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Featured Athlete: Kara Rosella


"If you love it you’ll know and push through the hard times."
    - Kara Rosella 2003
Nickname(s):   K-Ro, Karr
Birthday, Sign:   3/15/82, Aquarius
Hometown:   Ann Arbor, MI
Parents:   John/Jean Rosella
Siblings:   Kristin, 22
Pets:   dog Tanya (home)
Major:   English
Hobbies:   writing, movies, shopping



Q & A - About Gymnastics and U-M

At what age did you start gymnastics?   3
How did you become involved in gymnastics?   Started with my mom in “mom and tots”
What is your favorite event? Why?   Beam, because I feel the most confident and expressive.
What attracted you to the University of Michigan?   Combination of athletics, academics, and family members attending
What is it like competing for U-M?   Amazing, you really feel special and good about yourself. Separates you from the other 30,000 students.
What has been your most memorable (gymnastics) moment at U-M?   When my coaches told me that I was going to be put on scholarship.
What has been your most memorable (non-gymnastics) moment at U-M?   Anytime we are all together and being stupid just hanging out.
What inspires you to keep going after a disappointing meet or a tough week of practice?   The whole picture of gymnastics, looking it at as a single day/week out of the many chances you get.
What advice would you share with up-and-coming gymnasts who aspire to be like you or one of your teammates?   If you love it you’ll know and push through the hard times. If you don’t, find where your heart belongs and don’t make yourself do it.

Some of my Favorites include...

  Kate Hudson, Brad Renfro
  Eminem, pop, hip-hop
  Clueless, Legally Blonde  
  English, writing, Film
  A French-Vietnamese restaurant in Chicago  
volunteer event:

Q & A - About You Personally

Something unique about me:
I always have shiny lips and my optimism. I want to cheer everyone up a little and be a little ray of sunshine.

Of all the places you have traveled to, which has been your favorite? Why?
St. Barts. It was a private island and I could spend all day at a private beach.

Who do you admire most in this world? Why?
A combination of my family and my closest friends.

Besides family or friends, what is the ONE thing you couldn't live without?
Lipgloss and a hairbrush

What do you plan on doing after you graduate from U-M?
Write books, articles, or movies and work in the entertainment industry.

Some Random Facts!

one word to describe me:
favorite sport at age 7:
  kickball, gymnastics, dance
favorite leotard:
  Blue velvet
w/ block M
favorite sport at age 17:
shoe size:
cell phone color:
shampoo i use:
  Pantene Pro-V  
favorite jellybean flavor:
  Marshmallow, Vanilla

Even More Random Facts!

Best/worst excuse for being late to class/practice:   I didn’t feel like getting up (best), I forgot to set my alarm (worst)
How many inches I’ve grown since 8th grade:   4
One thing I will miss about college:   teammates, sports
One thing I probably won’t miss about college:   pointless homework
My best Halloween costume:   construction worker
If I could see anyone in the world do a wicked floor exercise, it would be:   Eminem
My choice over saying “soda” or “pop”:   Pop
Latest I have ever stayed up at night:   All night
What I do on the bus/plane when traveling to away meets:   Listen to music and daydream out the window, homework if I’m alert, sleep, talk
Best (or strangest) pre-event routine:   Talking to myself off to the side and doing the movements of my routine saying the key words in my head.



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