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MESSAGE BOARD Archive March 2004

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Wednesday, March 31, 2004 -- 21:25:31 (EST)
Name: amy -- Email:
Location: ann arbor, mi
  • Glad to hear the latest treatment is going pretty well and that you were able to arrange such nice accommodations!

    Be on the lookout for Flat Stanley coming your way as part of a class project that Jesse is doing. Jesse is hoping that Stanley will get to travel a bit with Simon as their travels will be recorded on a map in Jesse's classroom.

    Monday, March 29, 2004 -- 19:06:39 (EST)
    Name: Nancy Daily -- Email:
    Location: Flushing, Mi
  • Mary,
    Glad to hear that Simon is doing well so far on the new treatment!
    Nancy (Mom to Joe, U of M Ann Arbor student)

    Monday, March 29, 2004 -- 18:01:19 (EST)
    Name: Marta, Paul &amp Sam -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor,
  • Thanks so much for the update. On top of everything else you do, keeping all of us out here posted is tremendously generous. The treatment sounds promising and of course we are hoping it will prove to be the dispositive word on getting rid of the cancer in Simon.

    The Monterey Bay Aquarium is one of our all time favorites. We have been there with Sam (our boy, not your cat) several times. Those really huge places for all those fish to swim are so cool. Simon, what did you think of the jellyfish? Kind of weird, huh? The same oceans that lead to jellyfish also lead to sharks and rays and tuna. What a world!

    Spring is coming at last to Ann Arbor -- we have rain rain rain, but also crocuses and almost-tulips! A season for hope.

    Best to all,
    Marta, Paul &amp Sam

    Sunday, March 28, 2004 -- 06:04:57 (EST)
    Name: LeeWilliams
  • Simon= It was fun to read your Mom's comments about seeing cousins and their kids. Lucy and Liddy and their kids had a great time seeing you and being in your home which they thought was lovely - quite a gang! Glad to hear your trip to SF went well and I will be interested to hear how things go. Glad to hear you are back in school. Love, Lee

    Sunday, March 28, 2004 -- 06:04:56 (EST)
    Name: LeeWilliams
  • Simon= It was fun to read your Mom's comments about seeing cousins and their kids. Lucy and Liddy and their kids had a great time seeing you and being in your home which they thought was lovely - quite a gang! Glad to hear your trip to SF went well and I will be interested to hear how things go. Glad to hear you are back in school. Love, Lee

    Sunday, March 28, 2004 -- 06:04:56 (EST)
    Name: LeeWilliams
  • Simon= It was fun to read your Mom's comments about seeing cousins and their kids. Lucy and Liddy and their kids had a great time seeing you and being in your home which they thought was lovely - quite a gang! Glad to hear your trip to SF went well and I will be interested to hear how things go. Glad to hear you are back in school. Love, Lee

    Friday, March 26, 2004 -- 12:26:47 (EST)
    Name: The Street and Roof Cat of Oelbronn -- Email:
    Location: Oelbronn, Wuerttemberg Germany
    (Herbert Heckmann)

