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MESSAGE BOARD Archive December 2002

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Sunday, December 29, 2002 -- 15:38:37 (EST)
Name: Gari Stein
  • Hello everyone, just wanted to wish you all A Peaceful and of course, Happy New Year. I am so sad to know I will not be seeing at least two of the family on a regular basis. So I will have to make a better effort on visiting you all. My love and prayers will continue, however, and I am am thinking of you constantly. Much love always, Gari

    Thursday, December 26, 2002 -- 11:23:44 (EST)
    Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email:
    Location: Clinton, NY
  • Hi, Simon! Did you guys get a White Christmas this year?? We sure did! About two feet of snow fell at our house -- all on Christmas Day! Yesterday afternoon, while it was still snowing, Laura went outside to have her picture taken next to a table that had an 18-inch "hat" of snow on it -- table and hat together were just about at tall as she was!! Good thing one of the presents under our tree this year was a new plastic tobogan! It used to be that all three kids could fit together on another tobogan we had; but now that Emily is over 5'8" -- and of course Danny and Laura are growing, too -- well, we just ran out of room for them all.... So today is "Try Out the New Tobogan Day." Our house sits up on a little hill, and the kids like to start at our front walkway (WHAT front walkway -- we can't even SEE it anymore!!) and slide down the hill, right into a ditch by the side of the road, where the tobogan invariably tips over and they all tumble out. (And don't worry -- they're protected by the HUGE snowbank the plows make when they come along to clear the streets -- it becomes a big, white wall of protection, to make sure they stop before they end up in the road itself!) And then of course there's the hot chocolate afterwards -- mmmm! Even when we don't have snow for sledding, we like the hot chocolate -- especially with some of those little marshmellows floating around in it.... How about you -- does that sound good??

    Well, Happy Almost New Year! And may 2003 bring you and your family lots of hope and strength and love.

    Peace from Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura

    Tuesday, December 24, 2002 -- 11:01:05 (EST)
    Name: Bill Hilton -- Email:
    Location: Sunnyvale, CA USA
  • Happy Christmas, Simon. Have a joyous holiday time. And please tell your mom, dad and Miriam that my good wishes are for them, too.

    Tuesday, December 24, 2002 -- 09:22:30 (EST)
    Name: Erik
    Location: Davidsonville, MD
  • Hi Simon!

    There's a very special birthday coming up tomorrow - one we celebrate every year. It's the birthday of Jesus. I hope that you celebrate Christmas this year and that you get to know and learn that he's the reason for this whole 'Christmas' thing.

    If you ask Mom and Dad, they can tell you all about it!

    Have a great week!
    God bless -
    Erik, Michele, Sarah, Erickson

    Tuesday, December 24, 2002 -- 09:16:52 (EST)
    Name: Erik
    Location: Davidsonville, MD
  • Hi Simon -

    Well, one year gone by. And what an up-and-down ride it's been! From hundreds of miles away, we've loved being able, through the miracle of technology, to follow so closely your life and story.

    I suspect it's a long shot, but just after Christmas, I'll be in Grann's hometown. If you're there between the 26th and 29th, I'd love to see you! Sorry , no plane ride this time, but how about some sledding?? We don't get to do much of that in Maryland, so it's a special treat to do that in Oberlin.

    Grace and Peace,

    Tuesday, December 24, 2002 -- 02:45:30 (EST)
    Name: Marcie Obstfeld -- Email: ppimarcie
    Location: Irvine, CA USA
  • We all wish you a wonderful Christmas and a New Year filled with hope, love and lots of health! Love, Marcie, David, Noah and Rachel We miss you!

    Monday, December 23, 2002 -- 10:23:47 (EST)
    Name: Liza, Mike, Jolan &Jenna Burger -- Email:
    Location: Ithaca, NY
  • Hi All,
    Just wanted to wish you the blessings of Christmas! We're hoping that the new year brings good news and a fresh start for all of you.
    much love and good wishes,
    Liza, Mike, Jolan & Jenna

    Sunday, December 22, 2002 -- 06:01:50 (EST)
    Name: Gerda und Kurt Faulhammer -- Email:
    Location: Vienna, Austria
  • Lieber Simon, Du bist ja ganz flott mit Deinem Fahrrad! Es freut uns, Dich am Foto bewundern zu k�nnen, mach es weiterhin so gut! Wir w�nschen Dir und Deiner Schwester und den Eltern ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und alles Gute f�r 2003!
    PS. Neues �sterreich-Wort: Palatschinke. Papa soll Dir sagen, was damit gemeint ist. Alles Liebe von Tante Gerda und Onkel Kurti

