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MESSAGE BOARD Archive February 2004Thank you for visiting! You can click here to add to Simon's Message Board.
Sunday, February 29, 2004 -- 17:07:51 (EST) Name: Marta, Paul and Sam -- Email: manildi@millercanfield.com Location: Ann Arbor, We just got home from a visit to your state. We were skiing at Alta, in the mountains above Salt Lake City. There was a *lot* of snow up there; we got 3 feet of snow in the 6 days we were there. It ws fun! Home is warm, though, and the snow is melting, which also feels really good. We have learned that some of the many geese that live on the Huron River like to come into our yard now that the snow is gone. We don't like them in the yard, so we let the dogs out to chase the geese, who go honking and flapping back into the safety of the river. It makes the dogs feel very proud of themselves! Yesterday we walked along the river in Gallup Park, and the geese were honking so loudly we couldn't hear ourselves think. One big flock came down and landed on the water right in front of us, putting their feet out in front of them to slide into the water like silly cartoons. They look so big and awkward, but really they are amazingly well suited to air and water, and even to escaping dogs. We are sending all our hope and wishes for a successful round of chemo. Hope you are feeling better, Simon. Marta, Paul and Sam (the boy) Friday, February 27, 2004 -- 16:00:06 (EST) Name: jane bishop -- Email: jebish@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, MI Hope your platelets are hanging in there; I've learned several dances to entice them to stay around!! Love to all, Jane Friday, February 27, 2004 -- 10:12:35 (EST) Name: irene Judmayer -- Email: i.judmayer@oon.at Wednesday, February 25, 2004 -- 20:31:33 (EST) Name: Gari Stein Monday, February 23, 2004 -- 12:54:40 (EST) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY I'm sure it's hard doing that back-and-forth chemo dance sometimes, huh? You take the medicine and wait for it to work, then you take some other medicines and wait for them to counteract the first medicines, then you wait a while longer before starting all over again -- I wonder what sort of beat this dance has.... Would it be a waltz or a samba, do you suppose?? What sort of dance has lots of forward and back motion with some rests thrown in here and there for good measure? I'll have to think on that.... In the meantime, here's a Swedish phrase you can say with verve to those cancer cells when you want to tell them to get out!: "Ge dig ivag!" with an umlaut over the "a" that, I believe, makes it sound sort of like a short "e." Next stop: Japan! Take care. We'll be thinking about you! Kris and Company Sunday, February 22, 2004 -- 13:38:42 (EST) Name: Kathy -- Email: gccchace@aol.com Location: Salt Lake City, Kathy, Daniel, Chris and Emily Sunday, February 22, 2004 -- 12:00:23 (EST) Name: tatiana Pocsatko -- Email: tpocsatk@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, MI USA You for sure do not remember me anynore, but I remember you! I just want you to know that I love you , and I pray for you every day! Your friend from Ann Arbor, Tatiana Saturday, February 21, 2004 -- 00:59:13 (EST) Name: Sally Location: Seattle, How did the farmer transport his cow? A moooo-ving van! love, sally & amy Friday, February 20, 2004 -- 07:52:46 (EST) Name: Becky Smith -- Email: beckysmith62@aol.com Location: Mooresville, NC We got your note and picture yesterday. Wow! It looks like when your family goes hiking, you really do it right; you had such beautiful, inspiring scenery behind you! What a fun thing to do as a family and what fun to actually get to see a picture of all of you. Also, thanks for your help in getting the CD into other people's hands; we just took a whole bunch of them to Duke so your gift was good timing. Enjoy your day, enjoy each other! Thursday, February 19, 2004 -- 22:08:34 (EST) Name: stephanie saenz Location: salt lake city, ut So nice to hear that you have all had a chance to go out and have some fun. It has also been great to see Simon and Miram at school. Miram I'm glad you got to see the mountain man. Simon I hope you are enjoying your visits with Mr Conley oxoxoxox Stephanie