engravings are part of a continuum. Each motif type occupies its own place as though in a specified range
on an invisible radial grid of which the engravers were aware. Engraved
sequences within ranges is analogous to how the radio spectrum is
divided into frequency bands for different broadcasters. Converting the
radial motifs into linear sequences, the case is made that compression and expansion in
the spacing between engraved lines can be as specific a conveyor of
information as the dots and dashes of Morse Code; without deviation the
inner bands exhibit compression while the outer bands beginning at the Phi point
exhibit expansion. Additional information resides in the lengths and
secondary traits of each line. As hard to believe as this system might
seem it has a modern equivalent in the khipus (kē-pūz) or “talking knots” used in the 5000-year old Caral civilization of Peru and later Inca Empire. ![]()
Fig. 3. Mathematical
language comes in another form not typically used in archaeology,
namely, music theory. In music theory numbers are used but not like in
mathematics and letters are used but not like in language. This hybrid
quality makes music theory very useful in studying the qualities of
artifacts in a more objective way than is possible with conventional
methods as it allows a researcher to be less influenced by mathematical
or linguistic preconceptions. It is one of the techniques used
throughout The Graphics of Bilzingsleben (BAR I.S. 2224). Top: Color Slide #31 (of 112) or Fig. 8b-Left of the published paper. It is Bilzingsleben Artifact 1 side-fan motif reading the vertical ratios in musical terms. As noted in the paper, the grid lines were slightly ‘tempered’ (as in piano tuning) so as to make the point easier. This example is Verdi’s famous Enigmatic Scale or Scala Enigmatica, C Db E F Gb Ab Bb or the equivalent mathematical ratio 131122. The point is that the Bilzingsleben engravings are measurable sequences with analogues in modern usage. Bottom: Slide #32 (of 112) or Fig. 8b-Right of the published paper reading the ratios vertically and horizontally using the ‘chromatic’ scale. BTW, these scales and rhythms are quite playable on any chromatic instrument as are those of Artifact 2 which feature Augmented Scale X and the Indian scale, Raga Takka. | took the time to
engrave a few bones with the apparent aid of a straight edge and so
made the true mental abilities of their people available for all to see
and appreciate. Significance: ![]() The blockade to this knowledge began with competitive researchers at the XV UISPP Congress along with leading evolutionists hiding behind the safety of anonymity at the Journal of Human Evolution under the direction of Dr. Susan Anton (standard-school physical anthropologist and long-time promoter of the ape-man paradigm) at New York University. These successfully blocked this pivotal evidence from appropriate discourse in the scientific literature. The level of scandal involved includes holding the paper back for five years while allowing it to be absorbed and used without citation by competitive researchers.
Feliks is founder of the Pleistocene Coalition. He has specialized in
the study of early human cognition for nearly 20 years.