Greetings for Simon from All Over the Place
From the Persons Family in Fort Worth, Texas

Dearest Simon,
I think of you so much! I love the pictures of you with your friends on your website. I have enclosed a picture of my son, Cryton. I hope that you like it. This was back in March of this year, while he was still on accutane. He is playing in a car (he likes the thought that he could drive!). The other little boy (whose face you can only see half of) is one of Cryton's older brothers, Slater. He is sitting in the lap of a friend of ours named David.
Although you do not know us, we feel very close to you and your family, and are praying strongly for you! It gave me a lot of joy to see the picture of Captain Underpants that used to be on your website, and Cryton loved it, too!
Denise and John Persons,
Hayes, Garrett, Slater, and Cryton (b. 05-28-00, d. 05-10-04)
from Fort Worth, Texas

Hello again, Simon! Cryton thinks the pictures of him without hair are just hilarious. He loves to look at them and laugh. I guess because of his age he has difficulty remembering the other times he did not have hair.
If you want to write back to us, we would love to hear from you!
Denise and Cryton Persons and family
More Greetings for Simon
Thanks to Fredrik in Sweden(!) and Amy and Michael in Ann Arbor for their assistance in turning each greeting into a little Web page.
62. From Connie Boudens of Ann Arbor, Michigan
61. From Julie, Margot, and Nathan Lautens of Toronto, Canada
60. From Ian to Simon from the First Unitarian Camp-Out on July 24, 2004
59. From the Beaton Family of Park City (and formerly Kalamazoo)
58. From Parker in Maine, again!
53. From Julia and Matt, vacationing in California
52. From Christie, Jerry, Ben, and Grace of Ann Arbor on vacation in Alaska
51. From Grann and Granddad in Oberlin, Ohio
50. From the New England Aquarium, courtesy of Michele Williams
49. From Paul, Marta, Sam (and Zebra, Dragonfly, real Bear and stuffed Bear) in Ann Arbor, Michigan
48. From the Hopkins Family in New York State
47. From the Hamermeshes of Ann Arbor
46. From From Mark Weber and Amber Dimkoff, in an undisclosed location!
45. From Corien Bennink, a Web fan in the Netherlands
44. From From the Boyse-Peacor Family in Ann Arbor
43. From the Chalmers Family, Web Fans in Australia
42. From Colleen and Kaitlyn August, Web fans in Australia
41. From Dena and Zachary Makey, Web fans in Arizona
40. From the Bishop Family in Salt Lake City, Utah
39. From Quentin Smith, currently traveling in Germany with a picture from Indiana
38. From Parker in Maine, a Web fan
37. From Joanna, Jeff, and Benjamin Krauss in Massachussetts
36. From Martha Hiat in Maine
35. From Dr. Sarah Friebert in Akron, Ohio
34. From the Elder Family, formerly of Oberlin, Ohio, and now from all over
33. From Karen, Martha, Theo and Dash in Massachussetts
32. From Patrick Flynn, a Web fan in Wichita, Kansas
31. From Lee Ellington and Elliot in Salt Lake City, Utah
30. From From Katherine, Darryl and the Folks at Michigan Business School and Org Psych
29. From the Stepanek Family in Leonding, Austria (this time with Catrin)
28. From the Lilibeth Family, Web fans
27. From Leonie and Mia Friedrich in Canada
26. From Sandy Simon and Family in Ann Arbor, MI
25. From the Burger Family in New York State
23. From the Williams Family in Oakland, California
22. From the Knoebel Family in Maennerdorf, Switzerland
21. From the Budd Family in Manchester, England
20. From the Winsor Family in Ann Arbor, Michigan
19. From the Stepanek Family in Leonding, Austria
18. From Irene Judmayer in Linz, Austria
17. From the Schwartz/Kuenzler Family in Frauenfeld, Switzerland
16. From the Tabbutt Family of Olympia, Washington (and elsewhere)
15. From Vickie and Erin in Texas, Web Fans
14. From the Hoetker Family in Illinois
13. From the Persons Family in Fort Worth, Texas
12. From Jennifer Wolf and Family in Ann Arbor, Michigan
11. From Susie Parker, a Web fan
10. From Susan Hartman and Family in Ann Arbor, Michigan
9. From Blan Murphy in Dublin, Ireland
8. From Anthony and Edie Robbins in Ann Arbor, Michigan
7. From the Longsworth Family of Oberlin, Ohio
6. From Linda Britt and the Kids at Linda's House in Ann Arbor, Michigan
5. From the Schoonmaker Family of Oberlin, Ohio
4. From the Sheon/Krislov Family in Ann Arbor
3. From the Obstfelds in Irvine, California
2. From Dotty Seiter in S. Hampton, Massachussetts
1. From Carol Schewe Roan in Wisconsin