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MESSAGE BOARD Archive May/June 2003Thank you for visiting! You can click here to add to Simon's Message Board.
Monday, June 30, 2003 -- 15:19:58 (EDT) Name: Jane Stepnitz Saturday, June 28, 2003 -- 14:40:22 (EDT) Name: rebecca,randy,emma & schuyler -- Email: rebecca37cross@hotmail.com Location: Oberlin, OH USA We're in Oregon, thinking about how much you all will love the West - it is beautiful out here! One of my mom's friends told me today that you're on her church's prayer list here in Arch Cape, Oregon. So you have friends out this way already! Two weeks ago, I was in Dresden, Germany visiting my brother Tim, and I thought of you all then, because you would have felt right at home with the German language. We are rooting for you, darlin'; thanks for the updates. Give your mom & dad & sister a squeeze. lots of love and hope and hugs and joy are coming your way!! Rebecca & family Friday, June 27, 2003 -- 22:43:09 (EDT) Name: code_blue_angelwings -- Email: code_blue_family@yahoo.com Location: , USA WE want you to know we are thinking about you and keeping you in our thoughts little man! lots of ((((((hugs))))))))) coming your way! Mom and Dad, WE hope you all are doing well (as well as can be expected), we want you all to know that if we can do anything at all, please let us know!! We will do what we can! lots of love and hugs, code_blue_angelwings and the rest of the code blue family Thursday, June 26, 2003 -- 12:35:13 (EDT) Name: Mary Craig -- Email: mfcraig@umich.edu Location: Chicago, IL USA es ist mir so eine Erleichterung, dass wir endlich mit Euch in Kontakt sind. Wir haben schriftliche Korrespondenz aufgegeben, leider. Seid herzlichst gegruesst von uns allen!--Mary Thursday, June 26, 2003 -- 04:42:26 (EDT) Name: Claudia Omlor u. Fam. Location: Backnang, Germany Ich bin an unserem Schulcomputer und hoffe, die Nachricht erreicht Euch! Von Anne habe ich erfahren, dass Simon so krank ist und habe die Bilder auf Eurer Homepage gesehen. Er scheint ja trotz Chemo usw. recht fit zu sein. Wie geht`s Euch allen ? Wir sind in Gedanken bei Euch und hoffen, dass Ihr alle das gut �bersteht ! Wir kennen die Sorge um ein Kind, da Frederik mit 5 Wochen eine lebensbedrohliche Lungenentz�ndung hatte und mit 8 Monaten nocheinmal, so dass wir um sein Leben bangen mussten. Es ist nat�rlich nicht mit dem zu vergleichen, was Ihr seit Monaten/ Jahren ? durchmacht! Anne hat auch geschrieben, dass Ihr umziehen werdet. K�nnt Ihr uns Eure neue Adresse schicken? Leider haben wir noch kein Internet. Seid alle ganz herzlich gegr��t von uns allen ! Claudia Omlor Wednesday, June 25, 2003 -- 14:19:33 (EDT) Name: Marta, Paul & Sam -- Email: manildi@millercanfield.com Location: Ann Arbor, Maybe this is a good riddle for today. How did the cat feel after having some warm milk? Purrr-fect! Hope you feel that way too, Marta, Paul & Sam Wednesday, June 25, 2003 -- 02:24:56 (EDT) Name: Sally Location: Seattle, Sally Tuesday, June 24, 2003 -- 14:19:23 (EDT) Name: The Chamness family -- Email: wbchamness@aol.com Location: Ann Arbor, MI We were just in NYC last weekend for a really quick trip to see "Gypsy"--I'm glad you get to stay there a little longer. I hope you get to see "Lion King" too--we saw it 4 years ago, and it was spectacular! There are so many great NYC things to do. The Natural History Museum is awesome. Have you checked out the Carousel in Central Park or the Balto statue? I'm glad the rain has let up--we got really wet. Hey-guess who we were there with? Sandy Ryder and her family! We'll be missing having you guys as nearly neighbors and hope you love your new home in Utah. Take care--we're thinking of you! Love, Barb, Will, Fiona, James, & Daria Sunday, June 22, 2003 -- 12:10:56 (EDT) Name: Tom -- Email: tschnaub@umich.edu Location: Northfield, MN US Just checking in myself. Sounds like you're having at least some fun in New York. Hope you enjoyed "Finding Nemo." Are you going to see the Statue of Liberty? Gruess mir den grossen Apfel! Your buddy, Tom Sunday, June 22, 2003 -- 10:35:51 (EDT) Name: anne, tom, johannes -- Email: doyleyad@stolaf.edu