Instructor: Professor Katta G. Murty, 2773 IOE Bldg., 763-3513,, Office Hours: Mon 2-3:30 PM, Wed 2-3 PM, and by appointment.
GSI: , G815 IOE Bldg., , , Office Hours:Tue, Thu 4-5 PM.
Time & Room: Mon, Wed 8:30 to 10:30 AM, 1610 IOE. Lab: PC training room A & B, Media Union.
Prerequisites: An undergraduate course in linear or matrix algebra (Math 214 or Math 417 or equivalent).
Background Required: Elementary matrix algebra (concept of linear independence, bases, matrix inversion, pivotal methods for solving linear equations).
Course objectives: To provide the student with a basic understanding of optimization, its importance, and applications.
Grades :
Final Grades are posted on the web. They are sorted by SINs for your convenience. Please report errors to the GSI. If you cannot find your SIN on the grade sheet, please send your name and SIN to the GSI via e-mail.
Lecture Notes (Transparencies):
Additional Information:
Syllabus (.ps file) | (.pdf file)
Notes 1: OR (Pages 1 - 23)
(.ps file) | (.pdf file)Notes 2: Decision making by quantitative analysis (Pages 24-26)
(.ps file) | (.pdf file)
Notes 3: Early history of related topics (Pages 27-42)
(.ps file) | (.pdf file)Notes 4: How to build a mathematical model (Pages 43-46)
(.ps file) | (.pdf file)
Notes 5: Modeling linear programs (Pages 47-71)
(.ps file) | (.pdf file)Notes 6: Solving 2 variable LPs geometrically (Pages 72-78)
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Notes 7: Simplex method for LP (Pages 79-101)
(.ps file) | (.pdf file)Notes 8: Duality in LP, optimality conds. (Pages 102-113)
(.ps file) | (.pdf file)
Notes 9: Balanced transportation problem (Pages 114-126)
(.ps file) | (.pdf file) Notes 10: Integer programming & combinatorial optimization (pages 127-153)
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Notes 11: Dynamic programming (DP) (Pages 127-153)
(.ps file) | (.pdf file)Notes 12: Project scheduling by CPM (Pages 154-175)
(.ps file) | (.pdf file)
Notes 13: Computer project problems (Pages 176-198)
(.ps file) | (.pdf file)Notes 14: Using AMPL at CAEN (Pages 199-208).
(.ps file) | (.pdf file)
and ghostscript 5.50
from Computer Science, University of Wisconsin.
By Feng-Tien