    Sunday, December 22, 2002 -- 01:00:25 (EST)
    Name: Becky DeRosia -- Email:
    Location: Pleasant Grove , Utah
  • Hi Simon-
    You probably don't know me, but me and my family used to live very close to you in Ann Arbor until we moved last spring. Maybe you played with my son Jacob out on the playground sometimes? I wanted to write and tell you that because of you I was able to be very brave this fall when I had to go to the hospital. I had a sickness called Pancreatitis.(it's a VERY bad stomach ache) They had to poke me with lots of needles and give me medicine that I didn't like and they made me drink things that didn't taste very good at all. And do you know what? My 6 yr old Jacob said to me, "Come on Mom, you can be brave....if Simon can do all these things, so can you!" And he was right! I thought about you every time the doctors made me do something I didn't like and I knew I could be brave just like you! Thanks Simon!
    Becky DeRosia
    PS I am so glad to see you're going to kindergarten and looking so good in the picture of you on your bike!

    Friday, December 20, 2002 -- 16:15:57 (EST)
    Name: Gari Stein
  • Hello everyone, I have been reflecting on the past year quite a bit these past few days. My heart is so full of love for all of you and am wishing you all a very happy-peaceful-healthy Christmas and New Year. Much love always, Gari

    Thursday, December 19, 2002 -- 11:37:57 (EST)
    Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email:
    Location: Clinton, NY
  • Hi, Simon! Hi to Mary, Markus, and Miriam, too!

    I'm so thrilled for you, Simon, that you're off to Kindergarten now -- I know Laura's been enjoying her year so far. Meeting new friends, learning new stuff, and just generally having fun in school seems to be the general theme of things for her and, I assume, for you, too!

    I have to say, even though I haven't written much lately, I've been thinking about you a LOT -- and from a slightly different perspective than usual.... You see, for a while now my body has been sending me some signals that it wasn't altogether healthy, and I had to be very brave (like you've been) while the doctors and nurses did some tests on me, too, so they could figure out what was going on. Everytime they took some blood, I thought of all the times you've had to be brave about having your blood taken. And when I've gone into the hospital for a procedure where they had to give some of that "sleepy medicine," I've thought of all the times you've been brave about having people poke you and check you and do weird things to you, some of which have been kind of yucky, right? But I drew great strength from your example -- I told myself, "Simon can do it; so I can, too!" :-) So you were a BIG help to me! I'm glad to say that when all was said and done, my doctor said the symptoms I was experiencing could be cured by some commonsense, taking-good-care-of-my-body kinds of things. And you know what one thing is that I'm going to try -- again, following your good lead? YOGA! I've asked for a tape for Christmas and am *really* hoping I'll get it. I'm already excited about learning all those great poses you've talked about.... And my daughter Emily said she'd do it along with me (she learned some yoga in gym at school, so I figure she can be my coach). Maybe the other guys in our family will want to try it, too!

    So thanks for helping me through this uncertain time in my own life, Simon -- even though you probably didn't even *know* you were helping me, you were! :-)

    We'll keep thinking of you guys and hoping for some conclusive and good results on your own tests. In the meantime, have a great holiday season, and enjoy the snow!
    Love, Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura

    Thursday, December 19, 2002 -- 11:37:14 (EST)
    Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email:
    Location: Clinton, NY
  • Hi, Simon! Hi to Mary, Markus, and Miriam, too!

    I'm so thrilled for you, Simon, that you're off to Kindergarten now -- I know Laura's been enjoying her year so far. Meeting new friends, learning new stuff, and just generally having fun in school seems to be the general theme of things for her and, I assume, for you, too!

    I have to say, even though I haven't written much lately, I've been thinking about you a LOT -- and from a slightly different perspective than usual.... You see, for a while now my body has been sending me some signals that it wasn't altogether healthy, and I had to be very brave (like you've been) while the doctors and nurses did some tests on me, too, so they could figure out what was going on. Everytime they took some blood, I thought of all the times you've had to be brave about having your blood taken. And when I've gone into the hospital for a procedure where they had to give some of that "sleepy medicine," I've thought of all the times you've been brave about having people poke you and check you and do weird things to you, some of which have been kind of yucky, right? But I drew great strength from your example -- I told myself, "Simon can do it; so I can, too!" :-) So you were a BIG help to me! I'm glad to say that when all was said and done, my doctor said the symptoms I was experiencing could be cured by some commonsense, taking-good-care-of-my-body kinds of things. And you know what one thing is that I'm going to try -- again, following your good lead? YOGA! I've asked for a tape for Christmas and am *really* hoping I'll get it. I'm already excited about learning all those great poses you've talked about.... And my daughter Emily said she'd do it along with me (she learned some yoga in gym at school, so I figure she can be my coach). Maybe the other guys in our family will want to try it, too!