Location: Northfield, MN USA xo anne, tom, johannes Saturday, June 21, 2003 -- 21:42:30 (EDT) Name: sarah Innes -- Email: sci@umich.edu Friday, June 20, 2003 -- 11:43:00 (EDT) Name: the code_blue family -- Email: code_blue_family@yahoo.com Hi sport. How are ya doing? We hope you had a great week & it looks like next week is gonna be busy. Have a good time in Michigan. I bet you can't wait to move into your new house. Have a great weekend & a good week. We will keep you & your family in our prayers. Your code_blue_family Thursday, June 19, 2003 -- 13:24:02 (EDT) Name: Madi, Lexi, Lawrie and Curt Location: Seattle, WA love, L,C,M,L Wednesday, June 18, 2003 -- 13:56:50 (EDT) Name: Jane Bishop -- Email: jebish@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, MI us Love, Jane Tuesday, June 17, 2003 -- 17:38:32 (EDT) Name: Kris Hopkins Location: Clinton, NY Good luck with all the logistics, and in the meantime we'll be thinking about you and wishing you well! Love, Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura Sunday, June 15, 2003 -- 11:22:04 (EDT) Name: Anne, Tom, Johannes -- Email: doyleyad@stolaf.edu Location: Northfield, MN USA xo anne, tom, and johannes Saturday, June 14, 2003 -- 19:53:20 (EDT) Name: Kimberly Mease -- Email: mssilky@paonline.com Location: Lancaster , PA U S A God Bless and take care! Saturday, June 14, 2003 -- 10:13:07 (EDT) Name: Angela Thomas -- Email: zzartset@bright.net Location: Tiffin, OH USA The Thomas Team Mom (Angela) www.ChristiThomas.com Friday, June 13, 2003 -- 19:53:24 (EDT) Name: The Code Blue Family -- Email: code_blue_family@yahoo.com Location: , USA how are you champ? How is New York? pretty big isn't it? WE hope you had a great week and that your weekend is packed full of fun things to do. You and mom and dad are in our thoughts and prayers. Dad, happy Fathers Day! Hugs and love, The Code Blue Family Friday, June 13, 2003 -- 02:07:49 (EDT) Name: Sally Location: Seattle, WA Love, Sally Sunday, June 08, 2003 -- 23:51:41 (EDT) Name: Cali Williams We went to see Nemo to on Friday now that sure was fun. Did you think it was funny when that fish kept forgeting everything. Bet that never happens to your parents?:) We think of you walking around in that big city. Aren't those buildings real tall. Wish we could come visit. Too Bad Sloan Kettering isn't in San Francisco! We are all thinking of you and hoping that antibodies are socking it to those cancer balls. Love you, Rowan, Steve and Annette Friday, June 06, 2003 -- 19:06:59 (EDT) Name: Angel Greeneyes -- Email: http://seangels.org Location: , MS USA Angel Greeneyes w/Simply Enchanting Angels Friday, June 06, 2003 -- 15:41:19 (EDT) Name: code_blue_angelwings -- Email: code_blue_family@yahoo.com Location: , GA USA Friday, June 06, 2003 -- 15:39:14 (EDT) Name: code_blue_angelwings -- Email: code_blue_family@yahoo.com Location: , GA USA hi champ! we stopped by to tell you hi and that we hope you have a great weekend. How is it going in New York, that city is bigger than you are. hahaha! You saw "finding Nemo" that is the cutest movie. Buddy, you are a trooper and we want to give you big hugssssss and let you know we are so proud of you! Mom and Dad, if you should need anything please feel free to contact us through our email we would love to try and help. hugs and love, the code blue Family Friday, June 06, 2003 -- 10:41:22 (EDT) Name: Mary Beth Lewis -- Email: lewismb@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, MI I was in Oberlin last week and two people came up to me when they heard I was from Ann Arbor and said, "Do you know Simon? How's Simon?" You're famous from state to state! Speaking of states, here's a riddle: Which state is high in the middle and round on both ends? Answer: oHIo Here's another: What's the difference between a train and a dentist? Answer: The train says CHOO CHOO and the dentist says "Spit out your gum." Take and say hi to your mom for me. I remember her when she was your size! Best wishes, (Mary) Beth (Bruno) Lewis Thursday, June 05, 2003 -- 21:07:10 (EDT) Name: amy -- Email: asheon@umich.edu Location: ann arbor, You and your family