Refereed publications
33. The geometry of totally geodesic subvarieties of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces (abstract)
with Francisco Arana-Herrera
We prove a semi-simplicity result for the boundary, in the corresponding Deligne-Mumford compactification, of totally geodesic subvarieties of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces. Phrased at the level of Teichmüller space, this semi-simplicity theorem gives that each component of the boundary is a product of simple factors, each of which behaves metrically like a diagonal embedding. We use this to show that the associated totally geodesic submanifolds of Teichmüller space and orbifold fundamental groups are hierarchically hyperbolic.
32. Spheres in the curve graph and linear connectivity of the Gromov boundary (abstract)
Commun. Am. Math. Soc. to appear
We consider the curve graph in the cases where it is not a Farey graph, and show that its Gromov boundary is linearly connected.
For a fixed center point c and radius r, we define the sphere of radius r to be the induced subgraph on the set of vertices of distance r from c. We show that these spheres are always connected in high enough complexity, and prove a slightly weaker result for low complexity surfaces.
31. Towards optimal spectral gaps in large genus (abstract)
with Michael Lipnowski
Ann. of Prob. 2024
We show that the Weil-Petersson probability that a random surface has first eigenvalue of the Laplacian less than 3/16-ε goes to zero as the genus goes to infinity.
30. High rank invariant subvarieties (abstract)
with Paul Apisa
Ann. of Math. 2023
We classify GL(2,R) orbit closures of translation surfaces of rank at least half the genus plus 1.
29. The asymmetry of Thurston's earthquake flow (abstract)
with Francisco Arana-Herrera
Geom. Topol. to appear
We show that Thurston's earthquake flow is strongly asymmetric in the sense that its normalizer is as small as possible inside the group of orbifold automorphisms of the bundle of measured geodesic laminations over moduli space. (At the level of Teichmuller space, such automorphisms correspond to homeomorphisms that are equivariant with respect to an automorphism of the mapping class group.) It follows that the earthquake flow does not extend to an SL(2,R)-action of orbifold automorphisms and does not admit continuous renormalization self-symmetries. In particular, it is not conjugate to the Teichmuller horocycle flow via an orbifold map. This contrasts with a number of previous results, most notably Mirzakhani's theorem that the earthquake and Teichmuller horocycle flows are measurably conjugate.
28. Generalizations of the Eierlegende-Wollmilchsau (abstract)
with Paul Apisa
Camb. J. Math. 2022
We classify a natural collection of GL(2,R)-invariant subvarieties, which includes loci of double covers, the orbits of the Eierlegende-Wollmilchsau, Ornithorynque, and Matheus-Yoccoz surfaces, and loci appearing naturally in the study of the complex geometry of Teichmuller space.
This classification is the key input in subsequent work of the authors that classifies "high rank" invariant subvarieties, and in subsequent work of the first author that classifies certain invariant subvarieties with "Lyapunov spectrum as degenerate as possible".
We also derive applications to the complex geometry of Teichmuller space and construct new examples, which negatively resolve two questions of Mirzakhani and Wright and illustrate previously unobserved phenomena for the finite blocking problem.
27. Hodge and Teichmüller (abstract)
with Jeremy Kahn
J. Mod. Dyn. 2022
We consider the derivative Dπ of the projection π from a stratum of Abelian or quadratic differentials to Teichmüller space. A closed one-form η determines a relative cohomology class [η], which is a tangent vector to the stratum. We give an integral formula for the pairing of Dπ([η]) with a cotangent vector to Teichmüller space (a quadratic differential).
We derive from this a comparison between Hodge and Teichmüller norms, which has been used in the work of Arana-Herrera on effective dynamics of mapping class groups, and which may clarify the relationship between dynamical and geometric hyperbolicity results in Teichmüller theory.
26. Mirzakhani's work on earthquake flow (abstract)
Panor. Synthèses 2022
The Teichmuller unipotent flow can be defined concretely on certain moduli spaces of singular flat surfaces by shearing polygonal presentations of the surfaces. Thurston's earthquake flow on moduli spaces of hyperbolic surfaces is more mysterious. Both flows have deep and important connections to other areas of mathematics.
In this expository survey we give a geometric account of the main ideas behind Mirzakhani's theorem relating these two flows. Our presentation avoids some technical prerequisites that featured in the original more analytic presentation.
