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MESSAGE BOARD Archive July 2003Thank you for visiting! You can click here to add to Simon's Message Board.
Thursday, July 31, 2003 -- 22:07:03 (EDT) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY Be well, and we'll be wishing for some more upward movement on those platelet counts tomorrow! (Glad the little red dots seem to be going away, too.) Kris Thursday, July 31, 2003 -- 11:43:05 (EDT) Name: Anne, Tom, and Johannes -- Email: doyleyad@stolaf.edu Location: Northfield, MN USA lots of hugs from all of us Anne, Tom, and Johannes (who is pulling all of the books of the shelf as I write...) Thursday, July 31, 2003 -- 03:57:54 (EDT) Name: Your Code_Blue_Family -- Email: code_blue_family@yahoo.com Hey buddy. Good to hear that you are doing better. Hope you are having all the fun that you can. You are in our thoughts & our prayers. Your Code_Blue_Family Thursday, July 31, 2003 -- 02:16:09 (EDT) Name: Mary Craig -- Email: mfcraig@umich.edu Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA It's also nice to hear from all our faithful cheerleaders and from friends from our overall pretty entertaining times in New York. We'll see if we get to go back any time soon. Thanks, everyone! Stay with us! We are reading you! Wednesday, July 30, 2003 -- 22:28:42 (EDT) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY Q: Why did the lion cross the road? A: Because he wanted to get to Mane Street! (Get it, says Dan -- Maine Street?!) I didn't get it at first ('cause my brain was kind of tired at the end of the work day...); but once I got it, I really liked it! Hope you do, too. We're still thinking about you and blowing you some thoughts about extra-tough, antibody-fighting platelets -- whoosh! (Feel them???) Love, Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura Wednesday, July 30, 2003 -- 17:42:00 (EDT) Name: barbara blodgett -- Email: barbara.blodgett@yale.edu Location: new haven, ct usa I wish you courage and patience in working through your health problems. I hope you will be able to return to NYC soon. Not only so you can get back into treatment, but so that I can see you again! I want to try out some of the games I didn't get to in the game room. BJB Wednesday, July 30, 2003 -- 09:16:00 (EDT) Name: Marta, Paul & Sam -- Email: manildi@millercanfield.com Location: Ann Arbor, Our Sam had a birthday - he is 14, which is incredibly grown up. He likes to shoot pool and is getting pretty good, but I'll bet Simon could beat him at those computer games! Best wishes and all our thoughts, Marta, Paul & Sam Tuesday, July 29, 2003 -- 08:44:33 (EDT) Name: Gretchen Weir -- Email: gweir@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, MI Sunday, July 27, 2003 -- 10:55:59 (EDT) Name: Kimberly Mease -- Email: mssilky@paonline.com Location: Lancaster, PA U S A Saturday, July 26, 2003 -- 11:42:37 (EDT) Name: Andre Gross-Fasheun Location: Kentwood, MI I have a joke. Q. What do an elephant and a tree have in common? A. They both have trunks! I heard that on Zaboomafoo. I really like that show. Do you? I miss you! - Andre Friday, July 25, 2003 -- 11:22:39 (EDT) Name: Bruce Moore -- Email: bruce_moore@gensler.com Lots of love, Bruce and Michael Thursday, July 24, 2003 -- 21:59:44 (EDT) Name: amy -- Email: asheon@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, mi Hope those platelets hang around for awhile this time! My six year old son Jesse told me a joke that I thought you might like: Q: What did the wrestler drink before the wrestling match? A: Punch! Then he had another one: Q: Why did the elephant stay in the refrigerator? A: Because he liked to seek his tracks in the butter! I don't get that one but Jesse think's it's hysterical so maybe it's one of those "6 year old boy jokes" and you'll get it too? I also found a poem about 6 year olds, written by AA Milne in 1927 (probably before your grandparents were even born): When I was One, I had just begun. When I was Two, I was nearly new. When I was Three, I was hardly Me. When I was Four, I was not much more. When I was Five, I was just alive. But now I am Six, I'm as clever as clever. So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever. [We think six is a pretty great age ourselves!] Thursday, July 24, 2003 -- 21:59:17 (EDT) Name: amy -- Email: asheon@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, mi Hope those platelets hang around for awhile this time! My six year old son Jesse told me a joke that I thought you might like: Q: What did the wrestler drink before the wrestling match? A: Punch! Then he had another one: Q: Why did the elephant stay in the refrigerator? A: Because he liked to seek his tracks in the butter! I don't get that one but Jesse think's it's hysterical so maybe it's one of those "6 year old boy jokes" and you'll get it too? I also found a poem about 6 year olds, written by AA Milne in 1927 (probably before your grandparents were even born): When I was One, I had just begun. When I was Two, I was nearly new. When I was Three, I was hardly Me. When I was Four, I was not much more. When I was Five, I was just alive. But