Friend of the Lord's Troops
Corporeal Warrior of Laurence
Hello, and Welcome to my home. I am here to protect
Born August 3rd, 1061 in Britagne, Maximilian Tonnel began life as a
simple farmer. As an adult he joined in the first crusades. His
actions in the crusades gained him celestial notice. One day an
angel presented himself to Maxwell and offered him a place amongst the
angels. Maxwell accepted and thus began his service of Laurence,
Archangel of the Sword. Laurence charged him with three tasks -
Mastering the Sword, Killing Demons, and Protecting the Innocent. For
hundreds of years he went about these tasks quietly in near anonymity,
but in 1997 he met up with a group of celestials who were thrown into
a Holy War. They took up the fight against the fallen Archangel Dominic.
Along the way Earth endured partial Armageddon. Heaven and Hell lost
many of their best and brightest. Maxwell's quiet anonymity was shattered.
He was changed and his eyes were openned to many of the secrets of
the celestial realm. Now he's back home on Earth helping humans
pick up the pieces of a shattered world.

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