25. Reconstructing orbit closures from their boundaries (abstract)
with Paul Apisa
Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 2024
We introduce and study diamonds of GL(2,R)-invariant subvarieties of Abelian and quadratic differentials, which allow us to recover information on an invariant subvariety by simultaneously considering two degenerations, and which provide a new tool for the classification of invariant subvarieties. We classify a surprisingly rich collection of diamonds where the two degenerations are contained in trivial invariant subvarieties. Our main results have been applied to classify large collections of invariant subvarieties; the statement of those results do not involve diamonds, but their proofs rely on them.
24. Marked points on translation surfaces (abstract)
with Paul Apisa
Geom. Topol. 2021
We show that all GL(2,R) equivariant point markings over orbit closures of translation surfaces arise from branched covering constructions and periodic points, completely classify such point markings over strata of quadratic differentials, and give applications to the finite blocking problem.
23. The WYSIWYG compactification (abstract)
with Dawei Chen
J. Lond. Math. Soc. 2021
We show that the partial compactification of a stratum of Abelian
differentials previously considered by Mirzakhani and Wright is not an
algebraic variety. Despite this, we use a combination of algebro-geometric and
other methods to provide a short, unconditional proof of Mirzakhani and
Wright's formula for the tangent space to the boundary of a GL(2,R) orbit
closure, and give new results on the structure of the boundary.
22. Nearly Fuchsian surface subgroups of finite covolume Kleinian groups (abstract)
with Jeremy Kahn
Duke Math. J. 2021
Let Γ < PSL_2(C) be discrete, cofinite volume, and noncocompact. We prove that for all K > 1, there is a subgroup H < Γ that is K-quasiconformally conjugate to a discrete cocompact subgroup of PSL_2(R). Along with previous work of Kahn and Markovic, this proves that every finite covolume Kleinian group has a nearly Fuchsian surface subgroup.
21. Billiards, quadrilaterals and moduli spaces
with Alex Eskin, Curtis McMullen and Ronen Mukamel
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 2020
20. A tour through Mirzakhani's work on Riemann surfaces (abstract)
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 2020
We survey Mirzakhani's work relating to Riemann surfaces, which spans about 20 papers. We target the discussion at a broad audience of non-experts.
19. A smooth mixing flow on a surface with non-degenerate fixed points (abstract)
with Jon Chaika
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 2019
We construct a smooth, area preserving, mixing flow with finitely many
non-degenerate fixed points and no saddle connections on a closed surface of
genus 5. This resolves a problem that has been open for four decades.
18. Totally geodesic submanifolds of Teichmuller space (abstract)
J. Differential Geom. 2020
We show that any totally geodesic submanifold of Teichmuller space of dimension greater than one covers a totally geodesic subvariety, and only finitely many totally geodesic subvarieties of dimension greater than one exist in each moduli space.
17. The algebraic hull of the Kontsevich-Zorich cocycle (abstract)
with Alex Eskin and Simion Filip
Ann. of Math. 2018
This paper won the Frontiers of Science Award
We compute the algebraic hull of the Kontsevich-Zorich cocycle over any GL(2,R) invariant subvariety of the Hodge bundle, and derive from this finiteness results on such subvarieties.
16. Full rank affine invariant submanifolds (abstract)
with Maryam Mirzakhani
Duke Math. J. 2018
We show that every GL(2, R) orbit closure of translation surfaces is either a
connected component of a stratum, the hyperelliptic locus, or consists entirely
of surfaces whose Jacobians have extra endomorphisms. We use this result to
give applications related to polygonal billiards. For example, we exhibit
infinitely many rational triangles whose unfoldings have dense GL(2,R) orbit.
15. Cubic curves and totally geodesic subvarieties of moduli space (abstract)
with Curtis McMullen and Ronen Mukamel
Ann. of Math. 2017
In this paper we present the first example of a primitive, totally geodesic subvariety F of M_{g,n} with dim(F) > 1. The variety we consider is a surface F in M_{1,3}, defined using the projective geometry of plane cubic curves. We also obtain a new series of Teichmuller curves in M_4, and new SL_2(R)–invariant varieties in the moduli spaces of quadratic differentials and holomorphic 1-forms.
14. The boundary of an affine invariant submanifold (abstract)
with Maryam Mirzakhani
Invent. Math. 2017
We study the boundary of an affine invariant submanifold of a stratum of translation surfaces in a partial compactification consisting of all finite area Abelian differentials over nodal Riemann surfaces, modulo zero area components. The main result is a formula for the tangent space to the boundary.