    Pit hatte eine Zahnlücke und konnte über die Schulmauer spucken, einen Handstand machen und bis 50 unter Wasser bleiben, wenn man sehr schnell zählte. Pit war das, was Erwachsene eine Katastrofe nennen. Sie wagten kaum, dorthin zu schauen, wo Pit gerade stand. Eigentlich stand er gar nicht, sondern balancierte auf einem Bein und juckte sich.
    "Was hast du nur?" fragten sie.
    "lch habe Ungeduld", erwiderte Pit. Er hasste Antworten und fragte lieber selbst, dass sein Vater sagte: "lch bin kein wandelndes Lexikon."
    "Was ist ein Lexikon?"
    "Wo das drinnen steht, was du nicht weißt."
    "Das muss aber ein dickes Buch sein."
    Pit war das einzige Kind eines einzigen Vaters und einer einzigen Mutter. Er ging in die zweite Klasse der Volksschule und konnte ein Ei malen, dass jedes Huhn vor Neid erblassen musste. Schon sehr lange wünschte er sich einen Hund, und zwar einen richtigen mit richtigen Zähnen. Frau Besen, die zwei Stockwerke tiefer wohnte, hatte einen Hund, der Caesar hieß und beinahe ein Pudel war. "Das ist kein Hund, sondern ein Kopfkissen", sagte Pit. Auch sah er Frau Besen sehr ähnlich. Daraufhin nannte Pit sie Tante Caesar. Ob sie auch bellen kann?
    "Wie willst du denn einen Hund ernähren?", fragte die Mutter.
    "Ach, der frisst sich schon durch."
    "Und wenn wir verhungern?"
    "Dann geht der Hund für uns auf die Jagd."
    Pit bettelte und bettelte. "Wenn ich doch einen Hund hätte, wenn ich doch, wenn ich."
    Pit, der tagsüber keine Furcht kannte, zitterte jede Nacht vor Angst. Eine Schar kleiner Männchen hüpfte auf seiner Bettdecke umher, starrte ihn grimmig an und streckte ihm die Zunge heraus. Pit schloss die Augen, aber die Männchen gingen nicht weg. "Verschwindet !", schrie er, die Mutter rannte besorgt in sein Zimmer.
    "Was fehlt dir?"
    "Hier sind kleine Männchen."
    "Wo?", fragte die Mutter.
    "Die kann nur ich sehen."
    Die kleinen Männchen kamen jede Nacht. Pit machte kein Auge zu.
    Ich brauche einen Hund. Der frisst sie auf.
    Der Vater jedoch hatte einen besseren Einfall. Er hängte das Bild eines dicken Polizisten über das Bett seines Sohnes und sagte: "Wenn sie wiederkommen, wird sie der Polizist verhaften." Aber Pit hängte das Bild wieder ab und warf es in die Mülltonne. Als ihn sein Vater fragte, ob die kleinen Männchen wieder dagewesen wären, erwiderte Pit: "Ja, sie haben den Polizisten verhaftet. Ich muss einen Hund haben."
    "Wir haben keinen Platz in der Wohnung."
    "Ach, Paps, der Hund kann in meinem Bett schlafen.
    "Da kriegst du Flöhe."
    "Die schenke ich weiter."
    Pit bekam keinen Hund, er sah auch keine kleinen Männchen mehr, aber dafür träumte er von Hunden, die so groß waren, dass, wenn sie bellten, die Schule zusammenstürzte. Aber wie das so ist, man wünscht sich etwas mit aller Macht, und gerade in dem Augenblick, in dem man den Wunsch schon fast vergessen hat, geht er in Erfüllung. Genauso erging es Pit. Eines Mittags, als die Uhren zwölf schlugen, traf Pit auf der Straße einen herrenlosen Hund, bei dem er nicht sicher war, ob der Kopf vorne oder hinten saß. Es war ein langhaariger Hund, größer als ein Dackel und kleiner als ein Pudel. Pit pfiff auf den Fingern, und der Hund hob den Kopf, zu Pits Überraschung dort, wo er den Schwanz vermutet hatte.