are just awesome and brave and our whole family wishes your whole family only good things. Hope your birthday was happy--I have a little something for you and your sister and I'll get them to you next week. Thursday, June 05, 2003 -- 16:18:52 (EDT) Name: Angel Kia -- Email: snuggle_hugz@hotmail.com Location: , Alabama USA (((((((((((((((Angel Hugz))))))))))))))Did you enjoy the Nemo movie? I can't wait to see it! Take care and lotsa love, Angel Kia Simply Enchanting Angels http://seangels.org Thursday, June 05, 2003 -- 09:05:21 (EDT) Name: Angel Tylers Mum -- Email: moiramj@hotmail.com Location: Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom Thursday, June 05, 2003 -- 01:56:04 (EDT) Name: Susie -- Email: luckygoat30@hotmail.com Location: , Ohio USA You seem like a very strong little boy! You will beat this monster! God bless you~ Susie:) Wednesday, June 04, 2003 -- 03:49:52 (EDT) Name: AngelSusanne -- Email: lehte56@hotmail.com Location: Simrishamn, Skane Sweden Hugs, Angel Susanne Wednesday, June 04, 2003 -- 03:48:53 (EDT) Name: AngelSusanne -- Email: lehte56@hotmail.com Location: Simrishamn, Skane Sweden Hugs, Angel Susanne <br><a href="http://YOUR URL"> <img src="http://photos.bravenet.com/116/070/230/9/28F26B9D79.jpg" WIDTH=352 HEIGHT=227 border="0"><br></html> Wednesday, June 04, 2003 -- 01:44:33 (EDT) Name: Angel of the Forest, Simply Enchanting Angels -- Email: DBBurns@aol.com My wish for you is to stay strong and happy and remember that you are very loved and always have angels with you whenever you need us *HUGS* Tuesday, June 03, 2003 -- 22:50:46 (EDT) Name: Katherine Lawrence Location: Ann Arbor, MI It sounds like you are being very brave during your treatments in New York City. Your parents are brave, too! I'm glad you have time to enjoy some fun stuff in New York, too. New York has some pretty amazing things to do and see... just the thing for an amazing *6*-year-old (!) like you!! Happy belated birthday! Love, Katherine Tuesday, June 03, 2003 -- 22:25:00 (EDT) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY Anyway, I know it must be hard to be brave all the time; but you seem to be doing an amazing job -- keep up the great work! We're thinking about you, and hoping that those little mousie-bodies (how's that for a silly "nickname" for those mouse antibodies!? ;-) help your immune system do it's job even more efficiently and effectively than before! (I'm just reading a book by Dr. Andrew Weil, who's very interested in how our bodies fight disease -- it's pretty amazing what our bodies can do with a little help, huh??) Take care, all of you. Love, Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura Tuesday, June 03, 2003 -- 18:46:30 (EDT) Name: Anne Jones (Benjamin's mom) Location: Reynoldsburg, OH I just saw your web page - I clicked through from Christi Thomas' page - and I love your site! It just made me smile! I hope you are feeling better soon! My son Benjamin (he's 6 years old) has been in treatment this past year too for a brain tumor. Take care! Love, Anne Jones www.caringbridge.org/oh/benjaminj Tuesday, June 03, 2003 -- 18:46:01 (EDT) Name: patrick -- Email: tanalin@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, MI USA Tuesday, June 03, 2003 -- 14:53:51 (EDT) Name: sheryl -- Email: sheryls@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, MI I saw your dad today. He came to the Dean's Office to borrow a conference phone. I told him I had been visiting your website on a regular basis. He said you are quite a trooper and never complained. I don't know if I could go through everything you have been through without complaining. