This is a full-text html version of the following article from Pleistocene Coalition News posted online 8-8-2014:
Feliks, J. 2014. Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 8: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Porifera and CnidariaPleistocene Coalition News 6 (4): 13-15.

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The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Porifera and Cnidaria

A lifelong reader of textbooks in every field exposes “thousands” of examples of false statements of fact and other propaganda techniques easily spotted in anthropology, biology, and paleontology textbooks

By John Feliks

tn_Acheulian-collected-Isastraea-coral-section_redrawn-jfeliks_Musings jpg.jpg

Fig. 1.

Detail drawing of Isastraea coral (living fossil for 207 million years). Two such fossils were chipped from their matrix and carried 120 miles by H. heidelbergensis people c. 400,000 years ago; Swanscombe, England (Musings on the Palaeolithic Fan Motif, J. Feliks, Exploring the Mind of Ancient Man, 2006). Homo erectus and Neanderthals collected other coral and sponge fossils as well (The Impact of Fossils on the Development of Visual Representation, J. Feliks, Rock Art Research, 1998: 112). The above papers provided evidence that early people linked fossils to living forms challenging the idea of cognitive evolution—a central tenet of anthropology. Similarly, living fossils do not support the tenets of evolutionary biology.

The date ranges in this article (except those with asterisks) are from Fossilworks: Gateway to the Paleobiology Database, Macquarie Univ. Dept. of Biological Sciences, Sydney, Australia. The database is assembled by hundreds of paleontologists and is based on the fact that the same fossils are present throughout the world. 

“Sponges [Porifera] are the...oldest metazoan phylum still extant today; they share the closest relationship with the hypothetical common metazoan ancestor.”

–Werner E. G. M�ller, geneticist, sponge expert

“Modern corals…may have evolved from some nonskeletonized common ancestor that existed in the Paleozoic but left no fossil record.”

–Bruce L. Stinchcomb, geologist, paleontologist

This is a standard trick in Darwinism to explain why evolutionary claims do not match the physical evidence of the fossil record. It is applied by mainstream PhDs trained in biology, paleontology, and anthropology to every single creature and every type of creature known (See Parts 2, 3, and 4: Fictions taught as fact in college textbooks, Part 1 and Part 2; PCN #23, May-June 2013; PCN #24, July-August 2013; and, Evolutionists are not qualified to assess ‘any’ evidence, PCN #25, September-October 2013; or the series in html).

Paleontologists cannot explain the origins of any organisms without recourse to a pantheon of invisible “unknown” ancestors. Yet, they can tell you the exact range to the decimal of when fossilized creatures lived (Figs. 1-7). This means that their desired explanation does not match their accrued facts.

(continued on page 14)
Genus Current living fossils Range Fossils recovered in situ by the author


(phylum; sponges)

The oldest known complex animal fossils
are sponges.

760 million years

760.0 MYA–Present
Worldwide tn_Stromatoporoid-large-showing-internal-structure_Devonian_Alpena-Rogers-City-Michigan_jfeliks_600dpi+23cntrst+8brt.jpg
4 1/4" w (11 cm)

Stromatoporoid sponge showing internal structure; Devonian;
Alpena, Michigan


(phylum; sponges)

Since they first appeared in the fossil record sponges have been sponges. This is true for all organisms.

760 million years

760 MYA–Present
Worldwide tn_Tube-sponge_Mississippian_Sulphur-Indiana-jfeliks1200dpi+7cntrst+17brt.jpg
1 3/8" tall (3.3 cm)

Tube sponge showing osculum; Mississippian;
Sulphur, Indiana


(phylum; corals, anemones, jellyfishes, hydras)

Some of the most ancient soft-body fossils are modern-looking cnidarians.

