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Featured Athlete: Chelsea Kroll

TC in effect  
"Stay strong and work your very hardest every day."
    - Chelsea Kroll 2003
Nickname(s):   TC (“The Chelsea”)
B-day, Sign:   3/27/83, Aries
Hometown:   Wexford, PA
Parents:   Maryann & Steve
Siblings:   Heather (23) Brendan (18)
Pets:   dog Frisbee (at home)
Major:   communications
Hobbies:   Listening to music, reading magazines to catch up on celebrity gossip, watching tv and movies, hanging with friends, drinking Tim Horton’s coffee



Q & A - About Gymnastics and U-M

At what age did you start gymnastics?   5
How did you become involved in gymnastics?   My cousin was a cheerleader and used to teach me cartwheels and handstands in our backyard.
What is your favorite event? Why?   Floor, because I love to tumble and dance, and it’s also exciting to be able to show a piece or your personality to the audience.
What attracted you to the University of Michigan?   I was originally attracted to Michigan because of the combination of athletics and academics, but after meeting the entire team on my recruiting trip, my decision was made for me.
What is it like competing for U-M?   It’s such an exhilarating feeling to compete for a University with so much tradition and so much heart. I can’t even explain the feeling.
What has been your most memorable (gymnastics) moment at U-M?   Competing my floor routine at Oregon State for the first time last year. It was such a victory for me to overcome my foot injury, I’ll never forget the excitement of my teammates after I hit the routine.
What has been your most memorable (non-gymnastics) moment at U-M?   We had an athlete formal last year called the Snow Ball, and that was one of the most memorable nights of my Freshman year, but any time I just hang out with my teammates is always memorable because we’re so goofy.
What inspires you to keep going after a disappointing meet or a tough week of practice?   My teammates. They are my strength in my weakest moments. Any time that I fee like I want to give up, I simply look to one of them and am reminded of all the things I have to keep fighting for.
What advice would you share with up-and-coming gymnasts who aspire to be like you or one of your teammates?   Stay strong and work your very hardest every day. Gymnastics is very mental, and as long as you stay strong in mind, you can accomplish anything you desire.

Some of my Favorites include...

  Edward Norton, Kate Hudson
  pop music: Britney Spears, Madonna, Justin Timberlake, X-tina
  Great Expectations, Jerry Maguire  
  The Cheesecake Factory  
volunteer event:
  visiting the kids at elementary schools for K-grams

Q & A - About You Personally

Something unique about me:
My passion for a national championship for this team and for Michigan.

Of all the places you have traveled to, which has been your favorite? Why?
Hawaii, because it was the most beautiful place I have ever been to.

Who do you admire most in this world? Why?
One of my old coaches and our floor choreographer Kim Bonus. She has taught me so much about gymnastics and about life in general. She is like a second mother to me and is everything I desire to become.

Besides family or friends, what is the ONE thing you couldn't live without?

What do you plan on doing after you graduate from U-M?
Possibly going to law school. I would love to live in a big city for a couple of years, such as Boston or New York. I also have an interest in becoming a casting director, so I would like to try to do something with that, too.

Some Random Facts!

one word to describe me:
favorite sport at age 7:
  ice skating
favorite leotard:
  U-M metallic  
favorite sport at age 17:
  football (Steeler Football!)
shoe size:
cell phone color:
shampoo i use:
  Clairol Daily Defense  
favorite jellybean flavor:
  Buttered Popcorn

Even More Random Facts!

Best/worst excuse for being late to class/practice:   “My door got pennied”
How many inches I’ve grown since 8th grade:   Does it really matter? I will always be short!
One thing I will miss about college:   Seeing my teammates every day.
One thing I probably won’t miss about college:   class
My best Halloween costume:   Rock Star
If I could see anyone in the world do a wicked floor exercise, it would be:   Bev
My choice over saying “soda” or “pop”:   Pop
Latest I have ever stayed up at night:   All night, but that comes very rarely. I’m usually the tired one and fall asleep at 10 every night.
What I do on the bus/plane when traveling to away meets:   Listen to music, watch movies, sleep, try to do homework.
Best (or strangest) pre-event routine:   See Janessa Grieco….



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