now I am Six, I'm as clever as clever. So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever. [We think six is a pretty great age ourselves!] Thursday, July 24, 2003 -- 13:19:48 (EDT) Name: Cristina -- Email: cnegrut@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, MI Thursday, July 24, 2003 -- 09:19:44 (EDT) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY Looks as though, even if the bump up in platelet numbers happens to be somewhat short-lived, at least the numbers seem to be going up higher after transfusion than they used to. That seems like a good sign. Now if the other medicines you're getting will just stop your own antibodies from monkeying with the platelets (if that's what's happening), you should be in business! We'll keep thinking "platelet thoughts" for you in the meantime. And as to the Spaghetti Factory, that sounds like a great place! I happen to love pasta of all sorts -- do you, too? In fact, when I was pregnant with each of my kids I used to get pasta cravings -- I would absolutely *need* to eat a huge bowl of elbow macaroni (other sorts of pasta didn't quite do the trick somehow...) with just a little bit of olive oil and garlic (the craving didn't extend to tomato sauce for some reason). Aren't bodies funny?? Anyway, hope you enjoyed your visit to the Spaghetti Factory; and if you go there again, have some pasta for me, too, OK? Best to one and all, Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura Wednesday, July 23, 2003 -- 22:51:38 (EDT) Name: annette steve rowan Love, us Tuesday, July 22, 2003 -- 13:49:38 (EDT) Name: rebecca -- Email: rebecca37cross@hotmail.com Location: Oberlin, OH USA Go, platelets, go! We're sending you big energy to keeps your spirits up and to get your body strong. What do you think about Utah? Have you been in the great Salt Lake yet? I think you'll find it's quite different than Lake Erie. I've heard you can float in it, because it's so salty...but I've also heard it can be pretty smelly...so you'll just have to be the expert and let me know what the REAL story is after YOU visit it... Schuyler has been making sculpy-dough aliens this morning,and tells me to tell you that they are sending you lots and lots of strength!! hugs & love from all of us - say hi to Miriam & your Dad & Mom. Rebecca, Randy, Emma & Schuyler Monday, July 21, 2003 -- 09:25:09 (EDT) Name: Chanda & Jake Courtney -- Email: courtneychanda@yahoo.com Location: Charlotte, NC USA! Thinking of you all and hoping your platelets stay WAY UP and you are HAMA negative soon! Hope to see you back in NYC! Sunday, July 20, 2003 -- 23:42:35 (EDT) Name: Ellen Roussey -- Email: eroussey@comcast.net Location: Ann Arbor, MI Sunday, July 20, 2003 -- 19:25:46 (EDT) Name: Anne, tom, and Johannes -- Email: doyleyad@stolaf.edu Location: Northfield, MN USA Sunday, July 20, 2003 -- 15:50:50 (EDT) Name: code_blue_family -- Email: code_blue_family@yahoo.com Hey buddy. We hope that your platelet count goes up so you will feel better. We are all thinking about you & praying that you will feel better soon. Lots of hugs. Your Code_Blue_Family Saturday, July 19, 2003 -- 20:22:40 (EDT) Name: Mary Craig -- Email: mfcraig@umich.edu Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA The article you cited: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2001-09/nyum-rfa090601.php does in fact seem to be relevant information for Simon. It's a pretty good explanation of immune-mediated thrombocytopeonia, and I'm not surprised at the connection to other immune-system malfunctions, like HIV. We will definitely mention this article to Simon's doctors, although it appears to be in line with the approach they are already taking. The article is dated September 2001, which is an eon ago for cancer and HIV research... Also, could the supplement you heard about be bromelein? That's an enzyme found in pineapple that is thought to boost platelet formation. Simon seems to be making platelets OK, but he's destroying them faster than he can make them. Saturday, July 19, 2003 -- 19:14:45 (EDT) Name: Connie Cohn -- Email: conniecohn@yahoo.com Location: Whitmore Lake, MI My news: I'm assigned to Uzbekistan, where I'll be teaching English at the university level. I leave Ann Arbor August 15th for three days in Philly, then on to Tashkent via Ankara. I'll send you missives from there. I, too, would like your e-mail address, and also your snail-mail address so I can send things occasionally. I love you... and did I say I miss you? Connie Saturday, July 19, 2003 -- 11:05:29 (EDT) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY Obviously, I can't vouch for the science (except that the research was certainly conducted at a reputable university!), and I don't want to be sending you on wild goose chases; but since I know you guys like to be so actively involved in Simon's treatment, I thought it might at least open up other avenues of inquiry to discuss with Simon's doctors.... And if I find that supplement reference again (or something else of potential interest), is there a new e-mail address we should be using for you guys? All the best ... always, Kris