680 million years

680.0 MYA–Present
Worldwide Late-Jurassic-jellyfish_Rhizostomites-admirandus_Solnhofen_Germany-Bavaria_320px-Qualle_Oberjura.JPGtn_Jellyfish-fossil-possible_unlabeled-resemble-worm-borings-stone_jfeliks_1200dpi_tighter-crop+19cntrst-11brt.jpg
Right specimen 1/2" wide (1.3 cm)

Left: Jurassic jellyfish, Germany (public domain), Right: UI jellyfish in sandstone;
author; USA


(Cnidarian class including corals and sea anemones)

580 million years

580.0 MYA–Present
Worldwide tn_Protaraea-2_tabulate-coral-encrusting-brach-shell_Ordovician_Liberty-Indiana_jfeliks_1200dpi+10cntrst-3brt.jpg
1" wide (2.3 cm)

Protaraea tabulate coral encrusting brachiopod shell; Ordovician;
Liberty, Indiana


(coral order)

361 million years

360.7 MYA–Present
Worldwide tn_Manicina-rose-coral_Key-Largo-Limestone_Pleistocene_jfeliks_600dpi_9cntrst+7brt.jpg
2 3/16" (5.5 cm)

Manicina; rec. in situ, Pleistocene;
Key Largo Limestone


(coral family)

235 million years

235.0 MYA–Present
Worldwide tn_Montastrea-colony-coral_south-Florida_Pleistocene_jfeliks_600dpi.jpg
2 1/2" (6.1 cm)

Montastrea; rec, in situ author Pleistocene;
south Florida


(coral superfamily)

167 million years

167.0 MYA–Present
Worldwide tn_Agaricia-colony-coral_southern-Florida_Pleistocene_jfeliks_600dpi-autolevels.jpg
2" wide (5.1 cm)

Agaricia; rec. in situ, Pleistocene;
south Florida

Fig. 2.

A few examples of thousands of orders, families, genera (presently sponges and corals) showing no evolution for hundreds of millions of years—facts hidden from public.

Genus Former living fossils Range Fossils recovered in situ by the author


(coral subclass; note identical time range as Stauriida order)

440 million years

488.3–48.6 MYA
1 3/8" (3.6 cm)

Cystiphyllum; Devonian;
Arkona, Ontario, Canada


(coral subclass; note identical time range as Stauriida order)

348 million years

488.3–48.6 MYA
1 15/16" (4.9 cm)

Heliophyllum; Devonian;
Arkona, Ontario, Canada


(coral order; note identical time range as Rugosa subclass)

305 million years

488.3–48.6 MYA
9/16" w (1.4 cm)

Microcyclus rec. in situ Devonian;
Arkona, Ontario

Fig. 3.

Before extinctions all of the worldwide genera presented were living fossils. Examples rec. by author from formations across U.S. and Canada over a 30-yr. span.

Page 13


Page 14


Fig. 5.

Heliophyllum, a cosmopolitan horn coral whose order, Rugosa, survived as a living fossil for 440 million years. Nothing at all unsuccessful about that despite an evolution community trying to sell people the idea of a fossil record filled to the brim with unfit creatures that had to mutate into other creatures in order to survive. These corals appeared in the Ordovician and remained the same through the Eocene; and like every other species, genera, order, family, phylum, never changed except at a level easily compared with dog breeds. As the dates in Figs 1-7 show, once organisms appear in the fossil record they survive unchanged for tens to hundreds of millions of years.

Persistence of belief despite contradictory evidence is practically unknown in science but it is a distinguishing trait of Darwinism. This is because when those in its associated fields are being educated they are aggressively and relentlessly taught what to believe, not how to assess evidence objectively. It is paint-by-numbers science. Few can ever break out of it because it is forced on them during psychologically-formative years when, as children, they would normally develop critical thinking skills. Later on they have no idea that anything is missing.

In fact, I suggest that once someone trustingly completes such an education they have little ability left to objectively assess the fossil record even when the evidence ‘obviously’ does not align with their expectations.

This type of education—the kind that prevents students from learning about conflicting evidence or that blocks them from discussing the implications of conflicting evidence such as the startlingly long existence ranges of organisms without changing—is an assault on human reason and the progress in inquiry we have made since Plato and other great philosopher-scientists of the past (e.g., Newton).