    "He!", schrie Pit, aber er hätte wissen müssen, dass Hunde nicht reden können. Der Hund hob für einen Augenblick die haarigen Ohren und bellte. Es war die schönste Stimme, die Pit je bei einem Hund gehört hatte. Er ging vorsichtig auf das Tier zu und streckte seine Hand aus. Sofort begann der Hund mit dem Schwanz zu wedeln - oder war es der Kopf? Pit wusste immer noch nicht, wo der Kopf und wo der Schwanz saß. Erst als der Hund nach seiner Hand schnappte, wusste er Bescheid. "Du Feigling!", schrie er, meinte aber sich selbst.
    Als er mit zitternden Knien weiterging, sah er über seine Schulter hinweg, wie ihm der Hund folgte: wenn er stehenblieb, blieb auch der Hund stehen. Das Schauspiel wiederholte sich, bis sie vor die Haustür gekommen waren.
    "He!", sagte Pit, und der Hund bellte nicht mehr. Er trottete hinter Pit die Treppe hoch und schnupperte an den Stufen.
    "Wo hast du den Hund her?", fragte die Mutter.
    "Wir sind uns auf der Straße begegnet", antwortete ihr Sohn und streichelte den Hund, der es ruhig geschehen ließ.
    "Der geht ja rückwärts", rief die Mutter verwundert aus.
    "Nein, der tarnt nur seinen Kopf."
    "Wie heißt er denn?"
    "Warum nicht Struwwelpeter?"
    "Den gibt's schon."
    Der Vater war höchst erstaunt, als er nach Hause kam und auf seinem Sessel ein neues Kissen fand, das gar beißen konnte.
    "Das ist Struwwelpaul", erklärte Pit und spreizte die Beine.
    "Und wer ist das?"
    "Das ist mein Hund." Der Vater ließ sich nur schwer bewegen, Struwwelpaul wenigstens für eine Nacht dazubehalten. Nicht länger.
    "Wenn irgend etwas passiert, trägst du die Schuld", sagte er, und noch in derselben Nacht geschah sehr viel. Struwwelpaul sollte auf einer Matte im Gang schlafen. Er dachte aber nicht daran und jaulte, bis ihn der Vater ins Bad sperrte. Dort sprang Struwwelpaul in die Badewanne und kam nicht mehr heraus. Ein wütendes Gekläff schallte durch die Wohnung. Der Vater stürzte mit wehendem Nachthemd herbei und befreite Struwwelpaul aus einem Handtuch, in das er sich verbissen hatte.
    "lch werfe ihn auf die Straße."
    Pit schlich aus seinem Zimmer zu der Stätte des Unheils, wo ihn der Hund schwanzwedelnd begrüßte. "lch nehme ihn in mein Zimmer." Der Vater hatte schon die Wohnungstür geöffnet.
    "Er ist doch fremd hier", klagte Pit. Der Vater schimpfte noch eine Weile, dann ließ er seinem Sohn den Willen. Struwwelpaul folgte Pit mit hängenden Ohren. Wer jedoch glaubt, damit wäre alles gut gewesen, irrt sich sehr, denn kaum waren die beiden im Zimmer, sang Struwwelpaul ein Schlaflied, dass selbst Caesar aufgeweckt wurde - und das wollte etwas heißen. Pit hatte einmal gehört, dass der Mond die Hunde zum Gesang verleite - und er zog den Vorhang noch fester zu, aber Struwwelpaul musste den Mond in den Knochen spüren, er bellte aus Leibeskräften. Pit wollte ihm die Schnauze zuhalten, ergriff jedoch in der Hast den Schwanz, und das Bellen wurde noch lauter. Die Mutter riss die Tür auf und sah, wie sich ihr Sohn mit dem Hund auf dem Boden wälzte.