    So thanks for helping me through this uncertain time in my own life, Simon -- even though you probably didn't even *know* you were helping me, you were! :-)

    We'll keep thinking of you guys and hoping for some conclusive and good results on your own tests. In the meantime, have a great holiday season, and enjoy the snow!
    Love, Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura

    Tuesday, December 17, 2002 -- 08:28:44 (EST)
    Name: Sibylle v. Rosen -- Email:
    Location: Stuttgart, Germany
  • Hi Mary, immer wieder einmal habe ich auf Simon's Website nachgelesen, wie es mit seiner Behandlung weitergeht und ich freue mich dann ganz besonders, wenn ich ein Foto von einem froehlich laechelnden Kind sehe. Es beruhigt mich aus der Ferne, dass ihr umgeben seid von lieben, aufmerksamen Freunden und Verwandten, die euch stuetzen und Kraefte tanken lassen. Ich soll dich gruessen von Vlasta, die auch ganz geschockt war, als ich ihr von Simon's Krankheit erzaehlte. Ich habe sie kuerzlich wieder in Paris besucht. Seitdem sie selbst Mutter ist, kann sie besser nachempfinden, was diese Zeit fuer euch bedeutet. Ihre Soehne sind jetzt schon 8 und 5 Jahre alt. Wir haben in Paris ganz intensiv an euch gedacht. Ich wuensche euch allen eine frohe und friedliche Weihnachtszeit und werde euch auch weiterhin in Gedanken begleiten.Alles Liebe aus Stuttgart

    Tuesday, December 17, 2002 -- 00:17:40 (EST)
    Name: Annette Steve and Rowan
  • Hey folks,

    We are out here checking up on you as usual. Like seeing you with your bike each time we open your page. Got your Grandma's great Christmas letter today. Hope you turn out to be a great writer like her. I saw an old friend of mine today in San Francisco and he told me his step daughter was just accepted to Oberlin so maybe your Grandma and Grandad
    will meet her some day. Maybe she will even get to take a Chemistry class from your "retired" grandad. I told him his daughter had made a great choice considerng Rowan and you wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for your grandparents all meeting in Oberlin.

    We are in the process of getting the inside of our house painted so we are all topsy turvy and haven't been able to get an Xmas tree yet. But we have some pretty lights outside. Your great aunt Lee comes on Wed so the painting will stop tomorrow for an Xmas break and we will get to start getting ready for a visit from Madi and Lexi too. We love you all
    and hope you have a great Christmas. Sounds like you might go to Indianapolis?
    Have fun.

    Love, asr

    Monday, December 16, 2002 -- 23:33:36 (EST)
    Name: Doris S. Young -- Email:
    Location: Roanoke, VA USA
  • Dear Simon,
    You don't know me, but my husband, Lewis Young is your Grandmother Ann's cousin. We live in Virginia. We were so glad to visit your web site and see how well you are doing. I know you are enjoying kindergarten and having loads of fun. You look like you would be so much fun to be around and would enjoy all sorts of games. Maybe sometime you can send me an e-mail to tell me what kind of games you like to play. I like to play computer games and watch sports on TV. Keep up the good news because we all love you.

    Sunday, December 15, 2002 -- 15:54:29 (EST)
    Name: amy -- Email:
    Location: ann arbor, MI
  • Simon:

    I was SOOOO happy to hear you got to start kindergarten! I was reading back through your mother's musings--so beautifully written---and saw that your birthday is just 2 weeks before my son's, who also started kindergarden this year. I talk about you often to my own children and they always join me in wishing the best for you and your family.

    Saturday, December 14, 2002 -- 23:09:33 (EST)
    Name: tracey metry
    Location: ann arbor, mi
  • SIMON! you look like the happiest kindergartner ever. i am so happy to see the pictures of you off on your great new adventure. i know you will make many new friends while you are exploring your new school. some fun books my kdg. students have enjoyed recently are "the mitten" (many versions), "the hannukah guest" and "the jacket i wear in the snow". what are your favorite books these days?
    happy days to you mary, markus and miriam as you adjust to your wonderful new routines. tracey

    Thursday, December 12, 2002 -- 08:24:32 (EST)
    Name: Lee Williams
  • Simon - I am so glad you are back in kindergarten and having fun. I used to teach kindergarten and know we had some good times. I am going to Grace's Winter Sing on Friday. She is a good singer. I will miss Logan's later because i leave for California on Dec. l8 to be with Steve, Annette and Rowan for Christmas. Curt, Lawrie, Madi and Lexi are coming to Steve's Christmas afternoon for a few days too. I will be thinking of you and hope you have a good Christmas ( and results of the tests). Lots. of Love, Lee

