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MESSAGE BOARD Archive January/February 2003

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Thursday, February 27, 2003 -- 17:34:44 (EST)
Name: Gari Stein
  • Oh My Goodness, what a few weeks you all have had. I miss not getting to see you in person, but am glad for any undates you provide. I hope the coming of Spring brings healthier and more stable days. Thinking of you all the time. Much love, Gari

    Monday, February 24, 2003 -- 12:38:11 (EST)
    Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email:
    Location: Clinton, NY
  • Wow! Cancun, the ER, a flu epidemic, and Grann on the pull-out for days on end.... You guys could write a book! Glad this bout with the bacterial bugs seems to have passed with relative ease, though (except for that nasty-tasting prescription, of course!).

    Good luck with the continued pox-watch -- hope those particular chickens don't hatch!

    Love and healthy thoughts to one and all,

    Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura

    Saturday, February 22, 2003 -- 09:57:24 (EST)
    Name: Jen and Ken -- Email:
    Location: New Fairfield, CT USA
  • What a great website!!!! We saw your message on the NB list and had to take a look at your page. Simon you are quite the cutie and so photogenic. We love your website. Never give up. Sending lots of love!

    Monday, February 17, 2003 -- 16:48:03 (EST)
    Name: Lois Miller -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Haven't been in touch for waaaayyy too long. Reading about your last couple of weeks has prompted goosebumps, hairs to stand up on my arms and some wild eyes-popping-out-of-the-head stuff. You should have seen me Simon! My son Cliff and I have some Beanie Babies we'd like you to check out (to see if you already have them) and give a new home if you're interested - and none of them has had the chicken pox either!!! Let me know when we can swing them by - and Mom and Dad, let me know where I can come in handy. XOXOXOXO to all from one more admirer for Valentine's Day and always! Lois

    Sunday, February 16, 2003 -- 05:24:50 (EST)
    Name: G, u. K. Faulhammer -- Email:
    Location: Vienna, Austria Austria
  • Hallo, lieber Simon und Familie!
    Ein bi�chen Zeit ist vergangen, seit wir das letzte Mal in die Webside schauten und viel Gutes ist weitergegangen. Welche Freude f�r Dich und Euch, aber auch f�r uns. Wir w�nschen weiterhin alles Gute. Dein neues Foto fanden wir ganz bezaubernd!
    Zum Abschlu� ein neues Wiener Wort:Wurstelprater. Ist nichts zum Essen sondern eine Vergn�gungsst�tte der Wiener. Mach es weiterhin so toll und ganz liebe Gr��e von Euren Wienern Tante Gerda und Onkel Kurti.

    Saturday, February 15, 2003 -- 17:06:38 (EST)
    Name: Gari Stein
  • Oh my, I have just read an update from February 2 and hope the chicken pox, coughs, diahrea, fevers, aches and pains are on the downswing. Hurray for candyland and memory games. Thinking of
    you and sending warm love to all of you admidst these cold wintry days. Let the sun shine. Let the sun shine in. Much, much love, Gari

    Friday, February 14, 2003 -- 09:27:57 (EST)
    Name: Lee Williams
  • Simon and parents : Happy Valentine's Day - think of you often and hope the trials of waiting or knowing about Chichen Pox are soon over. I wanted to ell you that my good friend Martha Garber from Michigan tells me that the Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City is great. She and her husband Larry's best friends was head of oncology there and has just stepped down as head of the dept. but would be a good source of info if you need it. It is snowy here and we are expecting more this week-end. All my kids except for Lucy and Logan have gone skking out west in Utah. Lucy can't go because of teaching and also she will be gone to Spain with students in March if we are not at war. Oh well..hope life is settling down somewhat and people are feeling better in your family. Love, Lee

    Thursday, February 13, 2003 -- 12:54:20 (EST)
    Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email:
  • I am *so* sorry to hear about your trials and tribulations of last week! It's hard enough when one person in a family feels crummy, but when three or more are hacking, fevering, and just generally feeling tired and grumpy, well, that's *really* no fun! Glad you were able to distract yourselves at least a big with some great games and puzzles. Keep doing what, by now, you all do so well -- persevering, and surmounting obstacles! We're thinking of you and wishing you well on all fronts. Fondly, Kris, et al.

