clear line of fossils now traces the transition between whales and
hoofed mammals... reptiles and mammals... dinosaurs and birds... apes
and humans." -Biology, 6th Edition, Raven et al, 2002: 455. “A clear line of fossils”?
Fradulent statements like this, ubiquitous in evolution-based college
textbooks (e.g., Figs. 1-7), will be the downfall of science if the
community does not distance itself from the blatant use
of fraud to manipulate people’s beliefs. Anthropology, biology, and
paleontology have become a conglomerate easily provable to employ fraud
in the captive-audience science classroom. Except that they’re being paid, I would not want
to be the AAAS or an attorney representing mainstream science at this
point. |
When I was a boy in 1960s Michigan there were several things I wanted to be when I grew up. They included, paleontologist (see Tales of a Fossil Collector in this issue); marine biologist; astronaut; artist/musician; and detective or attorney. As far as the desire to be an attorney goes, it was inspired by the television program, Perry Mason—excellent television giving a sense of critical thinking until the show ended in 1966. But right on the heels of Perry Mason (and no less, the thought-provoking series, The Outer Limits), just a few months later began the baby-boomer life-changing phenomenon of Star Trek.
One typically hears how Star Trek influenced modern technology. That’s obviou This whole notion of logical or critical thinking
led me to the school library and a book on logic. That is when
(unrelated to any classes) I first learned about logical fallacies,
over-generalization, circular reasoning, black & white thinking,
etc., all of which are generally considered bad science. It was many
years later I discovered that these are traits of evolutionary
fanaticism. The logic book also brought me to Plato and eventually
reading many of his dialogues, learning perspective, Theory of Forms,
and a general sense of putting actual effort into thinking.
Fig. 1. Biology, 10th Ed., Raven et al, 2013. Like all similar textbooks this series is packed with fraudulent statements presented as fact.
that is where my idealized expectations of science came from. However,
as most readers already know, after experiencing censorship of
empirical evidence starting with a paper called The Impact of Fossils on the Development of Visual Representation
Fig. 2. The Earth Through Time, 7th Ed. (2003) is “historical” geology, i.e. not objective geology but that absorbed by evolutionism. Every edition is packed with false statements or speculations rendered as fact. Like Historical Geology, this book is beautifully produced. It is only its evolutionism that makes it a work of propaganda.
Continuing from Part 2...
-Biology, 6th Ed. Raven et al. 2002: 455.
“Censorship makes deception possible by removing the means to assess evidence objectively.”
"Paleoanthropologists make educated guesses about which fossil species represent ancestors that live at the branch points of the cladogram..." -Evolutionary Analysis, Freeman and Herron, 1998: 541-2. |
out into the field to know this) none of which show any “clear line.”
In other words, the statement proves that the authors of a leading
biology textbook either have no idea what they’re talking about when it
comes to the fossil record or are participants in fraud. Still, it is presented to trusting students as fact.
-Biology, 6th Ed. Raven et al. 2002: 441
–Biology, 6th Edition, Raven et al, 2002: 455.
-Historical Geology, 5th Ed, Wicander et al., 2007: 398.
-Historical Geology, 5th Ed, Wicander et al., 2007: 402.
-Life: The Science of Biology, 6th Ed. (Vol. II: Evolution, Diversity, and Ecology; Purves et al., 2001): 597.
Fig. 6. Biology, 7th Ed., 2004. Different cover, same falsities.
24.) “One can draw the hominid family tree in two very different ways, either lumping variants together or splitting them into separate species.” -Biology, 6th Ed. Raven et al. 2002: 477.
-Evolutionary Analysis, Freeman and Herron, 1998: 538, 541-2.
“Although some may find it frustrating, human evolution is just like that of other ![]() -Historyical Geology, 5th Ed, Wicander et al., 2007: 398 | 27.)
“Early in its evolutionary history, the primate lineage split into two
main branches. …Too few fossil primates have been discovered to reveal
with certainty their evolutionary relationships.”
-Life: The Science of Biology, 6th Ed. (Vol. II: Evolution, Diversity, and Ecology; Purves et al., 2001): 595.
-Historical Geology, 5th Ed, Wicander et al., 2007: 404.
-Historical Geology, 5th Ed, Wicander et al., 2007: 410.
-The Earth Through Time, 7th Ed., HL Levin, 2003: 552.
-Biology, 6th Ed. Raven et al. 2002: 477.
–Tim White, excavator of the Laetoli footprints; Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, by Donald Johanson.
-Historical Geology, 5th Ed, Wicander et al., 2007: 404.
John Feliks has specialized in the study of early human cognition for nearly twenty years demonstrating beyond any reasonable doubt that human cognition does not evolve. His work and empirical geometric evidence have been censored by the evolution community. Earlier, his focus was on the fossil record studying fossils in the field across the U.S. and parts of Canada as well as studying many of the classic texts Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Index Fossils of North America, etc.). He wrote the article, Ardi: How to Create a Science Myth, and claims that all pre-human hominids or similar claims for transitional invertebrate fossils are equally as easy to debunk because when the paradigm is flawed it is not difficult to debunk everything it contains. Feliks encourages students going through standard science training to openly question the ideology being forced upon them as fact in the captive audience science classroom with full confidence that evidence is there to support them. |