    Wednesday, December 11, 2002 -- 13:46:28 (EST)
    Name: anne, tom, and Johannes -- Email:
    Location: Northfield, MN USA
  • Kindergarten sounds so much fun!!!!!!! I really would like to go, too, but I'm in this college place, so I guess i can't. We're thinking all the positive, good thoughts we can going into next week, for continued improvement, and for a crystal clear scan when they do it next. Johannes sends big slobbery kisses (i think he's teething), and tom and I send hopefully not so slobbery kisses to everyone. Hoping to see you soon...

    Wednesday, December 11, 2002 -- 08:48:14 (EST)
    Name: Melissa Eljamal
  • Simon:What a wonderful pre-holiday finally get the ok to get to Kindergarten! You'll love Mack School I'm sure. Mekarem used to art/kid gymnastic classes there a long time ago. We've been alternatingly sick for the last two months and are upset about not being able to see you. But we won't be going East for the holidays (since my Mom now lives here!) and I am taking off two full weeks from work. Let's try to set up a date to get together, ok? Maybe you can convince Mom and Dad that a pot of fondue is long overdue!!!!

    Tuesday, December 10, 2002 -- 22:32:54 (EST)
    Name: Susan Hartman
  • Hi Simon--Seeing your off-to-school pictures made me think of when my son Schuyler went to his first day of kindergarten at the open school (then in the Bach School building). It seems like a short time ago--but he's now a six-foot tall sophomore at Huron! I hope you have as wonderful an education at Ann Arbor Open as he did.

    Monday, December 09, 2002 -- 20:43:29 (EST)
    Name: Rebecca -- Email:
    Location: Oberlin, OH USA
  • Hi Simon!
    Happy Kindergarten to you! I met with some college friends of your mom's this weekend, and they enjoyed seeing your "off-to-school" photos. (The ASCommittee all send their regards and warm wishes to you, Mary.)
    I'm sure Schuyler in particular will love to hear (or read) about the details of Simon's schooldays soon. We all send big love to our strong boy!

    your Oberlin friends,
    Rebecca, Randy, Emma Rose & Schuyler

    Monday, December 09, 2002 -- 11:54:16 (EST)
    Name: Kyla Boyse -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Hi Simon, Miriam, Mary and Markus!

    We were glad to see all of you in church on Sunday.

    What a happy week Simon had at school! Let's see, Simon, I wonder which "special" you have on Fridays. I will guess. I am guessing that you have Music on Fridays. Am I right? Ok, maybe I had a big clue, since Victor goes to kindergarten, too, and he has music once a week.

    Now another school-week is starting. Now you are an expert! Have a good time!

    Kyla, Scott, Victor and Alita

    Monday, December 09, 2002 -- 09:19:48 (EST)
    Name: Gari Stein
  • Hello everyone, so glad to hear about Simon's fun first week at Kindergarten. I will be keeping my fingers crossed and parying for a good report on the MIGB or is it MIBG??? I know that hand holding warm all over feeling Mary had with Miriam. My grandaughter is finally letting me hold her hand, but just to cross the street. I look forward to seeing Miriam tomorrow, but saddened that to know this is her last day in Music class. But I look forward to reports on her participation in dance class. Much love to you all. Gari

    Monday, December 09, 2002 -- 09:19:22 (EST)
    Name: Gari Stein
  • Hello everyone, so glad to hear about Simon's fun first week at Kindergarten. I will be keeping my fingers crossed and parying for a good report on the MIGB or is it MIBG??? I know that hand holding warm all over feeling Mary had with Miriam. My grandaughter is finally letting me hold her hand, but just to cross the street. I look forward to seeing Miriam tomorrow, but saddened that to know this is her last day in Music class. But I look forward to reports on her participation in dance class. Much love to you all. Gari

    Sunday, December 08, 2002 -- 23:44:20 (EST)
    Name: Mary Craig -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor, MI USA
  • Hello out there! It's really good to hear from all the folks who are writing on our message board, and to know about the many people checking in on Simon who don't necessarily post to the Message Board.

    Not to put words in your mouth or pressure on you to write a note on somebody's Web page, but I have to admit I've been checking the Message Board pretty often lately, looking for signs of support and connection.

    It's wonderful to have Simon so actively involved in the normal routines of 5-year-old life. Our lives overall seem to be amazingly normal at the moment. As Margaret Dawson told me at church this morning, "Normal is a big deal."