We also prove finiteness results concerning cylinders, a partial converse to the Cylinder Deformation Theorem, and a result generalizing part of the Veech dichotomy.
13. From rational billiards to dynamics on moduli spaces (abstract)
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 2016
This paper won the Conant Prize
This short expository note gives an elementary introduction to the study of dynamics on certain moduli spaces, and in particular the recent breakthrough result of Eskin, Mirzakhani, and Mohammadi.
We also discuss the context and applications of this result, and connections to other areas of mathematics such as algebraic geometry, Teichmuller theory, and ergodic theory on homogeneous spaces.
12. Finiteness of Teichmuller curves in non-arithmetic rank 1 orbit closures (abstract)
with Erwan Lanneau and Duc-Manh Nguyen
Amer. J. Math. 2017
We show that in any non-arithmetic rank 1 orbit closure of translation
surfaces, there are only finitely many Teichmuller curves. We also show that
in any non-arithmetic rank 1 orbit closure, any completely parabolic surface is Veech.
11. Translation surfaces and their orbit closures: An introduction for a broad audience (abstract)
EMS Surv. Math. Sci. 2015
Translation surfaces can be defined in an elementary way via polygons, and arise naturally in the study of various basic dynamical systems. They can also be defined as differentials on Riemann surfaces, and have moduli spaces called strata that are related to the moduli space of Riemann surfaces. There is a GL(2,R) action on each stratum, and to solve most problems about a translation surface one must first know the closure of its orbit under this action. Furthermore, these orbit closures are of fundamental interest in their own right, and are now known to be algebraic varieties that parameterize translation surfaces with extraordinary algebro-geometric and flat properties. The study of orbit closures has greatly accelerated in recent years, with an influx of new tools and ideas coming from diverse areas of mathematics. Many areas of mathematics, from algebraic geometry and number theory, to dynamics and topology, can be brought to bear on this topic, and known examples of orbit closures are interesting from all these points of view.
This survey is an invitation for mathematicians from different backgrounds to become familiar with the subject. Little background knowledge, beyond the definition of a Riemann surface and its cotangent bundle, is assumed, and top priority is given to presenting a view of the subject that is at once accessible and connected to many areas of mathematics.
10. Classification of higher rank orbit closures in H^odd(4) (abstract)
with David Aulicino and Duc-Manh Nguyen
J. Eur. Math. Soc. 2016
The moduli space of genus 3 translation surfaces with a single zero has two connected components. We show that in the odd connected component H^{odd}(4) the only GL^+(2,R) orbit closures are closed orbits, the Prym locus Q(3,-1^3), and H^{odd}(4).
Together with work of Matheus-Wright, this implies that there are only finitely many non-arithmetic closed orbits (Teichmüller curves) in H^{odd}(4) outside of the Prym locus.
9. Hodge-Teichmüller planes and finiteness results for Teichmüller curves (abstract)
with Carlos Matheus
Duke Math. J. 2015
We prove that there are only finitely many algebraically primitive Teichmüller curves in the minimal stratum in each prime genus at least 3. The proof is based on the study of certain special planes in the first cohomology of a translation surface which we call Hodge-Teichmüller planes.
We also show that algebraically primitive Teichmüller curves are not dense in any connected component of any stratum in genus at least 3; the closure of the union of all such curves (in a fixed stratum) is equal to a finite union of affine invariant submanifolds with unlikely properties. Results of this type hold even without the assumption of algebraic primitivity.
Combined with work of Nguyen and the second author, a corollary of our results is that there are at most finitely many non-arithmetic Teichmüller curves in H(4)^hyp.
8. Non-Veech surfaces in H^hyp(4) are generic (abstract)
with Duc-Manh Nguyen
Geom. Funct. Anal. 2014
We show that every surface in H^hyp(4) is either a Veech surface or a generic surface, i.e. its GL^+(2,R)-orbit is either a closed or a dense subset of H^hyp(4). The proof develops new techniques applicable in general to the problem of classifying orbit closures, especially in low genus. Recent results of Eskin-Mirzakhani-Mohammadi, Avila-Eskin-Möller, and the second author are used.
Combined with work of Matheus and the second author, a corollary is that there are at most finitely many non-arithmetic Teichmüller curves (closed orbits of surfaces not covering the torus) in H^hyp(4).