The three corrupted sciences of biology, paleontology, and anthropology are interfering with the quest for truth and the human right to seek out origins wherever that quest might lead.

The greatest assault on free inquiry is presently occurring here in the United States. It is the forcing of children in captive-audience classrooms to accept by stranglehold challenged ideas as scientific fact (including the just-as-easily-debunked fad of genetics as

(continued on page 15)

Former living fossils  Range
Fossils recovered in situ by the author


(coral order; note identical time range as Rugosa subclass)

440 million years

488.3–48.6 MYA
tn_Disphyllum possible_Genshaw Form. Alpena-Michigan_jfeliks_1200dpi+7cntrst-5brt.jpg
9/16" w (1.4 cm)

Disphyllum rec. in  situ, Devonian;
Rogers City, MI


(coral suborder)

370 million years

418.7–48.6 MYA

13/16" (2.1 cm)

Stereostylus; Pennsylvanian; Kittanning, Pennsylvania


(extinct coral order or subclass, depending on the goose one chooses to chase)

284 million years

516.0–232.0 MYA
1 1/2" w (3.9 cm)

Halysites (chain coral); Devonian;
Alpena County, MI


(coral order)

284 million years

516.0–232.0 MYA
15/16" (2.5 cm)

Syringopora; Devonian, Arkona, Ontario


(extinct coral order or subclass, depending on the goose one chooses to chase)

284 million years

516.0–232.0 MYA

1 1/2" w (3.9 cm)

Thamnopora; rec. in situ Devonian; Alpena Co., MI


(coral family)

236 million years

488.3–252.3 MYA

2 3/4" (7 cm) and 3
3/8" (8 cm)

Grewingkia; two specimens; left showing sutures, right showing growth lines; Ordovician; Milton, Kentucky


(colonial tabulate coral family)

224 million years

456.1–232.0 MYA

3 1/4" w (8.2 cm)

Favosites rec. in situ, Devonian;
Alpena, MI


(colonial tabulate coral family)

224 million years

456.1–252.3 MYA

7/8" (2.4 cm)

Emmonsia, rec. in situ, Dev.; Arkona, Ont. or Sylvania, OH


(coral superfamily)

204 million years

456.1–252.3 MYA

2 1/2" (6.3 cm)

Aulopora encrusting Heliophyllum; Dev. L. Arkona; R. Sylvania


(tabulate coral superfamily)

203 million years

455.8–252.3 MYA

9/16" (1.4 cm)

Pleurodictyum; Devonian; Seven Stars, Pennsylvania


(coral suborder)

197 million years

449.5–252.3 MYA
3 1/4" ea (8.1 cm)

Zaphrentoides; Mississippian; author; Sulphur, Indiana

Fig. 4.

Continuing examples of well established genera, etc., with astounding existence ranges and no morphing between genera. No true science would make claims such as evolution when evidence shows the opposite. Date ranges are international consensus.

Page  14


Page 15


Fig. 7.

Halysites, the ‘chain coral,’ Order Tabulata, Cambrian–Triassic; 516.0–232.0 million years, unchanged 284 million years. Contrary to Darwinism, which parades as science, the fossil record is not a record filled with mutating and morphing organisms. It consists of nothing but well-established and successful organisms that survive for tens to hundreds of millions of years. Read the dates in the figures. If you are intimidated by propagandists, be they teachers, professors, school or university officials into accepting buffoonery as fact, understand that they do not know the fossil record beyond their template training, being victims of the kind of education they are passing on to you or your children. When propagandists attempt to block people from conflicting ideas or evidence in the classroom, question their scientific integrity. Ask to see the trillions of fossilized (not invisible) invertebrate morphs or to point to exact geographic locations where purported evolutionary events have taken place. They will not be able to do it.

an end-all; the genetics fad is a simple trick raising analogy and assumption to a level above the ‘chronologically recorded facts’ of the fossil record—the only source of real-time non-analogical physical evidence regarding origins.