    "lch glaube, er ist ein Mondanbeter", sagte Pit atemlos und stand auf. Struwwelpaul kroch unters Bett und knurrte. Auch diesmal setzte sich Pit mit Erfolg für seinen Freund ein. "Jetzt ist es muckshundestill. Hörst du, er schläft schon."
    Was aber wie ein Schnarchen klang, waren die Geräusche, die Struwwelpaul beim Zerreißen der Schuhe machte, die Pit jeden Abend unters Bett stellte. Für sie kam jede Hilfe zu spät. Pit knipste das Licht aus und hoffte, dass sich Struwwelpaul in der Dunkelheit beruhigen würde. Er sprang ins Bett und lauschte. Ein Knurren, Reißen und Kratzen ertönte. Wieder sprang Pit auf. Diesmal waren es seine Hose und sein Hemd, die in Fetzen herumlagen. Struwwelpaul hockte auf allen vieren da und schaute Pit aus halb verdeckten Augen an. Er schien glücklich zu sein, sehr glücklich.
    "Wahrscheinlich hat er noch Hunger", dachte Pit und schlich in die Küche, um ein Stück Brot zu holen. Als er zurückkam, lag Struwwelpaul im Bett. Sein Fell zitterte behaglich. Pit kroch neben ihn unter die Bettdecke und versuchte, seinen Nachbarn aus dem Bett zu stoßen. Struwwelpaul stemmte die Pfoten auf. So konnte das nicht weitergehen, aber es ging so weiter. Pit schlief erschöpft ein, neben ihm rumorte der nach Straße stinkende Struwwelpaul, der erst dann einschlief, als er das Federbett aufgerissen hatte, so dass die Federn im Zimmer herumflogen.
    Am nächsten Morgen schloss Pit gleich wieder die Augen, als er das Unheil sah. Struwwelpaul schlief am Fußende und hatte eine Pfote über den Kopf gelegt. Pit schlug die Augen zum zweiten Male auf, aber noch immer hatte er nicht den Mut aufzustehen, Struwwelpaul hatte seinem Namen Ehre gemacht, das ganze Zimmer war zerstruwwelt. Als die Mutter ihren Sohn wecken wollte, schrie sie auf und taumelte zurück. Was ist denn hier geschehen?"
    "Struwwelpaul hat nach einem Schatz gegraben", stammelte Pit, der sich nicht sehr wohl in seiner Haut fühlte.
    "ln deiner Hose?", fragte die Mutter.
    Der Vater stürmte mit Rasierseife auf der Wange in das Zimmer. "lch zähle bis drei, wenn dann der Hund nicht verschwunden ist, geschieht ein Unglück."
    Aber Struwwelpaul konnte nicht zählen und gähnte. Er hatte ein weißgefiedertes Fell, jedoch machte der Vater nicht viel Federlesens und jagte ihn auf die Straße.
    Pit musste in seinem Sonntagsstaat in die Schule gehen. Als er wieder nach Hause kam, saß Struwwelpaul vor der Tür und wedelte mit dem Schwanz.
    "He!", schrie Pit entgeistert. "Wenn ich dich mit hochnehme, geht es uns schlecht." Struwwelpaul verstand die menschliche Sprache immer noch nicht und schlich sich hinter seinem Freund die Treppe hoch. Er wich Pit nicht mehr von der Seite.
    "Da siehst du, er ist mein Freund."
    "Aber so viele Hemden und Hosen haben wir gar nicht, um ihn satt zu füttern", sagte die Mutter. Mit der Zeit gewöhnte sich Struwwelpaul auch an Hundekuchen und Knochen. Schließlich ging sogar der Vater mit ihm spazieren. Pit hatte endlich einen Hund.
    "lhr müsst beide zum Friseur", sagten die Leute auf der Straße.
    "Wir tarnen uns", erwiderte Pit, der Struwwelpaul sehr ähnlich geworden war, und konnte vor Stolz kaum laufen.