7. Cylinder deformations in orbit closures of translation surfaces (abstract)
Geom. Topol. 2015
Let M be a translation surface. We show that certain deformations of M supported on the set of all cylinders in a given direction remain in the GL(2,R)-orbit closure of M. Applications are given concerning complete periodicity, field of definition, and the number of of parallel cylinders which may be found on a translation surface in a given orbit closure.
The proof uses Eskin-Mirzakhani-Mohammadi's recent theorem on orbit closures of translation surfaces, as well as results of Minsky-Weiss and Smillie-Weiss on the dynamics of horocycle flow.
6. The field of definition of affine invariant submanifolds of the moduli space of abelian differentials (abstract)
Geom. Topol. 2014
The field of definition of an affine invariant submanifold M is the smallest subfield of the reals such that M can be defined in local period coordinates by linear equations with coefficients in this field. We show that the field of definition is equal to the intersection of the holonomy fields of translation surfaces in M, and is a real number field of degree at most the genus. We show that the projection of the tangent bundle of M to absolute cohomology H^1 is simple, and give a direct sum decomposition of H^1. Applications include explicit full measure sets of translation surfaces whose orbit closures are as large as possible, and evidence for finiteness of algebraically primitive Teichmüller curves. The proofs use recent results of Artur Avila, Alex Eskin, Maryam Mirzakhani, Amir Mohammadi, and Martin Möller.
5. Schwarz triangle mappings and Teichmüller curves: the Veech-Ward-Bouw-Möller curves (abstract)
Geom. Funct. Anal. 2013
We study a family of Teichmüller curves T(n,m) constructed by Bouw and Möller, and previously by Veech and Ward in the cases n=2,3. We simplify the proof that T(n,m) is a Teichmüller curve, avoiding the use Möller's characterization of Teichmüller curves in terms of maximally Higgs bundles. Our key tool is a description of the period mapping of T(n,m) in terms of Schwarz triangle mappings.
We prove that T(n,m) is always generated by Hooper's lattice surface with semiregular polygon decomposition. We compute Lyapunov exponents, and determine algebraic primitivity in all cases. We show that frequently, every point (Riemann surface) on T(n,m) covers some point on some distinct T(n',m') .
The T(n,m) arise as fiberwise quotients of families of abelian covers of CP^1 branched over four points. These covers of CP^1 can be considered as abelian parallelogram-tiled surfaces, and this viewpoint facilitates much of our study.
4. Schwarz triangle mappings and Teichmüller curves: abelian square-tiled surfaces (abstract)
J. Mod. Dyn. 2012
We consider normal covers of CP^1 with abelian deck group, branched over at most four points. Families of such covers yield arithmetic Teichmüller curves, whose period mapping may be described geometrically in terms of Schwarz triangle mappings. These Teichmüller curves are generated by abelian square-tiled surfaces.
We compute all individual Lyapunov exponents for abelian square-tiled surfaces, and demonstrate a direct and transparent dependence on the geometry of the period mapping. For this we develop a result of independent interest, which, for certain rank two bundles, expresses Lyapunov exponents in terms of the period mapping. In the case of abelian square-tiled surfaces, the Lyapunov exponents are ratios of areas of hyperbolic triangles.
3. Sums of Adjoint Orbits and L^2--Singular Dichotomy for SU(m) (abstract)
Adv. in Math. 2011
Let G be a real compact connected simple Lie group, and g its Lie algebra. We study the problem of determining, from root data, when a sum of adjoint orbits in g, or a product of conjugacy classes in G, contains an open set.
Our general methods allow us to determine exactly which sums of adjoint orbits in su(m) and products of conjugacy classes in SU(m) contain an open set, in terms of the highest multiplicities of eigenvalues.
For su(m) and SU(m) we show L^2--singular dichotomy: The convolution of invariant measures on adjoint orbits, or conjugacy classes, is either singular to Haar measure or in L^2.
2. Operator Algebras with Unique Preduals (abstract)
with Ken Davidson
Canad. Math. Bull. 2011
This paper won the Robinson Award
We show that every free semigroup algebras has a (strongly) unique Banach space predual. We also provide a new simpler proof that a weak*-closed unital operator operator algebra containing a weak* dense subalgebra of compact operators has a unique Banach space predual.
1. Regular Orbital Measures on Lie Algebras (abstract)
Colloq. Math. 2008
Let H be a regular element of an irreducible Lie Algebra g, and let mu be the orbital measure supported on the Adjoint orbit of H. We show that the k-th power of the Fourier transform of mu is in L^2(g) if and only if k > dim g/(dim g-rank g).