U.S. children are now being trapped in science classrooms with template instructors. This is because organizations which have lost scientific integrity (e.g., AAAS) are participants in a far-reaching campaign to control na�ve and easily-duped legislators, judiciary, and educators. I guarantee, none of those people understand the fossil record. Otherwise, they would not allow laws to pass that diminish students’ rights to study it objectively.

It is harmful to the investigative spirit when an aggressive ideology rules the science community. That community is currently after easy targets such as children in school. At present, they have all their guns aimed at religion. However, that leaves them wide open. They are in the process of being taken at Aqaba and don’t even know it.


John Feliks has specialized in the study of early human cognition for twenty years demonstrating beyond any reasonable doubt that human cognition does not evolve. Earlier, his focus was on the invertebrate fossil record studying fossils in the field across the U.S. and parts of Canada as well as studying many of the classic texts (Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Index Fossils of North America, etc.). With the advent of the Next Generation Science Standards setting up U.S. schools to force an ideology on children as fact while blocking opposing evidence, Feliks encourages students to insist that science teachers present all evidence objectively—like in normal science. At present evolution is taught as propaganda with no rigor or accountability.

 Former living fossils

Fossils recovered by the author


(coral families)

195 million years

449.5–254.0 MYA

Worldwide tn_Hexagonaria2_Devonian_Alpena-County-MI_jfeliks_1200dpi-clean.jpg
1 3/4" (4.3 cm)

Hexagonaria; author; Devonian; Alpena, MI


(rugosa colonial coral suborder)

185 million years

449.5–265.0 MYA

Worldwide tn_Lithostrotion-2_Mississippian-coral_Iuka-Tishimingo-Co_Mississippian-jfeliks_600dpi+7cntrst&brt.jpg
3 1/4" (8 cm)

Lithostrotion (Acrocyathus); Mississippian; Iuka, Mississippi


(coral order)

184 million years

456.1–272.5 MYA

tn_Large-unidentified-cnidarian_Silurian_Miami-County-Ohio_jfeliks_300dpi+11cntrst&brt.jpg    tn_Calymene_Silurian_Phoneton_Miami-Co-Ohio_jfeliks_300dpi.jpg   tn_Pentamerus_Silurian_Phoneton_Miami-Co-Ohio_jfeliks_300dpi.jpg
6 1/4" tall (15.8 cm)

Cystiphyllum; Silurian; Phoneton, Ohio; found in context with Calymene (middle), Pentameras (right), and Sphaeroxochus and Encrinurus trilobites


(coral suborder)

182 million years

436.0–254.0 MYA

2" w. view (5 cm)

Alveolites rec. by author in situ Devonian; Arkona, Ontario

Unidentified large Rugose horn coral

162 million years

488.3–254.0 MYA

Worldwide tn_Horn-coral_Pennsylvanian_Junction-City_Kansas_jfeliks_300dpi+21cntrst.jpg
3 3/4" tall (9.4 mm)

Large horn coral; Pennsylvanian; Junction City, Kansas


(coral family) Note: Taxa date ranges can vary by a hundred million years and change daily like the stock market.

90 million years

342.8–252.3 MYA

Worldwide tn_Lophophyllidium-westii_&_proliferum_Pennsylvanian_Paris-Illinois-jfeliks_1200dpi+3cntrst.jpg
1 3/16" (3 cm)

Lophophyllidium westii & proliferum (1 1/6"); Pennsylvanian; Paris, Illinois

A few Paleozoic horn corals compared

The idea is to start thinking “dog breeds” for all fossil types. Use of the term ‘species’ has long been out of control in the fields of biology, anthropology, and paleontology and can no longer be trusted as anything more than a way to differentiate varieties. Remember, if paleontologists never knew about modern-day dogs but found Chihuahua, St. Bernard, and German Shepherd fossils they would call them different species. Anyone alive today knows that they are the same.