    Tuesday, February 11, 2003 -- 00:13:09 (EST)
    Name: Annette
  • Wow! What a week hope it's getting easier!
    Makes me ready to hibernate just reading it. Bet you wouldn't mind crawling in that cave and coming out in a few months with everything mended :) Sending good vibes for successful chemo. We will think about you in Utah and imagine where you will be living. We all send our love, Annette Steve and Row Row.

    Monday, February 10, 2003 -- 18:00:57 (EST)
    Name: Marta, Paul & Sam -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Simon, Miriam, Mary and Markus,

    We just wanted to add our voices to the choir of people saying we hope those "worstest days ever" are over, that this week is better than last, and that next week is better yet. We want to say we are SURE it will get BETTER - but we're afraid you'll think, "Well, that's easy for YOU to say!". But sure we are, nonetheless. The sun is out a little longer each day, these flus and colds and even chicken pox, if that's what it is, will get over-with. And Simon will keep on doing the hard work of fighting the cancer and this round of chemo will kill off lots and lots of cancer cells. Meantime, like all your friends, we keep thinking of you and rooting for you.

    Cheers until soon,
    Marta, Paul and Sam

    Monday, February 10, 2003 -- 17:32:52 (EST)
    Name: Madi, Lexi, Lawrie and Curt
    Location: Seattle,
    We hope this next week will be better on many fronts.

    Chicken Pox --STAY CLEAR!

    In terms of the puzzle, well we wish you the best of luck with the distracting mess.

    we are sending lots of love,prayers and good healing vibes,

    M,L,L and C

    Monday, February 10, 2003 -- 11:15:37 (EST)
    Name: Irene Judmayer -- Email:
    Location: Linz, Austria
  • Hallo, Ihr �berm gro�en Teich!
    Auch wenn ich derzeit arbeitsbedingt nicht so viel schreiben kann: Ihr seid ganz fest in meinen Gedanken verankert. Ein gro�es Paket positiver Energie schicke ich euch f�r diese anstrengende Zeit . Ein extra besonders gro�es an Simon. Ich hoffe, Ihr habt die Windpocken in den Griff bekommen.
    Liebe Gr��e aus Linz, Irene Judmayer

    Monday, February 10, 2003 -- 09:00:59 (EST)
    Name: Liza, Mike, Jolan &Jenna Burger
    Location: Ithaca, NY
  • Hi Guys,
    Just got through reading your latest update, and am exhausted just thinking about your past week! Please know that you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers...sending lots of healthy vibes your way!

    Sunday, February 09, 2003 -- 09:40:38 (EST)
    Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email:
    Location: Clinton, NY USA
  • Hi there. We continue to think about you and to hope that you haven't seen any of those itchy chicken pox! Strangely, at this moment we're glad we don't live near enough to visit you, because Emily's had a nasty viral infection that's kept her out of school for the better part of two weeks, if you can believe it -- we sure wouldn't want you worrying about *that* in addition to chicken pox!

    Laura, who's wearing her olive oil cap at the moment and is waiting for her get-rid-of-any-last-remaining-nits bath, says "hi!" We're really glad we've found no lice for the past several weeks, which means -- hooray -- this is our last weekend in maintenance mode! And someone recently told us that tea tree oil can help keep lice away (they apparently don't like the smell), so we're going to get ourselves some of that, since we seem to have such "hospitable" children! ;-)

    Thinking about you. Take care. Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura

    Saturday, February 08, 2003 -- 17:57:26 (EST)
    Name: Madi, Lexi, Lawrie and Curt
    Location: Seattle,
  • Hi Simon and family,

    Lexi and Lawrie went to a some music workshops at Lexi's school today. We learned some songs, dances and about different musical instruments. We had one session learning to play an African drum.
    After playing the drum, Lexi said "I bet Simon would like this drum. He likes cool stuff."
    We continue to hold you, Mirium and your mom and dad in our prayers everyday.

    Madi signs and says "we think of them in here and here" as she points to her head and her heart.

