One of the ways one verb can be attached to
another in Hindi-Urdu is with the postposition ka  (or ki ):
(from Chapter Twenty-eight of g:aðdan:. See context.)
2. c:aòb:is: G:NXð kñ Andr
m:Ølk s:ð en:kl: j:an:ð ka hØVm: hØAa.
(from Chapter Six of g:aðdan:. See context.)
This way of linking verb to verb is governed by verbal expressions that
contain nouns. The choice between ka
or ki  is determined by the gender of
the contained (or incorporated) noun. In
(3) the noun Ent:z:ar is masculine, hence
b:rs:n:ð ka. In (4) the noun
)t:ix:a is feminine, hence en:kl:n:ð ki:
3. eks:an: p:an:i b:rs:n:ð ka Ent:z:ar kr
rhð hðø.
4. XÝersX D:Üp: en:kl:n:ð ki
)t:ix:a kr rhð hòø.
The verb s:aðc: is exceptional:
In the meaning of 'to think of (doing something)' or 'to plan on
(doing something)' s:aðc: governs
ki even though no noun is contained:
5. kB:i l:_kaðø kñ s:aT:
rhn:ð ki s:aðc:t:ð hòø kB:i l:K:n:U j:akr rhn:ð ki s:aðc:t:ð
(from Chapter Twenty-six of g:aðdan:. See context.)
Some of the expressions governing V- n:ð ka or V- n:ð ki also govern k:ð or ka
of experiencing agent:
6. t:Ømhðø dv:a ep:l:an:ð ka
m:rz: hò.
(from Chapter Eighteen of g:aðdan:. See context.)
7. m:ØJ:ð dðv:i b:n:n:ð ki
EcCa n:hiø hò.
(from Chapter Seven of g:aðdan:. See context.)
8. J:Øen:y:a ka m:n: B:i AB:i kÙC edn:
y:haú rhn:ð ka T:a.
(from Chapter Thirty-six of g:aðdan:. See context.)
While most instances of V-n:ð
ka depend on a noun there are a few that depend on an
9. l:_ka edn:-B:r
Aaúg:n: m:ðø y:a ¾ar p:r K:ðl:n:ð ka Aadi
(from Chapter Twenty-seven of g:aðdan:. See context.)
An earlier version of these notes appears as § 9B of Hindi Structures, p 75.
To cloze exercise.
To English => Hindi translation exercise.
To index of grammatical notes.
To index of m:lhar.
Keyed in by ev:v:ðk Ag:rv:al: mid
June 2001. Posted 20-21 June 2001. Augmented 7 May 2002.
1. unhaðøn:ð hm:ðS:a j:n:t:a
kñ s:aT: em:l:ð rhn:ð ki kaðeS:S: ki T:i.
'He had always tried to remain a man of the
'He was ordered to leave the country within
twenty-four hours.'
'The farmers are waiting for it to rain.'
'The tourists are waiting for the sun to come
'Sometimes he thinks of staying with the children;
sometimes, of going to live in Lucknow.'
'You are addicted to dispensing medicines.'
'I have no wish to become a goddess.'
'Jhuniyâ too felt like staying here for a few days
'The boy was accustomed to playing all day in the courtyard
or by the door.'