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there! Sheryl Monday, June 02, 2003 -- 22:22:03 (EDT) Name: Positive Angel -- Email: positivestories@aol.com Location: Vallejo, CA USA I just flew in to say hello and share my support for your strength. You are such a strong little man and everybodies so proud of you. By the way I went and seen Finding Nemo too. I LOVED it. My favorite characted was Dorie- next to Nemo of course. Good luck to you I'll keep sending angel kisses and hugs your way! Love- Positive Angel Simply Enchanting Angels Wings of hope committee www.seangels.org Monday, June 02, 2003 -- 19:48:13 (EDT) Name: Angel Lynn -- Email: wwrfarms@yahoo.com Location: Stueben, Maine USA Wink How are you today. Hope all is well. I have been to the New England Aquarium many times it is absolutely wonderful. Did you get a chance to see the harbor seals.there so playful and fun to watch. Special Hugzzzzzz from Enchanting Angels Angel Lynn Monday, June 02, 2003 -- 19:36:47 (EDT) Name: AngelWhisperingWind -- Email: nomail Monday, June 02, 2003 -- 17:26:22 (EDT) Name: Southern Angel -- Email: Southernangel101@hotmail.com Location: Wade, Mississippi USA What a special young man you are! I know you are going through a LOT of things right now... but remember, Jesus Promised HE would always be with you, never leaving you. I am glad you go to go see "Finding NEMO". I imagine you laughed a lot and enjoyed every minute of it. I am glad your friends sent you another CD to help you with your treatments. Please know that we will be praying for you and sending you ((((((((HUGS))))))))) to all of your family. GBU! http://www.SEAngels.org Wings of Hope Committee Monday, June 02, 2003 -- 16:03:50 (EDT) Name: Serena K�nzler -- Email: s.kuenzler@stafag.ch Location: Frauenfeld, Thurgau Switzerland Who's there? Juno. Juno who? I dunno, Juno? Knock, knock. Who's there? Lena. Lena who? Lena little closer.I want to tell you a secret. Knock, knock. Who's there? Tank. Tank who? Your welcome. Knock, knock. Who's there? Who. Who who? Bad echo in here, isn't there! Knock, knock. Who's there? Punch. Punch who? Not me, please! Knock, knock. Who's there? Tuna fish. Tuna fish who? You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish. Knock, knock. Who's there? Datsun. Datsun who? Datsun old joke. Monday, June 02, 2003 -- 02:14:21 (EDT) Name: Childrens Christmas Angel Simply Enchanting Angels / Wings of Hope -- Email: erhard@fmtc.com Location: , USA I want to give you some Angel ((((HUGS)))) and Smiles :) :) to get you through the week. You are a precious little Angel and I will keep you and your family in my prayers! Childrens Christmas Angel Sunday, June 01, 2003 -- 22:33:41 (EDT) Name: Soft Angel Eyes -- Email: soft_angel_eyes382002@yahoo.com Location: Powder Springs, GA USA I love your name! cheerios to you champ! I hope you had a great weekend! My name is Soft Angel Eyes and I am with Simply Enchanting Angels Wings of Hope Committee! I wanted to leave a few hugs and kisses for you to get through the week with, will a million be enough? heheheee, silly angel! here are you some to start with ((((((((Simon))))))))))))) muahhhhhhhhh! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo there ya go! Simon buddy you are in my thoughts! Soft angel hugs, Soft Angel Eyes http://seangels.org Sunday, June 01, 2003 -- 22:08:45 (EDT) Name: cross/colemans -- Email: rebecca37cross@hotmail.com Location: Oberlin, OH USA We want to send you our best wishes and our BIG admiration for your courage as you enter you second week of antibody therapy. You are one terrific guy and we love you lots! See you soon, Schuyler, Emma, Rebecca & Randy p.s. Try this one on your mom, Simon: knock, knock. who's there? interrupting cow. interrupting cow-? MOO! (say this before she can finish asking!!) Sunday, June 01, 2003 -- 21:18:02 (EDT) Name: Angel Heartstrings -- Email: http://seangels.org Location: south central, kansas usa Sunday, June 01, 2003 -- 15:56:43 (EDT) Name: Angel Nell -- Email: AngelCheanelle@aol.com You are such a cutie love all of your pictures we just love to love other people and you are one of them you hold a special place in our hearts as well I also love tour site too http://seangels.org Wings Of Hope Comittee Sunday, June 01, 2003 -- 15:31:50 (EDT) Name: Roobear Angel -- Email: Roobear@foreverangels.com Location: , TN Just wanted to let you know that there are a lot of people out here who are sending lots of love and warm thoughts your way. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Have lots of fun this summer! Roobear Angel Simply Enchanting Angels http://seangels.org Sunday, June 01, 2003 -- 15:01:23 (EDT) Name: Angel Alyssa -- Email: ForeverPrecious1@yahoo.com Location: Hallstead, Pa USA ~HUGS~ Angel Alyssa Simply Enchanting Wings of Hope] http://seangels.org Sunday, June 01, 2003 -- 11:57:03 (EDT) Name: Angel Wings -- Email: angelwings@whispersofanangel.com Location: Palm springs , CA USA What an amazing site you have here. It is gorgeous. Simon I was reading all about you and your treatments. They sound like they are probably really hard to go through. I just wanted to let you know how much you have touched my heart. It is such an inspiration to see how strong you are. I am sure a lot of other people feel the same way. So keep that big smile on your face and have a happy, safe, and healthy day! *big hugs* Angel Wings from Simply Enchanting Angels http://seangels.org Friday, May 30, 2003 -- 17:31:05 (EDT) Name: Cristina -- Email: cnegrut@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, MI US I am working at WDI and know about this site from Kendra. I am so looking forward to reading good news. Soon.., Cristina Thursday, May 29, 2003 -- 11:19:38 (EDT) Name: Melissa Hope you are doing ok swallowing the icky stuff. Thanks for a fun Friday last week. You're in our thoughts. Love, Melissa, Akram, Mekarem, Khalil Wednesday, May 28, 2003 -- 17:11:41 (EDT) Name: Rachel & Noah Obstfeld -- Email: ppimarcie@aol.com Location: Irvine, CA USA Wednesday, May 28, 2003 -- 13:19:56 (EDT) Name: Emma Mason -- Email: emason139@oberlin.net Location: oberlin, OH Wednesday, May 28, 2003 -- 01:49:33 (EDT) Name: Sally Location: Seattle, Tuesday, May 27, 2003 -- 23:53:29 (EDT) Name: The Shambaughs Location: Oakton, VA With lots of love, Jacqui, George, Emily & Natalie Shambaugh Monday, May 26, 2003 -- 12:31:34 (EDT) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY Love, Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura Sunday, May 25, 2003 -- 13:59:18 (EDT) Name: LeeWilliams Friday, May 23, 2003 -- 13:26:45 (EDT) Name: Marta, Paul and Sam -- Email: manildi@millercanfield.com Location: Ann Arbor, We want you to know that our family's hearts and hopes are with you as you travel to New York and try this new therapy. We hope the doctors are nice, and the hard parts don't last too long, and that in between the treatments you have time to just be Simon. We will be thinking of you every single day. In the middle of everything else, we hope you feel very proud of yourself for doing all the work of fighting cancer and doing all the work of being a 6 year old boy at the same time. You are doing both those things very well! Lots of love, Marta, Paul and Sam Friday, May 23, 2003 -- 12:12:33 (EDT) Name: anne, tom, and johannes -- Email: doyleyad@stolaf.edu Location: NOrthfield, MN USA anne, tom, and johannes Friday, May 23, 2003 -- 08:45:47 (EDT) Name: Jean Watson -- Email: jl_watson100@hotmail.com Location: Canton, OH USA Wow - sounds like the 2 weeks ahead of you are going to be filled with lots of new things and challenges. I'll keep sending my thoughts are prayers your way (making sure to send them east instead of west while you're in New York!) Simon, did you ever finish making all of those paper airplanes? Ever once in a while I find one behind a chair or bookcase that's been there for who knows how long! We still have some left to make - maybe we'll do them while you're in New York and that will help our prayers fly your way. Love, Jean Tuesday, May 20, 2003 -- 13:15:07 (EDT) Name: Sally Location: Seattle, Tuesday, May 20, 2003 -- 10:40:39 (EDT) Name: Lee Williams Monday, May 19, 2003 -- 23:58:06 (EDT) Name: Williams in Cali We love you, asr Sunday, May 18, 2003 -- 20:56:41 (EDT) Name: Lisa Olson -- Email: elizabetholson@comcast.net Location: ann arbor, michigan usa Saturday, May 17, 2003 -- 03:02:34 (EDT) Name: Julia -- Email: j.schwartz@stafag.ch Location: Frauenfeld, Switzerland J, S, A & C Thursday, May 15, 2003 -- 10:24:50 (EDT) Name: Anne, tom and Johannes -- Email: doyleyad@stolaf.edu Location: Northfield, MN USA xoxox anne, tom, and Johannes Wednesday, May 14, 2003 -- 16:54:08 (EDT) Name: Madi, Lexi, Lawrie and Curt Location: Seattle, We are thinking about