Saturday, July 19, 2003 -- 10:46:47 (EDT) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY However, I'm so glad that grass watering and snail watching can still be a part of the new routine. I find snails really cool myself. We have a counting book at home that's been "well loved" by all our kids (it's called _One Green Frog_); and, after pages on "one green and shiny frog" and "two brightly colored toucans" and "three lazy jelly fish" and "four cheeky parrots," there's a page dedicated to snails that reads: "Five slithery snails. They never need to pack. For when a snail goes out, he takes his house upon his back." I love that part! And just think: if we humans could take our houses upon our backs, we'd always have our own comfy beds no matter *what* great places we decided to visit! (That might have been nice for you guys last month, eh?) We're thinking "platelets" 24-7 for ya', Simon! Keep up the good work of being gentle with your body during this bruise-y time; and let us know what those snails are up to, OK? Love, Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura Saturday, July 19, 2003 -- 10:26:32 (EDT) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY However, I'm so glad that grass watering and snail watching can still be a part of the new routine. I find snails really cool myself. We have a counting book at home that's been "well loved" by all our kids (it's called _One Green Frog_); and, after pages on "one green and shiny frog" and "two brightly colored toucans" and "three lazy jelly fish" and "four cheeky parrots," there's a page dedicated to snails that reads: "Five slithery snails. They never need to pack. For when a snail goes out, he takes his house upon his back." I love that part! And just think: if we humans could take our houses upon our backs, we'd always have our own comfy beds no matter *what* great places we decided to visit! (That might have been nice for you guys last month, eh?) We're thinking "platelets" 24-7 for ya', Simon! Keep up the good work of being gentle with your body during this bruise-y time; and let us know what those snails are up to, OK? Love, Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura Friday, July 18, 2003 -- 11:08:22 (EDT) Name: Deborah, Marek, Lev & Jacob -- Email: dgurt@hotmail.com Location: Ann Arbor, MI USA I have a funny baby Jacob story for you: Jacob likes to play with telephones, pressing buttons, and talking into them as if he were calling a friend. Well yesterday he got hold of the real telephone and was pretending to talk to his Saba (grandpa). A few minutes later someone was at the door and when we went to answer, it was a police officer!! It seems that Jacob had accidently dialed 911 while he was playing and the police came to make sure we were OK!! Lev was rolling around on the floor he thought this was so funny - I hope you do too. The police officer didn't really think it was funny, but he was nice about it. We miss you Simon, and your mom & dad and Miriam too. Lots of love from us, Deborah, Marek, Lev and silly baby Jacob Friday, July 18, 2003 -- 01:51:33 (EDT) Name: Sally Location: Seattle, Thursday, July 17, 2003 -- 21:11:43 (EDT) Name: Gari Stein Thursday, July 17, 2003 -- 17:10:15 (EDT) Name: Deborah Orlowski -- Email: orlowski@umich.edu all of hrd here at um is pulling for simon to get over this latest hump so you two can go and discover all the awesome sites in your new city. we miss you! Thursday, July 17, 2003 -- 16:03:43 (EDT) Name: Carol Shultheis -- Email: carols@med.umich.edu Wednesday, July 16, 2003 -- 19:40:42 (EDT) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY Thinking of you all and wishing you well with your transition and all the unpacking that comes with it. Love, Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura Wednesday, July 16, 2003 -- 00:05:24 (EDT) Name: code_blue_dream_chaser -- Email: code_blue_family@yahoo.com Hey champ. Glad to hear that you are in your new house. We hope you get to feeling better so you can enjoy your new room & all the space you have now. We hope you will enjoy your new neighborhood & make lots of friends. Lots of hugs. Tell your mom & dad hi from all of us & make sure they unpack your toys first. Talk to ya soon. code_blue_dream_chaser & the rest of the code_blue_family Tuesday, July 15, 2003 -- 09:47:13 (EDT) Name: Burger Family Location: Ithaca, NY So glad to hear that you are in your "new digs"! Enjoy the extra space, and remember to prioritize the order of what you unpack first-- toys are right there on the top of the list! We've been following your web site, and keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. Sending love and lots of positive vibes your way! xo Liza, Mike, Jolan and Jenna Thursday, July 10, 2003 -- 19:52:04 (EDT) Name: gina nichols -- Email: gmnichols1@aol.com Thursday, July 10, 2003 -- 16:04:57 (EDT) Name: Marta, Paul & Sam -- Email: manildi@millercanfield.com Location: Ann Arbor, Marta, Paul & Sam Thursday, July 10, 2003 -- 14:24:23 (EDT) Name: amy -- Email: asheon@umich.edu Thursday, July 10, 2003 -- 14:23:42 (EDT) Name: amy -- Email: asheon@umich.edu Thursday, July 10, 2003 -- 