236 million years

488.3–252.3 MYA

tn_Grewingkia_Ordovician_Richmond-Indiana_jfeliks_300dpi+14cntrst&brt.jpg  tn_Horn-coral_Devonian_Milan-Illinois_jfeliks_1200dpi.jpg  tn_Lophophyllidium-proliferum-separate_Pennsylvanian_Paris-Illinois-jfeliks_1200dpi.jpg
2 11/16",
1", 1 1/16"

Left: Ordovician horn coral, Grewingkia, roadcut, Liberty, Indiana; Center: Devonian horn coral, Collinson Quarry, Milan, Illinois; Right: Pennsylvanian horn coral, Lophophyllidium, quarry behind St. Aloysius Church, Paris, Illinois

Fig. 6.

More examples of fossils with astounding existence ranges and no morphing between genera. Instead of being coerced into Darwinism as threatened by the NGSS, innocent school children need to be taught the “facts” of the fossil record.

Page 15

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Return to Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 1: Basic propaganda techniques in college textbooks
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Debunking evolutionary propaganda, part 2: Fictions taught as fact in college textbooks, 1st half
Return to Debunking evolutionary propaganda, part 3: Fictions taught as fact in college textbooks, 2nd half
Return to
Debunking evolutionary propaganda, part 4: Evolutionists are not qualified to assess 'any' evidence
Return to
Debunking evolutionary propaganda, part 5: Mandatory U.S.-legislated indoctrination now in place, 1st target, captive-audience children in K-12 science classrooms
Return to Debunking evolutionary propaganda, part 6: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Brachiopoda
Return to Debunking evolutionary propaganda, part 7: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Mollusca
Return to Debunking evolutionary propaganda, part 8: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Porifera and Cnidaria
Return to Debunking evolutionary propaganda, part 9: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Echinodermata
Return to Debunking evolutionary propaganda, part 10: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Bryozoa
Return to Debunking evolutionary propaganda, part 11: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Arthropoda
Return to Debunking evolutionary propaganda, part 12: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Trace fossils & graptolites [PDF]
Return to Debunking evolutionary propaganda, part 13: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Plants [PDF]
Return to Debunking evolutionary propaganda, part 14: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Fishes and invertebrates [PDF]
Return to Debunking evolutionary propaganda, part 15: Tetrapod evolution credibility questioned via invertebrate fossils [PDF]

Recent external mathematics publications:

Feliks, J. 2012. Five constants from an Acheulian compound line. Aplimat - Journal of Applied Mathematics 5 (1): 69-74.

Feliks, J. 2011. The golden flute of Geissenklosterle: Mathematical evidence for a continuity of human intelligence as opposed to evolutionary change through time. Aplimat - Journal of Applied Mathematics 4 (4): 157-62.

Return to The graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Part 1: Proof of straight edge use by Homo erectus
Return to The graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Part 2: Censoring the world's oldest human language
Return to The graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Part 3: Base grids of a suppressed Homo erectus knowledge system
Return to The graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Part 4: 350,000 years before Bach
Return to The graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Part 5: Gestalten
Return to The graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Part 6: The Lower Paleolithic origins of advanced mathematics
Return to The graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Part 7: Who were the people of Bilzingsleben?
Return to 
The graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Part 8: Evidence for a Homo erectus campsite depiction in 3D
Return to 
The graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Part 9: Artifact 6 'Lower tier' in multiview and oblique projections

Return to Reviving the Calico of Louis Leakey, part 1
Return to
Reviving the Calico of Louis Leakey, part 2

Return to Four arguments for the elimination of television, Jerry Mander
Return to 12 Angry Men, starring Henry Fonda: A superb classic film for teaching critical thinking attitude and skills
Return to Ardi: How to create a science myth
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The golden flute of Geissenklosterle (preview of Aplimat 2011 paper)
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Return to The straight line route: A different perspective on trekking from Central Asia to the U.S. Southwest

Pleistocene Coalition News
is produced by the Pleistocene Coalition
bi-monthly since October 2009.

Contact the author of this article: feliks (at)