    Love, Madi,Lexi, Lawrie and Curt

    Tuesday, February 04, 2003 -- 14:46:57 (EST)
    Name: Lee Williams
  • Simon - well I hope you don't get the chicken pox, but if you do I know you will handle it . I am so glad you are liking school. I hear there is a chance some of your family , or maybe all, will be going to Utah sometime soon to househunt. Hope it works out. Can't believe that you are going to be 6 in March - right? I need to know just when in March. Lots of love, Lee

    Tuesday, February 04, 2003 -- 12:28:28 (EST)
    Name: Marta, Paul & Sam -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Hi Simon,

    Like many of your admirers, we also check this website very often and we are very grateful to your family for giving us such a great place to stay up-to-date about you, and to read the other great messages from all your friends. We heard that you have resumed chemo because your platelets were all the up around 85,000 - it sounds like that body of yours is doing a really good job of fighting back. We are hoping this round of chemo is not too terrible and that you don't get chicken pox. We are sure you will manage if you do, but it would be nice if there was one bit of hard work you could just skip for now!

    We are paying attention to the fact that you have a birthday coming up - March, isn't it? - and we're hoping the information on the "Simon's Favorites" part of this site will be nice and up to date near birthday time!

    Best wishes to you and to Miriam and your mom and dad,

    Marta, Paula and Sam

    Monday, February 03, 2003 -- 11:49:14 (EST)
    Name: Bonnie -- Email:
    Location: Traverse City, MI
  • Hey There!
    Sorry to hear about the mess with the Chicken Pox! I think about you all the time and check this site every few days - thanks for all the recent updates. I'm really hoping to make to Ann Arbor this spring sometime - but I'll be taking a big chunk of time off to go see Brian in Maine - he's doing well there and we're keeping our fingers crossed that he ends up staying there.....
    In any event - I hope to get to visit you all soon!

    Friday, January 31, 2003 -- 19:46:16 (EST)
    Name: Rebecca Cross -- Email:
    Location: Oberlin, OH USA
  • Simon,

    You are so cute....and I love Miriam, too. How's school going? Do you like your teacher? My teacher's name is Mrs. Freda, but I'm not "afraida" her!
    from Schuyler

    We all send our love. Great news on the blood counts!

    Rebecca, Randy, Emma & Schuyler

    Friday, January 31, 2003 -- 13:18:01 (EST)
    Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email:
    Location: Clinton, NY USA
  • Hi there! Hope the chemo treatments are going OK this week. Also hope that the two different medicines -- one that stops you up and the other that unplugs the dike, so to speak, maybe will cancel each other out so you won't be too uncomfortable....

    Danny's participating in a spelling bee today. He was kind of nervous. Interestingly, though, he seemed less concerned about making a mistake on the words and more concerned about how his friends would feel if he did better than they did, or about how he'd feel if his friends did better than he.

    There are so many things we can worry about if we try, huh? But my mother-in-law sent me an inspirational e-mail story that advised: "Count your blessings, not your problems." So I suggested that Danny could think about the fact that both he and his friends had *already* done a great job by having spelled well enough in the pre-spelling bee to be chosen for the grade-wide bee, and that was something about which *all* of them to feel proud, regardless of how this particular bee came out.

    I guess it's the same with you, Simon. No matter whether the treatments this time around are yucky or just ho-hum, you can already feel justifiably proud of all the hard things you've faced so far and know that whatever side-effects the medicines throw your way this time, you've already proved you're a pro and you can handle it. You may feel angry sometimes, you may feel frustrated at other times, but you've got the inner "spunk" that helps you keep going. What a guy! You're my hero -- did you know that?

    Hugs to you and Miriam and to your mom and dad, too. We're proud of you!

    Fondly, Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura

    Thursday, January 30, 2003 -- 12:30:53 (EST)
    Name: Annemarie Toebosch -- Email:
    Location: Chicago, IL USA
  • Hi Simon,
    I hadn't been to your website in a while, cause I'd been so busy, but boy, you look so good! It made my day! Now all we need is for those last stubborn cancer cells to give up... I'll keep thinking of you. Give a kiss to your parents from me,
    Annemarie Toebosch

    Wednesday, January 29, 2003 -- 00:30:05 (EST)
    Name: annettte
  • thanks for the update! Any chance we will see you in Feb in Utah? Sounds like you may be in the middle of this new chemo regime. We wish you well in that and hope it doesn't have a lot of difficult side effects. We think of you all often and send our healing thoughts your way. love, asr