    Aus: Dichter erzählen Kindern

    (c) 1966 Gertraud Middelhauve Verlag GmbH &amp Co. KG, Köln

    A Story for Simon!

    Have a good weekend yee all!

    Heidi und Heinz

    Wednesday, March 24, 2004 -- 20:11:32 (EST)
    Name: Sally
    Location: Seattle,
  • Hi guys. Hope all is going well in SF. I'm eager to hear how you are. I'll be in Oberlin this weekend (visiting Mom by myself!) and maybe I'll get an update from your parents, Mary. I'll call when you're home again.

    Much, much love, Sally

    Wednesday, March 24, 2004 -- 19:27:52 (EST)
    Name: Kris Hopkins
    Location: Clinton, NY
  • Simon -- How cool: you have your very own secure and undisclosed location? And it's on a beach?? Wow. I am so impressed!

    Glad the new study/treatment is going well so far. Keep up the good work. And enjoy SF -- I went out there once with Rob and my parents ... and I was pregnant with Emily at the time, so I guess she was there, too! (She doesn't remember much about the trip, though. ;-) We saw giant sequoias and the Golden Gate Bridge and all kinds of other wonderful things. Hope you and your mom get so see some neat stuff while you're there, too.

    And Markus and Miriam, we're thinking of you guys, too. I'm sure it's hard to have Simon and Mary away from home; but at least you now have two fun kitties to keep you company -- and one of them's even named Simon!

    Take care, all.


    Monday, March 22, 2004 -- 20:33:26 (EST)
    Name: Mary Craig -- Email:
    Location: Oakland, CA USA
  • Hi Jean,

    Thanks for your message. Simon is still making cool planes from the book you sent--when was that, last year?

    Yes, thank goodness for planes!--Mary

    Monday, March 22, 2004 -- 11:22:20 (EST)
    Name: Jean Watson -- Email:
    Location: Canton, OH USA
  • Simon,
    Just wanted to let you know that we're all thinking about you, sending our thoughts and prayers. I hope you're able to enjoy seeing yet another part of the country - you've truly been coast to coast in your medical journies! Thank goodness for planes. :-)

    Love, Jean

    Thursday, March 18, 2004 -- 23:24:16 (EST)
    Name: Brian -- Email:
    Location: SLC, UT
  • S-

    I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know we're thinking about you at Uintah... I'll be in San Fran next month for a principal's conference, so don't eat all the seafood!

    I hope the snow and sun were perfect in Park City... The boys and I hit Brighton last weekend and had a blast.

    See you soon,

    Wednesday, March 17, 2004 -- 21:22:19 (EST)
    Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email:
    Location: clinton, NY
  • Wow! Skiing! You guys looked very cool there on the slopes. I have to say, I went downhill skiing once and, while I did fine on the bunny slope, I was a real chicken on the regular slope. So I have great respect and admiration for you getting out there and doing your thing on the snow. Bravo and brava!

    Glad to hear your doctor in SF was able to get you into the trial out there -- sometimes people have to wait a while for things like that, so you are very fortunate! Here's hoping the new medicine will be very powerful against the cancer cells. And may your own special inner power help the medine, too, Simon! We'll be thinking of you.

    Lots of warm wishes to you all, Kris

    Monday, March 15, 2004 -- 18:20:52 (EST)
    Name: JANE BISHOP -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor,
  • A question for Miriam....who's that cool dude in the sunglasses sitting in the car with you?? I wish I lived closer to you kids...'d take you skiing every day!! I never got to Park City, but it's always been on my list of places to ski. You two looked like experts at snowplowing (and schussing). I talked with your Aunt Betty last night over Oberlin business.. did you know I was in her class at Oberlin? She sounds as if she is as much fun as she used to be! Maybe that's why she is called a GREAT AUNT! Have a good trip to Frisco, and let's hope for some good results from the new treatment. We're betting on you!
    Love and hugs.....Jane

    Monday, March 15, 2004 -- 15:43:31 (EST)
    Name: Deborah Orlowski -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor, MI USA
  • Hi Simon and all,
    love the picture of your cats. they look like a cat we had whose name was puck. my boys named him puck because he was black like a hockey puck!

    when we first got puck he was so little he could fit into my hand but by the time he was grown he was, as evan would say, a "beast!" he was big and muscular and gleemy black beautiful. i'm sure sam and simon-the-cat will be that beautiful too. black cats rule!

    i don't know about plants....we spray ours with anti-cat stuff (or they eat the leaves and throw one of your other friends has already told you. i think cats like that but boy is it yucky looking!) but for scratching the best thing we've found is one of those high rise cat houses with sisal (sp?) wrapping the bottom pole. our cats (we've had many) would never make use of any scratching pole until we got these. they love them. just make sure any toys with feathers or things that look like a bird are kept away from them for they love them too!

    good luck on your trip to san francisco. i just came back from there and it was sunny and beautiful. it will warm your tummy. : )

    lots of hugs and love from your friends at the university of michigan.

