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Featured Athlete: Becca Clauson


"Work as hard as you can while still having fun."
    - Becca Clauson 2003
Nickname(s):   Rebel, BABS, The Future
Birthday, Sign:   3/8/84, Pisces
Hometown:   St. Paul, Minnesota
Parents:   Cathy & Denny
Siblings:   Chelsey (28), Anna (16)
Pets:   cat & dog (home), fish (school)
Major:   undecided
Hobbies:   skiing, shopping



Q & A - About Gymnastics and U-M

At what age did you start gymnastics?   2
How did you become involved in gymnastics?   My mom put me in it
What is your favorite event? Why?   Bars, because it’s the most challenging for me and it makes it the most fun when I learn something new.
What attracted you to the University of Michigan?   The team mainly, plus it’s a great and beautiful school.
What is it like competing for U-M?   It’s the most fun I’ve ever had. I get the biggest rush every time I step out onto the competition floor.
What has been your most memorable (gymnastics) moment at U-M?   Doing our hip-hop routine before practice every day. I laugh at my teammates the entire time.
What has been your most memorable (non-gymnastics) moment at U-M?   Hanging in the dorms with Rach & Jen.
What inspires you to keep going after a disappointing meet or a tough week of practice?   Knowing that we have what it takes it do it, and that I not only have to do it for myself but also for the team.
What advice would you share with up-and-coming gymnasts who aspire to be like you or one of your teammates?   Work as hard as you can while still having fun.

Some of my Favorites include...

  Julia Roberts, Vin D.
  R&B, rap
  Fast & The Furious, Jerry Maguire  
  anything all kinds of fruit, ice cream  
volunteer event:

Q & A - About You Personally

Something unique about me:
I’m always trying to make the best out of any situation and am optimistic.

Of all the places you have traveled to, which has been your favorite? Why?
Florida, because I love Disney World.

Who do you admire most in this world? Why?
My sister Anna, she has the best outlook on life and helps me with anything. Also my parents, for raising me and my sisters so well.

Besides family or friends, what is the ONE thing you couldn't live without?

What do you plan on doing after you graduate from U-M?
I don’t know. Get married, have a family eventually.

Some Random Facts!

one word to describe me:
favorite sport at age 7:
favorite leotard:
  any Michigan leo  
favorite sport at age 17:
shoe size:
cell phone color:
shampoo i use:
  Pantene Pro-V  
favorite jellybean flavor:

Even More Random Facts!

Best/worst excuse for being late to class/practice:   Thought today was Sunday
How many inches I’ve grown since 8th grade:   4
One thing I will miss about college:   Friends
One thing I probably won’t miss about college:   Walking to class in the snow when it’s freezing
My best Halloween costume:   Bunny with Rach & Jen for practice, the costume was very lame according to our other teammates
If I could see anyone in the world do a wicked floor exercise, it would be:   I have no idea.
My choice over saying “soda” or “pop”:   Pop
Latest I have ever stayed up at night:   All night



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