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Hi everybody, thanks for visiting... Archermonkey hopes to be the site of
the future. How? We don't know. Anyway in the meantime we'll be putting
up interesting and hopefully entertaining tidbits for your consumption.
For now the most often updated area is Golden Banana Link of the Day So check there often. Also there's been two recent new movie reviews so check it out. If you have any ideas, email me at chiefmonkey@archermonkey.com I'd appreciate any suggestions. You'll probably get some sort of credit for your contribution if we use it. December 5, 2004 A Thousand Monkeys Typing Archermonkey's new weblog, or Blog as the hip folks call it. September 8, 2002 Word of the day Words (real or imagined) that aren't used enough January 16, 2002 Say What a collection of my favorite quotations. There's a lot of them. December 27, 2001 I renewed the Archermonkey domain name a couple of days ago, so we're still here for a little while. We still haven't made any money. *sigh* June 12, 2001 Changed the look a little of the page. It will be in flux for a little while until I get it how I like it. Not that anyone really reads this. February 18, 2001 Eat Me -- Archermonkey Restaurant Reviews are here. Would you like fries with that? February 7, 2001 Archermonkey restaurant reviews... soon-ish. November 28, 2000 Okay I've changed my mind again. I'm renaming the Monkeysass section Where's the Beef? This will probably last until I change my mind again. November 25, 2000 Okay I decided driving back from work that there are too many "Of the Day" sections. So this section will be just Monkeysass. Monkey's ass or Monkey Sass, either applies. November 18, 2000 Coming soon... here's some new sections. Monkey's Ass of the day people and companies who are currently on my shit list (or list of my personal friends) and Random thoughts August 28, 2000 I'm in the proceess of putting up a page about the people behind Archermonkey. Check it out. Who are those geniuses behind Archermonkey? August 25, 2000 After a rigorous screening process, long deliberation and unanimous approval from our distinguished "monkey" panel (All 3 of us), the Golden Banana Link of the Day is finally here. Check it out or you'll be really, really SAD!!! August 4, 2000 I've finally gotten around to adding a few things to this page. Look for the new features... Why Archerymonkey? and our First Monkey, Monkeypoint Review. June 19, 2000 A pal of mine suggested awhile ago I use the site to "make unenlightened jokes about the mayor of Detroit." I think that's funny but I don't know if everyone would. It's an idea in any case. Look soon for Monkey's Ass of the [Time Interval] and Point, MonkeyPoint -- unique movie reviews.
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SUBMISSIONS: You have an idea
Let us know. email us at chiefmonkey@archermonkey.com
If we use your idea we'll give credit where credit is due. And if
we don't like it -- well you might just never hear from us.
Submissions become the property of Archermonkey.com and may be used
for any commercial or non-commercial purpose. The act of
submitting materials to Archermonkey.com provides express consent
for unrestricted use of any submissions. Materials may be edited for
content and/or length. Crappy submissions may be the subject of
ridicule by Archermonkey staff.
Web Page created 10 March 2000
people have visited since April 30, 2000
Last Modified 22 December 2004