    Monday, March 15, 2004 -- 13:47:51 (EST)
    Name: Heinz the Street Cat -- Email:
    Location: oelbronn, Wuerttemberg Germany
  • Hi! Simon!
    I tried to send a message to you but I "cleared the form". Okay - we - these are my wife Heidi and me - the Street Cat, as you can see above - have found your mother's and father's address and homepage after about three or four years because some voice told me: Have a look to the www! Well, I did, and I found -. and I think it is a gift for in this spring.
    We can pray for you - I hope that is o.k. - and, perhaps, I'll find some stories for you to read.
    Greetings and good wishes!
    Heinz the Street Cat alias Heinz Frankenberger

    Monday, March 15, 2004 -- 10:52:26 (EST)
    Name: Katherine Lawrence -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Hi Everyone! I second the recommendation of wheatgrass for the cats to munch, though only one of my cats likes it. The other one prefers to chew on houseplant leaves that look like grass, then he throws up :( Anyway, if you don't want to wait to grow wheatgrass, which takes a week or so, sometimes pet stores sell already-grown containers of grass that will last for a while. I have also bought it at Whole Foods. As for your shredding difficulties, my cats' favorite shredding substitute are the ones made out of cardboard glued together. Just sprinkle some catnip on it, and they love it! Here are a few links to see what I mean: and Mine prefer the double-wide scratcher, but single-width ones are good, too. Believe me, pretty soon Sam and Simon-the-cat are going to have as many toys as Miriam and Simon-the-kid. I hope all goes well for your trip to San Francisco. We're sending healthy vibes from Ann Arbor!

    Monday, March 15, 2004 -- 02:24:15 (EST)
    Name: Marcie Obstfeld -- Email:
    Location: Irvine, CA USA
  • Wow - Simon - you look great out there on the ski slopes! You are so brave too! Rachel went skiing for the first time in December - and she loved it too. It looks like you had lots of fun. Good luck on your trip to San Fransisco. We wish you were coming further south so we could take you to Disneyland! Get your Mom to take a quick trip south and we can all go and get a hug from Mickey! Love, Marcie (and Rachel, Noah and David too)

    Sunday, March 14, 2004 -- 09:53:35 (EST)
    Name: Marta, Paul &amp Sam -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor,
  • Hi all,

    So, a new treatment to try. We are hoping it is strong against the cancer, and maybe a surprise tactic that the cancer is not ready for. Sounds like Markus and Miriam will miss Simon and Mary next week, and vice versa. We'll be thinking of all of you. Our days in the next couple of weeks look like they will be pretty routine - work, school, and waiting for spring. We want for you that after this newest intervention, you'll have some just routine weeks, too! Hang in there Simon - you have friends you don't even know about who are rooting for you.

    All our best,
    Marta, Paul &amp Sam

    Saturday, March 13, 2004 -- 21:41:36 (EST)
    Name: barbara blodgett -- Email:
    Location: new haven, ct usa
  • I am going to go to my pet store tomorrow and get some of Sophie's favorite things for Sam and Simon-the-Cat (including wheat grass, which is what you can grow for them) so expect a package soon.

    I'll be thinking of you as you travel to SF next week, and hoping that new drug will work for you.

    Lots of love,

    Saturday, March 13, 2004 -- 20:24:19 (EST)
    Name: Carol Shultheis -- Email:
  • Sorry to hear you are having such a rotten time. I may get to see you in San Francisco-I'm going to be there for a conference March 23-28th. Have your Mom E-mail me. Sending you lots of healthy, strong Hugs. Carol

    Saturday, March 13, 2004 -- 09:34:55 (EST)
    Name: amy sheon -- Email:
    Location: ann arbor, mi
  • So sorry to hear about the latest....but glad you were able to so swiftly arrange for the treatment in california. Hope we'll see a photo of Simon skiing. Will Miriam go, too? We just took our boys skiing for the first time and I was (almost) sorry we didn't take the three year old, as there were a few intrepid little ones out there! Love the photo of the kitties. Can't help you on what plants are SAFE for cats but this website tells you which ones to avoid:

    BTW, after being teased by a 60 degree day, we're back to snow and temps in the twenties. The daffodils and crocuses remain optimistic, however, plunging their tender shoots through the frozen ground in search of the sun which is present for noticably more hours each day.

