"When evolution-motivated science dupes the whole planet for 35 years then you know it is time for open classroom discussions."
-Clive Gamble, The Palaeolithic societies of Europe, 1999: 116
-Sarmiento et al, The Anatomical Record (The New Anatomist), 2002.
–Concepts in Biology, 10th Edition, Engor & Ross, 2003: 232.
This central evolutionary claim has essentially no supporting evidence (see Figs. 2, 4 & 5). –Concepts in Biology, 10th Edition, Engor & Ross, 2003: 232.
Fig. 3. Recommended entertainment to at least think about mass delusion: This Side of Paradise—an excellent original Star Trek episode suggesting how entire communities including scientists can be collectively duped and how challenging it can be to try and break through. Star Trek was famous for developing this particular theme with another example being, Return of the Archons. Here
was a static culture blocking individual expression and creativity. Its
cloaked & cowled lawgivers are pretty good representations of the
mentality of anonymous peer reviewers in anthropology where anyone
challenging “Landru” (or Darwin, instead) have their minds wiped clean.
I highly recommend these episodes for anyone wishing to start snapping
out of the deer-caught-in-the-headlights mindlessness that evolutionism
causes. Just think of Richard Dawkins’ sadly proud proclamation after
training that the evidence for evolution is “absolutely, totally
overwhelming.” He should definitely sue his alma mater because he has
no idea what he’s talking about. |
skills but instead have a religion forced upon them in a
captive-audience setting with no input from their parents at a very
early age and are not permitted to question or
When I was growing up I had great teachers who paid attention to kids including those who followed different drummers—and not in the least derogatory ways. In one class, around the 5th grade, I did not wish to participate in the class’ assigned bulletin board project. It was some currently popular topic; I don’t remember what. But my teacher asked what I was interested in working on instead and I said a board about dinosaurs and fossils. To my surprise she said OK as I recall without hesitation and invited anyone else in the class who wished to participate. There were only five or six of us working on that rebel board but the point is that the teacher was not a propagandist pushing a state agenda on kids like they are now. My teacher had enough of a broad view to encourage students to explore where their inspirations took them. I had several other teachers like that in elementary school. And it is teachers like that who helped me retain at least a small degree of faith in academia despite the fabricated propaganda pushed there today. Future innovations in science and our understanding of hu- |
"Do we want a country in which children attending 'science' classes are learning pop science where they are not permitted to hear about, read about or see, conflicting evidence, or are not permitted to discuss errors?" |
manity in a scientific way will come from today’s children. If we
block their normal development through imposing a state religion and
prevent them from learning normal Fig. 6. An example of how the entire community of dogmatically-trained evolutionists cannot see the obvious—that A, Ardi, and B, bonobo, go together. Instead, they imagine that A, Ardi, and C
humans as represented here by Michelangelo’s David, go together. (Ardi
image by Jay Matternes, Wikimedia Commons; Bonobo photograph courtesy
of primatologist and photographer, Frans de Waal; Michelangelo’s David,
Wikimedia Commons.) Ardi, a 4.4 million-year old fossil ape was hyped
by AAAS, the journal Science,
and the general science community as proof of evolution. This is the
community trying to force legislation that these ideas be taught in
science classrooms as fact while conflicting evidence is blocked. The
best proof that scientists such as this are not qualified to assess
‘any’ evidence is from Ann Gibbons’ overview of Ardi in the October
2009 issue of Science. She
noted how surprised researchers were that Ardi “doesn’t look much like
a chimpanzee, gorilla, or any of our closest living primate relatives.”
That shows that these researchers don’t seem to know about apes at all
and also that they seem to lack important science skills such as being
able to make reasonable comparisons. BTW, Ardi’s strangely-human
posture, gesture and gaze are pure science propaganda. See Ardi: How to create a science myth, PCN #3, January-February 2010).
They continue to see lesser-stage evolutionary ancestors even if they’ve been falsified as such. And it doesn’t matter if we’re talking about mammals, dinosaurs, or invertebrates; it is all the same. If Americans allow science this bad to be taught as fact, forced on people by judges or legislators who cannot think critically and really have no idea what’s going on, then it will only be the beginning with more idiocy to follow in its wake. A greater loss will be the right for parents to have any say whatsoever in the ’religion’ their children are being taught as ‘fact’ by indoctrinated teachers in schoolrooms across the country. Make no mistake; when a science can’t stand except by appealing to millions of unknown ancestors it is a religion. So, why are evolutionists not qualified to assess “any” evidence? It is because they lack objectivity which is a mainstay of science. Since Darwin’s proclamation that cognition “must” evolve they have already ruled out the possibility that our ancestors could have been as intelligent as us. This is why they have no choice but to censor empirical evidence of early intelligence or early people in the Americas. This is the problem with allowing an agenda or an ideology to run your science; if the ideology goes, the whole science goes with it. This world is a place of awe and wonder. If we try and make it anything less by forgetting what science really is, and, instead, force on innocent school children a secular religion as though it were science, not permitting them to think or question something so important as their origins, not permitting them to see or discuss conflicting evidence, then we are not on a scientific path and should call ourselves something other than scientists. John Feliks has
specialized in the study of early human cognition for nearly twenty
years demonstrating beyond any reasonable doubt that human cognition
does not evolve. His work and empirical geometric evidence has been
censored by the evolution community. Earlier, his focus was on the
fossil record studying fossils in the field across the U.S. and parts
of Canada as well as studying many of the classic texts Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Index Fossils of North America, etc.). He wrote the article, Ardi: How to Create a Science Myth,
and claims that all pre-human hominids or similar claims for
transitional invertebrate fossils are equally easy to debunk because
when a paradigm is flawed it is not difficult to debunk everything it
contains. Feliks encourages students going through standard science
training to openly challenge the ideology being forced upon them as
fact in the captive audience science classroom with full confidence
that evidence is there to support them. |