Wednesday, February 18, 2004 -- 11:55:18 (EST) Name: Steve Robertson -- Email: stevemeg@usfamily.net Location: Saint Paul, MN I'm glad to hear that your counts are back up. I hope the ITP treatments help. I'm not very good at remembering jokes, but here's one I heard recently: Q. What do you get when you cross a shark with a snowman? A. Frostbite! Speaking of frostbite, here in St. Paul we have a winter carnival each year. This year they made a huge ice palace that you could walk inside of. At night it was lit up with lights of many different colors. I was hoping they'd just let it melt and collapse, but instead they are taking it apart, ice-block by ice-block. All the best, Steve, Meg, Sally, and Will Robertson Sunday, February 15, 2004 -- 16:56:10 (EST) Name: Rebecca -- Email: rebecca37cross@hotmail.com Location: Oberlin, OH USA We just wanted to send our valentine's love to you all this weekend. Hope you got lots of kisses, chocolate and otherwise, yesterday! I guess love can be yummy AND powerful: we love you! xoxoxoxoxooxo rebecca, randy, emma rose & schuyler sam Sunday, February 15, 2004 -- 15:10:34 (EST) Name: Lee Williams Friday, February 13, 2004 -- 20:33:18 (EST) Name: Gari Stein Friday, February 13, 2004 -- 18:33:37 (EST) Name: Marta, Paul & Sam -- Email: manildi@millercanfield.com Location: Ann Arbor, I was thinking of you and just wanted to say "hi". I don't have anything in particular to say, so I thought I would share with you this "metric conversion chart" - a list of things that equal each other (but not really!). See if you like any of these: 2000 mockingbirs = 2 kilomockingbirds 10 cards = 1 decacards 454 graham crachers = 1 pound cake 10 rations = 1 decoration 10 millipedes = 1 centipede 2 monograms = 1 diagram 8 nickels = 2 paradigms 2 snake eyes = 1 paradise 2 wharves = 1 paradox Hope you're feeling a little bit silly, Marta Thursday, February 12, 2004 -- 19:57:55 (EST) Name: Silvia Behrened -- Email: revsilslc@yahoo.com Location: salt lake city, UT USA Thursday, February 12, 2004 -- 16:05:33 (EST) Name: stephanie saenz Location: salt lake city, ut It has been a busy week for me I have family in town so I'm sorry I have not written. I still think about you everyday. Did you enjoy Mr. Conley dressed up as Abe Lincoln??? We did. Hope you are feeling good and enjoy the long weekend with your family. Talk to you soon, and thanks for stopping by the office to see me when you are at school oxoxoxo Stephanie Thursday, February 12, 2004 -- 10:43:40 (EST) Name: Liz Kennedy -- Email: lizkndy@yahoo.com Location: Ann Arbor, MI USA Wednesday, February 11, 2004 -- 21:01:01 (EST) Name: Carol Knox -- Email: carolknoxmi@mac.com Location: Chelsea, MI USA Tuesday, February 10, 2004 -- 20:39:58 (EST) Name: Thomas Broadbent -- Email: mbroadbent@rmci.net Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA I like your web site. It has cool pictures. I was glad when you came back to school. You are nice! I would like you to come over to my house and play with me. If you are feeling tired we could sit and watch a video. My mom says I could have you come over on the 12th, 16th, 18th, or the 21st. Call or email me to let me know what would be best. My phone number is 582-7826. Tuesday, February 10, 2004 -- 16:27:36 (EST) Name: Monte Boykin -- Email: Mboykin@dobsonmcomber.com Location: Ann Arbor, MI It's been a while since I've seen you - Probably since Leadership Ann Arbor. Just to jar your memory a little. My wife Shawn, son Matthew and I lived around the corner from you at student housing. MAtthew and Simon played together - quite often. But in any event - I just wanted to say "Hello1" I do visit the website everytime I think of Simon and the latest pictures and "what's happening" information prompted me to write. God is definately in the "Blessing Business" and I am sure he will continue to bless your family with the spirit of healing. You will always be in my prayers and in my thoughts. Go Simon!! Tuesday, February 10, 2004 -- 08:15:18 (EST) Name: irene -- Email: i.judmayer@oon.at Location: Linz, Austria Last week me and my boyfriend George have been invited by a collegue of mine. What a surprise: They live in the same flat, where I spent a lot of weeks with two year old Markus and his parents