    Tuesday, January 28, 2003 -- 16:06:54 (EST)
    Name: Gari Stein
  • Hello to Simon and your family, I have not checked in for awhile and almost fell off my chair when I saw your picture. So incredibly handsome, like a model. What a thrill. Miss seeing Markus, Miriam and Gran at music class, but glad to be able to keep in touch, anyway. I am sending you all my love, as I do each and every day, even when I don't write. Hope to see you soon. Gari

    Tuesday, January 28, 2003 -- 14:50:28 (EST)
    Name: Jane Bishop -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor,
  • It was great to see you and all the family in church yesterday, Simon. Keep those counts rising, and keep on smiling! Love your new picture, and I think you're handsome with or without doesn't matter. It's your tremendous smile that counts!
    Love to all, Jane

    Saturday, January 25, 2003 -- 22:14:24 (EST)
    Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email:
    Location: Clinton, NY USA
  • Guess what, Simon? Danny wants to get a buzz cut, which would mean he'd have that suave look you've got as your hair's growing back in again. His reason? Because, unfortunately, we're having a little head lice epidemic here in Clinton, and he wants to discourage the lice from setting up camp on *his* head!

    Do you know what lice are? They're these teeny-tiny little bugs that like to live on people's heads and lay their eggs right near the scalp, on the hair shaft, where it's nice and toasty warm for the little baby lice. Well, it's all very pleasant and homey when you think about it from the *louse's* perspective (you say "louse" when there's only one of them -- I guess it's kind of like saying one mouse and two or more mice...). But, because it gets kind of itchy after a while, when there's a whole bunch of them forming a little colony on your head, it's not such a happy situation from the host's perspective (the host is the person who's got the lice in his or her hair -- not that you particularly *want* to host them, mind you ... it's not nearly as much fun as hosting a party, after all ... but that's what they call it! ;-) Anyway, we dealt with another lice infestation this past fall, and it appears Laura's brought them home again this week.

    Oh well. We're trying to do "the Simon thing" and look on the bright side of the situation. So, when I had to put the kids to bed the other night with olive oil all over their hair (to get rid of the lice and make it easier to remove their little eggs), and then when I washed the oil out of their hair the next morning and it ended up floating around in the tub water for a while as the kids waited for me to be done with the multiple washings and rinsings it took to get rid of all that oil, Danny said: "Well, at least our skin will be nice and soft and smooth from all this olive oil!" And he was right -- it was just like using bath oil!

    So thanks, Simon, for helping us to look on the bright side! Even when we're sometimes not so happy with the way things are going, or are feeling impatient that we're not getting through a "rough patch" quickly enough, we realize we can almost always find a silver lining, or something to laugh about, if we just look hard enough! You and your family are so good at that, you help us be better at it, too.

    And speaking of silver linings: at 25 degrees today, it felt like a veritable heat wave compared to the sub-zero temps we've had recently! How 'bout you -- has it been cold in Ann Arbor, too? Anyway, from "balmy" Upstate New York, we send all of you our warmest wishes!

    Love, Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura

    Friday, January 24, 2003 -- 09:33:53 (EST)
    Name: anne, tom and johannes -- Email:
    Location: Northfield, MN USA
  • Hi guys! We're glad that Simon's blood counts are slowly but surely rising, and that the liquid marrow is happy! School sounds loads of fun, Simon! We're freezing here, but doing ok. It was great to see you guys in December!! allos and hugs from all of us to miriam, simon, mary, and markus. lots of love from anne, tom, and johannes

    Thursday, January 16, 2003 -- 08:35:28 (EST)
    Name: John and Diane -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
  • We wanted to send our message of Happy New Year and very happy and glad that your report is a good one. Simon, it sounds like you are really enjoying your class in school and hopefully you are enjoying your yoga. Remember that if there is anything that we can do or help with that we are right around a big corner.

    Saturday, January 11, 2003 -- 17:07:56 (EST)
    Name: Raj & Rani sanghvi -- Email:
    Location: Wixom, MI USA
  • Dear Simon and Family,

    Our son Amit (3 years of age) is battling just like you! You both have a lot in common and seem to have reacted to treatment the same way. Our next step in stem Cell Transplant. We were happy to see how well you did recovering from the transplant. Our families prayer's are with you and know that you nad Amit will emerge victorious in the battle against Neuroblastoma!

