This page lists interviews with me, roundtables I've participated on, records of on-stage dialogues, and media appearances.
J-Flix, interviewed on recent Japanese films and on “Watching Ozu” (NHK, February 2021).
Oral History, Chinese Independent Film Archive, Newcastle University (5 June 2020). Archived here.
Voter, “Asian Cinema Survey,” Busan International Film Festival (2020).
J-Flix, interviewed on recent Japanese films, benshi performance (NHK, March 2020).
Martin, Robert. “Opening the Lens on Three Cutting Edge Documentaries,” Review 869 (18 October 2018). On The Big House, with Terri Sarris and Soda Kazuhiko. Read Online.
「ダイレクト・シネマと作家たち」[Direct Cinema and its Directors], Neo-Neo 11 (Summer 2018): 68-75.
「不思議な<世界>の切り取り方」『週刊読書人』(29 June 2018): 8. Download.
J-Flix, interviewed on Cannes’ Japanese films for 2018 (NHK, August 2018).
「映画作家想田和弘:アメリカを『観察する』」(Nonfix, Asahi Broadcasting, 2017; also a feature-length documentary version from Nihon Denpa Nyususha, 2018). On Soda Kazuhiro and the shooting of The Big House.Homepage.
「可見的字幕」[Visible Subtitling],『世界電影』3 (March 2015): 147-156. An interview exploring my theories on film translation. Download.
「ノンフィクションW 撮影監督ハリー三村のヒロシマ ~カラーフィルムに残された復興への祈り~」[Harry Mimura: Man Who Shot the Atomic Bombing in Color ], Wowow (2015). Television documentary on cameraman Harry Mimura. Homepage.
Voter, “Sight & Sound Top 10 Documentaries of All Time Poll,” Sight & Sound (2014). View My Rankings.
「『現認報告書』―羽田闘争の記録」[Forest of Oppression—Record of the Haneda Incident]『日本映画専門チャンネル』(2013). A televised roundtable with Adachi Masao and Kitakoji Takashi.
「倫理はドキュメンタリーの必然的課題―六つの眼差しと『倫理マシン』」[The Necessity of Considering Ethics in Documentary—Six Gazes on “The Ethics Machine”] Neoneo (12 October 2013). Read Online.
“Japan Scholar Gained Outsider’s Perspective,” NPR’s All Things Considered (20 February 2013). Upon the death of Donald Richie. Listen.
Voter, “Sight & Sound Top 10 Films of All Time Poll,” Sight & Sound (2012). View My Rankings.
「今こそ見返す今がある、傑作ドキュメンタリー:『阿賀に生きる』」 『週刊朝日』(30 November 2012): 54. Download.
“Film Studies in America,” for program on film education, Channel 4, Tehran, Iran (19 October 2009).
“Babel Cinéma: sur le doublage et le sous-titrage,” Swiss Radio (27 April 2009). By Catherine Terretaz.
“A Discussion of Barbara Hammer’s Devotion,” Documentary Box 19 (April 2002): 16-28. In Japanese and English, with Sato Makoto and Ann Hui. Read in English. 日本語で読む。
“Tokyo Olympiad: A Symposium,” in Ichikawa Kon, ed. James Quant, (Toronto: Cinemateque Ontario, 2001), 315-336. Reprinted as liner notes for Criterion Collection’s DVD of Tokyo Olympics (2002). Roundtable with Eric Cazdyn, James Quant, Catherine Russell, and Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto.
「山形国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭のオペンイング上映に際して」 [On the Occasion of the Opening Screening of the Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival], 『映画作りと村への道:福田克彦の仕事』 ed. Hatano Katsue, (Tokyo: Fukuda Katsuhiko Film Library, 2000), 14-15. With Iizuka Toshio.
「大盛りいっぱいの素麺」 [One Big Helping of Noodles], 『キネマ旬報』No. 1229 (1 August 1997): 210. Interview by Makino Mamoru.
「『あの旗を打て』をめぐって」[On Dawn of Freedom], in Herarudo de Reon kantoku o megutte [On Geraldo de Leon], (Tokyo: ASEAN Bunka Center, 1995), 21-41. Symposium proceedings with Yomota Inuhiko, Teddie Co, and Ishizaka Kenji.
「マークさんの掘り出し物」 [Mark's Lucky Discovery], 『キネマ旬報』No. 1153 (1 February 1995): 161. Interview by Makino Mamoru on my discovery of an annotated version of Paul Rotha’s Documentary Film.
「山形異世界の先住民映画が集まった」 [Films of the World's Indigenous Peoples Gathered in Yamagata], Aera (8 November 1993): 47.
『ホピへの道』[The Road to Hopi], NHK-衛星放送, 1993. Interviewed about indigenous media for Daishima Haruhiko’s documentary.
「記録映画をめぐってー日米の交流」 [Encountering Documentary Film: Japanese—American Interchange — An Interview with Abé Mark Nornes and Fukushima Yukio], 『記録映画』 347 (Fall 1992): 2-5. Part II: 『記録映画 』348 (Winter 1992): 2-5. Interview on Yamagata event.