Irmgard and Peter, when they still lived in Linz/Austria. My mother was very sick and I was twelve at this time (now I'm fourty seven, so You see how times are floating....). It was a suprise for me to be back in this house and it even gave me a kick to write again. So you alle see: You are in the minds of me and my family. I don't know Mary, just a very, very little bit from this web site, but I want to send a special hug to You. Irene Judmayer Monday, February 09, 2004 -- 22:56:28 (EST) Name: marly merrill -- Email: marlymerr@aol.com Location: oberlin, OH USA Monday, February 09, 2004 -- 18:14:31 (EST) Name: Jesse Reed -- Email: treed@simplysisters.us Location: salt lake city, Ut USA i hope you feel better soon and can be back in Ms. Eaton's class with us soon. -from jesse reed Sunday, February 08, 2004 -- 16:07:00 (EST) Name: Marion Drummond -- Email: mdrummond@oberlin.net Location: Oberlin, OH United States Saturday, February 07, 2004 -- 13:42:52 (EST) Name: Gari Stein Friday, February 06, 2004 -- 08:53:23 (EST) Name: LeeWilliams Friday, February 06, 2004 -- 07:18:50 (EST) Name: Connie Lippert -- Email: conlippert99@yahoo.com Location: AnnArbor, Michigan Congratulations on the good news on Feb 13th! Our prayers are with you! Your friend, Connie Lippert and family Thursday, February 05, 2004 -- 11:46:13 (EST) Name: Marion Drummond -- Email: mdrummond@oberlin.net Location: Oberlin, Ohio U.S. Thursday, February 05, 2004 -- 05:20:10 (EST) Name: Becky Smith -- Email: beckysmith62@aol.com Location: Mooresville, NC Just want you to know how much I appreciate your posts on the NB Listserve. You always have calm, encouraging, wise things to say, even in the midst of going through a lot of medical uncertainty with your own little guy. You have a real gift for communicating clearly and with empathy. Glad to hear Super Simon is doing better--he's quite a fighter, quite a fella! :-) Wednesday, February 04, 2004 -- 21:54:50 (EST) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY Sending lots of wonderful, warm, healing thoughts from across the miles, Kris and Family Wednesday, February 04, 2004 -- 20:25:21 (EST) Name: stephanie saenz Location: salt lake city, ut oxoxoxox Stephanie Wednesday, February 04, 2004 -- 05:28:37 (EST) Name: jane -- Email: janedut@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, MI Tuesday, February 03, 2004 -- 22:12:28 (EST) Name: rebecca,randy,emma & schuyler -- Email: rebecca37cross@hotmail.com Location: Oberlin, OH USA We are delighted by the good news! We continue to think of you daily, sending warm wishes. QUITE the impressive Yahtzee score, Mr. Underpants! Sending you love, Schuyler's mom & family Tuesday, February 03, 2004 -- 20:26:20 (EST) Name: Sally and Amy Olson Location: Seattle, Amy says I'm glad you're home from the hospital! lots of love, the Olsons Tuesday, February 03, 2004 -- 20:24:25 (EST) Name: stephanie saenz Location: salt lake city, ut LOVE TO ALL STEPHANIE Tuesday, February 03, 2004 -- 19:13:39 (EST) Name: Marta, Paul & Sam -- Email: manildi@millercanfield.com Location: Ann Arbor, Wow - More platelets, smaller lesion, and one heck of a Yahtzee score! Nice job on all fronts. It is very cool that you learned Battleship so fast. Battleship is one of our family's favorite games. Actually, Sam's very favorite is shooting pool (Sam is 14 years old - you'd like him, I think - he is one funny guy) - you know, big table, long stick, lots of balls that you send to the pockets (if you are Sam), or send rocketing around the table only to end up about where they started (if you are me). Mary, thank you for all the updates. We are thinking of all of you. Marta, Paul and Sam Tuesday, February 03, 2004 -- 18:00:25 (EST) Name: Deborah Orlowski -- Email: orlowski@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, MI USA Please tell your mom that her friends at HRD miss seeing her in our classes, but we're glad you're all adjusting and enjoying Utah. Best wishes, Hugs from all the people at HRD. Tuesday, February 03, 2004 -- 16:14:38 (EST) Name: Susan Hartman Location: Ann Arbor, I'll add my note to the many wishing you continued strength as you continue on this roller coaster ride! It's good to hear that Simon is home again. It's wonderful to see how you