Year | Title (and PDF) | Place(s) Given |
2024 | Cosmological results from the DESI Year-1 baryon acoustic oscillations measurements | University of Michigan, Boston University, University of Southern California |
2023 | How DESI constrains early- and late-universe physics | Pedagogical lecture aimed at ECS, DESI Collaboration meeting, Hawaii Big Island |
2023-24 | Evidence for suppression of growth in the standard cosmological model | Ohio State University; Paris Saclay (25 years of dark energy), CosmoVerse (virtual) talk |
2022 | The Hubble Tension | BPU11 congress, Belgrade (virtual) |
2022 | The challenge with using dark sirens | Snowmass (virtual) |
2021 | Cosmological Anomalies: a Holistic View | A Discussion on the Cosmological Principle conference (virtual) |
2020-21 | Mapping the Universe with Dark Energy Survey (post-Y3 version) | MPA/LMU (Munich), Iran (virtual), Yale Astro (virtual), Brazil (virtual) |
2019 | Dark Energy Twenty Years after: Cosmological Probes and Consistency Tests | Irvine (Philosophy-Physics mtg) |
2016-2018 | New Views of the Universe (Michigan, MIT version) | Michigan, MIT, SUNY Buffalo, Case Western, UMass Lowell colloquia (more general-level than a seminar) |
2016 | Dark Energy at the Crossroads | Harvard Physics, Washington St. Louis |
2015 | Dark matter: an introduction (outreach; intro to panel discussion) | Great Lakes Planetarium Association conference, Grand Rapids, MI |
2015 | Growth of Structure: the Next Frontier | IAS, MPA, LMU, Heidelberg, Bielefeld, Greece, Stockholm (Nordita), Leiden |
2014-15 | Is the large-angle CMB anomalous? | MPA, Dallas (Texas symp) |
2013-15 | The Quest for Primordial non-Gaussianity | Cornell, Durham "Ripples in the Cosmos", Fermilab, Excellence Cluster Garching, Benasque |
2013 | LSS: the Next Frontier for tests of Primordial non-Gaussianity | Chicheley Hall (Royal Society, UK), Minnesota, SLAC (both Snowmass-13) |
2013 | Dark Energy: Pedagogical Overview and Future Prospects | KITP Santa Barbara |
2012 | CMB Lensing: a Science Overview | JPL workshop on CMB lensing |
2012-2016 | Three Pillars of the Big Bang (outreach talk) | Houston Lunar and Planetary Institute, Cleveland Astronomical Society |
2012 | Dark Energy: Systematic Requrements and Future Prospects | Anchorage (Special AAS session on WFIRST) |
2012 | Dipoles in the Sky | Perimeter |
2012 | Fundamental Physics from Large-scale Structure | Arizona State |
2011 | Testing Statistical Isotropy and Primordial NG with the CMB and LSS | Kopenhagen (DARK center) |
2009-14 | Falsifying Paradigms for Cosmic Acceleration | LBL, Aspen, Caltech, Stanford, Brookhaven, Carnegie-Mellon, Syracuse, Perimeter, Trieste, Porto (COSMO-11), Cape Town |
2011 | Primordial Non-Gaussianity and Large-Scale Structure | Texas A&M, JPL, KITP Santa Barbara, Perimeter |
2009-12 | Dark Energy and Accelerating Universe | SUNY Buffalo, Michigan Philosophy, Ohio University |
2008-09 | Primordial Non-Gaussianity and Large-Scale Structure | Case Western, Univ. Los Alamos, Wash St-Louis, Stanford, Columbia, Florida, Penn, Syracuse, Benasque, Cape Town |
2008 | Lambda, Dark Energy, or Modified Gravity? | Avignon, Davis (COSMO-06) |
2008 | A decision Tree for Dark Energy | Texas A&M (PPC 2008) |
2008 | Figures of Merit for Dark Energy Measurements | Space Telescope Science Institute |
2007 | Dark Energy, Modified Gravity, and Accelerating Universe | APS meeting, 2007 (semi-review), Texas A&M (PPC) |
2006-10 | Mysteries of the Large-Angle Microwave Sky | UC Irvine, Notre Dame, Wayne State, CITA, Avignon, Trieste, Budapest, Benasque |
2006-07 | Cosmological Probes of Dark Energy | (job talk!) Michigan, Pitt, Brown, Penn State, Vanderbilt, NYU... |
2004-05 | Is the large-scale microwave background cosmic? | LBL, Wisconsin, UC Davis, NYU, Tufts, Yale,... |
2005-06 | The future of Dark Energy Measurements | Columbia, Imperial College, Oxford, Portsmouth, Sussex |
2003 | CMB windows on Dark Energy | LBL, Seattle (AAS 201) |
2003 | Multipole Vectors and the CMB Sky | Princeton |
2003-04 | Understanding the Properties of Dark Energy in the Universe | Pitt, CERN |
2002 | Probing Dark Energy: Combining SN and CMB | KITP Santa Barbara |
2002-03 | Strong Lensing and the Density Profies of Halos and Galaxies | Case Western, Great Lakes Workshop,... |
2001-02 | Cosmological Probes of Dark Energy | Case Western, UC Berkeley, Pitt |
2000 | Optimal SN search Strategies | Marina del Rey (Dark Matter 2000) |
1999 | Reconstructing Quintessence | Fermilab (Inner Space Outer Space II), Chicago (Pritzker Symp on Inflation + AAS mtg) |