    Friday, March 12, 2004 -- 22:59:28 (EST)
    Name: Rebecca
    Location: Oberlin,
  • Hi Simon,

    We are sending you big, boofy, tickly, loving, cuddly, happy hugs to make you strong as you prepare for your trip next week. You are a brave boy, and we love you very much!

    Please tell your wonderful mom, dad and little sis that we send them our love, too.
    (And ask Miss Miriam if she knows how, exactly, to give you a "boofy" hug!)

    Schuyler, Emma, Rebecca &amp Randy

    Thursday, March 11, 2004 -- 08:19:27 (EST)
    Name: Liz, Mike, Emma, &amp Lucas -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • How exciting that you have kittens! A couple animal updates for you: Our little angels/monsters turn 1 year old on Monday, and the kids are planning a reunion bday party, with their littermates coming over, and plans for bowls of cereal &amp ice cream set all over the house! (The Dybdahl's have 2 of the littermates.)
    Also, as we were driving home from church a few weeks ago, we thought we saw a dog eating something at the side of the road, but as we got closer, we realized it was a coyote!!! Look out, Easter Bunny!
    All our best healing wishes to you!

    Wednesday, March 10, 2004 -- 14:51:43 (EST)
    Name: carol longsworth -- Email:
    Location: oberlin, ohio
  • Helloe, friends, We continue to hold you and all the family in our thoughts and prayers. You have great patience and courage and your little patient is a marvel. Each of you in your own way inspires the rest of us! Regards to Grann, too, whom we miss much. Love to all, Carol

    Wednesday, March 10, 2004 -- 12:18:06 (EST)
    Location: SACRAMENTO, CA

    Wednesday, March 10, 2004 -- 08:57:00 (EST)
    Name: michael k. eljamal -- Email: mjamal1@SBCGLOBAL.NET
    Location: simi valley, ca usa
  • may god give you strength

    Monday, March 08, 2004 -- 23:20:46 (EST)
    Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email:
    Location: Clinton, NY
  • I was just in Oberlin this past weekend! Lots of good meetings and talks with neat Obies. Walked by Gibson's several times and thought about you all -- wondered whether you enjoy their whole-wheat donuts as much as I used to?! (I have to just smell them now, though, because my tummy doesn't like fried foods anymore, unfortunately. Oh well -- I think I probably ate enough of them during my four years of college to last me a lifetime! ;-)

    Last time I wrote I said I'd be looking to Japan to find my next "good-bye" word. As some members of your family may have guessed by now, the word is "sayonara!" I can't tell from the online dictionaries I consulted, though, whether this word means simply "good-bye" or whether it may be one of those parting phrases that can also mean "farewell" or "until we meet again." Given my uncertainty on that point (or perhaps one or more of you know the answer to that question?), you may prefer instead to use the less polite but certainly unambigious American phrase "Get lost!" ;-)

    Oooo -- guess what I heard just as I was finishing that sentence? A bunch of cayotes! This may seem like an unusual part of the country in which to hear them, but here they are nonetheless. It sometimes feels a little eerie when they're calling out to one another -- they're pretty darn lound and insistent -- but then I consider that if they attended one of our family reunions, they might feel a little uncomfortable about all the loud talking and laughing that goes on! So I guess we're even. :-)

    Thinking of you all and continuing our dances to benefit your counts. Love, Kris, et al.

    Monday, March 08, 2004 -- 22:33:06 (EST)
    Name: chris &amp myra sweet -- Email:
    Location: ashland, ohio U.S.A.
  • hope you are all well. remember you now have another guardian angel, luke
    with love and blessing's chris and myra, madeline,gabe and garrett sweet.

