Japan had a lively critical culture from the 1910s on, and many of the writers were asking theoretical questions.
Rediscovering Classical Japanese Film Theory—An Anthology is an 800-page collection of prewar Japanese film theory and criticism I co-edited with the amazing Iwamoto Kenji and Aaron Gerow. It’s an impressive body of work, much of it forgotten within Japan. Our book was designed as an entry point for exploring that world. Yumani undertook the massive job of typesetting the book rather than using facsimiles, converting the characters to modern styles and making it a pleasure to read. The book has 13 chapters divided by themes like early theory, Marxist criticism, machine age speculation, film criticism, technological transformation, ideology, realist aesthetics, war cinema and more. Each chapter has an introduction and short analyses of each essay by the top film scholars in Japan.
『日本戦前映画論集—映画理論の再発見』東京:ゆまに書房 2018.