    Meanwhile, we await the next news of Simon's progress against his disease. The coming week will bring no new testing, only routine blood work to check if his blood cells are too depleted after the radiation therapy. So far, Simon is "holding his own" without transfusions.

    The week after next will bring more tests (CT scan, bone marrow biopsy/aspirate, Echo cardiogram). He may also have a repeat of the MIBG scan, which was done last week but yielded no readable results.

    Anyway, if you've been thinking you might write us, don't hold back. We're out here, reading, and looking for strength, humor, and the wonderful warm fuzzies of reading caring words from so many friends!



    Sunday, December 08, 2002 -- 16:15:02 (EST)
    Name: Amy Olson
    Location: Seattle,
  • Hi Simon! Knock knock. Who's there? Ga Ga. Ga Ga who? Ga Ga Goo Goo silly poo!
    Hope you're having fun at kindergarten!
    love, Amy

    Friday, December 06, 2002 -- 15:46:43 (EST)
    Name: Michelle Stempien -- Email:
    Location: Plainwell, MI USA
  • Hi Simon! I just checked in to see your progress and was so happy to see you on your way to Kindergarten! Way to go! What a special time for you to meet new kids and have fun! Keep up the good work with your treatment-you are an inspiration! Happy, Happy Holidays to you, your Mom and Dad and Miriam! Love, Michelle

    Hi Mary! :)

    Thursday, December 05, 2002 -- 06:29:32 (EST)
    Name: Christina Helms -- Email:
    Location: Milan, Italy
  • Dear Simon,

    Your mother and I knew each other at Oberlin, and I have been following your recovery on Simon's Place. When I logged on yesterday and saw you looking so healthy and happy, on your way to school, I remembered what you said a few months ago: you have cancer fighting magic in you. It's true!

    You have magic in you, a very strong magic - and it is winning now. I pray for you and know that you are going to be well.

    Enjoy school, and your wonderful family.

    Christina Helms

    Wednesday, December 04, 2002 -- 23:49:27 (EST)
    Name: annette
    Location: Oakland, CA
  • Simon,

    What great news you are off to kindergarten! You looked like one happy dude in those photos. Rowan was asking about you at Thanksgiving down in Laguna wondering how you were feeling. Hope you get to go back to Laguna and visit the beach sometime in the future. You sure are lucky to get to start out kindergarten with art class. Miss you. Hope you had a fun Thanksgiving in Oberlin.

    Love, Annette Steve and Rowan

    Wednesday, December 04, 2002 -- 13:39:55 (EST)
    Name: Gari Stein
  • Dear Simon, yahoo for kindergarten...I totally remember my first day, some 50 years ago...I am so happy you were able
    to start ahead of schedule and that you were in time to march off to art class..Congratulations to mom and dad on number 10 and a night out...most well marcus, the mozart music is Richard Stoltzman-The essential Clarinet-Mozart-Concerto, K,622-Quintet,K.581...enjoy....

    Tuesday, December 03, 2002 -- 14:46:13 (EST)
    Name: anne, tom, and johannes -- Email:
    Location: Northfield, MN USA
  • Oh, Simon, what a wonderful day you must have had at kindergarten! That's just fantastic that you can go, and I bet art class is a blast. I want to go tooooooooo!! and so does johannes (who now says agaaaa!--he's graduated from d's).
    all our love and huge hugs, hopefully we can see you all soon,

    anne, tom, johannes

    Tuesday, December 03, 2002 -- 01:45:15 (EST)
    Name: Julia Schwartz -- Email:
    Location: Frauenfeld, Switzerland
  • Dear Simon, You look so happy to be going out the door to kindergarten! We are so glad your body is ready to take that step. With much love to you all and best wishes for a peaceful Advent time. Julia, Serena, Alma and Christoph

    Monday, December 02, 2002 -- 23:57:29 (EST)
    Name: Karen Zaruba -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Simon, I was sorry to hear about the foley catheter. Did you know that once I had to wear one for AN ENTIRE WEEK?!? I was really happy to get rid of it!! I guess we saved a lot on toilet paper that week though. Ha ha.

    Keep getting stronger!

    Monday, December 02, 2002 -- 14:42:25 (EST)
    Name: Katrina Zook -- Email:
    Location: Laramie, Woming USA
  • Hi Simon,
    I'm glad to hear things are going better for you and that you're home! It must be strange getting all of these messages from so many people you've never met, but I hope they cheer you up every once in awhile, as well as your mom and dad. I too, went to kindergarten in Ann Arbor and had a fabulous time. Enjoy! Katrina Zook


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