    Monday, March 08, 2004 -- 12:04:01 (EST)
    Name: gene &ampgail sweet -- Email:
    Location: ashland, ohio usa
  • dear simon, i hope each day that you get was great to hear that you walked home all the are a beautiful child and we send our love.
    Grandma and Grandpa to angel Luke

    Thursday, March 04, 2004 -- 22:30:33 (EST)
    Name: barbara blodgett -- Email:
    Location: new haven, ct usa
  • I finally looked at the photo of Sam and Simon, and I have to say they look just like my Sophie! So I know how beautiful they must be. Black cats are wonderful. But you cannot see them in the dark, except for their eyes. Sometimes when I want Sophie to come inside at night, and she is stubbornly refusing to come when I call, I shine a flashlight around and hope her eyes look at it. Then I know where she is! Can you find them in the basement, or do you have the same problem?
    Sophie also scampers at night, even though she is a lady of 13 years. The worst time was when she found a little mouse and chased it all around the house while I was trying to get to sleep!
    Anyway, I hope you have fun with your boys!
    My prayers are with you as always,

    Thursday, March 04, 2004 -- 19:05:16 (EST)
    Name: Robertson Family -- Email:
    Location: St. Paul, MN USA
  • You've been on our minds lately as we enjoy reading about your new cats. Our cat is very shy, and, like yours, spends much time in the basement, especially when people she doesn't know come over.
    Here's a cat joke you might enjoy:
    Q. Why did the cat get kicked out of school?
    A. Because he was a cheetah!
    We're hoping for quickly rising counts and good scans next week.
    Steve, Meg, Will, Sally and Sombra(the cat)

    Thursday, March 04, 2004 -- 13:48:12 (EST)
    Name: Marta, Paul & Sam -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor,
  • Hey you guys,

    It sounds like it is serious treatment time. Our healing waves and our visualization of how Simon will have undergone all these treatments to become cured - they are serious too - and they are coming your way all the time.

    Of course, part of how we do serious is to enjoy the happy stuff. Reading about your cats does that for me - we have always had at least one cat and at least one dog, and sometimes more (there was a rat in there, too, plus fish!), because they bring so much joy and amusement. But I feel I should warn you - cats are noctural and if they don't want you to get a good night's sleep, there is nothing you can do about it! Here are few of my favorite old quotes about cats:

    "There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast."

    "Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this."

    "Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow."

    "In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats."

    "As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat."

    So there you have it. Keep fighting, and we'll keep listening and thinking of you.

    Best as always,
    Marta, Paul and Sam

    Tuesday, March 02, 2004 -- 14:51:24 (EST)
    Name: Rebecca
    Location: Oberlin, OH
  • hey Simon-the-boy,

    Oooh, kitties! we can't wait for the pictures! Congratulations and welcome to the new members of your family! Our cats, Mia (old fat sweetheart) and Stella (young upstart tabby), in particular, look forward to more news on Simon-the-cat and Sam.

    We continue to send you good vibes, Mr. Underpants. And warm hugs to all of you. Saw your gramps bike by this morning, through the March wind! It's a very blustery day in Oberlin. Are you seeing the season's changes in Utah?

    love you
    Rebecca, Schuyler, Emma & Randy

    Monday, March 01, 2004 -- 22:27:21 (EST)
    Name: Raj & Rani Sanghvi -- Email:
    Location: Wixom, Michigan USA
  • Just wanted to say a hello and let you know that our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. As you know we met in Ann Arbor and then again in NY at Sloan. Amit reached a HAMA after 7 grueling cycles and we now have to hope, pray, wait and watch him carefully.

    We admire your strength and courage through all the cycles of different treatment and the move out west. Love to your family from ours and may Simon be the warrior against, as Amit calls them, "the bad guys!" Kindest regards the Sanghvi's


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