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Featured Athlete: Elise Ray


"Success is a Journey, not a destination."
    - Elise Ray2003
Nickname(s):   ERay, Erizzy
Birthday, Sign:   2/6/82, Aquarius
Hometown:   Columbia, MD
Parents:   Bill & Ellen Ray
Siblings:   Taylor Ray, 23
Pets:   cats Penny & Miles,
dog Zoe (at home)
Major:   communications
Hobbies:   arts & crafts, listening to music,
hanging with friends



Q & A - About Gymnastics and U-M

At what age did you start gymnastics?   6
How did you become involved in gymnastics?   Had a lot of energy as a kid and wanted some recreational fun – who would have guessed where it would take me……
What is your favorite event? Why?   Bars, it is the event that comes the most naturally to me and is the most fun.
What attracted you to the University of Michigan?   The great reputation of academics and athletics, the incredible closeness of the team, and the unique town of Ann Arbor.
What is it like competing for U-M?   The feeling is indescribable. Not only do you have your teammates, who are your closest friends behind you when you’re competing, but you have the entire school and community behind you.
What has been your most memorable (gymnastics) moment at U-M?   Winning Big Ten’s my freshman year. I had heard how amazing it was to sing “Hail to the Victors” on the 1st place podium, but hearing about it and experiencing it are two totally different feelings.
What has been your most memorable (non-gymnastics) moment at U-M?   Moving into my house. This was it: cooking on my own, cleaning, playing bills – I felt all grown up. I wouldn’t give up this independent lifestyle for anything, though, it doesn’t’ matter how many dishes I have to wash.
What inspires you to keep going after a disappointing meet or a tough week of practice?   One of my favorite quotes is “Success is a Journey, not a destination,” nothing could be more true. Enjoying each moment and pushing through the ups & downs are what create that journey. There’s going to be another meet and another day of practice, so do what you can to fix your mistakes and stay positive.
What advice would you share with up-and-coming gymnasts who aspire to be like you or one of your teammates?   Never settle, expect more, and push more out of yourself than you think you can do. You’ll probably be amazed. Always do what makes you feel good inside; be in touch with your mind and body always.

Some of my Favorites include...

  Denzel Washington
  R&B, hip-hop, rap
  anything that forces me to think outside the lines
website:   hahaha
  Mongolian BBQ  
volunteer event:
  visiting the kids at Mott’s Children’s Hospital

Q & A - About You Personally

Something unique about me:
My ability to play many different roles.

Of all the places you have traveled to, which has been your favorite? Why?
China, because it was a totally different experience for me, nothing was like the US. It forced me to expand my comfort level. Oh, and the shopping was amazing – I came back with 5 pairs of shoes.

Who do you admire most in this world? Why?
My brother Taylor – he has gone through Ranger Training school in the Army where physically & mentally he was pushed to limits one cannot even imagine, limits I cannot even fathom being pushed to.

Besides family or friends, what is the ONE thing you couldn't live without?
Music – it is my escape

What do you plan on doing after you graduate from U-M?
Before I enter the working world, I want to spend a couple years performing, perhaps in Cirque du Soleil or a dance troop. Dance is one of my passions.

Some Random Facts!

one word to describe me:
favorite sport at age 7:
favorite leotard:
  any leotard I wore at
the Olympics
favorite sport at age 17:
shoe size:
cell phone color:
shampoo i use:
favorite jellybean flavor:

Even More Random Facts!

Best/worst excuse for being late to class/practice:   I couldn’t find my car.
How many inches I’ve grown since 8th grade:   Considering I wear nothing but big-heeled shoes now, I would say quite a bit.
One thing I will miss about college:   Having everything and everyone within a 5-mile radius.
One thing I probably won’t miss about college:   cramming for midterms and finals
My best Halloween costume:   Ghetto Fabulous Rappers
If I could see anyone in the world do a wicked floor exercise, it would be:   Prof. Ralph Williams
My choice over saying “soda” or “pop”:   Soda, although I think I’m going to switch
Latest I have ever stayed up at night:   I guess I’ve stayed up all night at one time or another, but never again – it messes me up for days.
What I do on the bus/plane when traveling to away meets:   I try and do homework, but that always turns into napping. Other than napping, I either listen to music or write in my journal.
Best (or strangest) pre-event routine:   A good old cup of coffee, and some good tunes to fire me up.



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