you both too. It must be different to be just the two of you at home. If possible, we hope in the midst of maybe feeling like your missing Mary and Simon and or feeling far away there are also some times when you both get to really enjoy your one-on-one Daddy-daughter time together. We are with all of you guys in spirit. Madi,Lexi, Lawrie and Curt Wednesday, May 14, 2003 -- 15:51:48 (EDT) Name: LeeWilliams Tuesday, May 13, 2003 -- 21:20:36 (EDT) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY I hear Ronald McDonald House is a great place -- hope you find it comfortable and welcoming. And I hope, too, that all goes well for you at Memorial Sloan-Kettering -- just think, you get to be in on the great discoveries Dr. Kushner and his colleagues are making! I think this must be really good preparation for your future career as a scientist, Simon! Your very own body is a laboratory of sorts, where you've already learned so much about all the good foods, medicines, and treatments that can help you get rid of those pesky cancer cells. And now you've got yet another new treatment to try -- I have visions of those monoclonal antibodies working *really* hard to help you and your immune system continue to "fight back" against the neuroblastoma! "Go, team, go!!!" We'll be thinking about all of you during this new phase of treatment and wishing you all the best. Love, Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura Monday, May 12, 2003 -- 13:12:30 (EDT) Name: Madi, Lexi, Lawrie and Curt Location: seattle, We are thinking of you both lots. -Hoping you arrived safely in New York - what a big city! -Hoping that transitioning to the Ronald McDonald House is feeling okay for you both and to a new hospital, new providers, new routines etc. --that is alot of transitions all at once. Mary I have been thinking about you on this Mother's Day. . .about what a wonderful mother you are and what an uncharted road of motherhood you are on. We are with you guys in spirit, always. Madi, Lexi, Lawrie and Curt Sunday, May 11, 2003 -- 05:44:14 (EDT) Name: Julia -- Email: j.schwartz@stafag.ch Location: Frauenfeld, Switzerland If you read this before you go to New York today we wish you all the best for your trip and trust that you will get better as a result. Love from Julia, Serena, Alma and Christoph Wednesday, May 07, 2003 -- 22:33:18 (EDT) Name: Lou Dailey/grandmother to Josh P. -- Email: skiptolou@juno.com Location: Knoxville, TN. USA What a great web page you have got, and I still did not get through it, but will come back soon and visit again. I also copy one of your web site Feederwatch. I know Josh will love this site also(hope you did not mind).Simon, you are a handsome boy, maybe some times you & Josh will get to meet. He will be at MSKCC 5/27/03 for his 8th. 3f8 antibodies. I just had to say Hi, after your mom/dad posted to the NB group.Remember you will be in my prayers. Your friend from our NB group.Lou/mom to sherry/grandmother to Josh P(10)DX.NBIV 6/01 Tuesday, May 06, 2003 -- 11:00:12 (EDT) Name: Nicole Bell -- Email: ladylechele@comcast.net Location: Southfield, MI I finally got some time to go through the entire website. It is very nice. I got up thinking about you this morning and spent some time learning about your condition and viewing the wonderful pictures your family and friends have taken. Hope all is well. Eric is doing fine. When are you moving? Just wanted to let you know that we were thinking about you. Your fellow UofM Cancer Center friends-- Nicole, Eric Bell and Family Sunday, May 04, 2003 -- 22:16:31 (EDT) Name: Geoff -- Email: gandrews@polaris.edu Location: Oberlin, OH USA I saw you at church today and didn't even catch you. You were buzzing around so fast that I lost track of you and your Mom & sister. You certainly were looking happy and active, and for that I was very glad. We keep thinking of you. Saturday, May 03, 2003 -- 22:32:07 (EDT) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY Have a good weekend. Love, Kris Thursday, May 01, 2003 -- 16:45:23 (EDT) Name: Gari Stein MESSAGE BOARD Archive
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