all seem to maintain your joy in life and connection with community as you continue to face new challenges. Susan Tuesday, February 03, 2004 -- 11:48:01 (EST) Name: Elena Asparouhova -- Email: e.asparouhova@utah.edu Location: Salt Lake City, UT Tuesday, February 03, 2004 -- 05:53:15 (EST) Name: Lee Williams Monday, February 02, 2004 -- 21:11:00 (EST) Name: stephanie saenz Location: salt lake city, ut grandma came to school today. she said you were coing home again. YEAH!! love you, miss you and think of you and your wonderful family lots. oxoxox stephanie Monday, February 02, 2004 -- 20:43:18 (EST) Name: Debbie Hume -- Email: hume@thegrid.net Location: Cayucos, CA USA You all are in my prayers. I am so amazed by Simon's strength. I wish I was closer to lend a helping hand and to just give you all a hug. I will send a little something as a symbol of my thoughts and love going your way. I will continue to pray for sweet Simon and that we find a way to kill those bad cells. With love, Debbie Monday, February 02, 2004 -- 17:08:13 (EST) Name: Rick and Donna Gross -- Email: momoftlc@aol.com Location: Midland, Michigan USA We send you each a very big, warm hug, along with continued hope for better days ahead. Monday, February 02, 2004 -- 16:50:34 (EST) Name: amy sheon -- Email: asheon@umich.edu Location: ann arbor, mi It's been comforting to see you quickly cultivating a community and network in your new home in Salt Lake--I had no doubt that you would quickly find kindred spirits who accompany you on your journey but appreciate how scary it must have been to leave your support network here in Ann Arbor. Thinking of all of you.... Monday, February 02, 2004 -- 14:19:58 (EST) Name: Anne, Tom, and JOhannes -- Email: doyleyad@stolaf.edu Location: Northfield, MN USA anne, tom, and johannes Monday, February 02, 2004 -- 11:37:26 (EST) Name: carol longsworth -- Email: carol.longsworth@oberlin.edu Location: oberlin, oh usa Sunday, February 01, 2004 -- 19:17:36 (EST) Name: stephanie saenz thinking of you all. wish i could make it all better. your strenght is awe inspiring. call if i can do anything at all. i'll keep up on the home bound schooling on tuesday when the woman gets back in town oxoxoxo stephanie Sunday, February 01, 2004 -- 16:54:01 (EST) Name: Julie Lautens -- Email: julie.lautens@sympatico.ca Location: Toronto, Sunday, February 01, 2004 -- 13:02:31 (EST) Name: Karen Merrill -- Email: kmerrill@williams.edu Location: Amherst , MA USA Theo (who is in first grade) has a joke for you: What did the teddy bear say to the eagle when the eagle asked him if he wanted any dessert? I'M STUFFED!! I've been thinking of you four so much, and we send all our hopes for a quick rebound in Simon's immunity. Mary -- an extra hug for you. Love, Karen (and Martha and Theo) Sunday, February 01, 2004 -- 03:13:43 (EST) Name: Jennifer Sharpe -- Email: babykiss1222@aol.com Location: lyndhurst, OH usa Love you all & miss u you come back to ohio as soon as possible!!!! Sunday, February 01, 2004 -- 00:17:39 (EST) Name: MaryCraig -- Email: mfcraig@umich.edu Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA Simon's ANC hit 0.0 today. Yikes. At the first sign of a fever, I was on the phone with the doctor. She said to bring him straight up to the inpatient floor. No stop in the ER. The idea of zero immunity was hard to live with at home, so I'm grateful to have him hooked up to antibiotics, with nurses checking his vital signs regularly. He seems to be feeling OK, but he felt weaker and weaker as the evening progressed. He's now sleeping very peacefully. Good news today is that yesteday's platelet trasfuion is holding on very well. This evening's count was 69,000. While the big picture remains getting on top of spreading cacer, the current moment is one of needing time to recover safely from chemotheapy. Please help us summon to life new white blood cells so that Simon's immune system can reactivate. [I want to tell you about the computer system in this snazzy, brand-new hosital room. I'm looking at the screen, which doubles as the TV. I'm typing on a squishy, floppy keyboard. It's all pretty high tech (although my aim is a litle off on the keys.] MESSAGE BOARD Archive
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