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Featured Athlete: Sarrie Rubin


"I can't wait to get started with this fine team."
    - Sarrie Rubin 2003
Nickname(s):   Rubes, Sars (not the scary epidemic)
Birthday, Sign:   5/21/85, Gemini
Hometown:   Sudbury, MA
Parents:   Paul & Juel Rubin
Siblings:   Ryan, 22
Major:   (still a frosh)
Hobbies:   listening to music, shopping, dancing



Q & A - About Gymnastics and U-M

At what age did you start gymnastics?   3
How did you become involved in gymnastics?   My parents brought me to a gym for a toddler class in order to lose some energy, but instead it gave me even more energy.
What is your favorite event? Why?   Floor, because I love to tumble.
What attracted you to the University of Michigan?   Great academic school, great gymnastics team – both talent-wise and friendship-wise, tradition and school spirit, wonderful facilities
What is it like competing for U-M?   I haven’t competed yet, but I am sure that it will be some of the best experiences of my life.
What has been your most memorable (gymnastics) moment at U-M?   Running up and down the football stadium for conditioning
What has been your most memorable (non-gymnastics) moment at U-M?   Dancing at parties with my teammates
What inspires you to keep going after a disappointing meet or a tough week of practice?   Knowing that I have to keep trying my best for the team.
What advice would you share with up-and-coming gymnasts who aspire to be like you or one of your teammates?   Even if you have a difficult time in club gymnastics, stick with it because college gymnastics is so much fun.

Some of my Favorites include...

  Matt Damon
  R&B, Pop
  Good Will Hunting, National Lampoon’s Van Wilder  
  frozen yogurt  
  Coach Grill (in my hometown)  
volunteer event:
  wrapping Christmas presents for charities during the holidays

Q & A - About You Personally

Something unique about me:
I love to sing (even if I am not that good at it)..

Of all the places you have traveled to, which has been your favorite? Why?
Las Vegas. All of the shows, the restaurants, the shopping, the excitement. Also the Bahamas – the scenery, the beach, the dance clubs

Who do you admire most in this world? Why?
My parents because they have been together since they were 13 years old.

Besides family or friends, what is the ONE thing you couldn't live without?
Music, because there is a different type of music for every mood that you are in.

What do you plan on doing after you graduate from U-M?
Eventually I plan on getting married and having a family.

Some Random Facts!

one word to describe me:
favorite sport at age 7:
  Tie: gymnastics /soccer
favorite leotard:
  anything black  
favorite sport at age 17:
shoe size:
  6 1/2 or 7  
cell phone color:
shampoo i use:
favorite jellybean flavor:

Even More Random Facts!

Best/worst excuse for being late to class/practice:   Caught in traffic, my dog ate my grips
How many inches I’ve grown since 8th grade:   none
One thing I will miss about college:   Dorm food….NOT! All of the really awesome people.
One thing I probably won’t miss about college:   Communal bathrooms
My best Halloween costume:   A rock star
If I could see anyone in the world do a wicked floor exercise, it would be:   Britney Spears
My choice over saying “soda” or “pop”:   I used to say pop when I lived in Chicago, but now I say soda
Latest I have ever stayed up at night:   All night
What I do on the bus/plane when traveling to away meets:   Read, listen to music, eat, talk, do homework
Best (or strangest) pre-event routine:   Listen to my CDs while stretching



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