13:26:16 (EDT) Name: Lindsay Gross -- Email: llg@umich.edu Location: Ypsilanti, MI Sorry to hear you've been facing a harder time while vacationing in MI. . .but we're checking in regularly and thinking about you all the time. We are now also officially out of family housing and residing in Ypsi until we move into our new home the 1st week in August. But we're still frequenting family housing and absolutely miss your presence. We are here now - at the Chang's - and Andre is opting to watch Scooby over being outside since, as he put it, "I have no friends left here." We wish you guys well with your move to UT at the end of this week! It will be wonderful to settle into your new home. When time permits, be sure to get a picture of the clan in front of your new home and post it! Take Care! Love Lindsay, Lance & Andre Thursday, July 10, 2003 -- 11:33:48 (EDT) Name: Bruce Moore -- Email: bruce_moore@gensler.com Wednesday, July 09, 2003 -- 21:51:14 (EDT) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY I'm really sorry about the platelet difficulties -- they're tricky little cells, aren't they! You wouldn't think we'd want a bunch of sticky, gooey circles floating around in our blood stream; but in fact we do! I'm sure you're being really careful to be gentle with your body during this time -- and please be sure to let the doctors know if you get any headaches, OK? (I'm sure they tell you all that stuff, but it's important enough that it probably bears repeating.) After all, we want you to cruise on out of this bruisey, nose-bleedy time in good shape, so you'll be ready to receive more of those mousie-bodies if and when the doctors say it's OK again -- it sure appears the antibody therapy is having some good results! You're in our thoughts daily -- all of you -- and we are thrilled for you that you've had some time for fun in the sun with lots of family members! And we join you in your excitement over a new house and your very own familiar beds!! Ahhhhh, how good that will feel.... Lots of love and good, platelet-filled vibes from Upstate New York! (BTW, I get to give blood again next Wednesday; so I'll imagine, Simon, that it's being pumped right from me to you, buddy!) Take care! Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura Wednesday, July 09, 2003 -- 13:43:00 (EDT) Name: Nancy Hoetker -- Email: nhoetker@mac.com Location: Champaign, IL USA Sorry your vacation hasn't been all it could be...hopefully being in your new home will help all settle down! Still checking on your almost daily from the corn & soybean fields, Nancy, Glenn, Andrew & Nicole. Tuesday, July 08, 2003 -- 16:41:05 (EDT) Name: Your Code_Blue_Family -- Email: code_blue_family@yahoo.com Hey champ. We hope you had a good weekend. Sorry you had to go to the hospital but at least it was only for a day. Have fun this week. Lots of hugs. Code_Blue_Dream_Chaser & the rest of Your Code_Blue_Family Monday, July 07, 2003 -- 20:32:48 (EDT) Name: Jenni Gretzema -- Email: gretzema@umich.edu I hope you are having a good vacation. Sorry you had to go to the hospital, but I'm glad it was only for the day. I was reading back about your trip to FAO Schwartz. What a fun day at the toy store! Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. Hi to your mom, dad and Mirriam. Good luck on your new adventure in Utah! Jenni Gretzema :-) Monday, July 07, 2003 -- 07:44:35 (EDT) Name: Jean Watson -- Email: jl_watson100@hotmail.com Location: Canton, OH Here's a quick one for you - Q: Why did the elephant hunter quit his job? A: Because he was tired of carrying around the decoy! Love to you from rainy Ohio. Jean Thursday, July 03, 2003 -- 17:19:03 (EDT) Name: Code_Blue_Family -- Email: code_blue_family@yahoo.com Hey buddy. Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you. Hope you have a fun & safe 4th of July weekend. Have a wonderful upcoming week. Lots of hugs. Wednesday, July 02, 2003 -- 12:09:16 (EDT) Name: Caroline, of the infamous Caroline Hilton -- Email: chelton@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, MI USA Since you all weren't able to make use of your complete reservation at our prestigious resort, it is our pleasure to extend to you an open invitation for as long as you need to stay! We really miss you guys already, and hope that your time in NYC will pass quickly and with more positive results. Simon, did they have enough transformers at FAO Schwarz? Your parents are picking the car up Thursday or Friday, and we will pack it with the things Markus left as well as some of the goodies Miriam left (which Hava has been enjoying). One of the dollies is going to need some major doctoring, however--she received an accidental trunk-ectomy... Maybe Simon can show it to some of the Sloan Kettering doctors! Hava is in daycamp this week and thoroughly enjoying herself. She said (as Markus and Miriam were packing up), "It's sad when your friends move to Utah..." Truer words were never spoken! Good luck getting settled in the new house, and have a great time at Silver Lake! Love, Caroline, Matt, Hava and Ruby MESSAGE BOARD Archive
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