“Once a science calls a challenge an attack you know it is in trouble.” |
“Homo erectus is an upright ape… It could make tools, but they were very limited tools.”
“Upright apes,” “limited tools,” not-quite-human creatures often described as “It.” We have all heard these types of things from the science community having had them repeatedly pounded into our heads from childhood as though they were facts. They are not facts. And being claimed as facts while conflicting evidence is blocked from the public (Figs. 1-5) you can rest assured that they are not science either.Fig. 1. Removing the radial variable (inset) and equalizing the lengths of the four 3-part composite line groups or sets (see magnification at right) of Bilzingsleben Artifact 2 (a 370,000-year old engraved rib bone of a large unidentified mammal). The artifact was possibly a multipurpose mathematical tool as sophisticated as a slide rule with potential uses including not only simple counting or its proposed use as a straight edge (see Part 1, Proof of straight edge use by Homo erectus) but also for uses involving trigonometry, ratio, logarithms, exponents, and fractals (see Fig. 2); and equally-demonstrable non-mathematical uses. Note that all four line groups were already set by the engraver to the same x-axis (bottom edge of artifact). Mainstream science has aggressively promoted the evolutionary idea that Homo erectus was an ape-man while blocking geometric proof of modern-level intelligence. In, Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media, we learn how power elites control public knowledge. In the case of demeaning Homo erectus the elite are not corporations but evolutionary scientists who, unable to counter empirical data, resort to suppression—one reason the late Carl Sagan emphasized that true science must not respect authority. Suppression of conflicting evidence is how the masses are duped when it comes to the topic of human origins. No true science encourages the promotion of non-facts as facts; and the sooner the world’s thinking people remember this and learn to distinguish between real sciences (e.g., chemistry, physics, astronomy, geology, paleontology, biology, psychology, mathematics) and corrupted variants (e.g., evolutionary biology, evolutionary psychology) the sooner we will be able to snap out of the quality of being so easily duped. ![]() It is the opposite of logic to attach an ideological qualifier to the name of a scientific field for if the ideology is discredited the entire field goes with it. Proof of advanced mathematics in Homo erectus must of necessity be blocked in corrupted sciences because their evolutionary qualifiers require non-objectivity from their adherents. It is why devotees such as Richard Dawkins resort to tactics like name-calling, censorship, or attempts to force legislation preventing alternatives from being discussed in the science classroom; they resort to such behaviors in order to defend corrupted fields against what they call “attacks” from challengers. Once a science calls a challenge an attack you know it is in trouble. Dawkins is well-exposed in the fact that he has more invested in evolution than science as his preoccupation with attacking religion attests. In fact, Dawkins may feel he doesn’t have much |
early human mathematics is blocked from publication for the simple
reason that the evolutionary paradigm requires an ape-man phase.” |
choice but to fight in this way (i.e. kicking opponents in the groin rather than responding intelligently) because by admitting contrary evidence into normal scientific discourse the devotee of a corrupted field must anticipate its potential demise. Advanced early human mathematics is blocked from publication for the simple reason that the evolutionary paradigm requires an ape-man phase. Anonymous peer reviewers who censor geometric evidence to protect this paradigm need to be smoked out of their nest. What they do is not science. Evolutionary psychology, a newcomer on the evolutionary bandwagon, will be the first to go. Since they didn’t anticipate an “attack” from empirical evidence they had no “scientific” [continued on page 14]![]() ![]() Fig. 4. Five constants from an Acheulian compound line. Aplimat 2012.
Study of a different motif included here as a reminder that the claims
for mathematics at Bilzingsleben are not limited to those discussed in
this article. The artifacts are also expressible in trigonometric and
projective terms not at all suggesting the work of apes. |
“We don’t need fossils in order to demonstrate that evolution is a fact. ... it would be an obviously true fact even if not a single fossil had ever been formed.” -Richard Dawkins |
defense. Their only defense was, and still is, censorship. This censorship is supported by evolutionary biologists because they are aware that if one front is lost more devastating “attacks” may be on the horizon and they would be correct to imagine it. I know this because the greater part of my life was spent with paleontology for the most part unhindered by an ideologically-vectored science education so I am familiar with the evidence from fossils in a more objective way than had I been programmed. Fossils have never been anything but trouble for evolution fanatics (see Richard Dawkins’ solution in the sidebar. If you are impressed, I strongly recommend going after your alma mater, perhaps in a class-action suit as you are clearly not the only victim). Fig. 5. Proof of association between an abstract point and infinity (via a complex set). This figure is also described as “an infinite radial motif echoed at a ‘crossing point’ in two-dimensional space.” This is Slide #44 from The Graphics of Bilzingsleben program presented at the XV UISPP Congress, Lisbon, 2006. ![]() You typically hear that thoughts do not fossilize but the engraved artifacts from Bilzingsleben are mathematical ‘cognitive fossils’ as impeccable as “trace fossils” in paleontology only instead of showing the tracks and burrows of where ancient animals went with their bodies the Bilzingsleben artifacts show where Homo erectus people went with their minds. Of course, I am exposed to the ubiquitous rhetoric of “Homo erectus the ape-man” just like everyone else but staying out of the system during a crucial educational time was enough to let a small spark of objectivity remain. We all need to protect our own sparks from childhood and not allow ourselves to be duped by evolutionary rhetoric. Evolutionary biology is a harder fortress to take down than evolutionary psychology for only “one” reason—a hundred years of flooding the public and academia with so much convoluted rhetoric that normally intelligent people can’t even see it. Invisible rhetoric, cognitive trickery, scientific dishonesty works like this: Begin by forcing absorption of an ideology during childhood in a captive audience setting (i.e. as ‘science’ in the classroom). By the time of high school, students will naturally mistake the rhetoric they use to “think with” as being their own mind which in reality has become the medium of the rhetoric and so draws no attention to itself. Finally, by the time of university adults have lost all critical thinking ability and are naively convinced there is nothing but tons and tons of physical evidence supporting evolutionary theory even though they have “NEVER” seen it. That’s how powerful long-term brainwashing can be. John Feliks has specialized in the study of early human cognition for nearly twenty years using an approach based on geometry and techniques of drafting. Feliks is not a mathematician; however, he uses the mathematics of ancient artifacts to show that human cognition does not evolve. One aspect of Feliks’ experience that has helped to understand artifacts is a background in music; he is a long-time composer in a Bach-like tradition as well as an acoustic-rock songwriter and taught computer music including MIDI, digital audio editing, and music notation in a college music lab for 11 years. |