    Great website! It is informative for us as well.

    Raj, Rani, Amit and Aakash Sanghvi

    Saturday, January 11, 2003 -- 02:01:34 (EST)
    Name: A S & R
    Location: Oaktown,
  • Simon,

    Great to hear the good news. Sure like the new picture of you. You look so suave and debonair (so I can't spell hopefully you will do better when you are my age). Glad you are going to be off Chemo at least for awhile. Enjoy school and Yoga. I still think I am going to start sometime but haven't made the plunge yet.

    We love you all,

    Annette, Steve and Rowan and kofi of course!

    Thursday, January 09, 2003 -- 21:54:25 (EST)
    Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email:
    Location: Clinton, NY
  • Way to go, Simon! Chase those nasty cancer cells outa there!

    Can I come to your Yoga for Kids class??? Most adults are just overgrown kids anyway, right? ;-)

    And isn't it nice to be back in school again. My kids couldn't wait to go back -- it was fun having the time off, but then they missed their friends and all the fun stuff they get to learn.

    Enjoy! And keep on keepin' on!

    Kris (etc.)

    Tuesday, January 07, 2003 -- 15:58:54 (EST)
    Name: Dina and Dick
  • Dear Simon, Miriam, Mary and Markus,
    We're sorry we missed you during your Oberlin stay over Christmas. Four of our grandchildren were here then, too and would have loved to have met all of you. We did have a wonderful sledding on Oberlin Mountain and in the Arboretum. Weren't we lucky to have such wonderful snow just when you all and our grandkids were here?
    I like your new photo showing off your dark hair.
    We leave to drive to California tomorrow to enjoy the snow (even though there is lots here, it is even deeper in CA. and better for skiing), to meet our new granddaughter, Mera, born on December 27th, and see her parents, Dirk and Marty and her brother, JC who is 2 and 4 months.
    We think of all of you often and wish for Simon lots of strength and determination to chase those nasty mean destructive cells out of his body for ever and ever and for the rest of you patience and fortitude to help him do so and survive happily yourselves.
    Love, Dina and Dick

    Tuesday, January 07, 2003 -- 15:34:45 (EST)
    Name: Marta Manildi -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor, mI USA
  • Hi Simon. We are so glad to read the good news from your bone marrow tests. We are really hoping the bone biopsy brings more good news, and wishing you a year full of beating-cancer news. You don't know us, but we know your parents and we are part of the "Web of Life" friends you talked about last year. We read about you on this site and send you all the healing energy our thoughts can carry. And once in a while, we send some jokes, too (below). But before the knock knock jokes, I just want to say I think the "James Dean" look is really good on you - what a handsome guy!

    If you've already heard these, I'm sorry.

    Knock Knock. Who's there?
    Mary Lee.
    Mary Lee who?
    Mary Lee, Mary Lee, Mary Lee, life is but a dream �.

    Knock, Knock. Who's there?
    Ammonia who?
    Ammonia trying to be funny.

    Knock Knock. Who's there?
    Radio who?
    Radio not, here I come!

    Knock, Knock. Who's there?
    Amos who?
    A mosquito bit me!

    Knock Knock. Who's there?
    Andy who?
    And he bit me again!

    Knock Knock. Who's there?
    Vera who?
    Vera few people think these jokes are funny.

    [This one's my favorite:]
    Knock, knock. Who's there?
    Oswald who?
    Oswald my gum.

    Knock, knock. Who's there?
    Thumping who?
    Thumping thlimy ith on your leg.

    Knock Knock. Who�s there?
    Anna who?
    Anna body know some more jokes?

    That's all for now! Love to you and your family,

    Marta Manildi
    Paul Courant
    Sam Courant (age 13)
    Bear (dog) and Matilda (cat)

    Monday, January 06, 2003 -- 16:13:02 (EST)
    Name: Madi, Lexi, Lawrie and Curt
    Location: Seattle,
  • Hi Simon, Miram, Mary and Markus

    What great news to learn the doctors found no yuky neuroblastoma cells in your bone marrow! We are hoping and praying for similar good news today as the doctors look at your bone biopsy. We love you guys and think of you daily -- What a year this has been for all of you.

