quickly understand the context of this warning to Americans—especially
parents—that we are dealing with ‘dishonest’ science, please read the
first two installments in this series: Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 1: Basic propaganda techniques in college textbooks and Part 2: Fictions taught as fact in college textbooks
Check the cited information given. The question is, what will you do if you discover that all of the information is true? |
“We live in a world where unfortunately the distinction between true and false appears to become increasingly blurred by manipulation of facts, by exploitation of uncritical minds, and by the pollution of the language.” —Arne Tiselius, Nobel biochemist For many years, I have written about the compromised state of modern science including its use of well-known propaganda techniques to promote the ideology of Darwinism (that complex life and intelligence “evolved” from a batch of chemicals). I have further warned about the loss of rights that would occur if Americans did not hold responsible the community which is pushing acceptance of a faith-based belief system full of fictions and falsehoods as though it were “factual science.” Here, I hope to show that a legislative document endangering the long-trusted name of science to the effect of endorsing a State Religion has been introduced and pushed through U.S. legislation by several powerful institutions.
In a joint effort, three institutions—the National Research Council (NRC), the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)—have managed to push through legislation in the 50 States an indoctrination package to create a ‘common’ ideological mindset in American children (Fig. 1). This crafty work of propaganda is a means by which a group professing science is able to force their ideas on children who are obligated to be receptive without having the normal scientific responsibility of providing evidence (Figs. 2-3) challenging the material the children are forced to absorb. Anyone can force ideas on children. The evolutionary community after 150 years of special privileges of low rigor has failed to convince critical thinkers. So, now they are simply bypassing normal science and underhandedly going straight to systematic indoctrination of children in captive-audience K-12 classrooms. The language is worded so that Darwinism—a religion masquerading as science—can be legally taught as fact protected by provisions assuring it can be taught unhindered by any |
![]() Fig. 2. The Grand Canyon with its zillions of chronological stratigraphic layers should have provided the end-all-proof—not inferences—of evolution for Darwinists. The fact is, it is nothing of the sort. This will be discussed in future installments on how evolutionism commandeered the stratigraphic column in the same way that Donald Johanson commandeered the 3.6 million-year old Laetoli human footprints for australopithecine apes with next to no resistance from other scientists, prompting 40 years of ignorance. Normal science just doesn’t behave this way. You don’t force ideas on people as though they are facts if you don’t have replicable or undeniable proof; Johanson had neither. Same for stratigraphy. |
of conflicting evidence. Not only is free critical thinking not
permitted but children are to be assessed as having “understanding” only according to their ability to promote the tenets of Darwinism. So
let’s cut to the chase: The indoctrination package in its various forms
is known by such names as “Common Core” and the “Next Generation
Science Standards” (NGSS). They employ the same kinds of false statements of fact, obfuscation (intentional vagueness, confusion), half-truths, disinformation, faulty cause & effect, card stacking, milieu control, red herring, transfer, unstated assumptions, and other trickery I detailed in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4. Unfortunately (as a
DCI (Disciplinary Core Idea) Arrangements of the Next Generation Science Standards [Notes: Important trickery is large font and bolded
so that indoctrination language will stand out clearly. The normal
science sections in the NGSS document are good; the problem is how the
drafters have seamlessly interwoven false evolutionary statements of fact
other forms of deception into normal science. Remember, the trickery is
multidimensional and has made it past the eyes of both naive attorneys,
teachers, and legislators. The lawsuits on the matter that have been
filed already are by concerned citizen groups where many are not aware
of the depth of the corruption in the sciences I’ve been exposing
(biology, paleontology, anthropology); nor do they know the depth of
blinkeredness in teachers, professors, and other professionals whose
critical thinking skills have already been wiped clean through ‘higher’
education. This is where the experts pointing out lack of thinking
ability in U.S. graduates cited in Part 1 are easily proven to be true.]
-DCI Arrangements of the Next Generation Science Standards, p. 50. [Faulty Cause & Effect, Part 1, p1]
-DCI Arrangements of the Next Generation Science Standards, p. 51. [False statement of fact, Part 1, p1]
-DCI Arrangements of the Next Generation Science Standards, p. 66. [Standard evolutionary double-speak, fact becomes inference, Part 2]
“Students are told to see only change when looking at the fossil record and to be blind to evidence of continuity." |
these explanations. Students can evaluate evidence of the conditions that may result in new species and understand the role of genetic variation in natural selection.” -DCI Arrangements of the Next Generation Science Standards, p. 79. [False statement of fact, Card stacking, Managing the news, Part 1; Leading the witness, Part 2, p1]
-DCI Arrangements of the Next Generation Science Standards, p. 96. [Card stacking, Half-truth, Obfuscation, Part 1; Standard evolutionary double-speak, facts lead backwards to inference, Part 2]
“Students who demonstrate understanding can:” “Analyze and interpret data for patterns in the fossil record that document the existence, diversity, extinction, and change of life forms .… Emphasis is on finding patterns of changes. … [They can] Apply scientific ideas... to construct an explanation to infer evolutionary relationships.” -DCI Arrangements of the Next Generation Science Standards, p. 66. [Abuse of science and parental trust by promoting lack of discernment: Students are told to see only change when looking at the fossil record and to be blind to evidence of continuity (see Fig. 3); this way they can infer evolution. Use of the word “understanding” in context of a forced belief system is underhanded science.]
“Students who demonstrate understanding can:” “Communicate scientific information that common ancestry and biological evolution are supported by multiple lines of empirical evidence. ...Emphasis is on a conceptual understanding of the role each line of evidence has relating to common ancestry and biological evolution.” -DCI Arrangements of the Next Generation Science Standards, p. 96. [Abuse of education: Captive students are graded on ability to profess and promote a mythology as though its status as fact is secure, turning students into missionaries—not scientists. Card stacking, Part 1. Abnormal science behavior: As in Part 3: p12: #33, students are being trained to convince themselves and others of evolution.]
“Evaluate the evidence behind currently accepted explanations.” ... “Ongoing branching that produces multiple lines of descent can be inferred.”… “Natural selection leads to adaptation, that is, to a population dominated by organisms that are anatomically, behaviorally, and physiologically well suited to survive and reproduce in a specific environment.” … “Changes in the physical environment … have thus contributed to the expansion of some species, the emergence of new distinct species.” -DCI Arrangements of the Next Generation Science Standards, p. 96. [First, remember that the term “species” is indiscriminately bantered about by the science community. It has become a “wild card” without firm definition making for easy use in Darwinism (Part 2). Second, contrary to what the science community tells people—that the history of life on earth is literally a chain of ill-suited species needing to evolve to survive—the actual fossil record consists of nothing but well-suited organisms that ‘ain’t’, and never were, broke. Part 2: p17:#10 (see also Fig. 3). Thirdly, what the NG Science Standards calls “currently accepted explanations” are nothing but origin myths clothed in rhetorical jibber-jabber. Notice above that what “can be inferred” seamlessly morphs into the usual false statements of fact. Obviously, those pushing this agenda are not true scientists as already proved in Debunking Evolutionary Propaganda Part 3 and Part 4.]
“Students can construct explanations based on evidence to support fundamental understandings of natural selection and evolution. ...They are able to use fossil records ... to support their understanding.” -DCI Arrangements of the Next Generation Science Standards, p. 50.