    Know that we hold you all in our thoughts and prayers,

    Madi, Lexi, Lawrie and Curt

    Sunday, January 05, 2003 -- 10:05:45 (EST)
    Name: Rebecca -- Email:
    Location: Oberlin, OH USA
  • Dear Simon,

    We just want to notice the year that has passed since you began your cancer battle. This is an anniversary which makes us consider your courage, cheerfulness, and wonderful personality that we all cherish!

    love to all of you from
    Rebecca, Schuyler, Emma, & Randy

    Sunday, January 05, 2003 -- 07:38:15 (EST)
    Name: Lee Williams
  • Simon and parents, I am so glad to read about your good news and hope it continues. I am just back from a good time in CA with Steve and family and Curt and family - we had fun hiking, playing games, eating, and generally being together. We did think of you and all hoped for good progress. We hope those new cells will take over. Lots. of love, Lee

    Saturday, January 04, 2003 -- 09:54:57 (EST)
    Name: Liza Burger
    Location: Ithaca, NY
  • Hi Simon and family,
    Great to read your encouraging news today! We, too, will root on those healthy new cells!
    We have been getting LOTS of snow...about 18 inches since yesterday afternoon, and Jolan and Jenna are off making snow forts. It will be a great day for sledding and cross country skiing around here, but I must go shovel first!
    Keeping your in our thoughts and prayers,
    Liza, Mike, J&J

    Saturday, January 04, 2003 -- 00:17:10 (EST)
    Name: Mary Craig -- Email:
    Location: Ann Arbor, MI USA
  • Here's the joke that Simon brought home from his day visiting at Linda's daycare (school starts up again on Monday).

    Q: If runners get athlete's foot, what do astronauts get?

    A: Mistle-toe!

    [Hinweis fuer Deutschsprachige: im Englischen ist das Wort "missle" (=Rakete) genau gesprochen wie das "mistle" in "mistletoe" (=Mistel). Und schoene Gruesse allerseits!]

    The source of this joke was the newsletter of Community Supported Anthroposophical Medicine, the practice of Simon's doctor Molly McMullen. The primary anthroposophical anti-cancer therapy is Iscador (mistletoe extract). So, this is definitely an "in" joke!

    Friday, January 03, 2003 -- 13:49:53 (EST)
    Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email:
    Location: Clinton, NY
  • Happy New Year! We're sending lots of warm, loving vibes your way, hoping, along with everyone else you know, I'm sure, for some encouraging results from the bone marrow biopsy.

    And here's a new joke for a new year (we think it's a Danny original; but, well, one never knows...):

    Dan asked me last night,

    Q: "What do you call a witch at the beach?"

    After trying several other answers that (Danny was delighted to tell me) were unfortunately incorrect, I had a brainstorm.... Thinking myself *very* clever, I answered, with gusto,

    A: "A sand-witch!"

    But Danny fooled me and said:

    A: "Something nice, or she'll turn you into a toad!" ;-)

    That made good sense to me! Next time I see a witch at the beach, I'm going to be *sure* to follow that advice or else.... Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit!

    We'll be thinking about you. Love,

    Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura

    Thursday, January 02, 2003 -- 10:54:31 (EST)
    Name: Jane Blodgett -- Email:
  • Happy New Year to all of you and my wishes and prayers for good health news in the year to come. You write so very well about the past year, Mary, and I admire your ability to deal with the bad news and spread joy over the good times. I have been grateful to share so many celebrations with all the Craigs and to be included as a part of this wonderful family. Last night I had a lovely New Year's Day dinner with Ann and Norm, making a warm and cheerful beginning of 2003. Love to all, Jane

    Thursday, January 02, 2003 -- 07:07:37 (EST)
    Name: Jean Watson -- Email:
    Location: Dover, OH
  • Hi Simon - Happy New Year! We tried to go skiing in New York over New Years, but mother nature didn't cooperate and sent rain, so we only got out one day instead of our planned three. Even so, Alex got to finally try snowboarding, and although he'll need more practice, he's already decided that it's lots of fun and better than skiing. Have you ever done either one? I bet you'd have a blast!

    I'll be thinking of you today and sending lots of prayers and crossed-fingers your way for your bone marrow biopsy. Love, Jean


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